Novel Turned Yuri – Chapter 12

Teacher Lin has only one student

From Qiao Yu’s perspective, this relationship is quite easy to understand.

After all, the characters in every book can be considered the author’s children. Although she is not the creator but rather someone who took over halfway, she can reluctantly be seen as a stepfather.

But from Lin Qing’s perspective, it becomes quite puzzling.

She was stunned by Qiao Yu’s words and struggled to point at herself, saying, “You…you see me as…your daughter?”

This guy treats Cong Ye like a son and treats her like a daughter. Is she trying to compete with Mother Cong or what?

Qiao Yu didn’t directly confirm it but made an effort to explain clearly, “It’s not like I really want to be your father and make you my little princess. It means that I’m happy to see you, I’ll take special care of you, and I’m afraid you’ll get hurt or bumped into…”

…The more she explained, the more she felt how difficult it was to give a proper explanation. Is this the kind of dilemma that fangirls of idol stars face every day?

She ran out of words and started to lose coherence, “Anyway, the point is that I really like you, and you don’t have to treat me as your father… um, I mean, I’d be happy if Rong Ye called me father, but you don’t have to…”

What on earth is going on?

Dizzy from the burden of being regarded too highly as a father, Lin Qing silently rubbed her temples and decided to end this topic, saying, “…So basically, we don’t need to worry about this. We can just continue to interact as we did before, right?”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

Qiao Yu showed a teachable expression, nodding repeatedly.

…What exactly were they talking about during that time just now? It’s like they didn’t say anything at all.

Lin Qing felt a bit exhausted.

She recalled that at the beginning, Qiao Yu emphasized how she always treated Cong Ye as her son and asked her, “Why did you suddenly bring this up?”

“Ah.” Qiao Yu had a blank expression and honestly said, “I was afraid you might misunderstand.”

For a moment, Lin Qing thought Qiao Yu had noticed her unusual emotions and her heart skipped a beat, but then she realized that Qiao Yu probably got the wrong idea.

She looked at Qiao Yu’s sincere and harmless face, lowering her gaze to conceal her emotions.

“…I didn’t misunderstand, I just…”

I just…became a bit strange.

The latter half of the sentence remained unspoken as Lin Qing shook her head and mustered up her spirits, giving Qiao Yu a bright smile.

“It’s alright, I know you regard Cong Ye…as your son.”

She felt that her words sounded somewhat absurd. She knew that Cong Ye, the person involved, had absolutely no idea. Otherwise, he would have already had a fierce argument with Qiao Yu, this cheap father, long ago.

Thinking that she should remember what she said and not accidentally let it slip at home, Lin Qing changed the topic. “He mentioned earlier that if he takes a ride back with you, he would treat you to a drink. Now it’s the second time I’m riding in your car. Shouldn’t I treat you to a meal?”

“Oh, what’s the big deal between us? There’s no need to be so polite.”

Qiao Yu waved her hand casually, indicating that Lin Qing shouldn’t care about such trivial matters.

Lin Qing couldn’t delve too deeply into the phrase “what’s the big deal between us,” as it would inevitably bring to mind the father-daughter relationship Qiao Yu mentioned earlier.

Lin Qing didn’t insist on treating her and after a moment of contemplation, she proposed a new plan.

“How about I teach you some studying?”

With a faint smile, Lin Qing, who scored nearly full marks in the entrance exam, exuded the brilliant aura of a study prodigy.

“You see, there’s less than two weeks left until the monthly exams.”

Even after Qiao Yu had returned home, she was still digesting the news of the upcoming exams, bitterly questioning the system.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“…Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I thought it wasn’t important.”

So, the system doesn’t understand the human heart!

Being reincarnated as a current high school student, of course, exams were the top priority!

Moreover, if her memory served her right, Yao Hua placed great importance on the exam results, triggering an alarm bell in her mind the moment she heard Lin Qing utter the words “monthly exams.”

“Yes, host.” Feeling remorseful, the system immediately tried to make up for its mistake by explaining Yao Hua’s school rules.

“At Yao Hua, if you fail any subject in the monthly exams, you’ll have to attend a remedial class for that subject and take a makeup exam a week later. If you still fail, you’ll probably have to call your parents to school.”

…She was already a grown person, so spare her the humiliation of having to meet with her parents.

Qiao Yu broke into a cold sweat, but the system hadn’t finished yet and continued speaking in its emotionless mechanical voice, delivering cruel words.

“Furthermore, after the monthly exams, the bottom ten students in each class will be grouped together with the bottom ten students from other classes to form a remedial class. During the day, your regular class remains the same, but in the evening, you’ll have to stay back for remedial classes and assignments. This will continue until the next round of monthly exams.”


Qiao Yu agonizingly covered her head. It was already difficult enough for her to complete one assignment, and now having to do double the workload was doubly painful. Just the thought of it sent shivers down her spine!

This meant that she would definitely only have time to write chapters on weekends, and she might miss out on a lot of material from Cong Ye and Lin Qing due to the extra classes!

And if she ended up being in the bottom ten for any subject again—

Qiao Yu imagined the hellish future that awaited her and sincerely thanked Lin Qing, the Bodhisattva who generously bestowed rain and dew upon this mortal, from the bottom of her heart.

“It’s alright, host. Don’t feel pressured.”

The system tried to comfort Qiao Yu and quickly pulled up her freshman year report card.

“Take a look, host! The original host was already quite familiar with both remedial classes and the bottom-ten class!”

Qiao Yu’s face turned pale as she stared at the sea of red lights. Trembling, she opened her phone to send a message.

Qiao Yu: Teacher Lin!

Qiao Yu: I will definitely study hard!

Qiao Yu: At least I’ll avoid failing and being in the bottom ten!

Qiao Yu: Sobbing Tiger.jpg

This reaction image was used perfectly. Lin Qing looked at the crying little cat in the picture and felt it was quite similar to Qiao Yu in the car just now.

When she mentioned the words “monthly exams,” the other party immediately made a very obvious “Is there such a thing?” expression. Lin Qing guessed that Qiao Yu had completely forgotten about it. Helplessly, she looked at Qiao Yu who suddenly pounced and grabbed her hand, tears welling up in her eyes as if she had grabbed a lifesaver. She sobbed and howled, thanking Lin Qing for her miraculous help in saving her life.

Listening to her speak always made it hard not to laugh. Lin Qing found herself in a helpless state, both laughing and crying at Qiao Yu’s appearance, as if she had grabbed onto a lifesaving straw. They made an agreement to start tutoring her next week, which finally eased Qiao Yu’s mournful expression.

However, Qiao Yu’s attitude towards Lin Qing became even more attentive than before. After dropping Lin Qing off at her house, she even rushed to open the door for her, hold her hand as she got out of the car, and eagerly accompany her to the doorstep. When Lin Qing asked if she wanted to come inside for a while, Qiao Yu shook her head sleepily and said, “No, no, I won’t disturb Teacher Lin.” Then she quickly returned to the car and drove away.

Qiao Yu seemed to like the title “Teacher Lin.” Lin Qing scanned a few lines and restrained her laughter as she replied to her.

Lin Qing: Classmate Qiao.

Lin Qing: If you study well on a regular basis, it wouldn’t be like this.


Qiao Yu on the other side of the screen clutched her chest as if she had been shot, completely taken down by this impeccable reasoning.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

But, but, she wasn’t not studying at all! It’s just that being a university student for a few years and then suddenly going back to high school was too tough!

She frowned in distress, and then saw that Lin Qing had sent a new message.

Lin Qing: Don’t worry.

Lin Qing: My teaching principle is to never give up on any student.

Lin Qing: Teacher Lin will help you.

Lin Qing: Strong.jpg

It seemed that Lin Qing was beginning to enjoy this role-playing. Qiao Yu couldn’t help but smile as she read the message and jokingly replied.

Qiao Yu: Never give up on every student?

Qiao Yu: Teacher Lin, how many good students do you have?

Almost immediately, she received a concise two-word reply.

Lin Qing: Only you.

Oh my!

Qiao Yu beamed with joy as she held her phone. This sentence made her heart blossom—truly worthy of a romance novel lead! Lin Qing was so good at teasing a girl!

However, she couldn’t see that on the other side of the screen, Lin Qing blushed inexplicably after sending that message without thinking. When she tried to retract it, she realized that time had already passed. Frustrated, she pounced onto the bed and buried her head in the pillow, kicking her feet aimlessly.

After tossing and turning for a while, Lin Qing finally peeked out from the pillow, her face flushed. She looked at the message from Qiao Yu on her phone, “Hahaha, Teacher Lin, you’re really good at talking,” and let out a gentle sigh.

Lin Qing felt that she might have become a bit strange.

After a long week, Qiao Yu welcomed her second weekend since arriving. It was time to update her story.

There was no need to worry about source material at all. These five days were incredibly fulfilling, with progress every single day. Just selecting important events to write about felt like it could fill three chapters.

Unlike herself a week ago, the current Qiao Yu confidently typed away on the keyboard, with a heart that had embraced the idea of breaking the mold hidden beneath her poised and self-assured exterior.

Haha, anyway, she was already deeply involved with the male and female leads. Why bother deleting any scenes?

Qiao Yu reminisced about the day she had argued with Cong Ye and successfully cleared up the misunderstanding in front of the whole class. She transformed into a loyal typing machine.


Even his friends have been enchanted by Lin Qing. What exactly does she want to do?

That guy Qiao Yu, after knowing her for such a long time, how could she betray him so easily!

Cong Ye felt angry just thinking about it, and he gnashed his teeth as he sketched a stick figure of Qiao Yu in his draft notebook.】

This was the first time Qiao Yu’s name appeared in this story.

Qiao Yu herself looked at it and always had a strange sense of unreality, but she still forced herself to continue writing, striving to portray Cong Ye’s inexplicable thoughts in a more positive light.

But it’s really embarrassing to write herself into the story!

After finally finishing a chapter, feeling more exhausted than when she used to write three chapters, Qiao Yu covered her face and whimpered. It took her a while to gather the courage to read through it from beginning to end, and once she confirmed there were no major issues, she posted it.

The chapter was written until the point where Qiao Yu informed Cong Ye that Lin Qing was being bullied. Qiao Yu was thinking that she should stockpile two more chapters this week, but the comment section started rapidly refreshing.

Posting was something she had gotten used to after doing it once, so Qiao Yu calmly skimmed through the comments. She glanced at the two numbers at the top: reader satisfaction had slightly dropped to 77—after all, when she posted, the readers were all pleasantly surprised, so this decrease was expected. The OOC level remained at 0.

Nothing unexpected. Qiao Yu closed the interface efficiently, like a mature author.

This job was really quite simple.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Qiao Yu absentmindedly took out her homework and placed it on the desk. She noticed that the upper right corner of the notebook cover had been scribbled with an ugly stick figure of a pig—clearly, the culprit had been exposed.

She cursed inwardly at Cong Ye, that fool, and grabbed an eraser to vigorously wipe it off. Some faint marks remained, so she decided to draw a flower to cover them up.

As she looked at the overlapping lines, she fell into a daze. The enthusiasm she had on the first day of school was no longer present; instead, a faint worry emerged.

…Cong Ye, this elementary kid, why does it feel like he’s not worthy of Lin Qing?

Qiao Yu really couldn’t imagine what it would be like for Lin Qing to be in a relationship with Cong Ye. There was always a sense of disdain, as if her precious cabbage was being snatched away by a wild boar. But if you asked her who would be a suitable match for Lin Qing, Qiao Yu couldn’t come up with anything.

After all, Lin Qing was super amazing, practically a perfect person!

Ever since Lin Qing said she would teach her how to study, her image in Qiao Yu’s heart became even more radiant. Qiao Yu’s emotions soared, and in no time, she thought about the reality of this world.

Since this world will develop on its own, the romantic relationship between the male and female leads should naturally progress, right…

Thinking about it, she realized that worrying about it was futile. She gave up on further contemplation.

Oh well, she was just a writer, and she should act according to the plot.

Qiao Yu sighed, casting aside her disdain for Cong Ye, and decided to continue being a responsible support for the two of them.

LP: I did not noticed that chapter 6 up to the latest chapters are not getting added to novelupdates. Reported it as of January 24 so I hope they get added by the time this chapter released 🙂