Big Boss – Chapter 107


One page after another, each stroke and line, all are the bits and pieces that Ci Ke remembers, they are the droplets of her emotions.

They are the bits and pieces since Ye Youqing came here.

A few days ago, those grudges vanished silently with these lines, leaving only full love, making one’s heart surge, and involuntarily cry and laugh.

She was amazed by Ci Ke’s intelligence and sensitivity, and fascinated by Ci Ke’s gentle comfort.

Ye Youqing slightly closed her eyes, slowly exhaled a long breath, used her thumb to wipe away the water stain on the last page of the drawing, carefully folded it, and placed it in the pouch at her waist.

“What did Ci Ke say?” Shi Li saw her shedding tears and asked curiously.

“Comforted me.” Ye Youqing replied softly, a smile involuntarily spreading across her lips.

Ci Ke had always liked her, it couldn’t be better.

Ye Youqing was in a good mood, living steadily, each day passing more leisurely, while others were quite the opposite. As the emperor’s illness worsened, it became impossible for the court to hide it any longer, and even rumors spread among the common people, saying that the sky of Qi was finally going to change.

Most common people didn’t care much, just hoping the new emperor would be wise, while in the court, everyone was on edge, especially those who had staunchly supported the Crown Prince, they were the most terrified, only because the wind had suddenly changed direction in the palace.

According to rumors, the Emperor intends to establish a will, deposing the Crown Prince and appointing the Sixth Prince as the heir apparent. Privately, he frequently discusses state affairs with the Sixth Prince, Song Yi.

Although the Emperor strictly forbade discussions within the palace, public opinion formed like a forest (衆議成林, meaning many opinions converging into a significant force). Even if no one discussed it openly, it quickly swept through the Three Palaces and Six Courts (三宮六院, referring to the various divisions within the imperial palace). In such a situation, some could no longer hold back.

The Sixth Prince noticed several times that someone was secretly spying on her, so she became increasingly cautious. Apart from seeing the Emperor and studying, she mostly stayed in her study, surrounded by numerous shadow guards, giving the Crown Prince no opportunity to exploit.

As the Emperor appeared less and less, indicating his worsening condition, someone finally couldn’t bear it any longer and took action first.

In the year of Gengzi, during the month of Gengchen, it was the Cold Food Festival (寒食節, a traditional Chinese festival where people avoid lighting fires and eat cold food).

On this day, Bianjing was already covered with new greenery. The ground, washed several times by light rain, was lush with green grass. Outside the gates, the sky was clear and blue, orioles flew, and swallows danced. Occasionally, fallen flowers covered the ground, and willows formed clusters like smoke.

On this day, people usually worship their ancestors and go for spring outings. Although internal and external troubles made the situation tense, many commoners still strolled in the suburbs, inserted willow branches to pray for blessings, and from a distance, people were seen in clusters, scattered in pairs and threes by the lakeside.

The first batch of weapons made from refined iron had long been transported to the frontier, greatly boosting morale. Coupled with the new commander’s adept strategies, the Western Xia officials and civilians were exhausted. Qi finally recaptured two cities in a row. The Emperor was overjoyed and, although he did not allow Ye Youqing to leave the city, he did not keep a daily watch on her.

Thus, Ye Youqing had the opportunity to go out for a leisurely stroll.

On the grass, many young ladies sat on the ground, their cloud-like hair in buns, chatting and laughing. Beside them stood scattered young men and women from the academies, setting up their brushes and ink, competing in poetry and painting, making the scene very lively.

Ye Youqing was strolling alone by the lakeside, admiring the scenery while contemplating her thoughts, until she saw from afar a graceful woman in a light green silk dress approaching. Only then did she stop, lowering her hands and gazing.

At first, Ci Ke did not notice Ye Youqing. She was smiling and listening to Ji An’an, who had a pregnant belly, saying something beside her. The silk dress blended with the green grass, making it seem as if the grass was part of her dress, creating a beautiful and enchanting scene.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Behind them followed four or five maidservants, serving them closely. In addition, there was a plain-dressed man with an ordinary face but a tall and slender figure, likely Ji An’an’s husband.

Judging by Ji An’an’s beaming appearance, it seemed that although she married into a modest family, she was living quite well.

As the two got closer, Ye Youqing could already hear their conversation.

“Why stay cooped up indoors all the time? The weather has finally warmed up; you should come out more often,” Ji An’an said with a charming smile, twirling a willow twig in her hand.

Ci Ke did not speak but reached out to support her as she stepped over a small ditch.

“You’re already several months pregnant; you should be more careful,” Ci Ke said softly.

Ji An’an smiled, her face glowing with health. “He originally didn’t allow me to go out, but since it’s the Cold Food Festival, he decided to accompany me on a spring outing.”

“But it will only be for these few days,” Ji An’an’s expression turned more serious as she pushed Ci Ke gently. “In a few days, I won’t be able to come out anymore. It’s better to stay well in the residence.”

“Why?” Ci Ke asked.

“Don’t you know?” Ji An’an pulled Ci Ke closer and whispered in her ear, “My husband said that due to the prolonged warfare at the border, many refugees have become homeless and, unable to bear it, have started uprisings. It is said that the number of participants is increasing.”

“Is that so?” Ji An’an turned to the man and asked. He nodded in acknowledgment.

Ci Ke’s delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly as she reached out to brush away the hair disheveled by the wind, remaining silent.

Seeing her not speak, Ji An’an thought she was frightened and continued, “Now the main army is at the border, and there are few garrison troops in the capital. Although they have sent people to suppress the uprisings, I still fear they might attack Bianjing.”

“I’m still pregnant, and I can’t imagine what things would be like then…” Ji An’an shivered as she spoke. “I just hope His Majesty can quell this matter soon.”

Ci Ke also wore a worried expression and nodded.

A pebble rolled to Ci Ke’s feet. She looked in the direction from which the stone had come, and her steps halted. By the lakeside stood a tall, elegant woman with an otherworldly aura. Her white cloak was billowing in the wind, and her long black hair intertwined with her flowing garments.

Ci Ke stared, unable to resist walking forward, but Ji An’an pulled her back, saying, “Ci Ke, the lakeside is dangerous. Let’s go watch them on the swings instead.”

Ci Ke, being pulled by Ji An’an, turned back every three steps as they walked into the dispersing crowd.

Ye Youqing helplessly turned her head and could only follow slowly.

By the edge of the grassland stood rows of willows. The willow branches swayed gently with the wind. Swings tied with colorful ribbons hung from the trees, swaying in the breeze. Several young girls of the bean stage (豆蔻少女, meaning girls around thirteen to fifteen years old) sat on the swings, their laughter drifting near and far.

Swinging is also one of the customs of the Cold Food Festival, and it is particularly liked by girls. Many young ladies gathered around the swings, looking on enviously.

“Unfortunately, I can’t go up. Ci Ke, you go.” Ji An’an, unable to contain her excitement, pushed Ci Ke forward a step.

“I’ll just watch,” Ci Ke said, smiling as she glanced stealthily back at Ye Youqing.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Go on, it’s rare to have such fun.” Ji An’an blinked her round eyes, pleading with Ci Ke, “I’ll push you.”

Just then, the swing in front of them became vacant. Half-pushed and half-willing, Ci Ke had to sit on it. Ji An’an was about to step forward when her husband stopped her, frowning, “You are with child now. You must not exert yourself. Let a maid push instead.”

Ji An’an was displeased, muttering something under her breath. As they were at an impasse, a female voice sounded.

“I’ll do it.” Ye Youqing stepped out from the crowd and stood behind Ci Ke. Ci Ke’s heart trembled violently. She was about to turn her head, but Ye Youqing patted her gently on the head, making her face forward again.

“Miss Zhou, how about I push you?” Ye Youqing asked with a smile.

Ci Ke tightly gripped the hemp rope in her hand and said, “Alright.”

Ji An’an standing nearby, looked somewhat confused, “This young lady is…?”

“My surname is Chen. I was once invited into the palace, where I met Miss Zhou,” Ye Youqing replied. As she reached out to grab the hemp rope, she also half-held Ci Ke’s hand.

Ci Ke’s palm moved slightly. Ye Youqing’s warm breath was right behind her, arms outstretched, with a strand of hair brushing against Ci Ke’s ear, tickling slightly.

“Push gently,” Ci Ke said softly, her voice involuntarily becoming tender, almost coquettish.

Ye Youqing couldn’t help but smile, responding with a soft “Hmm,” and slowly applied force to push the young lady out and then pull her back. The swing’s rope slowly brushed against the willow branches, swaying together.

Ci Ke closed her eyes slightly, blocking out the surrounding noise. A smile hung on her lips, as if the world contained only the two of them.

Ji An’an exchanged a glance with her husband, feeling that the atmosphere was somewhat unusual, though she couldn’t pinpoint why.

Unfortunately, good times don’t last long. Just as Ci Ke was swinging high, she suddenly heard the chaotic sound of horse hooves approaching from afar. The crowd, which had been calm and harmonious, suddenly erupted like a firecracker thrown into it, with people shouting and running towards the city.

“What is happening?” Ji An’an screamed, her voice sharp, as her husband held her shoulder and pulled her back towards the city. The rest of the people did the same, with cries and shouts filling the air. People pushed and shoved, tripping over each other and falling to the ground.

“Ci Ke!” Ji An’an’s voice grew increasingly distant. She intended to come and take Ci Ke away, but she couldn’t match her husband’s strength and was soon pulled into the crowd, disappearing from sight.

As Ci Ke sensed something was wrong, she instinctively called out Ye Youqing’s name. However, just as the word “Ye” left her mouth, she swallowed it back down. Ye Youqing quickly caught the swing.

Before the swing touched the ground, Ci Ke jumped off, stumbling and letting out a scream as Ye Youqing caught her into her arms.

She was so frightened that her breathing quickened. Unconsciously, she gripped the sleeve of Ye Youqing’s garment and looked around anxiously.

There were several loud bangs of gongs being struck. A troop of horses circled the outskirts of the city, driving the crowd back into the city. Everywhere, people were falling in fright, unable to get up, and being forcibly pushed and pulled by the soldiers.

People were running and shouting to each other, with words like “rebellion,” “traitors,” and “the Crown Prince” being heard sporadically. This made people even more terrified, causing them to flee in panic, only to be driven back into the city by the soldiers.

“Seal the city gates! No one is allowed to leave!” shouted a person on horseback in a rough voice. People kept running past Ye Youqing, and someone nearly collided with the two of them, almost separating them.

Ci Ke kept her lips tightly closed, not making a sound. Only her eyes revealed her current panic until Ye Youqing pushed away the person who had bumped into them and returned to Ci Ke’s side, grabbing her hand and moving with the flow of people into the city.

“Hold tight to me,” Ye Youqing said while taking Ci Ke’s hand with her left hand and wrapping her right arm around Ci Ke’s waist to prevent them from being separated again.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Ye Youqing never expected such an event today. Despite her fright, she understood what was happening, her expression growing more solemn. However, there was also a sense of relief. Thankfully, she had thought of seeing Ci Ke outside the city today; otherwise, if Ci Ke had been left alone outside the city, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

The tall woman was knocked off balance several times, but her steps remained light and steady, and she pulled Ci Ke back up whenever she nearly fell.

At first, Ci Ke was scared, but with Ye Youqing by her side, she quickly calmed down. Without saying a word, she finally followed Ye Youqing through the city gates. There, they saw soldiers forming a human wall, blocking the crowd on the long street and inspecting everyone one by one.

Someone shouted, asking what was happening, but no one responded. People were continually being let back into the city, while others loudly proclaimed their innocence and were dragged away by the soldiers for further investigation.

Several soldiers moved through the crowd, holding portraits and continuously grabbing and searching people. Eventually, they reached the two women and forcibly pulled Ci Ke to the side. After scrutinizing her face, they immediately lightened their grip and respectfully let her pass through the human wall.

“She’s with me!” Ci Ke staggered but managed to stand firm, shouting urgently. However, the soldiers seemed not to hear her, berating and dragging Ye Youqing over. Seeing her well-dressed and unfamiliar face, they reached out to wipe the disguise off her face.

Ye Youqing’s expression darkened as she turned her head to avoid them, but then cries of pain were heard from outside the human wall.

Ci Ke was seen biting down hard on the soldier’s wrist. The soldier, in pain, let go, and Ci Ke pushed him aside with all her might. She then dashed over, back towards Ye Youqing, crashing into her arms and spreading her arms to shield Ye Youqing behind her.

“She is a guest of the Emperor. If you treat her like this, beware of the Emperor’s wrath!” she shouted sternly, with traces of blood remaining at the corners of her mouth.