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Peerless Beauty – Chapter 7


Blowing air in her ear, what does that count as?

Lu Yinxi looked at the moon, slowly tidying up her fragile emotions, and nearly jumped in fright when she turned around.

There stood a doctor in a white lab coat.

In the hospital, it’s hard to recognize people wearing white lab coats and masks, but Lu Yinxi immediately recognized that it was Jian Qing.

On the bed, she would strip people of their clothes without a word, but off the bed, she was a proper, otherworldly refined scoundrel. She only knew this one person.

That scoundrel leaned silently against the wall, with a beautiful, indifferent face showing no expression, holding a bag of small bread in her hand.

Lu Yinxi walked over: “When did you come?”

Jian Qing didn’t answer, nor did she ask why Lu Yinxi’s eyes were red like a little rabbit’s. She just handed the small bread in her hand to her.

Lu Yinxi hesitated for a moment, then reached out to take it.

She was indeed so hungry that her stomach was sticking to her back.

Tearing open the packaging of the small bread, smelling the rich milky aroma, Lu Yinxi almost swallowed it in one bite.

Jian Qing watched her silently, fearing she might choke, went to the nearby vending machine, and bought her a drink.

Lu Yinxi sipped it slowly, her understanding of Jian Qing’s thoughtfulness deepening.

The next day, Jian Qing was on research duty, spending the whole morning in the central lab.

The Oncology Center lab of the First Affiliated Hospital has dedicated researchers and doctors who rotate for research duty from clinical practice.

Jian Qing’s left palm was injured, making some operations inconvenient, so Lu Yinxi was dragged into the lab to run errands, record data, and do miscellaneous tasks, working hard without complaint.

Research duty is relatively leisurely. In the afternoon, Jian Qing took the work home.

Outside, light snow was falling. Inside, it was quiet except for the sound of keyboard typing.

Back home, Lu Yinxi didn’t have to do miscellaneous tasks. Feeling bored, she found a tape measure and straightened her back to measure her height.

167 cm, about 1.5 cm shorter than her real body.

She held the tape measure, talking to herself: “I think I can still grow taller.”

Grow to the same height as in the real world.

The keyboard typing paused. Jian Qing glanced at Lu Yinxi and suddenly said, “You are 20 years old.”

Actually, her psychological age is 25.

Lu Yinxi wanted to act young, indifferent: “So what if I’m 20? Maybe my growth plates haven’t closed yet, I can still grow taller, taller than you.”

Jian Qing seemed a bit over 170 cm, with long legs, a thin waist, and a well-proportioned figure, good enough to make Lu Yinxi a bit jealous.

Jian Qing withdrew her gaze, said nothing, and the “tap tap tap” sound of typing on the keyboard became more brisk.

Indeed, she was a very young child.

Young enough to still be teething, with red-rimmed eyes from pain, swaying in front of a certain doctor, seemingly wanting to be asked a few questions and hear some caring words.

Jian Qing deliberately did not ask or say anything, pretending not to see, her slender fingers continued to type on the keyboard.

Lu Yinxi finally couldn’t hold it back, moved closer, and took the initiative to say: “My tooth really hurts, I’m getting a wisdom tooth.”

Jian Qing didn’t lift her eyes: “I work in oncology, not dentistry.”

A falsely indifferent attitude.

Lu Yinxi covered her face, bent down to look at Jian Qing, and vaguely responded: “I’m not asking you to pull my tooth, the oncology department can also treat pain.”

About 60%~80% of late-stage patients develop cancer pain. The hope of curing late-stage cancer is slim, and what doctors can do is very limited. Pain relief is one of them.

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Jian Qing raised her stitched left hand and said indifferently: “I don’t treat violent medical personnel.”

Lu Yinxi, desperate for medical help, lightly tugged at her clothes: “Dr. Jian, one thing at a time, Hippocrates is watching you from above, doctors should have a conscience, you took an oath.”

You can’t be so petty and vengeful.

Jian Qing looked at her, recalling the long-forgotten medical student’s oath and the Hippocratic Oath, then faintly replied, leaned forward, her lips almost touching her earlobe: “Student Lu, I have no conscience.”

After saying that, she gently blew a breath of warm air into her ear.

The warm air brushed against her ear, itchy and tingly, causing Lu Yinxi to get goosebumps. She covered her ear, staggered back a step, and almost fell to the ground.

She glared at the woman on the sofa.

The woman nonchalantly continued typing on the keyboard.

Not even looking at her.

Her heart pounded, her ears burning, Lu Yinxi blushed, covered her ears, and rubbed them forcefully.


If you want to seduce someone, see who you’re dealing with.

She’s not a man, what does blowing air in her ear count as?

Cursing in her heart for a while, Lu Yinxi suddenly remembered—

The sponsor and the canary.

Ugh, scoundrel!

Lu Yinxi ignored Jian Qing and pitifully rummaged through the medicine box.

The tingling sensation from the warm air in her ear lingered, and while feeling the heat in her ear, Lu Yinxi couldn’t help but wonder if that block of ice was bisexual or just liked women.

Why care? Who cares if she likes men or women!

Another voice of frustration popped into her mind. Lu Yinxi shook her head, pushed aside those messy thoughts, and focused on rummaging through the medicine box, hoping to find some ibuprofen for the pain.

The medicine box was large, with different drugs and disposable medical instruments sorted into categories.

As Lu Yinxi rummaged through it, she found several boxes of morphine hydrochloride tablets and many bottles of sevoflurane.

Morphine is used to relieve cancer pain and acute severe pain, and sevoflurane is a commonly used general anesthetic in anesthesiology, small doses can knock a person out.

These two drugs have strong addictive properties, abuse can cause dependence, and overdose can lead to death.

In the book, later on, Jian Qing used these narcotics to kill many people, and in the end, she also swallowed and injected a large amount of drugs, lying in the snow, silently waiting for death.

Seeing Lu Yinxi rummaging for a long time and only finding a few boxes of narcotics, Jian Qing walked over, took the drugs from her hand, and set them aside.

Lu Yinxi was sweating from the pain, her soft hair sticking to her ears, looking pitiful.

Jian Qing stared at her for a few seconds, then brushed her hair aside, took an electronic thermometer, and scanned her forehead with a “beep.”

Forehead temperature 36.8℃, no fever.

“Open your mouth.”

Her chin was held, this time it wasn’t teasing, Lu Yinxi didn’t struggle, obediently opened her mouth: “Ah——”

Cold fingers touched and pressed her jaw, feeling the size of the lymph nodes, she frowned, enduring the pain.

After looking and touching, Jian Qing asked: “On a scale from 0 to 10, how would you rate your pain?”

The numerical rating scale is a common method for quantifying pain, from 0 to 10 in increasing order.

Lu Yinxi pouted: “6, it hurts a lot.”

4~6 is considered moderate pain. The oncology department has many patients with severe pain rated 7~10. Jian Qing was used to it, her face indifferent, asking: “Any gastrointestinal diseases or drug allergies?”

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Besides symptomatic treatment, the potential side effects of drugs must be considered. Some drugs irritate the gastric mucosa (lining of the stomach), some people are allergic to certain drugs, and some drugs cannot be used together.

Lu Yinxi recalled the memories of this body, shaking her head: “None… I haven’t taken any other drugs recently.”

Jian Qing handed her amoxicillin and metronidazole: “Rinse with saline, take two tablets each, three times a day, after meals, eat light, don’t drink alcohol, take ibuprofen as needed.”

After saying that, she casually squeezed some hand sanitizer and rubbed it, turning to continue working on her paper.

Lu Yinxi grabbed her clothes, not letting her go.

Her clothes were pulled, Jian Qing stopped, looked at Lu Yinxi, and raised an eyebrow slightly.

Lu Yinxi lowered her eyes, saying nothing.

Black and white words transformed into frames of images, constantly flashing in her mind, the scene of Jian Qing lying in the snow, waiting for death.

She wanted to say something but didn’t know if she should.

The pain made her unable to think clearly. After hesitating for a long time, she finally spoke: “Medicine is for saving lives, don’t use it to do bad things, okay?”

Medicine is for treating and saving lives.

Don’t use it to end others’ lives.

Don’t use it to end your own life.

Jian Qing looked at Lu Yinxi, not understanding why this child suddenly said such strange things.

She looked at the morphine and sevoflurane in the medicine box, silently thought for a moment, and asked: “What bad things can I do, take drugs?”

Indeed, when she was in the ER, she encountered some criminals with drug addictions, pretending to have late-stage cancer and severe pain to obtain morphine injections.

Lu Yinxi didn’t answer, just gripped her clothes tighter, with a stance that she wouldn’t let go without a promise.

Jian Qing was somewhat exasperated.

“Okay, I won’t do bad things.” Still a somewhat indifferent tone, but with a hint of helplessness like coaxing a child, “Go take your medicine, then we’ll go to the hospital.”

Having received the promise, Lu Yinxi let go of her clothes, covered her cheek, and asked: “Why go to the hospital, didn’t you say I could rest this afternoon?”

Jian Qing glanced at her, stretched out her hand, and lightly flicked her forehead: “Take an X-ray, pull your tooth.”

In the dental department.

After the X-ray, the dentist read the film directly on the computer, looked at Lu Yinxi, and said with a smile: “Little girl, you look beautiful, your teeth are quite unique too. Two horizontally growing wisdom teeth, very symmetrical, they both need to be pulled.”

Hearing this, Lu Yinxi puffed her cheeks, almost fainting into Jian Qing’s arms.

The growth of wisdom teeth is quite arbitrary, they can grow horizontally, obliquely, or upright.

Horizontally growing teeth, medically termed horizontally impacted teeth, are close to the nerves, with high extraction risks, great difficulty, and severe post-operative reactions.

Often, patients cry and sob, and tears flow after the anesthesia wears off.

Jian Qing showed no sympathy: “We’ll bring her for extraction after the inflammation subsides.”

The dentist nodded cheerfully: “Let my students observe and learn too.”

In teaching hospitals, doctors with teaching duties love patients with typical symptoms, eager to grab all students to learn.

Thus, on the day of Lu Yinxi’s tooth extraction, she was surrounded by circles of interns in white lab coats.

The dentist held her face, slowly explaining to the students: “Look, for her impacted tooth, we need to cut the gum, flap it to expose the crown, and then segment the tooth, removing it piece by piece…”

The light was too glaring, the words too frightening, Lu Yinxi closed her eyes, her fingers tightly gripping her clothes.

Once the anesthesia took effect, the extraction began.

It felt like a construction team was in her mouth, hammering, prying, and drilling, making a racket, with the taste of blood mixed with the latex of medical gloves, and the whispers of students in her ears.

Lu Yinxi frowned, enduring the discomfort, fully cooperating with the dentist’s actions.

No one likes to be used as a teaching specimen, surrounded by strangers, in a state of fear and anxiety.

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But teaching is the foundation of medical inheritance, passed down from generation to generation.

There may be geniuses in painting and music, but in biological and medical fields, there are no geniuses, only accumulation little by little.

The growth of any doctor relies on the accumulation of numerous cases, it is a field that greatly values practice and experience.

Lu Yinxi understood this and willingly acted as a guinea pig for the interns to observe and learn.

The final stitching was also done by the intern.

The intern was visibly nervous, the knots were not smooth, and his hands trembled a bit. By the time the stitching was done, the local anesthetic had worn off.

When Jian Qing finished her work and came to pick up Lu Yinxi, she was sitting quietly beside the IV stand, with her hands on her knees.

She was biting on a cotton swab, looked at Jian Qing, her face pale, cheeks swollen like a hamster, too painful to say a word, even swallowing was like being cut by a knife.

The dentist cheerfully praised: “Your little girl is so well-behaved, does whatever she’s told, doesn’t cry or fuss.”

Lu Yinxi glanced at the dentist, silently thinking: That’s because I’m too exhausted from the pain to cry out, your student’s skill level is too poor…

Jian Qing came in from the snowy outdoors, bringing in the cold. She placed her hand on Lu Yinxi’s head, gently rubbed twice, and said indifferently: “Don’t be fooled by her appearance, she might be cursing in her heart.”

Lu Yinxi: …

You’re talking nonsense!

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