Panda Cub – Chapter 38

With Righteous Indignation

On one side, this little rascal is getting angry, while on the other, He Ying is so busy she barely touches the ground.

She’s occupied with planning stage effects and directing them on how to make their dance better and more cohesive. At the same time, she also needs to practice the dance she’ll perform.

“Teacher He , it’s time to go,” someone said, stopping by He Ying’s practice room after finishing their rehearsal.

He Ying looked up, smiled, and said, “Okay, I’ll pack up and leave in a moment.”

It was only when she glanced at the time that she realized it was already ten at night. If that person hadn’t called out to her, she wouldn’t have known how much time had passed.

She bent her head to pack her things, but her mind involuntarily wandered to Jing Dan, that child. She had been too busy recently and hadn’t had the chance to visit her. She wasn’t even sure how she was doing now.

Thinking of this made her feel somewhat melancholic. She hadn’t sought her out, and Jing Dan hadn’t come to look for her either. Saying she was heartless would actually be true in this case; she really was heartless.

However, even though she hadn’t visited Jing Dan, it wasn’t like she was completely unaware of her situation. After all, her assistant sent her messages every other day, saying things like how Jing Dan wasn’t eating well, how today she only ate a little rice, and if this continued, she was worried Jing Dan’s health wouldn’t hold up.

Seeing these messages, He Ying was a bit puzzled. Wasn’t that guy tired of her cooking? How could she still have no appetite for other food?

She grabbed her bag and, after thinking it over, decided not to look for Jing Dan after all. Considering her current sleep schedule, that kid would probably be getting sleepy soon.

And it’s funny when you think about it. Ever since that time she somewhat stubbornly told Hu Tu that Jing Dan was a good person, Hu Tu has been guarding her as if guarding against something. Whenever she went to their company, she had to be there watching her, as if the moment she turned her back, she would transform into a ravenous wolf and devour Jing Dan.

Shaking her head with a light laugh, her feelings towards Jing Dan were, well…

She paused slightly, questioning her own feelings towards Jing Dan. Were they truly that nonchalant?

Her grip on her bag tightened gradually. She pursed her lips before deciding not to overthink it. After all, she was just a kid.

Returning home, she received a call from Xu Zhihuan.

She frowned, puzzled why she would receive a call so late.

“Hello?” Her voice was somewhat faint.

“He Ying.” Xu Zhihuan’s somewhat deep voice came through, bearing a tone like suppressed fury, almost on the verge of eruption.

“Mm.” He Ying activated the speakerphone and placed the phone on the desk, then began to empty her bag and start tidying up.

“You’re a smart person, so I think you should have noticed my feelings towards Jing Dan by now. On this matter, I hope you can be more discerning.” Xu Zhihuan’s voice was grim. Having been rejected by Jing Dan tonight, she attributed all the reasons to He Ying. Without her, Jing Dan wouldn’t have been so heartless towards her!

He Ying paused while tidying up, her gaze shifting to her phone. Suddenly, she found Xu Zhihuan rather amusing. So what if she liked Jing Dan? What did that have to do with her? Why should she be tactful? Without her, would Jing Dan have liked her instead? Did she not have any self-awareness about what kind of person she was?

“President Xu, are you sure you’ve got the right person?” Most importantly, shouldn’t she be confessing her feelings to the person she liked instead of looking for someone irrelevant?

Of course, if Xu Zhihuan decided to approach Jing Dan, He Ying would still warn her to be cautious.

“I’m exactly looking for you,” Xu Zhihuan retorted with a cold laugh. “Teacher He, you better think carefully. In this circle, who dares to offend me? If you still want to continue mingling in this circle, you might want to be a bit more perceptive.”

Banning someone was merely a word away for her.

Upon hearing this, He Ying burst into laughter. After all these years, she was the first one who dared to threaten her.

“President Xu, there’s something you haven’t quite grasped yet. Whether I want to stay in this circle or not is entirely up to me, not your so-called threats.”

“There are many things that you think you have complete control over, but in reality, they are just so-so.” Could she really be threatened by a human? If word of this got out, she might as well not bother trying to mix in the spirit world.

“Is that so?” Xu Zhihuan sneered menacingly, “I’ve heard you’ve been busy with a performance recently. Do you think your tickets will still sell?” With that, she hung up the phone.

He Ying stared at the disconnected phone, her gaze turning chilly in a moment. This Xu Zhihuan, truly clueless of her impending doom. She was indeed curious to see how far she could go.

He Ying was bombarded with frantic calls from Hu Tu before she even woke up, waking her up. As soon as she answered, Hu Tu’s voice came through, slightly anxious, urging her to quickly check the internet.

(Originally translated on, let's go!)

With her mind still hazy from being abruptly awoken, she did as Hu Tu suggested and went online. As she gradually comprehended the headlines, she became fully awake.




He Ying blinked; the last time her name carried so much weight on the trending searches was when netizens shipped her with someone. But what was all this about now?

She casually clicked on one and quickly grasped the gist of these entries.

Essentially, they implied that all her current success was obtained through socializing with drinks, even accompanied by a photo of her surrounded by several men, smiling radiantly.

He Ying: “…” If this isn’t Xu Zhihuan’s doing, she’d write her name backwards!

She couldn’t help but laugh, wondering how much time Xu Zhihuan spent concocting these fabrications. Did she even sleep last night?

On the other end of the phone, Hu Tu heard her laughter and was filled with confusion, “Have you been angered into stupidity? You’re still laughing now!”

Of course, she couldn’t believe that He Ying was such a person. But seeing this kind of thing blowing up, shouldn’t the immediate reaction be anger? What did her laughter signify?

“I’m laughing at Xu Zhihuan, wondering how much effort she put into digging up this material,” He Ying explained.

“These things were done by Xu Zhihuan?” Hu Tu frowned, thinking to herself, if there wasn’t someone pushing this behind the scenes, how could it be that first thing in the morning it’s all over the place targeting He Ying?

“But why is she targeting you?” If she remembered correctly, He Ying and Xu Zhihuan shouldn’t have much interaction, right? How did she manage to offend her?

He Ying had fully regained her consciousness by this point. She sat up, leaning against the headboard, and said, “Because of Jing Dan.”

“Jing Dan?!”

“Yes, that person likes Jing Dan. She even called last night to threaten me, telling me to stay away from Jing Dan.” He Ying shook her head, surprised by Xu Zhihuan’s hastiness. Could it be she started preparing those things right after hanging up the phone?

Hu Tu: “…Is she sick?”

“Yeah, I think she’s seriously sick.”

He Ying glanced at the time; it was only 6 in the morning, and Jing Dan probably hadn’t woken up yet. If she could resolve these matters before Jing Dan woke up, perhaps she wouldn’t come across all this stuff, right?

“Let’s not worry about her for now. What do you plan to do about the stuff online?”

He Ying yawned, “What else can I do? Admit it.”

Hu Tu was dumbfounded. What did she mean by admit it?

“Admit that the face in those photos is mine.” The moment He Ying saw the photos, she thought Xu Zhihuan wasn’t very smart, or rather, she was smart, but the person doing this task for her wasn’t careful or clever enough.

In the photo of her, although there are no obvious signs of being photoshopped, pictures of her smiling so happily are rare. The most significant contribution to such images was from that dating reality show, after all, who wouldn’t smile while holding a baby panda in their arms?

“Thank you for this, but you don’t need to worry too much about it; I’ll handle it myself later,” He Ying said.

“Really? Should I have our company’s water army step in and influence the narrative for you?”

“No need, if we mobilize the company’s water army, Jing Dan will find out, and I don’t want her to fret over this.” If that kid finds out, who knows how angry she would get.

Hu Tu was inwardly grinding her teeth, Are you seeking death? How dare you bring up Jing Dan in front of her!

After hanging up with Hu Tu, He Ying was just wondering how her photos were found when Xu Yu’s call came through.

He Ying: “…” Why is everyone getting up so early today?

Xu Yu: “He Ying, did you see what’s happening online?”

Her voice was as urgent as can be.

He Ying sighed deeply. Xu Zhihuan, this damned curse, if it weren’t for the mess she created, would she have to be woken up so early? Doesn’t she know she’s really tired lately?

“Got it, it’s nothing. It’s being taken care of and will be resolved soon,” He Ying reassured.

“Really, it’s okay? Is that you in the photos?”

He Ying’s voice became somewhat faint, saying, “No, it’s not. Someone Photoshopped me into them.”

Hearing this, she could feel Xu Yu relaxing on the other end, and after a few more words with He Ying, the call was ended.

With an expressionless face, after hanging up, He Ying started searching for that dating reality show, following her memory, and quickly found the clip where she was seen laughing happily.

At that moment, she was holding the little cub in her arms. The cub was angry because it didn’t get fed, struggling in her embrace, refusing to be held. As she looked at the cub’s angry demeanor, she couldn’t help but laugh heartily. Many people in the show’s crew were charmed by the cub’s cuteness upon seeing this.

Why would it get angry just because it wasn’t fed?

She took a screenshot of this scene and then went on Weibo to download the so-called photo of her accompanying a drinker. She then proceeded to edit her Weibo post.

She posted just two photos without a word. But placing these two clear and explicit photos together, what else could be more obvious?

Right after she posted on Weibo, the comment section was instantly flooded with people.

——Hahaha, I said Teacher He wouldn’t be that kind of person. How about it? Got slapped in the face now, haven’t you? Look closely! Why is Teacher He so happy?

——Those people should look at what a mess they appear; do they even match up to our Teacher He smiling so brightly? Indeed, to get Teacher He to smile like that, it has to be our Daidai!

——Aoaoao! Teacher He has successfully made me rewatch it! I can never get enough of Teacher He and Daidai together!!!

With this Weibo post from He Ying, the online sentiment shifted in an instant. Xu Zhihuan’s face turned almost green when she saw this change. She turned back to the person handling those photos and asked with a sinister tone, “Is this how you handle things?”

Using the pictures of He Ying from the show to manipulate the narrative – quite capable indeed.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The man was breaking out in a cold sweat; he hadn’t expected He Ying to be so sharp, to so easily detect the source of that photo.

“Get lost. Don’t let me see you again,” Xu Zhihuan said coldly.

The man was stunned for a moment, but then, seeing Xu Zhihuan’s icy expression, shivered and dared not say anything more. He quickly left, clutching his computer.

After releasing the photos, He Ying stopped paying attention to the online comments. After all, both the storm and the rain were of their own making, and caring too much about it would only harm her own state of mind.

Having resolved the matter, she found herself unable to sleep. She got up, freshened up, changed into her sportswear, and went out for a run.

Perhaps because she had lived in the human world for so long, her lifestyle had become increasingly similar to that of humans, truly integrating herself into human society.

As she ran, she thought about how Xu Zhihuan had not succeeded this time but would definitely try again. She just didn’t know what kind of underhanded tactic Xu Zhihuan would use next.

After running out of the residential area, she casually bought some breakfast and was walking home when she received a message from Jing Dan.

Upon seeing Jing Dan’s message, He Ying was momentarily surprised. Was Jing Dan actually up this early today? It’s only 7:30 AM!

Jing Dan, a lover of sleep, assumed everyone was like her. Claiming it was to let employees get enough rest so they’d be more energetic at work, she had delayed the company’s starting time. Although the start time was pushed back, the end time stayed the same, a decision that nearly made her employees adore her to death! After all, this arrangement meant working two hours less per day, especially in the morning – she was practically a living Bodhisattva!

After understanding the content of Jing Dan’s message, He Ying slightly raised her eyebrows, not expecting Jing Dan to realize so quickly that someone was targeting her after seeing those online messages.

After some thought, she slowly typed Xu Zhihuan’s name in the chat box. She couldn’t be blamed for tattling or anything; it was indeed Xu Zhihuan’s doing. Besides, Jing Dan had asked, and all she did was tell the truth. What’s wrong with that? Speaking the truth is a virtue that should be promoted~

On the other side, Jing Dan’s eyebrows instantly furrowed upon seeing the name Xu Zhihuan, her disgust for her deepening even more.

She, who was so angered last night that she couldn’t fall asleep, finally managed to doze off, only to be startled awake early in the morning. Unable to return to sleep, she went online hoping to catch up on any news events, only to come across the matter involving He Ying.

She felt annoyed. Xu Zhihuan was truly like a lingering ghost. She thought last night she was rejected because of He Ying, and not long after, she started targeting He Ying?

【Jing Dan】: When she told me she liked me last night, she even asked if I rejected her because of you.

No, no! It’s solely because you’re annoying!

He Ying was taken aback by the message; she hadn’t expected Xu Zhihuan to have already spoken to Jing Dan, especially to have been rejected. No wonder she sounds so frustrated last night—it seemed Jing Dan had gotten under her skin early on.

Seeing the words of Jing Dan’s refusal, she let out a gentle smile, feeling a considerable relief. She texted back: “It’s okay, the problem is solved now. You don’t have to worry, and certainly don’t feel like you’ve dragged me into this.”

She wanted to avoid Jing Dan from overthinking and trapping herself in a dead end again.

However, Jing Dan disagreed. Frowning, she felt she couldn’t let Xu Zhihuan continue this way. If she couldn’t deal with her now, wouldn’t her aunt be able to? If Xu Zhihuan was allowed to keep targeting He Ying, who knows what she could do next! After all, the tactic used online now was just disgusting.

This level of disgust was almost comparable to those two men from last night!

【Jing Dan】: You don’t have to worry about her; I won’t let her bother you again!

Humph, her friend, she comes to protect!

Seeing this message, He Ying raised an eyebrow, feeling a trace of dominance. Jing Dan, dominant?

She suddenly let out a laugh, finding the display of dominance on Jing Dan oddly amusing.

【He Ying】: Okay~

Soon after, there was a noise from upstairs. She looked up and saw Qiu Shuhuai, dressed in a white silk pajama, holding a black kitten in her arms, also frozen in place on the upstairs landing.

Jing Dan: “…”

She knew their relationship was close, but she hadn’t expected it to be so close they could live together!


Jing Shiyue tried to maintain a normal appearance, waving Jing Dan over, “You’re back so early, what’s up?”

After seeing this, Qui Shuhuai, who was upstairs, came down, let the cat go, and went straight to the kitchen.

Jing Dan, although curious, reminded herself that gossip wasn’t the purpose of her visit.

Her expression slightly drooping, as if she felt wronged, she said, “That Xu Zhihuan from Zhihuan Entertainment, she bullied me.” She bullied my friend.

Jing Shiyue’s eyebrows instantly raised, a sharp gleam flashed in her eyes. “How did she bully you?”

How dare she bully someone related to Jing Shiyue?

Jing Dan lowered her eyes, recalling the events of the previous night. Her voice turned somewhat muffled as she said, “Last night, she asked me to consider it, saying that being with her could add bricks and mortar to my career.”

Jing Shiyue: “…”

Has Xu Zhihuan played too much, playing her own brain away? If Jing Dan wants to pursue a career, with her around, does she need an outsider to add bricks and mortar?

“And she also thinks I refused her because of He Ying. This morning, she immediately fabricated lies to smear He Ying.” Her annoyance made her eyebrows furrow tightly. How could there be someone like Xu Zhihuan in the world! Blaming others for her own failures?

Jing Shiyue’s face turned cold. It seems she needs to give Xu Zhihuan a wake-up call, to let her clearly see that there are still people in this world she can’t afford to provoke!

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she never dares to appear in front of you again!” Her tone was somewhat cold as she spoke.

At this moment, Qiu Shuhuai came out of the kitchen with a cup of milk and handed it to Jing Dan, asking, “I just heard Xu Zhihuan’s name. What happened with her?”

Jing Dan took the milk and took a sip, feeling a bit melancholy. It had been a long time since she had milk made for her by He Ying.

Jing Shiyue briefly relayed the earlier conversation to her.

Qiu Shuhuai frowned and shook her head, saying, “Xu Zhihuan is no good; not a decent person.”

Having spent so many years in the entertainment industry and encountered numerous companies, she was more than familiar with Xu Zhihuan. She was well aware of Xu Zhihuan’s numerous secrets; people like her were nothing but bad luck for anyone they came into contact with.

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“Did you hear that? Not just Xu Zhihuan, but you should stay far away from people like Xu Zhihuan!” Jing Shiyue took the opportunity to lecture Jing Dan.

Jing Dan: “…Oh.”

She didn’t like people like Xu Zhihuan and naturally would stay away. After all, it wasn’t her who approached Xu Zhihuan; it was Xu Zhihuan who always came to her.

“Alright, you don’t need to worry about her, He Ying will take care of it.” Jing Shiyue shook her head, feeling that the Xu family is truly blessed to have a daughter like Xu Zhihuan.

After resolving the matter, she shifted her focus onto the two of them.

Jing Shiyue, Qiu Shuhuai: “…”

Why did such a pure and clean gaze suddenly put them under pressure?

“You go back first; I’ll tell you about it later.” Being watched by such eyes, Jing Shiyue found it a bit hard to continue. She felt she was still a child, and it seemed a bit inappropriate to discuss such matters with a child, fearing it might lead them astray.

However, she suddenly overlooked the fact that Jing Dan came here because of troubles related to emotional issues, didn’t she?

Jing Dan: “…Oh.”

After giving them one last look, she stood up and left.

After Jing Dan’s departure, the two exchanged glances and quietly laughed.

Leaving her aunt’s house, Jing Dan arrived at the apartment complex where He Ying lived and called He Ying.

He Ying found it odd to see Jing Dan’s call coming through. Hadn’t they just been in touch a little while ago? What was the reason for this call now?

As soon as the call connected and before she could ask if something had happened, Jing Dan said with a very righteous tone, “Come downstairs to let me in through the access control. I can’t get in!”

He Ying was stunned, but quickly realized what Jing Dan meant. She hurried downstairs and after opening the access control, she saw Jing Dan standing outside.

He Ying was speechless. Why did this person come over without any notice?

“What’s wrong?” she asked. Coming in such a hurry, was there something very important?

Jing Dan, still with a dignified look and still appearing very righteous, said, “I want to drink milk!”

The cup that Qiu Shuhuai gave her earlier was not as delicious as He Ying’s!

He Ying: “…” Is this the reason?

She carefully observed Jing Dan’s expression, this righteous little look successfully made her laugh.

How could someone run to another’s house early in the morning to make such a request!

“Alright, come in!” she laughed, finding the kid even more purely adorable.

Jing Dan huffed lightly but still kept a proud expression as she followed He Ying upstairs.

“Have you eaten breakfast?” He Ying asked as she headed towards the kitchen.

Was this her way of offering to make breakfast?

Jing Dan’s eyes lit up slightly; it had been a long while since she had last eaten anything made by He Ying!

“No, I haven’t!” her voice slightly louder than usual.

He Ying turned her head back in surprise, finding Jing Dan unusually cheerful today.

She couldn’t help but find it amusing. If she had known Jing Dan was coming, she wouldn’t have bought breakfast earlier.

Watching He Ying prepare breakfast in the kitchen, Jing Dan couldn’t help but think: She really must like me a lot, willing to go through the trouble of cooking for me!

The author has something to say:

Jing Dan’s Self-Strategy, Step One~

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alright, use charm at its finest

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