After Being Scummed – Chapter 64

basking in good fortune~

Zuo Jingyou watched for a while and smiled, raising an eyebrow. Looking at the three people on the sofa in the living room, who were having a lively time, she called out, “Alright, stop making a fuss. Go wash your hands and have dinner.”

“Yay!” The two children cheered and happily hurried off to wash their hands.

Because Yin Bai had trouble with her legs and feet and was too lazy to use a cane recently, she had to sit in a wheelchair and follow behind them, saying helplessly, “Be careful and don’t fall.”

The children weren’t afraid of falling at all. Instead, they saw Yin Bai’s slow speed and eagerly urged her, “Hurry up, Hurry up! Mom made so many delicious dishes. I’m hungry! It’s time to eat!”

Alright, alright. Eating is the most important.

After the three “kids” finished washing their hands, Yin Bai also cleaned her face and then let her little companions push her to the dining room.

Zuo Jingyou prepared a very sumptuous dinner and enjoyed it thoroughly. After the meal, she finally brought out the highlight of the day—the cake she made with her own hands.

The children cheered, “Cut the cake, cut the cake! Make a wish and cut the cake!”

Yin Bai nodded busily, “Alright, alright, don’t rush. Shouldn’t we light the candles first?”

Tongtong brought edible candles and waved them excitedly in front of Yin Bai, saying, “Here, how many candles does Fairy Sister want?”

Wenwen cheerfully answered on behalf of Yin Bai, “Fairy Sister is much, much older than us… She must be many, many years old. Let’s put all the candles in!”

Yin Bai was shocked and quickly interrupted, “Why put so many? Do you want to turn the cake into a hedgehog?”

Zuo Jingyou, who had put so much effort into making the cake, didn’t want it to be ruined like that!

On the side, Zuo Jingyou saw the interaction between the three of them and couldn’t help but suppress a smile. She raised her hand and gently ruffled her daughter’s smooth black hair, saying indulgently, “Tongtong, Fairy Sister is an adult. You don’t need to worry about her age. Just put three candles.”

Tongtong held the candles and leaned on the table, tilting her head to look at Zuo Jingyou, “Mom, why only three? Does that mean Fairy Sister is actually only three years old?”

Upon hearing this, Yin Bai immediately wanted to retort. Three years old? She was thirty years old, for heaven’s sake!

Before she could speak, Zuo Jingyou ruffled her daughter’s head, her lips curved upwards, and she said tenderly, “Of course not. Three candles signify ‘I love you’.”

“The best birthday wishes, besides ‘Happy Birthday,’ can also be ‘I love you’!”

Yin Bai, who was nearby, couldn’t help but raise her gaze and glance at Zuo Jingyou. She thought to herself, so this is how Zuo Jingyou usually teaches the children. No wonder her little companions come up with such twisted ideas.

But ‘I love you’…

Confessing in front of her little companions. Somehow, it feels… a little embarrassing.

Yin Bai raised her hand and rubbed her ear, saying shyly, “Alright, let’s go with that decision. Help me put in three candles!”

Zuo Jingyou lowered her gaze and glanced at her with a hint of amusement in her eyes.

“Okay!” Tongtong readily agreed and handed one candle to Wenwen. Together, they inserted the three candles into the cake.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Zuo Jingyou took out a lighter and lit the candles. Yin Bai took out her phone, ready to turn off the lights in the room.

At that moment, Zuo Jingyou spoke up and said, “Wait a minute…”

Yin Bai looked up, puzzled.

Zuo Jingyou raised an eyebrow and smiled at her, saying, “We still need to make some preparations. Wait for me for a moment.”

As Zuo Jingyou said that, she turned and walked to the cabinet in the dining room where items were placed. She took out a small crown and approached Yin Bai.

Yin Bai looked at the “crown” in Zuo Jingyou’s hand and exclaimed in surprise, “When did you put it there?”

“I placed it when I came over today,” Zuo Jingyou replied. She then playfully placed the crown on Yin Bai’s head and smiled, “The Little Prince celebrating his birthday must have a crown, right?”

She reached out and gently poked Yin Bai’s fair cheek, smiling as she said, “Don’t you think so too?”

Yin Bai, wearing the “crown” on her head, nodded shyly, “Yes.”

“Alright, let’s blow out the candles.”


After Yin Bai agreed, she pressed the button on her phone, causing all the lights in the room to go out simultaneously.

Darkness instantly enveloped the entire dining room. In the spacious room, only the three candle flames flickered softly.

In the dim candlelight, Yin Bai saw her young companions sitting beside her, rhythmically clapping their hands, their eyes shining brightly as they looked at her. “Happy birthday to you…”

“Happy birthday to you…”

The light reflected in the children’s eyes seemed to illuminate their pure and innocent souls. Yin Bai felt a wave of emotion in her heart. She looked up and met Zuo Jingyou’s gaze, seeing the same fiery light in her eyes.

In the dim world, Zuo Jingyou gazed at Yin Bai with tenderness in her eyes. “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you~”

“Yin Bai, I wish you eternal happiness!”

Yin Bai looked into her eyes reflecting the flickering flames and felt a fire igniting in her heart, a warmth that was indescribable.

Since her grandmother passed away, she hadn’t had such a lively birthday celebration in twelve years.

Although Jin Xiangyu and the others would celebrate with her every year, it was more about the warmth between friends. What Zuo Jingyou brought was a different feeling.

The feeling Zuo Jingyou gave her was one of greater security, one that made her feel stable and lasting. It was a feeling that she could forever cherish in this moment.

It was… the feeling of home.

Yin Bai let out a soft sigh and, under the gaze of the person she cherished, closed her eyes and made a wish: even if they might eventually part ways, it didn’t matter. She wanted her love with Zuo Jingyou to last a little longer, to prolong this sweet time.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

With so much sweetness, even if Zuo Jingyou would eventually depart, she could still savor these moments throughout her lifetime.

To be loved by someone like Zuo Jingyou, how could she possibly develop feelings for someone else in her remaining years?

This birthday banquet finally came to a perfect end when the children had reached their bedtime.

Yin Bai pushed the wheelchair and accompanied Zuo Jingyou and the children back to the neighboring house.

However, after stepping out of the house with the children, Yin Bai suddenly felt some regret. Although Zuo Jingyou lived next door, Yin Bai had been spending time with Zuo Jingyou at her own house during the day and then sending her back home at night, all for the sake of her little companions.

After experiencing such warmth in Zuo Jingyou’s embrace, it was actually difficult to bear the thought of letting her return alone to the cold night.

Especially on this special day, after such a heartwarming gathering, Yin Bai felt even more reluctant to part with the person she loved.

When they reached the entrance of Zuo Jingyou’s house, Yin Bai sat in the wheelchair, looking at Zuo Jingyou with eyes full of reluctance.

She sat under the dim streetlight, pitifully gazing at Zuo Jingyou, like a little puppy about to be abandoned.

Zuo Jingyou couldn’t bear to see her like this. She pursed her lips and thought for a moment before extending an invitation to Yin Bai, “It’s still early. Would you like to come in and sit for a while?”

Yin Bai’s eyes instantly lit up, “Okay!”

She nodded vigorously and cheered with her little companions before pushing the wheelchair into Zuo Jingyou’s house.

Yin Bai played with the children for a while longer before they washed up and went to sleep. Feeling somewhat disappointed, she reluctantly prepared to leave.

Happy moments are always fleeting. Just tasting a bit of sweetness can make the bitterness become even more apparent.

After leaving Zuo Jingyou’s house, Yin Bai looked up at her with a melancholic expression and said, “Perhaps I shouldn’t have come in and played for a while longer. I feel that the current me is even sadder than I was an hour ago.”

Ah… what should I do now that I’m even more reluctant?

She even entertained the thought of kidnapping Zuo Jingyou!

Zuo Jingyou smiled and reached up to ruffle Yin Bai’s hair, looking at her with a playful expression. “Alright then, I’ll come over to keep you company tonight.”

Yin Bai’s eyes instantly lit up. “Really?”

“Really!” Zuo Jingyou nodded, leaning down gently and saying, “Wait for me while I go get some clean clothes~”

After Zuo Jingyou finished speaking, she turned back to her house. Yin Bai waited at the doorstep for a while, and once Zuo Jingyou retrieved her clean clothes and locked up her house, she pushed Yin Bai back to her own home.

In this enchanting night, Yin Bai let go of her slight uneasiness and happily took a bath with Zuo Jingyou.

She soaked her whole body in the hot water, resting against Zuo Jingyou’s soft body. With one hand playing with the water, she looked up at Zuo Jingyou and said in a playful tone, “Teacher Zuo, you’re such a good person. You organized a birthday party for me, cooked for me, and even made me a cake! You’re the best person in the world!”

Zuo Jingyou raised her hand and tapped Yin Bai’s forehead gently, smiling as she said, “Isn’t that what I should do?”

But where in the world are there things that people should do? It’s just that Zuo Jingyou particularly cherishes her.

Yin Bai secretly gave Zuo Jingyou a mental checkmark in her heart and decided that in the future, on special occasions and holidays, she would also show Zuo Jingyou the same thoughtfulness and surprises.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

While she was thinking about this, Zuo Jingyou lifted her hand and pinched Yin Bai’s ear, asking casually, “By the way, why were those two children causing such a commotion around you before dinner?”

Yin Bai nodded, playing with the water and smiling as she replied, “It’s because Tongtong said that today is my birthday and I’m a lucky star. So if she kisses me, she can share in the luck and tomorrow she can come first in her exams.”

Yin Bai leaned against Zuo Jingyou’s shoulder, looking up at her with a careful expression and said, “Speaking of which, she said you told her that…”

“Hmm? Is that so?” Zuo Jingyou thought for a moment and vaguely remembered that there was such a thing.

She curved her eyebrows and smiled, leaning down to look at Yin Bai. “Since you’re a lucky star, then I guess I can also bask in some good fortune.”

“I hope Teacher Yin Bai can bless my career from now on and make everything go smoothly.”

As Zuo Jingyou spoke, she embraced Yin Bai’s shoulders and pulled her into her embrace, leaning down to give her a kiss.

Yin Bai endured her kiss and as Zuo Jingyou’s hand moved downward, she thought, “Oh no, there’s nowhere to hide in this place. It looks like I’ll have to confess here today.”

But who cares! Being happy with a loved one is all that matters!