Novel Turned Yuri – Chapter 117.3

Extra 2 Part 2

Qiao Yu x Lin Qing in the Parallel World

Qiao Yu felt a buzzing in her brain. Even though she knew her current expression must be quite foolish, she had no time to control it, only slowly frowning and giving Lin Qing a look that said, “I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

“I mean, before you woke up just now, I was kissing you.”

Lin Qing quickly regained the upper hand, suppressing her blush. In front of Qiao Yu, she brazenly bit her lower lip, the gesture full of suggestiveness.

“You really… sleep soundly.”


Is this for real, or a joke? No way, the reason she felt breathless just now was because of—because of—

Qiao Yu didn’t dare to think further, gave a dry laugh, and said shakily.

“…Um, Lin Qing, let’s not talk about anything else for now, can you get off me first?”


Qiao Yu was bluntly refused, and when she saw the dangerous glint in Lin Qing’s eyes, she didn’t retreat but instead leaned closer towards her.

“I finally found you…”

She didn’t finish her sentence, but the meaning was clear. In short, she was afraid Qiao Yu would run away again, so she used this position to restrain Qiao Yu’s movements.

…This starting point might be somewhat reasonable, but the method is too poor, right?

Before Qiao Yu could clear her head from the confusion caused by their close proximity, Lin Qing brought her face close, asking in a low voice.

“What are you doing here?”

“This is the place where you connect with that parallel world, right?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Why are you hiding here? What have you been doing these days?”

Unexpectedly, she didn’t ask why she ran away but asked these questions instead. Qiao Yu was a bit confused, and soon saw Lin Qing’s eyebrows knit together, her voice tinged with inexplicable suppressed emotions.

“…Did you come to see ‘her’?”

“Her, her?”

Qiao Yu felt her mind couldn’t keep up with Lin Qing’s words. She thought coming to seek advice from her parallel self shouldn’t be something that would anger Lin Qing, so she stuttered and asked back, only to see Lin Qing getting angry, taking a deep breath.

“Even if you don’t say, I’ll know when I see it. What exactly were you watching—”

As she spoke, she raised her hand and waved it lightly. Qiao Yu’s mind suddenly sounded alarms, realizing the implication of her action in a flash. She was so shocked that she forcibly sat up despite Lin Qing’s restraint, grabbing her hand and stopping her in a panic, “Wait—”

But it was already too late. The previously extinguished light screen flashed on, followed by a 360-degree surround sound.


A voice similar yet different to Qiao Yu’s, slightly hoarse, seemingly soaked in intense desire, whispered in their ears.

【”Qiao, Qiao Yu… wait… hmm…”】

“Ahhh, I can’t hear anything, I can’t hear anything—!!”

Qiao Yu shouted in panic, covering her ears. Although she was mentally prepared and didn’t look at the screen, she couldn’t help but glance at Lin Qing, who was staring intently at the light screen, her fair face rapidly turning red.

“Stop looking, turn it off quickly!”

Qiao Yu, having lost all control, panicked and grabbed Lin Qing’s shoulders, shaking her. Only then did Lin Qing snap out of it and cut off the connection.

The surroundings instantly quieted down, leaving only an incongruous sound.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Meow… It’s a bit noisy?”

Qiao Yu, feeling utterly dejected, turned her head to see the system, just waking up and stretching its front paws lazily, and felt a surge of genuine envy.

“…Anyway, let’s go out first.”

Feeling she couldn’t stay in this place any longer, Qiao Yu wearily rubbed her face and said. Lin Qing seemed still caught up in the earlier scene, just silently nodding.

…What a mess.

Reality came back to Qiao Yu, and she reluctantly opened her eyes.

No matter how much she didn’t want to face it, what happened had happened, and there was no escaping it now.

Moreover, this time the escape had led to such a disastrous outcome… Qiao Yu felt a deep sense of despair and wondered if she should find a time to apologize to her parallel self.

She slowly sat up from the equipment pod, took off the gear she was wearing, and staggered out. Once outside, she saw that the previously empty abandoned office now had another set of connection equipment, whose origin was quite obvious.

Qiao Yu didn’t know how Lin Qing found her and managed to set up this equipment. As she pondered this, she heard some sounds coming from the enclosed pod and instinctively wanted to run.

Qiao Yu swore this was just an instinctive reaction, which she quickly suppressed. However, the person inside reacted quickly, and the pod door was suddenly pushed open. A figure jumped out and hugged her, with a helmet that hadn’t been taken off hitting her chin hard, making her teeth ache.

“Hel… Helmet…”

She struggled to free a hand to cover the hit spot, reminding the person with muffled speech. Only then did the other realize, hurriedly removing the helmet and throwing it aside, anxiously checking her injury. Confirming it was nothing serious, they heaved a sigh of relief and kissed the spot apologetically.


Lin Qing’s movements were so smooth that Qiao Yu didn’t have time to react and stop her. She was stunned on the spot after being kissed, her face blank.

“Sorry, I thought you were going to leave again, I was too anxious.”

The person hugging her was oblivious to the turmoil in her heart, softly speaking and gently rubbing the spot. Their closeness made Qiao Yu feel Lin Qing’s breath on her neck, causing her to shiver.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

…What’s going on? Since returning, hasn’t Lin Qing’s sense of distance completely collapsed?

Putting that aside, this situation was far from good. After all, they had just overheard their parallel selves’ intimate moments in the mental world, and now being so close was too strange!

This was very bad for Qiao Yu’s mental health. She was contemplating what to say to make Lin Qing let go when she noticed Lin Qing, who had been unfazed when kissing her chin, suddenly blushing and slightly parting her lips, as if wanting to say something.

“Wait, wait! Don’t speak first!”

Qiao Yu instinctively sensed that Lin Qing was about to bring up what had just happened on the other side. She didn’t have the courage to discuss that matter with Lin Qing calmly, so she immediately interrupted her, her heart pounding fast.

Lin Qing was very obedient, at least for about thirty seconds, then she couldn’t help but speak up.

“You never…”

“…never called me… Qingqing.”

Oh my god, is this the most important thing to mention right now?

For a moment, Qiao Yu didn’t know whether to feel relieved or puzzled. Her face was a mix of emotions as she replied with an incredibly complicated feeling: “…Really?”

“Yes.” Lin Qing nodded very seriously, her eyes filled with a hint of complaint. “You always call me Lin Qing, never Qingqing.”

…So what? What’s the big deal?

Sometimes Qiao Yu found it really hard to follow Lin Qing’s train of thought, but at least she could tell that Lin Qing was starting to go off on a tangent again. There was no way to get out of the current predicament without addressing what she cared about, so Qiao Yu had to give an awkward laugh.

“No, it’s just… I call you that way because our relationship is different.”

As soon as she said it, she felt it was wrong. The two of them fell into silence for a while, and Qiao Yu’s face wrinkled in distress. She added with a deadpan expression, “…How about we go for a memory sorting together?”

She said this sincerely, but as soon as the topic shifted to this, Lin Qing’s mood visibly darkened. She hugged Qiao Yu tighter and, after a moment, spoke softly.

“…All this time, you’ve been… watching those things?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“?! What things!”

Qiao Yu was so startled she almost jumped up, hurriedly refuting, “I haven’t watched! I really haven’t watched! I always properly cut off the connection! Didn’t you see that the screen was off when you came?”

This is not something to joke about! Who would watch themselves and their lover in a parallel world… doing that kind of thing every day!

Seeing Qiao Yu so agitated, Lin Qing’s mood suddenly brightened, and she approached with a good mood.

“Haven’t watched? Haven’t listened either?”


Qiao Yu shouted in indignation, feeling aggrieved, watching as Lin Qing’s expression softened, like ice melting in the spring.

“That’s good.” Her voice was gentle but still carried a dangerous coolness, “Don’t watch ‘her’ too much.”

Here it is again. The previous question was interrupted by the sudden turn of events, and now it was brought up again. How deeply did Lin Qing care about this?

Qiao Yu, after regaining her composure, had some guesses about the identity of ‘her’. After hesitating for a while, she chose to ask, “…Are you referring to the Lin Qing from that side?”


Lin Qing admitted it readily, her eyes flashing as if with a hint of challenge, raising her head and slowly pulling Qiao Yu’s hand to her chest.

“She has what I have too.” Lin Qing’s expression was calm, but her words and actions were impulsive, “So why not look at me.”

“Seeing and touching… isn’t that better, Qiao Yu?”


Qiao Yu didn’t dare follow her movements, and immediately drew her hand back as if scalded. Her mind was a jumble of confusion between “Why is Lin Qing angry with her parallel self?” and “Did Lin Qing drink?”, feeling the situation spiraling out of control, her heart pounding with the urge to escape.

“Don’t be so quick to reject me, Qiao Yu.”

Lin Qing’s tone was gentle, but it inexplicably made Qiao Yu feel a calm fervor burning within her. Hesitating, she relaxed her grip, and Lin Qing immediately pressed her hand against her chest.

“You’ve been running for so long. It’s time we talked about what happened before you left.”

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