After Being Scummed – Chapter 76

It’s Teacher Zuo, the white moonlight!

Yin Bai lowered her gaze and said to Zuo Jingyou, “No need. If she really has such intentions, then she should personally come and talk to me, not through you.”

“We’ve moved on from that. She was originally the victim in this matter, and I don’t need her help.”

Given the current level of excitement among Xiao Nian’s fans, if Xiao Nian were to step forward and defend her, saying that they don’t have that kind of relationship or that they were previously involved, would the fans believe it?

No, they wouldn’t.

What these people need is the iron fist of the law, not some clarification statement. We’re all adults here, so we should take responsibility for our own words and actions.

Yin Bai rejected Zuo Jingyou’s proposal and, in the following days, proceeded to take those enthusiastic black-hearted individuals to court one by one. Not only that, Zhang Yu and Xiang Qiu also gathered a pile of evidence chains for Yin Bai, all of which pointed to Mr. Ye, who had previously pleaded with Yin Bai on behalf of his son.

When Yin Bai saw the evidence chain, she sneered and said to Jin Xiangyu, “The weather is getting colder. Let Mr. Ye go bankrupt.”

Jin Xiangyu was speechless at her words and sarcastically commented, “What have you been watching lately? Why do you sound so domineering?”

Yin Bai sighed and said gloomily, “Teacher Zuo confiscated my phone and other electronic devices. Lately, I’ve had Zhang Yu buy me a bunch of novels where the protagonist acts all domineering and runs with the ball to relax my mind.”

In reality, there are many things she can’t do, like physically punishing online keyboard warriors or making those who harm her regret their existence. All of that can only be realized in these nutrition-less, dog-blooded novels.

Thanks to these novels, Yin Bai’s mood improved slightly. In the embrace of Zuo Jingyou, her spirits also found some relief.

Yin Bai’s team acted swiftly. First, they unearthed the mastermind, led by Mr. Ye, and took them all to court. Then, they dealt with the root of the problem by gathering a pile of evidence and reporting the issues with the companies of these few individuals.

Subsequently, following the evidence chains, they dragged out each and every one of those black-hearted individuals and filed lawsuits against them. Furthermore, they issued a strongly-worded and meticulous announcement.

In short, if you defame someone, you must bear the consequences.

Her tough approach slightly salvaged her precarious reputation. After enduring nearly ten days of online violence, a few people changed their tune and said that Yin Bai might not be as bad as they thought.

After all, a casual search of the Galaxy Group online reveals their solid achievements in people’s livelihoods and various charitable activities. Before dating Zuo Jingyou, Yin Bai was quite low-key, and the films she invested in had a good reputation within the industry.

Some netizens calmed down and thought that she might have really been set up. Moreover, the evidence chain was simply irrefutable, forcing them to admit that they had been manipulated.

However, Yin Bai never denied that she had financially supported Xiao Nian. This alone was enough to fuel people’s imagination, especially among Xiao Nian’s fans. Some of them believed that Yin Bai might be a decent person, but she still mistreated Xiao Nian.

Among them, a small fraction of people kept cursing Yin Bai every day for supposedly ruining Xiao Nian’s life for so many years…

Yin Bai couldn’t be bothered to deal with these mentally unstable individuals who suffered from severe persecution delusions.

In the blink of an eye, it was April again, and the annual Thorn Flower Awards were held in Haicheng. Zuo Jingyou, with her film 《Madam》 from the previous year, was nominated for several Thorn Flower awards.

For example, Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actress, and several other major awards…

Even Yin Bai, who had recently been feeling frustrated due to trivial matters, genuinely felt happy about this. It was a shining moment for Zuo Jingyou, and after careful consideration, Yin Bai hesitated for a long time before choosing to step out of her comfort zone and accompany Zuo Jingyou to the venue as her partner.

Today, Yin Bai wore a rare bright-colored outfit, a pure white casual suit. With her cane and the dove-red brooch on her chest, she looked absolutely stunning.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

When Yin Bai’s face was devoid of makeup, she appeared youthful and adorable. However, when she wore a suit, the cute and youthful vibe was diluted by the neutral clothing, replaced by a handsome and delicate charm.

In any case, Zuo Jingyou was very satisfied with her outfit and decided to once again wear a qipao in a blue-and-white porcelain pattern this year.

When Yin Bai saw her in the qipao, she looked incredibly beautiful, and Yin Bai couldn’t help but feel delighted. She blinked her eyes and looked at Zuo Jingyou, saying, “Why another qipao this year? Have you developed a special fondness for wearing qipaos recently?”

Based on her observations, Zuo Jingyou seemed to prefer dresses and casual shirt-pants combinations. She wasn’t particularly fond of clothing that emphasized her figure.

Zuo Jingyou stood in front of the mirror and carefully put on the expensive earrings Yin Bai had given her before turning around, patting Yin Bai’s face, and smiling as she said, “Didn’t someone tell me before that I look best in a qipao? So, when I want to look my most beautiful, of course, I’ll wear a qipao.”

Oh… So she also wore a qipao in front of her last year…

Yin Bai realized belatedly that Zuo Jingyou had developed feelings for her at that time. She raised her hand and touched her nose, feeling a bit embarrassed as she said, “Actually… it’s not just the qipao. You look good in anything you wear.”

Zuo Jingyou raised an eyebrow and smiled, reaching out to playfully flick Yin Bai’s nose, affectionately saying, “You always say such nice things.”

Yin Bai pursed her lips and somewhat sheepishly replied, “Of course, I’m not just saying nice things. It’s because TeacherZuo is naturally good-looking.”

Yin Bai paused for a moment, leaning against Zuo Jingyou’s ear with her cane and whispered softly, “Of course, Teacher Zuo looks best when not wearing any clothes.”

Zuo Jingyou paused for a moment, looked up at Yin Bai, and gently scolded her while biting her lip, “You’re incorrigible.”

Yin Bai chuckled and said, “I was never serious to begin with.”

“Alright, Teacher Zuo, let me help you put on the necklace. Once it’s on, we can set off.”

Zuo Jingyou handed her the necklace and slightly lowered her head, revealing her snowy white neck, whispering softly, “Then I’ll rely on you, Teacher Yin Bai.”

After Zuo Jingyou was dressed neatly, the two of them arrived at the venue by car.

Even though Yin Bai had mentally prepared herself, when she sat in the wheelchair and Zuo Jingyou pushed her into the venue, facing a barrage of questions from the media, Yin Bai instinctively raised her hand and held onto Zuo Jingyou’s hand.

She started feeling scared again… Facing these unfamiliar people, facing those who might have insulted her in private, Yin Bai still felt timid.

She was a timid person, even if she tried her best to protect herself, she would still feel pain from being hurt.

But fortunately, she wasn’t alone.

Zuo Jingyou immediately sensed her unease. She reached out and patted Yin Bai’s hand, lowering her gaze to look at her tenderly, reassuring her, “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”


Yin Bai nodded, and Zuo Jingyou pushed her as they made their way through countless lights, arriving at the signing wall. They both left their signatures in the same spot.

After they finished signing, flashes from all the cameras were directed at their faces, relentlessly capturing the moment.

Countless flashes illuminated their faces as the media went wild, extending microphones forward and bombarding them with questions, “Director Yin, may I ask what your relationship is with Xiao Nian?”

“Is your relationship with Xiao Nian the same as what’s being said online? Was Xiao Nian your former lover?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Did you financially support Xiao Nian in the past?”

Asking knowingly, asking knowingly…

These media outlets are well aware that the situation has already escalated, and they don’t really need them. In order to generate traffic, they’re pouring fuel on the fire once again.

Clearly, today Zuo Jingyou is the protagonist, clearly, Zuo Jingyou has won so many awards…

Yin Bai’s face darkened, her fists clenched tightly, and she remained silent.

Seeing her troubled state, Zuo Jingyou quickly pushed her forward, putting on an appropriate smile as she faced the approaching media and said, “Today is an award ceremony, a celebration for domestic filmmakers. It’s a bit unprofessional for all of you to only focus on rumors about people outside the industry, isn’t it?”

Zuo Jingyou retorted a few sentences and rejected all media interviews, pushing Yin Bai forward with a cold expression.

Just then, there was suddenly a commotion at the entrance. Zuo Jingyou heard someone behind shouting, “Xiao Nian… it’s Xiao Nian and Lu Qing…”

All the camera flashes immediately turned towards Xiao Nian and Lu Qing, just like when they surrounded Yin Bai and Zuo Jingyou earlier, and the cameras went into a frenzy.

They aggressively thrust microphones toward Xiao Nian, pressuring her for information about her and Yin Bai. Xiao Nian remained silent. She turned her head and looked in Yin Bai’s direction. Yin Bai didn’t look back. With a two-meter distance between them, Xiao Nian and Zuo Jingyou, who was pushing Yin Bai, exchanged a glance.

The emotions contained in that glance were so complex that it made Zuo Jingyou’s heart tremble.

Zuo Jingyou sighed and continued pushing Yin Bai forward. “Let’s go, don’t mind this matter. These people will do anything for traffic.”

Yin Bai nodded, suppressing her anger, and allowed Zuo Jingyou to push her into the venue.

Just then, a sudden change occurred.

A man wearing a checkered shirt and glasses, giving off a refined appearance, held a mineral water bottle in his hand. He swiftly maneuvered through the crowd of reporters and came directly beside Yin Bai. When he was just a few steps away from her, he loudly shouted, “Capitalist! Go to hell!”

With a loud shout, he opened the bottle in his hand and splashed it directly towards Yin Bai’s face.

Yin Bai instinctively turned her head to look at the person. Just then, she heard Zuo Jingyou exclaim, “Look out!”

In the next moment, Zuo Jingyou, who was behind her, lunged forward and crouched down, pressing Yin Bai against her chest. The force pushed Yin Bai’s wheelchair back a step. The strong smell of chemicals spread, and fear instantly took over Yin Bai’s heart.

Her entire head was embraced by Zuo Jingyou, like a child falling into a mother’s arms, securely protected by her.

Darkness enveloped Yin Bai, and she could only faintly hear the gasps of the crowd and the man’s insults.

Her head began to buzz, and all the sounds started to distort, becoming surreal. The only real things were the warmth emanating from Zuo Jingyou’s body and the scent that used to be pleasant on her, now mixed with the smell of chemical substances.

Everything started to gradually fade away. She was lying in Zuo Jingyou’s embrace, hearing her strong heartbeat and the momentary sound of enduring pain…

Zuo Jingyou… It was Zuo Jingyou who protected her.

Yin Bai clenched her fists tightly, her eyes turning red in an instant.

Just then, the nearest reporters rushed forward, tackling the man to the ground and firmly restraining him. Amidst the commotion, Xiao Nian and all the media in the vicinity turned their gazes and saw Zuo Jingyou, who was holding Yin Bai in her arms.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Upon seeing the marks that appeared on Zuo Jingyou’s body in an instant, Xiao Nian exclaimed in shock, “Teacher Zuo…”

Teacher Zuo… Zuo Jingyou…

Yin Bai’s heart raced in the midst of chaos. She lifted her hand and cradled Zuo Jingyou’s face. In her blurred vision, she saw Zuo Jingyou biting her lip, her brows furrowed in an anxious manner. Yin Bai called out to her in a panic, “Zuo… Teacher Zuo…”

“How… How are you?” Is it serious… Does it hurt?

Zuo Jingyou bit her lip, furrowing her brows, and said, “It hurts a little…” After speaking, she smiled lightly, lowered her gaze, and looked tenderly at Yin Bai. “Baby… Are you okay?”

Yin Bai looked at the smile on her face, and her vision immediately became blurry. She raised her hand and wiped away the tears like a child, answering with a tearful voice, “I’m fine…”

After responding to Zuo Jingyou, Yin Bai raised her gaze and looked at the event organizer rushing towards them. With red eyes, she roared like a lion, “Quick, call an ambulance for me!”

“I’m going to sue him! Call the police! Call the police for me!”

She wanted this person, locked up for the rest of their life, never to see the outside world again!

LP: NOOO!!!! I was expecting fluff, not this! F***!!!