Trending Again – Chapter 37

Asserting Authority

Si Meng cautiously pulled up the collar of her clothes, trying to prevent any ambiguous traces from showing. Rubbing her eyes, she had been tossed around by Lin Hanyue until late last night, and she was exhausted.

The strict mentor glanced around anxiously in the crowd until she spotted Si Meng’s little head, finally letting out a sigh of relief. She had finally arrived.

Si Meng was drowsy, leaning half of her head on Jiang Chixia’s right shoulder. Jiang Chixia had a cold expression, but she allowed Si Meng to lean on her.

“Hey, what do you guys think? Did Mengmeng go to steal chickens or touch dogs last night? She looks so tired,” Fu Wenwen said, covering her mouth and giggling.

“Tch, not everyone is like you. Mengmeng obviously went on a date,” Ning Keke said, carefully wiping the drool from the corner of Si Meng’s mouth.

“Wow, a secret meeting. But how did the strict mentor change her ways? She doesn’t seem to care at all,” Fu Wenwen curiously remarked.

“Well, I don’t know either,” Ning Keke shook her head, and the little curls on her head shook along with her.

“Si Meng, wake up,” Jiang Chixia shook her shoulder, and Ning Keke and Fu Wenwen quickly shook Si Meng to wake her up.

Si Meng woke up from her dream, her sleepy eyes looking adorably clueless, with dewy and puzzled peach blossom eyes as she looked at them.

“The class monitor from Class C is being called.”

“Get up there quickly.”

“Mother Tiger, ah.”

The three of them said in unison, and Si Meng was half pushed and half persuaded onto the podium.

“Si Meng,” the mentor spoke.

“Here,” Si Meng nodded.

“There will be a new subject teacher coming to teach you soon. You need to manage discipline well and leave a good impression on the teacher because the teacher gets to choose the class. If the impression is bad, all the good teachers will go to Class A,” the mentor earnestly advised.

Si Meng agreed. Although the strict mentor had a volatile temper, she was ultimately thinking of their class.

After the mentor finished giving instructions, she left the classroom. As soon as the mentor left, Class C immediately descended into chaos. They stopped training and started chatting and joking around in small groups.

Si Meng glanced indifferently at the scene. They weren’t afraid of her, and they didn’t respect her authority. They even looked forward to seeing her make a fool of herself.

Naturally, she wasn’t afraid of others laughing at her.

Si Meng dragged a chair from outside the door and placed it on the podium. Without saying anything, she casually crossed her legs and sat firmly on the chair.

The quiet Class A and the noisy Class C formed a stark contrast. Si Meng sat quietly on the podium, motionless. People in the audience even felt like she had fallen asleep on the stage.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Gradually, some people stopped talking and looked at Si Meng seriously, trying to figure out her intentions. But some still disregarded her presence and continued making noise.

Exactly at eight o’clock, a deafening bell rang from outside the classroom.

Si Meng lazily remarked, “Trash is just trash. I really don’t know why the strict mentor thinks you’re worth saving.”

The people in the audience turned their heads, furrowing their brows as they looked at Si Meng. Someone couldn’t help but retort, “Don’t make a big deal out of nothing. What gives you the right to control us?”

Si Meng glanced at her indifferently and replied, “Do you think I’m wrong? Aren’t you all trash?”

After speaking, Si Meng burst into laughter as if she had hit the punchline of a joke.

“Hey, you’re going too far.”

“You’re the trash here. Who gave you the right to insult us?”

“You better apologize to us and beg us, or else when the mentor comes back, you’ll be punished.”

Si Meng still had that expression of “What can you do to me?” that made people feel like giving her a good beating.

The air suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at Si Meng in unison, but Si Meng remained indifferent.


When everyone could no longer tolerate it, Si Meng spoke up:

“Jiang Chixia, lock the door from the outside. Today, nobody from our Class C is getting out.”

Jiang Chixia, with her long legs, swiftly locked the entire class inside with a “click.”

“Hey, what are you doing?” The resistant voices gradually grew weaker.

“Do you know what Class A is doing right now?” Si Meng asked, looking into their eyes.

Si Meng stepped down from the podium and moved towards the most aggressive squad leader, grabbing her by the collar of her chest.

“You tell me, what is Class A doing right now.”

“I…how would I know.”

Si Meng curled her lips and muttered, “I’m really doing you a favor by calling you trash.”

Si Meng lifted her onto the podium. The girl’s face turned red with anger, but in Si Meng’s hands, she appeared feeble like a wilted quail.

“Then let me tell you, at 6:10, Class A starts practicing the basics. At 7:15, Class A begins rehearsing a dance routine. And what about our class? At 8:20, it’s still like a market.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Si Meng took out a recording pen from her pocket and turned the volume to the maximum. Insults, one after another, resounded in the ears of each person in Class C—clearly the mockery from the people in Class A on that day.

“Those trash really overestimate themselves.”

“Trash is just trash. How could they have any self-awareness?”

“Leaving the classroom to this group of trash for gossip? What a waste.”

The people in the audience had alternating pale and flushed faces, bowing their heads and not daring to look at Si Meng.

“Aren’t you all so courageous? Why aren’t you cursing anymore?” Si Meng glanced at each of them, shaking her head in disdain.

She tossed the recording pen to Ning Keke and instructed her to hang it on the class sign.

Insults resounded outside the entrance of Class C, attracting the curious onlookers from neighboring Class B who were puzzled by the commotion.

At this moment, the people present: They were so surprised that their jaws dropped…

Si Meng’s lips curled upwards, displaying a sense of delight. Tilting her head, she questioned with a puzzled expression, “Weren’t you all here to see a joke? Well, why aren’t you laughing?”

Everyone remained silent. In their eyes, Si Meng was more terrifying than the tigress like mentor. At least the mentor only insulted them, but Si Meng humiliated them. As they say, a warrior can be killed but not humiliated!

“Do you know why you should listen to me? Tell me,” Si Meng looked at the girl on the podium.

The girl felt a chill run down her spine and regretted provoking Si Meng. Trying to act innocent, she replied, “Because you are the class monitor.”

Si Meng gave her a look that said “the young can be taught” and continued, “It’s because we are all in the same boat. We rise and fall together, sharing both glory and losses.”

Si Meng released her grip on the girl’s collar, gesturing for her to go back. She smirked and said, “Since you all want to see me as a joke, I’ll let Class B witness our class’s joke as well.”

Under Si Meng’s intimidating presence, Class C quickly quieted down, with only the sound of the recording playing outside the door and the bustling noise of Class B enjoying the spectacle.

“Forget it, those who passed Class A’s dance class, step forward. I’ll arrange the positions for Class C.” Si Meng rested her chin on her hand, directing them to form groups. Having had enough of the commotion, she wanted to make good use of their time.

The girl who had been lifted onto the stage earlier was the first one to stand up. Si Meng smiled with satisfaction. As they say, those who understand the situation are the wise ones.

“First squad, take the C position.”

“Fu Wenwen, take them for training first. As for the rest, those who passed vocal class, physical education class, and performance class from Class A, form four teams,” Si Meng efficiently assigned tasks, handpicking her soldiers one by one.

After giving her instructions, Si Meng nestled into a corner and fell asleep. Yes, she was tired.

On the other side, the person in charge led Jiang Luli to select a class, unable to help but boast, “Look at Class A, they are all talented individuals with a solid foundation.”

Jiang Luli waved her hand dismissively, finding them all to be bookworms. What’s so impressive about that? If only she could meet a fun girl like Si Meng. But her junior sister was too stingy; she didn’t even let her talk to Si Meng.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“What’s going on with that class?” Jiang Luli’s eyes lit up. This seemed interesting.

“Um, that’s Class C. Perhaps you should…” Before finishing the sentence, Jiang Luli had already taken a step towards Class C.

Jiang Luli’s gaze fell upon Si Meng, who was sound asleep in the corner of the classroom.

Just as she was about to enter, she was stopped by Jiang Chixia, wearing an expression that said, “No idle people allowed.”

“What’s going on with your class?” Jiang Luli asked, puzzled.

Ning Keke watched the group of people in an orderly line and wondered if one of them was the instructor. She turned her head and glanced at Si Meng, who was sleeping soundly. She didn’t have the heart to disturb her and quickly had a thought.

“In ancient times, there was ‘lying on a bed of arrows to taste the gall,’ and now we have ‘insulting words hanging from the beam.’ This is our class’s way of motivation,” Ning Keke felt that she had been hanging out with Si Meng for too long, as even nonsensical words slipped out of her mouth.

“Well, that’s quite interesting. It’s just your class then,” Jiang Luli, still wearing a red dress, appeared elegant and dignified under the slanting sunlight, with her bright eyes and white teeth, exquisite facial features, and a hint of classical beauty.

Ning Keke was taken aback, her eyes blinded by that smile. This person, was she Jiang Luli?