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Panda Cub – Chapter 91

Parent-Child Variety Show 2

Would you like to go dig bamboo shoots and eat them?

Luckily, Daidai eventually understood He Ying’s meaning and never mentioned anything about flying again. She sat quietly, engrossed in a picture book, capturing the hearts of many aunties with her well-behaved demeanor.

——Oh! My little darling, if all the people I encountered while traveling were like you, I would be over the moon with happiness!

——Daidai, can you see how much we love you? You’re simply our little angel!

Who wouldn’t want to meet a child like Daidai when they go out? Quiet and well-behaved on public transportation, bringing some comfort to those tormented by unruly kids and their parents.

After getting off the plane and taking the special car arranged by the production team, they finally arrived at a small tourist town called Quexi. Everything here seemed in harmony with nature, and most importantly, it was surrounded by bamboo forests, which was quite rare in the northeast.

As expected, the mother and daughter’s eyes lit up when they saw the bamboo forest. They immediately turned their heads to look at He Ying, their eyes filled with eager anticipation, conveying everything they wanted to say.

He Ying was both amused and exasperated. She used to carry a little panda to dig bamboo shoots, and now she had to carry two. But they were still recording a show, and they were already thinking about digging bamboo shoots?

She picked up the little one and covered her eyes, then turned to hold the older one’s hand, reminding her, “We’re recording a show.”

With that one sentence, Jing Dan deflated a bit and let He Ying lead her to find their guesthouse.

Xiao Daidai, who was being carried by He Ying, seemed to realize there would be no bamboo shoots, and she lay listlessly on He Ying’s shoulder.

Fortunately, they didn’t have to search for long before finding the guesthouse arranged by the production team. It was a two-story standalone house, with ivy climbing all over the outer walls, exuding a lively spring atmosphere.

Entering the house, besides the already arranged camera positions, there was no one else. This meant that for the next month, only their family of three would live here.

This was actually good, as they had worried that if there were other families with children on this trip, Daidai might not get along with the other kids.

After a long journey from Huaqing City, it was already afternoon when they arrived at the guesthouse. Considering the guests might be tired, the filming hadn’t officially started yet. They would start filming after they had rested.

He Ying checked all the cameras inside to make sure there were no hidden cameras. Once assured, she went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, finding it well-stocked. She glanced outside at the mother and daughter playing a clapping game on the carpet.

“What do you want for dinner? There’s plenty of food in the fridge.” They had only eaten airplane food at noon, and both of them had frowned, competing to see who could frown more deeply.

The two turned to her simultaneously and said in unison, “Bamboo shoots!”

He Ying: “…” Alright, she should have known.

She made an OK gesture to them and then started getting busy.

While she was busy, Jing Dan came in with Xiao Daidai, who was carrying a small stool. He Ying glanced at them and put a basket of bean pods on the ground. Xiao Daidai immediately set down the stool and began shelling the beans.

With Daidai occupied, Jing Dan blinked at He Ying, “What about me?”

“You can wash these greens.” He Ying put a basket of vegetables in front of her.

Satisfied with her task, Jing Dan nodded and began washing them earnestly.

Watching the serious expressions of both big and small, He Ying smiled softly. Having them in her life was her greatest fortune.

——Ahhhh, they are so cute!

——Aww, Daidai is so young but already knows to bring a stool to help her mom!

——Watching them prepare dinner as a family is such a warm scene. Why do I feel like crying?

The three of them, working together, soon prepared a sumptuous dinner. Then He Ying and Jing Dan carried the dishes out while Xiao Daidai, holding chopsticks and a bowl, followed behind them, her short legs moving quickly.

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The little one, not even reaching their thighs, insisted on helping, looking both adorable and amusing.

The family of three enjoyed a lively dinner and then watched a movie together in the living room. When it got late, they went upstairs to rest.

Daidai was the first to bathe. Despite her young age, she could handle bathing on her own, so after she finished, He Ying and Jing Dan went in together.

Every time they bathed together, Daidai wondered why, at four years old, she could bathe herself, but her moms, who were much older, still needed help.

Lying on the bed, she couldn’t figure it out, so she grabbed He Ying’s phone, unlocked it with her face, and started playing a game.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, the two women embraced and kissed under the cascading water, the world seemingly enveloped in a misty haze. He Ying lovingly savored Jing Dan’s sweetness, fulfilling a desire she’d had since morning.

“Mm—” Jing Dan hugged He Ying’s waist, tilting her head to meet her, her hand gently stroking He Ying’s waist, sending tingles through her.

“Jing Dan,” He Ying whispered. She loved calling Jing Dan’s name at times like this.

“Mm.” Jing Dan wrapped her arms around He Ying’s neck, bringing herself closer.

He Ying smiled, kissing her eyelids softly.

The sound of water continued to fall, as He Ying lightly bit Jing Dan’s earlobe, whispering, “You don’t have to hold back, no one can hear us outside.”

Jing Dan bit her lip, her eyes flushed, yet a serious look appeared in them. She tried to remain composed, saying, “No! I want to be reserved!”

She had read online that subtlety was the most beautiful.

He Ying chuckled softly, intertwining her fingers with Jing Dan’s, squeezing her fingertips suggestively, and winked at her, smiling seductively. She whispered in a low, alluring voice, “In that case, I don’t need to be reserved.”

“I just want to seduce you.” To make you fall for me, to be lost in me alone.

This meaningful gesture and the seductive words captured Jing Dan’s heart completely. She thought to herself.

Actually, not being subtle is also very beautiful.

Outside, after clearing several game levels, Daidai looked up to see the bathroom door still closed. Her eyes filled with more confusion. Wasn’t their bath taking a bit too long? Could something have happened?

Worried, Daidai got anxious, climbed out of bed, and ran to the bathroom door, knocking with her little fist, calling out loudly, “Mama, Mommy, are you alright? Did something happen?”

She didn’t hear any sound from inside, not even the sound of water, making her even more anxious. Just as she was about to burst in, her mother’s slightly restrained voice came from inside.

“We’re fine, just soaking a bit longer. We’ll be out soon, Daidai, play by yourself for now.”

Upon hearing He Ying’s voice, although feeling a bit puzzled, Xiao Daidai obediently responded, turned around, and went back to the bed to resume playing her puzzle game.

In the bathroom, He Ying cast a reproachful glance at Jing Dan, raised her hand to pinch her cheek, and whispered through gritted teeth, “I just told you not to move!”

Is this person truly unafraid of being caught in the act?

Jing Dan blinked innocently. She wasn’t worried at all; she knew how to avoid letting Xiao Daidai hear anything suspicious at crucial moments.

Seeing Jing Dan’s innocent look, He Ying felt helpless, but tightened her embrace and suppressed her voice, “Hurry up, or Daidai will come knocking again.”

“Okay.” Jing Dan complied immediately, quickening her pace. By the end, He Ying almost couldn’t bear the pleasure Jing Dan brought, biting her hand to muffle her whimpers.

After a moment of intense shivering, He Ying slowly regained her composure, patted Jing Dan’s back, and with a slightly weak voice said, “Help me clean up quickly so we can go out.”

Jing Dan gently stroked He Ying’s still trembling back, then helped her clean up. When they finally emerged from the bathroom half an hour later, Daidai immediately turned her head at the sound of the door opening.

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Tilting her head, she noticed their reddened eyes.

He Ying walked over, ruffled Daidai’s hair, and covered her eyes, saying, “Little kids who don’t sleep early won’t grow tall.”

With her eyes covered, Daidai pouted, but obediently climbed into bed, pulling the covers over herself. Blinking at her two moms, she said, “Goodnight.”

He Ying bent down to kiss her forehead, chuckling softly, “Goodnight, Daidai.”

Jing Dan also leaned over to kiss her, “Goodnight, baby.”

Satisfied, Daidai closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Once Daidai’s eyes were closed, He Ying and Jing Dan didn’t touch their phones, instead climbing into bed and holding each other as they fell asleep.

Time quietly slipped by, and the night deepened. If one looked out from the window, left uncovered by curtains, they could see the moonlit night.

He Ying’s eyes suddenly opened. She looked outside and then at the time; it was already one o’clock in the morning. She gently patted Jing Dan’s shoulder. Seeing her drowsily open her eyes, He Ying whispered in her ear, “Do you want to go dig bamboo shoots?”

As expected, Jing Dan’s eyes lit up at these words, and she immediately became fully awake, her eyes filled with excitement. She couldn’t help but kiss He Ying’s cheek, “I love you the most!”

He Ying chuckled softly and signaled her to get dressed.

Concerned about waking Daidai, they moved as quietly as possible. However, when Jing Dan got out of bed, she felt her nightgown being tugged. Looking down, she saw Daidai clutching her nightgown, rubbing her eyes, and sleepily asking, “Mommy, where are you going?”

The more Daidai rubbed her eyes, the more awake she became. She sat up and looked at her two slightly stiff-faced mothers.

Seeing she was fully awake, there was no point in hiding. He Ying smiled and asked, “We’re going to dig bamboo shoots. Do you want to come?”

Daidai’s eyes brightened, gleaming even in the moonlight. She had been eyeing the bamboo shoots since she saw the bamboo forest, so how could she not want to go?

She nodded vigorously and opened her arms, waiting to be picked up.

Seeing this, Jing Dan transformed into her true form, then picked up Daidai, who had also transformed into her little panda self with wings. The little panda cub looked up at He Ying.

Stifling her laughter, He Ying embraced them and teleported outside the house. The town, sparsely populated with little nighttime activity, was mostly asleep. Only a few windows were still lit.

He Ying strolled leisurely down the moonlit path, cradling her family, enjoying the cool night breeze and the faint sounds of insects and birds. With her loved ones by her side, she felt that this ordinary life was incredibly endearing.

As they neared the bamboo forest, the rustling of the wind through the leaves grew louder, and the two little ones in her arms became even more excited.

He Ying carried them into the bamboo forest. The outskirts, likely due to townspeople’s activity, had no young bamboo shoots left, only old ones that the cubs disdain. So He Ying ventured deeper into the forest.

The sight of the three sneaking out in the middle of the night to dig bamboo shoots felt somewhat comical.

Yet, He Ying enjoyed these moments with her family, even if others found them amusing.

As they ventured further in, untouched bamboo shoots became more abundant. The cubs, like bamboo shoot detectors, accurately pointed out the locations to He Ying.

With the tools she had prepared, He Ying expertly began digging, holding the cubs in her arms, while Jing Dan, also in her true form, watched eagerly.

After digging out the bamboo shoots, He Ying peeled them and handed them to the cubs. Watching them eat with squinted eyes of delight, He Ying smiled and continued her work.

Eventually, Daidai grew unsatisfied with merely receiving shoots and struggled out of Jing Dan’s embrace. She insisted on using her little paws to dig herself, panting with effort but enjoying it immensely.

Seeing Daidai’s determination reminded He Ying of the first time she met Jing Dan, who was similarly engrossed in digging with her butt stuck out.

Jing Dan, noticing Daidai’s effort, didn’t intervene, continuing to enjoy the bamboo shoots from He Ying’s embrace. She internally remarked on Daidai’s persistence, contrasting it with her own preference for convenience.

“Don’t wander too far,” He Ying cautioned the enthusiastic cub.

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“Mm-hmm!” Daidai responded in a soft, childish voice, without lifting her head.

Amused, He Ying followed Jing Dan’s direction to continue digging.

Late into the night, with bamboo shoot shells scattered around, the little cubs finally had their fill and stopped eating.

With the cubs satisfied, He Ying packed up her tools and turned to find the smaller cub. To her alarm, the black-and-white bundle was nowhere in sight. Her heart skipped a beat as she hurried through the forest, calling out, “Daidai, He Jingsu!”

Her voice echoed in the quiet night, but there was no response from Daidai.

Jing Dan, also worried, transformed back to her human form to search for Daidai.

“He Jingsu!” He Ying called louder.

“Mom, Mommy…” A faint, unclear voice came from nearby.

Soon, they saw the little panda cub with the silly tuft of fur on her head, flapping her small wings, wobbly flying towards them. If they were not mistaken, there was a little something on her back?

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