Trending Again – Chapter 19

A major influential figure

Next to Si Meng’s computer, there is a photo album. The most prominent photo inside is one taken when Lin Hanyue and Si Meng were at University A. This is also the only photo of the two of them together during their four years as college classmates.

University A has two major influential figures. One is the goddess Lin Hanyue, renowned as the beauty on the high peak, and the other is the school beauty Si Meng, famous for being a waste flower vase. It is said that the two of them have been arch-enemies since high school.

The scene freezes in their freshman year when Si Meng is nineteen years old (in retrospect).

Si Meng catches the basketball thrown to her, tosses it with one hand, and a perfect parabola traces a beautiful arc in the air.

“See that? My eighth three-pointer,” Si Meng proudly declares, only to realize that her companions are all staring at the beauty not far away.

“Wow, truly the campus goddess. Lin Hanyue is so beautiful,” the muscular guy next to them drools.

“Sis, I heard that you and Goddess Lin went to the same high school. Doesn’t that mean you’ve known her for a long time?”

“Yeah, knowing such a good-looking girl, introduce us, will you?” Everyone insists.

“Know her my ass, she’s just a dark history of my flirting days,” Si Meng says and walks away without looking back.

Speaking of Lin Hanyue, she does know her. Who is Lin Hanyue if not the teacher’s darling? In their ordinary prestigious high school, having a top student like her with near-perfect scores is a reason for teachers to rejoice.

She was different. She was a bottom-scoring student in the science stream, almost scoring zero in her exams. After the teacher took a look at her abysmal test paper, he simply waved his hand and let her join the worst-ranked liberal arts Class 20.

However, the unexpected happened in her sophomore year. Lin Hanyue transferred from the top-tier science class to the trailing liberal arts Class 20. Through a twist of fate, she became her desk mate because the teacher, thinking she had dropped out due to her prolonged absence, had Lin Hanyue sit at the back near the door. At that moment, her expression was more dramatic than if she had eaten a magical feast.

“Hey, couldn’t make it in the science stream, huh? Tsk, call me Sis, I’ve got your back,” Si Meng cheekily said.

As a result, someone kicked the chair, and with a loud “bang,” Si Meng, chair and all, tumbled out. Everyone couldn’t help but suppress their laughter. If not for the pressure from Si Meng, they would have burst into laughter.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Only the teacher, accustomed to such incidents, calmly continued reading through the dull political PowerPoint presentation.

Si Meng glanced at the cold and aloof Lin Hanyue; indeed, even beautiful roses have thorns.

Since then, Si Meng stuck to Lin Hanyue. Some people even said that Si Meng had set her sights on Lin Hanyue. Si Meng could wake up at 5:30 in the morning, run three kilometers away to buy breakfast for Lin Hanyue, all just for a chance encounter when Lin Hanyue opened the classroom door at 6:30.

Si Meng was so devoted that she even gave up going to internet cafes to play games. Instead, she spent time with Lin Hanyue to brush up on physics competition questions. Si Meng even took on the role of class monitor, all just to get closer to Lin Hanyue, who was the class academic affairs committee member.

Friends around her would say that Si Meng, in her pursuit, went to extremes—quitting games, exercising regularly, cutting off romantic entanglements, just to get the attention of the “iceberg beauty.”

On the eve of the college entrance exam, as an outstanding student representative, Si Meng took the stage as the chairperson. Grabbing the microphone, in front of the entire school faculty and students, Si Meng confessed her feelings to Lin Hanyue.

When the college entrance exam scores were released, Lin Hanyue, relying on her status as the top scorer in the liberal arts, was admitted to the performing arts department at University A. It turns out that she transferred to the liberal arts class just to smoothly enter the performing arts department. On the other hand, Si Meng barely passed the entrance exam, and compared to Lin Hanyue, the difference was like night and day.

While working part-time jobs to support herself, Si Meng embarked on a journey of self-improvement. She switched from liberal arts to science, taking a gamble. This time, she was determined to enter University A in a dignified manner. Perhaps the more effort one puts in, the luckier they become. Si Meng scraped by the admission cutoff for University A and was accepted into the Biology and Nutrition department with a perfect score in Biology.

The moment she stepped through the gates of University A, she encountered her old rival, Lin Hanyue. She wanted to question Lin Hanyue about what happened back then, but Lin Hanyue looked at her with indifferent eyes, as if they had never met.

But who is Si Meng? She’s like a band-aid; how could such a small difficulty defeat her?

“Fatty, how do you think I can transfer to the performing arts department?” Si Meng asked the chubby person beside her, who served as a campus informant.

“Then you must have a high GPA and excellent research capabilities,” Fatty said, and he watched as Si Meng immersed herself in the laboratory.

From that point on, Si Meng’s grades in every subject were close to perfect. Even Lin Hanyue noticed this “junior” who always competed with her for scholarships. Si Meng’s academic advisor never imagined that his proud and diligent student’s enthusiasm for research was actually for the purpose of changing her major.

In her sophomore year, Si Meng, tearfully urged on by all her teachers, transferred to the performing arts department, becoming Lin Hanyue’s little follower.

During class, she saved seats for Lin Hanyue; at mealtime, she fetched food for Lin Hanyue; the day before exams, she highlighted study materials for Lin Hanyue; during sleep, she warmed Lin Hanyue’s bed. However, she was eventually kicked out.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Si Meng always believed that one day she would surely captivate Lin Hanyue’s heart and have a sweet campus romance with her. However, reality repeatedly slapped her in the face.

Si Meng was sprawled in front of Lin Hanyue, looking dispirited. “Lin Hanyue, do you really not like me?”

Lin Hanyue, without glancing away from her work, said indifferently, “Can you not be so childish?”

Once again, a non-responsive answer. Si Meng silently complained in her heart. She took out a physics problem from her backpack and said with a smile, “If you can solve this problem, I won’t bother you again. But if you can’t, you’ll be my girlfriend.”

From start to finish, Lin Hanyue didn’t even glance at Si Meng. Si Meng felt discouraged; it seemed she had been overly presumptuous.

After Si Meng left, Lin Hanyue quickly picked up the physics problem nearby and began reasoning through it frantically on the scratch paper.

“No, it’s not right. How could this step be derived?”

Lin Hanyue pondered for three days and three nights but still couldn’t solve it. She thought about it while eating, dreamed about it while sleeping, but she had only solved about half of it.

“Aren’t you still thinking about it?”

“No, I’m not.”

“Oh, so you’ve solved it then?”

“Also… no,” Lin Hanyue replied with a lack of confidence.

“Then give me a kiss, and I’ll tell you,” Si Meng insisted shamelessly.

“You’re dreaming!” Lin Hanyue blushed, annoyed.

Si Meng had long understood Lin Hanyue’s character. If she couldn’t solve a physics problem, even her meals wouldn’t taste good.

In the middle of the night, Si Meng sneaked into Lin Hanyue’s bed, wrapping around her like an octopus.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Si Meng, I’m warning you…” but Lin Hanyue found Si Meng with her eyes closed, seemingly sleepwalking and mumbling in her sleep. Lin Hanyue wondered if sleepwalkers couldn’t be awakened.

“Lin Hanyue, you big fool! I won’t tell you the answer. It’s hidden in those love letters I gave you. Just be my girlfriend obediently!” Si Meng puckered her lips, talking in her sleep. In the dream, Lin Hanyue couldn’t solve the physics problem and finally became her girlfriend.

The next day, Si Meng was triumphant, but she forgot that dreams are the opposite.

Sure enough, Lin Hanyue solved the physics problem and demanded that Si Meng stop pestering her from now on. Si Meng’s attempts to act cute were in vain. Unable to resist, she requested the two of them take a photo together.

So, at the entrance of University A, Si Meng held Lin Hanyue, who had an unwilling expression, and smiled brightly!

LP: I’m sorry for taking so long to upload. My monthly visitor is bringing in cramps and body aches this time 🙁