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Panda Cub – Chapter 94

Parent-Child Variety Show 5

She will taste something sweet

He Ying looked at their interaction, a slight smile appeared on her lips. Somehow, seeing Daidai’s current feeding behavior, she thought of her past self. Wasn’t she just like this when she fed Jing Dan in the past?

Suddenly, her expression stiffened, and a thought flashed through her mind.

Daidai is interested in Bei Queting?!

She was startled by this thought. Looking closely at Daidai’s pure and soft demeanor, she felt it was unlikely.

Daidai is only four years old, what could she understand about these things? Feelings are still far away for her.

After Daidai and Bei Queting finished eating, Daidai took the kite from He Ying’s hand again, pointed at the kite flying in the sky shaped like a little chubby bird, and turned to Bei Queting with a bright smile, “Look! You’re flying in the sky!”

Bei Queting followed her pointing direction and then traced the kite string back to He Jingsu’s hand. At this moment, the kite string was in her hand.

Bei Queting thought, she was not flying in the sky, she was free, without any kite string on her.

They flew the kite all morning. Later, when they got tired of it, they lay side by side on the grass, looking at the blue sky. They all enjoyed this warm and comfortable feeling very much.

Not only did they like it, but netizens also envied their way of interaction.

——Aww, their relationship is so good! Their pre-marriage relationship was already so good, I didn’t expect them to maintain it like this after marriage.

——Whenever they are together, this natural feeling makes people feel warm. They should always be this good!

——I really like this family!

However, after their leisure time was over, they had to complete the so-called task arranged by the production team.

They had to invite no less than a hundred people from the town to watch the family show they would prepare in three days.

Hearing this, He Ying and Jing Dan: “…” So they have to perform for others?

Xiao Daidai hugged Bei Queting and looked at the production team dumbfoundedly. She didn’t have much concept of what a party was.

“Are you serious?” He Ying asked, holding her forehead.

The program team nodded seriously and said, “This was voted by the netizens not long ago.”

Pushing the responsibility to the netizens, it had nothing to do with them.

He Ying: “…”

Seeing this situation, netizens laughed.

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——Hahaha, yes! We voted for this! I even mobilized my whole family to vote!

——I even begged those kids downstairs with phones to vote!

——I even begged my classmates to vote!

Anyway, they were determined to watch this family show!

He Ying felt both amused and annoyed, then looked at Jing Dan, seeking her opinion, “For the show, have you thought of any programs?”

Since they were inviting so many people to watch, it definitely couldn’t be just singing a song on stage. They might really need to come up with a program list!

She looked down at Daidai, who was holding the chubby bird in confusion, and sighed faintly.

What kind of program? Should they go on stage and act cute?

He Ying: “…” That’s not entirely out of the question…

Jing Dan looked at the production team, who were looking anywhere but at her.

By now, it felt like this show was really going to happen.

He Ying sighed lightly, picked up Xiao Daidai, and then took Jing Dan’s hand and said, “Let’s go invite people first.” As she said this, He Ying turned to the director and asked, “You will arrange the venue, right?”

The director nodded this time, somewhat proudly saying, “It will be arranged at their cultural square!”

He Ying: “…Alright.”

The three of them and the bird went out again, but inviting people was a bit tricky. Should they knock on doors one by one? Would people think they were scammers when they saw them?

Helplessly, they finally knocked on the first door, just next to the inn where they were staying. Inside, a few women were chatting while embroidering.

To their surprise, when they explained their purpose after knocking on the door, they received a very enthusiastic response. The women inside immediately agreed and said they would bring their whole families to watch their performance that day.

This response relieved He Ying and the others, making the subsequent invitations seem less daunting.

“I know you!” One of the women smiled at them, looking at their clasped hands with a brighter smile, “I love watching your show, you should make more shows in the future, and remember to bring Daidai.” Saying this, she smilingly handed Daidai a handful of candies.

Xiao Daidai looked a bit confused holding the candies, but still looked up and gave the woman a smile, thanking her in a soft voice.

Bei Queting, nestled in Xiao Daidai’s head, thought, she is quite lovable.

He Ying smiled and said goodbye to them, then took Jing Dan’s hand and walked out together. She looked down at Xiao Daidai with a pocketful of candies and couldn’t help but laugh. It seemed our Xiao Daidai was loved by everyone.

Jing Dan looked down at the pile of candies, then took one, unwrapped it, and put it in her mouth. The rich milky taste was surprisingly good. Her eyebrows drooped a bit, why did Daidai have candies and she didn’t?

Seeing Jing Dan’s blatant candy theft and her slightly drooped eyebrows, He Ying guessed what she was thinking and whispered in her ear, “Don’t be upset. When we get back, I’ll make candies just for you, not for Daidai.”

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Hearing this, Jing Dan’s eyes brightened, but she still nodded slightly reservedly, finding the milk candy even sweeter.

He Ying looked at her with soft eyes and a smile. She always wanted to give Jing Dan everything she could, and seeing her happy made her feel very satisfied.

Xiao Daidai didn’t understand why they suddenly looked at each other without speaking, but she was obviously used to it. After putting all the candies in He Ying’s coat pocket, she took out two and held them in her hand, struggling to get down from He Ying’s arms.

He Ying put her down, not understanding what she wanted to do, then saw her squatting by the roadside, putting Bei Queting on her lap, unwrapping the candy, and offering it to her.

He Ying: “…”

How long has it been, and are they already not in Daidai’s first tier for candy distribution?

Xiao Daidai watched Bei Queting slowly eating the candy, her eyes sparkling. She couldn’t help but carefully reach out with her other hand to gently stroke her head, then smiled with squinted eyes.

“Beibei, you are so cute!”

When she first saw her, she thought she was incredibly cute!

Bei Queting looked up at her, then lowered her head again to eat the candy in her hand. She didn’t reject the hand patting her head, thinking, you are the truly cute one.

She couldn’t help but recall He Jingsu’s original form, a small panda cub with a tuft of fur on her head swaying in the wind and a pair of little wings on her back. Every part of her looked incredibly cute. Although she was tiny, she looked adorably chubby.

On the other side, He Ying and Jing Dan stood by, waiting for the two little ones to finish their candies before heading to the next house to invite people.

Fortunately, their invitations went smoothly, almost without any rejections along the way. However, they were unsure how many people would actually come on the day, as no one could tell if people were just being polite.

Having completed their task, as the family slowly walked back towards the inn, the sky began to display a beautiful scene. The sunset made the small town especially picturesque. Everyone couldn’t help but stop and watch. As night quietly fell, the dusk appeared even more meaningful.

He Ying couldn’t help but turn to the photographer and say, “Can you take some photos for us? I’ll take them back later.”

The photographer gave her an OK gesture.

Then He Ying put her hand on Jing Dan’s waist, Daidai leaned her head on the chubby bird and hugged her leg. They all looked at the camera and smiled, capturing the moment.

Jing Dan liked the photo very much after seeing it. She even planned to print it out and hang it at home once they got back!

Bei Queting felt a bit complicated and sour seeing herself included in the family photo. She wondered what she had done wrong in the past to have never experienced such feelings.

Although she was in her original form now, Daidai still keenly sensed her low mood and hugged her, softly asking, “What’s wrong? Are you unhappy?”

Daidai, holding Bei Queting, was still puzzled. Weren’t things fine before? Why did she become like this after the photo?

Bei Queting rubbed her head against her hand, not saying anything in front of the camera, but her closeness to He Jingsu was obvious.

He Ying, seeing this, held Jing Dan’s hand and then extended a hand to Daidai, saying, “Shall we go home first? Mommy will make you something delicious.”

“Mm!” Daidai put one hand in He Ying’s hand, still holding Bei Queting tightly with the other.

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

After returning home, they didn’t talk about the show first. Instead, they turned off all the cameras in the bedroom and let Daidai play with Bei Queting while He Ying and Jing Dan went downstairs to prepare dinner.

The two busied themselves in the kitchen. Jing Dan, washing vegetables, seemed a bit distracted this time. Halfway through, she turned to He Ying and said, “Should we prepare more milk for that little chubby bird?”

She seemed really sad just now.

He Ying fed a freshly cut carrot slice into her mouth and softly said, “Alright, we’ll prepare more. She probably went through a lot of hardships before.”

Despite her young age, she seemed more mature than many of her peers. Perhaps fearing they would abandon her, Bei Queting always gave a cautious impression, making them wonder what her life was like before.

Jing Dan ate the carrot slice and said vaguely, “Then we’ll nourish her well.”

“And Daidai received a lot of candy earlier. She will taste something sweet.”

The author has something to say:

I might write more about Daidai and the little chubby bird when they were young. In their book, I plan to start from their teenage years, so I want to show you their interactions when they were little here (covering face).

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