Panda Cub – Chapter 82.1

Extra 4

Flying Panda

The two of them scrambled to get dressed. After Jing Dan removed the restrictions around Xiao Daidai, He Ying immediately went to pick her up. Seeing her crying with her mouth wide open, He Ying started to get anxious too.

“Why is she suddenly crying?” As a new mother, she really didn’t understand what to do in this situation!

Jing Dan scratched her face and hesitantly said, “Could she be hungry?”

He Ying turned to look at her, “But didn’t she just drink milk not long ago?”

Could she be hungry again this quickly? Had it even been two hours?

“Mom did say that babies eat little and often?” Jing Dan said uncertainly.

He Ying: “…”

Helpless, she looked down at the still-crying baby, closed her eyes, and reluctantly undid her clothes to feed her.

However, as if to verify Jing Dan’s words, the baby stopped crying as soon as she started drinking milk, quietly sucking and behaving very well.

Seeing the well-behaved Xiao Daidai, a smile appeared on He Ying’s lips as she gently rubbed her head.

Jing Dan watched He Ying breastfeeding Xiao Daidai from the side, feeling particularly jealous. She was drinking her milk now!

However, the baby had no awareness of this at all. After being full, she yawned twice and started to get sleepy again.

He Ying placed Xiao Daidai back in her original spot. Looking at the little wings on her back, she couldn’t help but reach out to touch them. The fine fur felt smooth and soft, surprisingly pleasant to the touch.

Jing Dan was still a bit grumpy on the side, glaring at Xiao Daidai. She already had the little wings she longed for, and now she drank her milk too!

After settling Xiao Daidai, He Ying turned to see Jing Dan’s little pouty face and couldn’t help but laugh softly. She opened her arms and said, “There seems to be a little left, do you want it?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Hearing this, Jing Dan pounced without hesitation, afraid that if she was a step slower, there would be none left!

He Ying let out a muffled hum, rubbing the head against her chest, and said helplessly, “Gentler.”

“Mm!” Jing Dan mumbled, then pulled off the clothes He Ying had just put back on.

He Ying leaned back, panting slightly with her mouth open, her eyes tinged with a seductive blush.

Now her Jing Xiaodan was getting more and more skilled at undressing.

The next morning, when He Ying woke up, she felt like her soul was about to leave her body. She stared weakly at the ceiling, realizing that taking care of a baby was really exhausting!

Originally, she thought taking care of a baby would be just like when Jing Dan stayed at her house for a month. After last night, she suddenly felt that Jing Dan had been so well-behaved back then!

Last night, after she and Jing Dan finished bathing and thought they could sleep, Xiao Daidai started crying again. After this repeated two or three times, she finally quieted down.

Jing Dan, hugging He Ying’s waist and yawning sleepily, had woken up every time Xiao Daidai cried last night, but she couldn’t help at all! She could only watch He Ying fight off sleep to feed Xiao Daidai.

“Today I’ll take her to sleep in the next room.” Jing Dan said, half-closing her eyes and sounding weak. “You need a good rest. With her like this, you can’t get proper rest!”

Logically speaking, He Ying should still be in her confinement period now, a time when she shouldn’t get too tired!

“But you don’t have milk.” He Ying smiled wryly. In the end, she’d still have to get up to feed her, right?

Jing Dan sat up with a serious expression, “You can prepare in advance, then I can feed her when the time comes!”

Didn’t she do a lot of homework during He Ying’s pregnancy?!

Seeing her so earnest, He Ying smiled, holding her hand and swaying it, saying softly, “But I don’t want you to be this tired either.”

This one already loved to sleep, and waking up several times a night would drive her crazy.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“But you can’t get tired!” Jing Dan righteously held her swaying hand down and said seriously, “You can’t ignore this! Women need to be especially careful during the confinement period, they mustn’t get tired at all!”

He Ying: “… Isn’t it supposed to be the month after giving birth?” Hadn’t that month already passed?

“She only hatched yesterday!” Jing Dan pointed at Xiao Daidai and said confidently.

He Ying: “…”

“I don’t care, you need to rest properly!” Jing Dan lay back down, hugging He Ying’s waist and said to Xiao Daidai on the other side, “Be good! Or I won’t let you fly!”

He Ying was amused by her and said with a laugh, “Just because you can’t fly, you won’t let the baby fly?”

“If she’s good, I’ll let her fly.” Jing Dan muttered, still envious, reaching out to touch Daidai’s little wings through He Ying, finding them very precious.

Seeing this, He Ying couldn’t help but laugh and cry. She covered Jing Dan’s eyes and gently coaxed, “Sleep a bit more.”

“Oh.” Jing Dan reluctantly withdrew her hand.

This time, Xiao Daidai let them sleep well. When Jing Dan woke up feeling refreshed, Xiao Daidai was looking at her with bright black eyes, calling out in a sweet voice.

Hearing her call, Jing Dan’s eyes brightened, and she reverted to her original form, lying beside her, gently stroking her fur.

When He Ying woke up, she saw this scene of the big one hugging the little one, playing with her.

She lay beside them, watching with a smile, unable to resist reaching out to stroke their fluffy heads, her eyes filled with genuine happiness.

It was wonderful to have her loved ones around.

The two of them stayed at home playing with Xiao Daidai, and others would occasionally bring various toys over. In the blink of an eye, Xiao Daidai was a month old, and the two decided to throw her a full-month banquet.

By now, Xiao Daidai had learned to transform. As long as she wasn’t startled or frightened, she wouldn’t unconsciously revert to her original form, which was better than her easily spooked mommy.

On the day of the full-month banquet, they invited many people over, but still kept the media out. They only took a family photo of the three of them holding hands before the banquet and posted it.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

——Ah ah ah, they really have a baby!

——I want to see the baby’s face! I want to see the baby’s face! (I’m going to throw a tantrum if I don’t!)

——Why is their relationship so good, it’s making me cry.

When the banquet started, Jing Dan carried Xiao Daidai around to greet everyone. After collecting a bunch of red envelopes, Jing Dan was so happy she couldn’t stop smiling.

When they finally reached Bei Yuan, Jing Dan smiled sweetly and said, “Auntie, you haven’t given us our wedding red envelope yet!”

“Oh, oh, I’ll make up for it now!” Bei Yuan’s face turned red as she put the red envelope she had prepared for Xiao Daidai on Xiao Daidai, then turned her back to Jing Dan, fumbling with something. When she turned back around, she had two red envelopes in her hand and, with a somewhat shy smile, said, “Here, making up for it now. Happy wedding!”

Seeing the red envelopes, Jing Dan smiled even wider. He Ying, standing beside her, covered her forehead with her hand and laughed indulgently. She took the red envelopes and said, “Thank you, Auntie.”

Hearing them call her Auntie, Bei Yuan’s eyes sparkled with joy.

After receiving the red envelopes, Jing Dan, holding Xiao Daidai, turned her gaze to Huai Sheng and looked at her meaningfully.

Huai Sheng: “…” She placed a red envelope on Daidai, right on top of Bei Yuan’s.

Jing Dan continued to look at her meaningfully.

Huai Sheng: “???”

Jing Dan handed Xiao Daidai to Bei Yuan and asked her to watch the baby. Then she pulled Huai Sheng aside and whispered, “Where’s the wedding red envelope for me and He Ying?!”

Huai Sheng looked at her as if she was out of her mind. “Why should I give you a red envelope? We’re peers.”

Jing Dan huffed, pointing to Bei Yuan who was happily playing with Xiao Daidai, and said proudly, “She is my Auntie!”

Huai Sheng understood what she meant, glanced at her silently, and then surprisingly took out two red envelopes, slapping them into Jing Dan’s hand with a cold snort before going back to join Bei Yuan in playing with Daidai.

Holding more red envelopes, Jing Dan turned to He Ying, looking very pleased with herself.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

He Ying found it amusing, pulling her along to greet other guests. Seeing Bei Yuan so happy holding the baby, they didn’t take her back.

“Almost ready to give birth?” Jing Dan crouched beside Qiu Shuhuai and whispered, carefully leaning her head to listen for any movements.

“Mm, about two more months.” Qiu Shuhuai smiled softly, her eyes especially tender when looking at her belly.

Jing Shiyue, always protecting her, saw that Jing Dan hadn’t moved and lifted her up with one hand. “Don’t disturb your little sister’s sleep.”

Jing Dan: “?”

She was stunned and asked in disbelief, “I have a little sister?”

Jing Shiyue gave her a sidelong glance. “You’re older, of course she’s your little sister.”

Upon hearing this, Jing Dan immediately stuffed all four of her wedding red envelopes into Qiu Shuhuai’s hands, very seriously saying, “This is my pocket money for my sister!”

Jing Shiyue: “…”

He Ying stifled a laugh and pulled her away, saying, “Don’t scare your sister.”

“How could I scare her when I look so good?” Jing Dan pouted, not agreeing with her.

“Yes, yes, you look the best, but you should leave some mystery for your sister. Surprise her when she’s born.”

Hearing this, Jing Dan nodded in agreement.

The full-month banquet was joyous, and even the baby didn’t cry or fuss all day, smiling sweetly at everyone and winning a lot of compliments.

Seeing how good Daidai was at acting cute, He Ying could already imagine how she would use this skill in the future.

After learning that they had a baby, many netizens spontaneously tagged @QingzhuEntertainment’s official blog, all wanting them to start a parenting show and invite them to join!

In the evening, Jing Dan looked at the comments from the netizens, then turned to look at Daidai, who had reverted to her original form and was sleeping, shaking her head and muttering, “If we went on a show now and you suddenly transformed, you’d scare them to death!”

He Ying, having just finished applying body lotion, got into bed. Hearing Jing Dan’s words, she said helplessly, “Daidai has already learned not to change back to her original form casually.”

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red flower

thank you for the chapter😊

Little Panda
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