Novel Turned Yuri – Chapter 119.1

Extra 4

Main Story Extra

Lin Qing felt that her life was currently in a very happy phase.

Her career was going smoothly, and her love life was even better. She and Qiao Yu had been married for almost three years now, and they were still as loving as newlyweds. They rarely had any arguments, let alone fights.

While her career and love life were thriving, she also received good news from her friends—the last single person in their group, Mi Yi, had finally found a girlfriend. On the day Mi Yi announced her relationship, a few friends barged into her home and threw her a surprise party. In the end, none of them could outdrink Mi Yi, and they all ended up passed out. The next day, after enduring Mi Yi’s sarcastic remarks, they all left with their heads hanging low.

Today, Mi Yi had arranged to meet Lin Qing alone. Lin Qing thought it was probably to discuss relationship matters, and as she sat across from Mi Yi in the café, a sense of nostalgia washed over her.

Back in the day, she and Qiao Yu’s relationship progress owed a lot to this smart and resourceful friend. Now it was time for her to return the favor!

Lin Qing made a small resolution. After all, her love had already borne fruit. She should be able to handle any problems Mi Yi encountered in her relationship with ease!

“My girlfriend is great in every way, but she’s a ‘pillow princess.'”

“A pillow princess.”

…An unexpected statement.

Lin Qing instinctively repeated the unfamiliar term. Although it was the first time she had heard it and she didn’t quite understand its meaning, she felt a subtle and indescribable sense of unease.

“Ah, you might not know what that means,” Mi Yi noticed her confusion and considerately explained, “It’s the type who just lies there in bed.”

“I see.”

Wait? Just lies there in bed? In bed means…that kind of bed?

Lin Qing nodded calmly on the surface, but inside, she was a mess of panic and complex emotions.

So it was this kind of topic—well, since she was already married, she must have, ahem. But now it seemed Mi Yi wasn’t quite satisfied in that regard…Hmm?

Lin Qing furrowed her brow, feeling that something was particularly noteworthy.

Before she could figure it out, she heard Mi Yi continue to speak in a troubled tone.

“How should I put it, though I’m not firmly set on being the dominant one…it does get a bit tiring over time.”

“But she’s really cute, and she’s great in other aspects. I think I quite like her.”

“Lin Qing, what do you think I should do about this situation?”

Yes, what should be done indeed.

Lin Qing gave Mi Yi a steady smile, trying hard to suppress her twitching lips.

…What to do? This “pillow princess” description sounded an awful lot like herself.

Sweat beaded on her forehead as she pretended to take a sip of her coffee to buy herself some time. When she set the cup down, she still couldn’t entirely mask her panic, causing the coffee to slosh around in the cup.

“…So, you’re quite dissatisfied with the current situation?”

“Not very dissatisfied…” Mi Yi sighed, her mouth turning down, “But there’s a bit, yeah? Mostly, I’m worried that if we’re together for the long term, this situation might continue.”

Indeed, these three years—counting the dating period, it would be five or six years now—the situation had indeed continued.

This was bad. Hearing Mi Yi’s words, Lin Qing couldn’t help but relate everything to her and Qiao Yu.

Lin Qing felt a chill of fear, maintaining a calm exterior while listening to the rare emotional outpouring from Mi Yi about her troubles. The crux was that she still had feelings for the girl, but there were indeed conflicts in this area, leading to a dilemma.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“——I think it’s best to have a good talk with her first.”

In the end, with this rather feeble piece of advice from Lin Qing, Mi Yi nodded heavily but approvingly, showing her a grateful smile.

“Yeah, I’ll go back and talk to her.”

“As expected from someone who’s already married, you and Qiao Yu must be very happy!”

Then, Mi Yi shyly mumbled something about not knowing when she could get married, but Lin Qing wasn’t listening anymore. Her mind was buzzing, her heart in turmoil.

Happy? Which happiness?

No, no, Lin Qing, what are you thinking about? Of course, Mi Yi didn’t mean that!

Even after parting ways with Mi Yi, Lin Qing couldn’t pull herself together. She shook her head vigorously to dispel these strange thoughts and realized that driving in such a distracted state was dangerous. She decided to park the car by the roadside, sighed, and covered her face with her hands.

Instinctively, she had hidden it from Mi Yi, making her feel like an unqualified friend.

But in that situation, to confess to Mi Yi that she played the same role as her lover…that was really too difficult to say.

The most important thing was that, at that moment, Lin Qing had no room to think about anything else. Her mind was completely occupied by one thought.

If Qiao Yu…actually felt the same as Mi Yi…

For the first time in two years, Lin Qing’s mood turned completely gloomy.

Pillow princess.

Lin Qing looked at the search results on her computer screen over and over again, then took a deep breath and firmly closed the browser.

This was terrible, Lin Qing, terrible.

She silently gritted her teeth, unable to describe what she felt in her heart.

No matter how much she wanted to deny it, she had come to a harsh realization that she matched this term quite well.

She and Qiao Yu had been together for so many years, and although it wasn’t entirely one-sided, they had only ever reached a mutual physical harmony a few times. As for situations where she was completely in control—Lin Qing reluctantly concluded that there had never been one.

It’s not that she never had such thoughts, like that time she tried to get Qiao Yu drunk…forget it, it’s better not to recall that day. It was truly reckless, a past best left unmentioned.

Now, it’s the day after meeting Mi Yi, and since hearing that term yesterday, Lin Qing had been restless and uneasy. Even now, she hadn’t fully recovered. Although she tried her best to act normal at home, Qiao Yu’s behavior suggested that her partner had noticed something was off.

After expressing her concern and being flatly denied by Lin Qing, Qiao Yu didn’t pursue the matter further. Instead, she became even more meticulous in her actions, which made Lin Qing feel both fond and guilty.

Yes, even though she had suggested to Mi Yi to talk with her partner, when it came to her own situation…Lin Qing found that she couldn’t bring herself to ask.

…What should she do? At this point, she realized it was too late to acknowledge the problem.

Lin Qing silently lamented and sighed deeply.

For so many years, she had been very satisfied with their intimate life—except for those times when Qiao Yu overdid it—but could it be that Qiao Yu’s feelings were different from hers?

The mere thought that Qiao Yu might be dissatisfied made Lin Qing feel she had no courage to ask her directly.

…But if Qiao Yu often overdid it, didn’t that indicate she wasn’t very dissatisfied?

Recalling the details of the night before last, Lin Qing’s face flushed, and she felt a sudden warmth all over.

“…Um, Director Lin?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)


Suddenly hearing a soft call from the door, Lin Qing looked up in surprise and saw a colleague carefully peeking in after pushing the office door ajar.

“I knocked several times, but there was no response, so I…”

“Sorry, I was lost in thought and didn’t hear!”

Lin Qing rarely got flustered and let the colleague in, forcing herself to calm down and switch to work mode.

…Lin Qing, what are you doing? This is work time, not a time for such random thoughts.

After sending off the colleague, Lin Qing sank into deep self-reflection, biting her lower lip in frustration.

She had always held herself to high standards and had almost never been so distracted at work. Her mood plummeted.

Thinking too much and overanalyzing, this was so unlike her.

Someone like this, Qiao Yu surely wouldn’t…

“Knock, knock.”

“…Come in.”

There was another knock at the door. Lin Qing forced herself to perk up and responded, taking a deep breath and deciding to temporarily put aside her scattered thoughts.

“Good afternoon, Director Lin.”

But the person who came in immediately shattered her resolve. That person walked in with a cup, nonchalantly locked the door behind her, and when those familiar eyes looked at her, Lin Qing suddenly had the urge to throw herself into her arms.

“I heard from a colleague that you didn’t seem to be in a good state.”

After locking the door, Qiao Yu transformed from her colleague into her lover, walked over to her, and gently placed the cup in front of her.

“I made some tea. Would you like some?”

Instinctively, Lin Qing lowered her head and looked at the tea, the leaves floating up and down. She recalled Qiao Yu mentioning before that she drank too much coffee and should switch to something milder for her health.

The rising steam seemed to warm Lin Qing’s heart. Her gaze slowly fell on Qiao Yu’s hand holding the cup handle.

Qiao Yu’s hands were always well-groomed, with long fingers and neatly trimmed nails. Due to the stuffiness in the office, her sleeves were rolled up, revealing her slender wrist bones and the faint blue veins under her fair skin, looking particularly…pleasing.

She had kissed Qiao Yu’s pulse, had been intimately familiar with Qiao Yu’s fingers, and even the clothes Qiao Yu was wearing now were chosen together that morning.

She and Qiao Yu were the closest people in the world to each other.

…Really, what was there to worry about?

Lin Qing suddenly felt at ease, all her concerns and worries thrown aside. Her chaotic thoughts returned to normal, and she realized now was not the right time to discuss this matter. More importantly, she should first—

“Sorry for making you worry.”

With an apologetic look, she raised her head and reached out to touch Qiao Yu’s face. Qiao Yu obediently leaned down, allowing her to reach her neck and then leaning closer to her lips.

A light kiss. Qiao Yu backed away slightly, her clear eyes blinking as she softly asked, “Is this okay?”

“As long as we don’t go any further…it’s fine.”

Lin Qing usually maintained strict control over intimate actions at the office, but today was different. She suddenly wanted to be close to Qiao Yu, so she indulged herself and extended an invitation, rationalizing it with a loose restraint on Qiao Yu.

Her lover frowned slightly, troubled, but quickly made a decision and kissed her again gently. Lin Qing allowed it, clearly feeling Qiao Yu’s cautiousness, and when she sensed her breath becoming uneven, Qiao Yu retreated honestly.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“It’s a bit difficult.”

The speaker, however, remained calm, even her eyes still clear, making the slightly panting Lin Qing feel immediately unbalanced.

Previously, she hadn’t noticed…why was she so useless? It was just a kiss, yet Qiao Yu remained composed while her own legs were already weak!

In her current sensitive state, Lin Qing became angry at herself, feeling frustrated about the long road ahead. Her fluctuating emotions startled Qiao Yu, who squatted down worriedly, looking up at her like a loyal large dog, concerned.

Unable to express her complex thoughts to her innocent lover, Lin Qing let the words roll in her mouth before finally sighing.

“…When we get home tonight, I have something to tell you.”

Lin Qing remained restless the whole day and couldn’t calm down even after returning home.

She could see that Qiao Yu was also very nervous, frequently glancing at her with a look of wanting to ask but not daring to. Eventually, Qiao Yu mumbled about taking a bath first and fled the room.

Lin Qing thought this was a good idea, so she also went to the other bathroom to take a shower. Although still confused, she meticulously cleaned herself.

Yes! To remove her invisible “pillow princess” label, Lin Qing felt that something had to happen tonight!

LP: Next chapter is the last one and then this novel is complete… I don’t want it to end ( ;´ – `;)