After Being Scummed – Chapter 60

Let the rumors fly again

The two spent more than ten hours on the plane, and when they flew back to Haicheng, it happened to be early the next morning.

Even though the plane ride was comfortable for Yin Bai, after getting off the plane, Zuo Jingyou still felt a slight discomfort in her waist. Seeing her furrow her brows and looking uncomfortable, Yin Bai kindly suggested, “How about this, you can sit in my wheelchair when we leave the airport. It’s convenient and comfortable.”

Zuo Jingyou couldn’t help but smile wryly, giving Yin Bai a gentle glance. She said helplessly, “I’m not injured. There’s no need to exaggerate by using a wheelchair.”

“Oh, come on. There won’t be many people at the airport in the morning anyway. Just give it a try. Who said only injured people can use wheelchairs? Wheelchairs are just a convenient means of transportation for those who feel unwell.”

She said with confidence, and Zuo Jingyou looked at her tenderly, saying lightly, “Yeah, just a means of transportation. Then why didn’t you use it before?”

Even though using a wheelchair would be more convenient for Yin Bai, she often appeared to be struggling, leaning on a cane when she was out.

Yin Bai didn’t expect Zuo Jingyou to dare discuss this issue with her. She blinked, looking at Zuo Jingyou with an innocent expression, “No, I do use a wheelchair sometimes. It’s just that most of the disabled access in the country is not well-built, so I usually use a cane…”

“In places with convenient paths, I still prefer using a wheelchair.”

Yin Bai thought for a moment, sighed, and said with great openness, “I used to feel strange being stared at when using a wheelchair, so I started using a cane. But with a cane, people still look at me strangely…”

“A limp person, no matter what posture, will attract curious glances. Instead of worrying about that, why not think about how to make oneself more comfortable?”

At this moment, Yin Bai’s mindset had undergone a significant change compared to half a year ago.

Zuo Jingyou was surprised by Yin Bai’s transformation but even more pleased that she had such awareness. Unable to resist, she held Yin Bai’s hand and softly said, “It’s the best that you can think this way.”

“In one’s lifetime, the goal is to be happy. Being happy oneself is the most important, regardless of what others think.”

Zuo Jingyou was a clear-headed person. Whatever she wanted at the moment, she would strive to pursue and cherish. Just like her attitude towards Yin Bai at this very moment.

However, if someone made her sad or unhappy, she wouldn’t tolerate it. For example, regarding He Zhiwen, she would decisively cut ties and not let anything else entangle her.

She was such a resilient and free-spirited woman—although at times, for various reasons, she would still occasionally care about what others thought. But overall, she was such a carefree person.

Zuo Jingyou patted Yin Bai’s shoulder and encouraged her, saying, “In the future, when you’re with me, if using a cane feels uncomfortable, then use a wheelchair. If you don’t want to control the wheelchair yourself, I’ll push you.”

In any case, Zuo Jingyou wouldn’t let Yin Bai be alone.

Yin Bai agreed with a nod and earnestly invited Zuo Jingyou to sit in her wheelchair. Of course, Zuo Jingyou ultimately didn’t sit, considering Yin Bai needed the wheelchair more than she did.

In the end, it was Yin Bai who sat in the wheelchair.

Early in the morning, Zuo Jingyou, dressed in a light beige windbreaker, pushed Yin Bai in a wheelchair as they walked out from the exit. When they arrived at the airport lobby, they coincidentally encountered a group of fans waiting to greet a popular girl group.

Zuo Jingyou, with her delicate makeup and an unmasked face, was immediately recognized by fans who remembered her face.

One fan excitedly shouted, “It’s Zuo Jingyou!”

“It’s Teacher Zuo!”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Upon hearing this shout, Zuo Jingyou immediately turned the wheelchair around and headed in the opposite direction. However, the fans were enthusiastic and quickly surrounded Zuo Jingyou, the wheelchair-bound Yin Bai, and the rather competent third wheel, Zhang Yu, who was standing nearby.

This group of female fans were genuine star-chasers, regularly navigating through various popular lily CPs in a certain entertainment circle. Naturally, they had seen the photo of Yin Bai and Zuo Jingyou together.

Upon recognizing that the person in the wheelchair was Yin Bai, they couldn’t contain their gossiping hearts. They looked at Zuo Jingyou, then at Yin Bai in the wheelchair, sighing about how both were beautiful women. Meanwhile, they pondered the nature of the relationship between these two.

Unlike the previous paparazzi, these fans were more reasonable. When Zuo Jingyou sighed and asked them not to crowd together to avoid a stampede, they spontaneously spread out on both sides, protecting Yin Bai and Zuo Jingyou as they left the airport.

They surrounded Zuo Jingyou, cautiously asking, “Teacher Zuo, why did you appear at the airport so early? Were you rushing for work?”

One fan familiar with her schedule asked, “Teacher Zuo, weren’t you recently on a field trip in Xinjiang? Did you finish the trip and come back?”

Zuo Jingyou continued to push Yin Bai forward, wearing a gentle smile on her face, and explained in a warm tone, “Yes, I went on a field trip and came back unexpectedly due to some matters.”

The fans expressed their sympathy, saying she must have been through a lot. Zuo Jingyou insisted it wasn’t hard and asked why they were at the airport so early, wondering whose arrival they were anticipating.

The fans mentioned the name of the girl group, and Zuo Jingyou remarked that girls liked by them must be exceptionally talented and deserving of their admiration.

The young idols were praised, and the fans were delighted.

Zuo Jingyou was well-known in the entertainment circle for her kindness, so her reputation was exceptionally high. With this wave of gentle tactics, even some fans who were not initially fond of her felt a flutter of curiosity.

When they were about halfway through the lobby, a bolder fan asked if they could take a photo together.

Zuo Jingyou thought for a moment, glanced down at Yin Bai, her eyes showing hesitation.

Yin Bai raised her hand, patted Zuo Jingyou’s hand, and nodded.

Alright, since her girlfriend agreed, Zuo Jingyou let the young fans take a photo with her in a corner. After the photo, the young fan’s face turned red with excitement. Looking at Yin Bai in the wheelchair, she tentatively asked, “Can I take a photo with you and Teacher Zuo?”

Yin Bai raised her hand, pointed at herself, and asked in return, “Me?”

The young fan excitedly nodded, “Yes, yes, yes…”

Before Yin Bai could respond, Zuo Jingyou, smiling, interrupted the young fan’s thoughts, “Sorry, it’s not possible. She’s not part of our entertainment circle, and it’s not convenient for her to appear in public.”

The surrounding fans looked a bit disappointed.

Seeing this, Yin Bai thought for a moment and then looked up at Zuo Jingyou seriously, saying, “It’s not like that. If it’s a photo with you, Teacher Zuo, I have no problem with it~”

Zuo Jingyou lowered her gaze, looking somewhat surprised as she asked, “Really?”

Yin Bai blinked, looking as if it were a matter of course, “When have I ever lied to you?” With Zuo Jingyou, there was no problem even if it was made public.

In fact, she was super hopeful for it to be made public.

After all, when people find happiness, they want to shout it from the rooftops!

Zuo Jingyou understood the meaning in her eyes and smiled, “Alright, as long as you agree~”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

So, Zuo Jingyou supported Yin Bai’s wheelchair with one hand and with the other draped over Yin Bai’s shoulder. Yin Bai raised her hand and held the hand that Zuo Jingyou placed on her shoulder. In front of the camera, they smiled tenderly.

The assistant Zhang Yu, on the side, quickly pulled out her phone and, along with the fans, snapped many photos.

After taking the pictures, Zhang Yu swiftly opened WeChat and sent the set of photos to Jin Xiangyu, saying, “After being fed dog food for a week, now it’s your turn to have a taste!”

Jin Xiangyu, who usually only responded to work-related matters like a machine, replied with a long string of exclamation marks in no time!

“! ! ! ! ! ! What does this mean? Is BOSS now together with Teacher Zuo?”

Having held onto this piece of gossip for nearly a week, Zhang Yu felt a sense of relief seeing Jin Xiangyu’s shocked reaction. She replied quickly, tapping on her phone, “Yes! And it was Teacher Zuo who pursued her!”

In her phone, Zhang Yu quickly recounted how Yin Bai escaped to Tibet, how she fled in a panic, and finally, how Teacher Zuo pursued her from afar. She detailed how they sprinkled dog food, concluding with, “BOSS has become even more dramatic!”

“But it’s okay, from now on, Teacher Zuo will be at the forefront, enduring BOSS’s dramatics for us!”

Jin Xiangyu: “……”

She remained silent for a while and then typed out a profound statement, “Teacher Zuo is true love!”

For their BOSS, who was a bit of a drama queen, they really needed someone who could handle her. Teacher Zuo, mature, steady, and considerate, was a perfect match for their BOSS!

After Zuo Jingyou and Zhang Yu settled the fans, they pushed Yin Bai out of the airport. Zhang Yu accompanied them in the airport shuttle, and on the way back to the villa, she eagerly scrolled through Weibo. As expected, she came across the figure of Yin Bai and Zuo Jingyou surrounded by fans at the airport, posted everywhere by marketing accounts.

Perhaps out of concern that Yin Bai might hold them accountable, both of their faces were blurred in the photos, making it difficult to see clearly.

Although the photos were blurry, the headline was attention-grabbing: “Zuo Jingyou appears at the airport with a new love, both wearing turtlenecks, radiant~”

As Zhang Yu scrolled through Weibo and complained about the marketing accounts, she couldn’t help but think it was almost winter here. Although the weather was warm, what was wrong with wearing turtlenecks?

Just as Zhang Yu was slyly commenting, Zuo Jingyou in the backseat received a call from her manager.

Once the call was connected, Kong Tianyi’s voice came through clearly, “Jingyou, this time, you left Tibet without bringing Yang Yi with you. Did you go to see Director Yin?”

Zuo Jingyou lowered her gaze, glanced at Yin Bai resting with her eyes closed on her shoulder, and nodded, saying, “Yes, what’s the matter?”

Kong Tianyi’s tone suddenly became anxious, “Are you in a relationship? Or are you planning to get married? You have to tell me, so I know what you’re planning…”

Zuo Jingyou nodded and confessed, “Yes, I’m in a relationship.”

Kong Tianyi choked for a moment and cautiously asked, “So, what are your plans now… are you going public?” Although Zuo Jingyou wasn’t a rising star in her career and had gradually transitioned into directing, not worrying much about scandals, publicly announcing a relationship was still a significant matter for people like them.

In any case, it’s essential to make good use of this momentum and create some buzz.

Although Zuo Jingyou herself didn’t have this idea, Kong Tianyi, as her manager, couldn’t help but think ahead.


Hearing this word, Yin Bai, who was pretending to sleep on Zuo Jingyou’s shoulder, perked up her ears, eagerly awaiting Zuo Jingyou’s next words.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Zuo Jingyou raised her lips, nonchalantly saying, “Whatever, whether it’s public or not, it’s not just about me. I also need to consider the feelings of my partner.”

Upon hearing this, Yin Bai, who was lying on her shoulder, couldn’t help but raise the corners of her lips.

Though her smile was subtle, Zuo Jingyou still caught a glimpse of it. Zuo Jingyou chuckled and raised her hand to pinch Yin Bai’s ear, gently saying, “You don’t need to worry too much about this kind of thing; it’s just dating.”

After soothing Yin Bai a bit more, Zuo Jingyou hung up Kong Tianyi’s call.

She placed her phone aside, reached out to embrace Yin Bai, and extended her fingers to delicately stroke Yin Bai’s long eyelashes. Leaning down, she softly asked in Yin Bai’s ear, “Teacher Yin Bai, do you want to make our relationship public?”

With closed eyes, Yin Bai felt that Zuo Jingyou’s voice sounded like it came from another world, melodic and enchanting.

She pursed her lips, stifling a smile as she thought for a while. Eventually, unable to resist, she raised her gaze and looked at Zuo Jingyou, saying, “I think…”

Zuo Jingyou blinked and used her thumb to stroke Yin Bai’s cheek, asking, “You think what?”

Yin Bai tilted her head back, gazing at her with those beautiful gray-blue eyes, and said very seriously, “Surprises are better unveiled bit by bit.”

“At this moment, let the rumors between me and Teacher Zuo fly a little longer!”