Panda Cub – Chapter 83

Extra 5

Flying Panda (End)

Fortunately, after Daidai proved she wasn’t actually dumb, she managed to salvage a bit of her image with Lady He.

At just three years old, she had already learned how to fly and could control her flight path well enough to avoid making the house look like it had been ransacked.

She understood all the family hierarchies and titles and could accurately address everyone, which made He Yuan quite pleased.

However, the child’s personality worried everyone a bit.

She was indeed smart. Since she could speak fluently, she learned things quickly. But her demeanor seemed a bit naturally “Daidai”. (LP: Daidai means stupid or silly)

Her soft and gentle personality was like a dumpling, reacting to every poke. Whenever someone called her, she looked at them with a blank expression, appearing particularly silly.

He Ying: “…” Maybe we shouldn’t have let Jing Dan call her “Daidai” in the first place?

She really does seem silly!

However, sometimes she could be quite sharp. For instance, whenever she did something wrong, she always knew who to go to for help, and no one could resist her charm when she spread her arms for a hug.

“This time, no matter how much you act cute, it won’t work! You must go to school!” He Ying sat cross-legged on the floor with a serious expression, facing Daidai who was also sitting cross-legged, her demeanor leaving no room for argument.

Daidai drooped her little eyebrows and eyes, fiddling with her fingers as she turned to look at Jing Dan, her eyes full of longing.

Jing Dan, who had been watching the scene, suddenly looked up at the ceiling, then down at the floor, avoiding Daidai’s gaze at all costs.

Seeing her mother’s reaction, Daidai knew she couldn’t count on her and turned back to He Ying, saying softly, “But I don’t want to go to school. They’re all so noisy.”

Yesterday, her mother had taken her to visit the kindergarten. As soon as they entered, a large group of children were shouting and laughing, making it very noisy.

Moreover, many children ran over to circle around her, trying to pull her along.

He Ying’s expression suddenly became complicated, remembering her own childhood. Back then, she had also disliked the noise at school. But what had Lady He done then?

She had said that not going to school was fine, but there was a condition: she had to catch three rabbits every day. She had been delighted, thinking catching rabbits was just for fun. But by the third day, she had reluctantly gone to school.

She had been young then too, and even catching one rabbit was a challenge, let alone three.

“You don’t want to go to school? Fine,” He Ying said, raising an eyebrow.

Jing Dan looked at He Ying incredulously. Not going to school was fine? Was she really indulging Daidai to this extent?

Sure enough, hearing that she didn’t have to go to school, Daidai’s eyes lit up.

“I haven’t finished speaking,” He Ying interrupted her excitement, “The condition for not going to school is to catch three rabbits every day. Since you don’t want to go to school, you need to master a skill. Catching rabbits is the easiest. If you can’t even do that, what reason do you have not to go to school?”

Daidai widened her eyes slightly, admitting honestly, “But I can’t catch rabbits now!”

He Ying spread her hands, “The condition is set. Either catch enough rabbits or go to school.”

“And your aunt will go to school with you. Don’t you need to protect her?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Daidai’s little shoulders slumped. On the surface, it seemed she had a choice, but in reality, the only option was to go to school.

Jing Dan, seeing her like this, felt a bit sympathetic. But if they really indulged her reluctance to go to school, it would not only limit her interaction with peers but also mean they couldn’t stay home to teach her themselves. Relying on others involved too many worries.

“Our Daidai is the best. Once you learn well, you can teach your aunt too, right?” He Ying gently rubbed her head.

“Oh.” Her little voice was quite dejected.

After persuading Daidai and sending her to rest for tomorrow’s school day with her aunt, He Ying turned to Jing Dan. Seeing her thoughtful look, she asked, “What’s up?”

Jing Dan’s gaze lingered on He Ying, recalling the awards she had seen in her room. She touched her chin and said, “Mom said that while Daidai is in school, we won’t have an easy time.”

Ever since Daidai reached school age, Lady He’s expression had grown more complex each day, as if recalling something unforgettable.

He Ying: “…”

Her face suddenly blushed slightly. Seeing Jing Dan’s seemingly pointed look, she curled her fingers slightly on her knees, not responding to her words.

Lady He must have said something more!

She got up and hugged Jing Dan, whispering softly yet commandingly in her ear, “Forget it, forget it all!”

These things happened so many years ago. What was the point of bringing them up now!

“Humph~” Jing Dan squinted her eyes happily, “No way!”

He Ying started to tickle her, and they laughed and played together, their laughter filling the room.

The next day, Jing Shiyue brought her child over too. Little Xixi, just three years old, had her hair tied in two little pigtails, obediently holding Jing Shiyue’s hand, her big black eyes full of joy. When she saw Daidai, she gave a big smile.

Seeing her aunt, Daidai went up and took her hand. The two little kids held hands, looking up at the three adults, waiting for their instructions.

“Be good at school, and I’ll come to pick you up in the evening,” Jing Shiyue said, squatting down to pat Xixi’s head. It was her first day at school, and Qiu Shuhuai had wanted to come along, but a sudden issue with her show forced her to return to resolve it.

“Okay! Bye, Mommy!” Xixi said in her sweet voice.

“Goodbye, Grandma!” Daidai also said earnestly.

Jing Shiyue: “…”

Every time Daidai called her grandma, she felt a bit uneasy. Although her age did qualify her to be a grandmother, she instinctively resisted the title, but hierarchy couldn’t be changed!

After Jing Shiyue left, He Ying and Jing Dan took the two little ones to kindergarten. They sat in the front while the two little ones sat in their child seats at the back, chatting away.

“I don’t want to go to school,” Daidai said.

“Me neither, but Mommy said no school means no bamboo shoots,” Xixi replied.

Hearing this, Daidai was stunned, “Will I really not get bamboo shoots if I don’t go to school?”

“Uh-huh! Mommy wouldn’t lie to me!”

Daidai was struck by this revelation, suddenly thinking that going to school wasn’t so bad after all. Not having bamboo shoots was the most serious issue!

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Listening to their conversation from the front, He Ying: “…”

She began to reconsider her previous preconceptions about herself. Daidai was entirely different from her! Back then, there was nothing that Lady He could use to hit her weak spot, but Daidai was different. This little one was just like Jing Dan, loving tender bamboo shoots and milk. Not having them for a day was like a death sentence for her.

Yesterday, she had said so much, but it turns out just a simple statement like “no bamboo shoots or milk” could solve the problem. She had to explain so much for no reason!

Jing Dan also suddenly had an epiphany, realizing that their baby was actually just a little panda!

Both of them silently thanked little Xixi, who made them realize what Daidai’s weak spot was!

After dropping the two kids off at kindergarten, they saw the teacher waiting at the entrance. The teacher was visibly excited upon seeing Jing Dan and He Ying, but restrained herself to maintain her professional image, resulting in a slightly flushed face.

This was Jing Dan and He Ying’s baby! They had only revealed a little hand three years ago, and to this day, there wasn’t a single full-face photo online. But now, she could see her in person!

As expected of the daughter of such beauties, her looks inherited all her parents’ strengths, making her incredibly adorable at first glance. The little one next to her, said to be a relative’s daughter, was also stunningly beautiful. This family’s looks were just too high! Even the relative’s daughter was exceptionally good-looking!

“Teacher, we’re leaving the children in your care. We’ll pick them up after school,” He Ying said gently to the teacher. Then, she looked down at the two little ones and raised an eyebrow, “Do you know what to do when you see the teacher?”

The two little ones simultaneously looked up at the teacher and said in their soft, sweet voices, “Hello, teacher!”

“Hello, little ones~” The teacher tried to make her voice sound even kinder. After greeting the children, she looked at He Ying and Jing Dan with a serious expression, “Rest assured, there will be no issues with the children under our care.”

“And we won’t use you for publicity.”

When they decided to enroll the children in this kindergarten, the principal had already informed all staff members of the situation and had them sign confidentiality agreements, ensuring not a word would be used for publicity.

He Ying and Jing Dan nodded with a smile, then watched as the teacher led the two little ones inside. They stood there until the children were out of sight, then He Ying sighed slightly, feeling a bit melancholic.

Jing Dan also seemed a bit wistful. Apart from a period when Daidai stayed with Lady He at age two, they hadn’t been apart from her for very long. Although they could see her again in the evening, it felt like a signal.

Their child was slowly growing up.

She would learn more and more, have more and more thoughts, and eventually, like an eagle with fully developed wings, she would soar into the vast sky.

“In the end, the longest-lasting companionship is with one’s partner,” He Ying sighed softly, smiling at Jing Dan as she held her hand.

“Mm.” Jing Dan responded softly, gripping her hand even tighter.

After the child started school, the time for just the two of them did increase slightly, though only a little.

During the day, Daidai was at school, Jing Dan was at the company, and He Ying was at the dance troupe. They had lunch and a nap together during the noon break, but even this small amount of time spent openly together was precious after years of sneaking around.

However, this small amount of time was recently taken away. He Ying’s tour, after a five-year hiatus, had started again. She took Daidai to watch their first show in Huaqing City, but for the rest of the tour, she didn’t want them to follow every time since one had work and the other had school. They couldn’t spend all their time traveling with her.

But with a bit of insistence from the big and little one, they were allowed to attend the final show of the tour.

During He Ying’s tour, however, Daidai ran into trouble at school.

Jing Dan was called to the school by the teacher. Upon entering the office, she saw a row of five little ones, each sitting on a small stool around the desk, writing with their heads down. The teacher was nowhere in sight.

Daidai had tears in her eyes, writing while crying, looking extremely aggrieved. Little Xixi was beside her, softly comforting her, being very considerate.

Jing Dan: “…”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She suddenly recalled the words she said when naming Daidai. Was she really copying her name now?

She carefully walked over and peeked at what Daidai was writing, and indeed, she was writing her name stroke by stroke, with some parts of the workbook paper even wet with her tears.

Remembering her promise to He Ying, she took out a tissue and started wiping Daidai’s tears, flipping through her workbook. Besides her name, there were also some rules of the kindergarten listed, one by one.

Seeing Jing Dan, Daidai became even more aggrieved, tears overflowing as she clung to Jing Dan’s neck, refusing to let go.

Little Xixi tugged on Jing Dan’s sleeve and whispered, “Sister, please don’t blame Daidai. She fought with others because of me!”

Jing Dan also held Little Xixi’s hand, whispering back, “I won’t blame Daidai easily.”

Hearing this, Little Xixi felt relieved, picked up Daidai’s pen, and started helping her copy names and rules.

The other kids, seeing an adult appear who wasn’t their own, shrank like quails, quietly copying their work without daring to make a sound.

Jing Dan wiped Daidai’s tears, softly coaxing her not to cry. She then took over the pen from Little Xixi and began copying the names and rules herself. The teacher had told her over the phone that Daidai had gotten into a fight and that she needed to come to the kindergarten to understand the details.

Although she was a bit stunned upon hearing that Daidai had fought, she was inexplicably confident that her baby wouldn’t fight without reason. There must have been something she couldn’t tolerate!

Gradually, more parents arrived, including Jing Shiyue, who gently coaxed Little Xixi in her arms, learning what had happened from her.

It turned out some boys kept pulling on Little Xixi’s hairband, which was especially pretty today. They even tugged at her hair, causing her pain. She softly told them not to pull her hair, but they wouldn’t listen. Seeing her eyes reddened from being pulled, Daidai got angry.

After repeatedly warning the boys to no avail, Daidai started fighting with them, making them all cry. When the teacher arrived and saw the situation, she had no choice but to have them all sit in the office to copy their names and the kindergarten rules, then went to comfort the other frightened kids.

Hearing this, the expressions on the other parents’ faces turned a bit awkward. Clearly, they were in the wrong!

Jing Shiyue sighed lightly, her child was too soft-hearted, only softly telling others that what they were doing was wrong when bullied. She wondered if this gentle nature would change as she grew older.

Daidai, on the other hand, though seemingly gentle and a bit slow normally, would always stand up to bullies immediately, never afraid even when outnumbered. She might seem soft, but she was actually very strong.

Jing Shiyue carefully examined her child’s hair, which had been redone but was clearly not as meticulously done by Qiu Shuhuai as it was when they left home in the morning.

“Did you redo your hair, Xixi?” Jing Shiyue asked gently.

“No,” Xixi shook her head, looking at Daidai with her head resting on Jing Dan’s shoulder, “Daidai did it for me!”

Jing Shiyue was surprised, smiling gently at Daidai, “Thank you, Daidai, for protecting your aunt. You’re amazing!”

Daidai lifted her head from Jing Dan’s embrace, her little face now a bit shy, and said softly, “Thank you, grandma.”

Hearing that her child not only protected her aunt but also fixed her messed-up braids, Jing Dan gave Daidai an appreciative look and whispered in her ear, “When mom comes back, I’ll tell her about this and ask her to reward you with an extra bottle of milk, okay?”

Upon hearing this, Daidai’s earlier grievance from copying her name and crying instantly vanished. She nodded vigorously, hugging her tightly, and said, “Mommy, don’t forget!”

“I have a good memory! I won’t forget!” Jing Dan hummed.

At this moment, the teacher came in. She looked a bit troubled by the crowd in the office. After explaining the sequence of events, she educated the parents of the children who pulled hair, emphasizing the importance of instilling proper values in their kids to prevent such incidents in the future.

Then she turned to Daidai and told her that although the other kids were at fault, she could have handled the situation differently and didn’t necessarily have to resort to fighting. Eventually, the matter was settled with everyone getting a share of the blame.

Jing Dan, holding Daidai, outwardly accepted the teacher’s words humbly but secretly murmured that sometimes fighting is indeed the quickest way to solve a problem.

They each took their little ones home. Jing Shiyue was considering discussing her child’s temperament with Qiu Shuhuai. This time, Daidai was there, but what if she wasn’t next time? If her child got bullied again, how would she even know?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Only after having a child did Jing Shiyue realize how much there is to worry about. Back in the day, there wasn’t so much to worry about with Jing Dan. Could it be because of their different personalities?

Come to think of it, she never had to worry about Jing Dan being bullied. Not bullying others was already a relief.

Back at home, Jing Dan bathed Daidai, washing off the dust from the fight. She proudly said, “Our child is amazing, winning against three!”

Daidai beamed with pride but soon felt a bit sad. She tugged at Jing Dan’s sleeve and said, “Mommy, can I change my name? Can I be called He Yiyi from now on?”

“Huh? Why?” Jing Dan was puzzled.

He Yiyi didn’t sound as nice as He Jingsu!

Daidai felt particularly aggrieved when she brought this up, “My name is so hard to write! The teacher doesn’t let me write Daidai, so can I change my name to Yiyi?”

This way, if she got punished to write her name again, it would be much easier.

Jing Dan scratched her head and firmly refused, “No, your name was thoughtfully given by your mom and me!”

Although they considered the possibility of her crying over writing her name when they named her, they didn’t think she’d actually have to do it. Plus, didn’t she wipe her tears already? She did what they discussed!

Hearing this, Daidai’s shoulders drooped, reluctantly accepting her name.

However, what Jing Dan didn’t anticipate was that Daidai would have to write her name many more times in the future.

Due to her naturally silly nature, she often found herself in conflicts without even realizing what had happened, leading to punishments of writing her name and calling parents multiple times. Jing Dan and He Ying frequently visited the school, to the point where Lady He looked at He Ying with an expression that said, “Now you understand how I felt back then, right?”

But after writing her name so many times, she became quite adept at writing it beautifully.

However, that’s a story for another time.

In the evening, Jing Dan video-called with He Ying, holding Daidai and recounting the day’s events. He Ying’s expression softened considerably as she spoke to Daidai, “Our Daidai did the right thing. We don’t bully others, but we also don’t let others bully us. If we have the ability, we can protect ourselves and those we care about. It’s the most normal thing to do.”

Perhaps because of their inherent nature as spirits, many things were approached in a straightforward manner, often by showcasing absolute strength to deter others from provoking them, eliminating the problem at its source.

Seeing that neither mom blamed her for fighting, Daidai’s eyes sparkled, even dispelling some of her silly nature. She opened her arms to the camera, wanting her mom to hug her.

Seeing this, He Ying’s eyes softened even more, “Daidai, be good. When mom comes back, I’ll hug you.”

“No, not when you come back.”

Jing Dan moved closer to the camera, saying seriously, “For your last concert, I’ll bring our child to pick you up!”

Hmph, don’t think she forgot what she promised. This was something they had fought hard for.

Seeing her so insistent, He Ying smiled helplessly, her eyes full of laughter and warmth.

“Alright~ I’ll wait for you both to pick me up.”

The author has something to say:

The side story of the flying panda is finished, but there’s a new prequel about little Daidai, featuring a naturally silly, wife-doting panda gong x a soft on the outside, strong on the inside, possessive little fat bird shou! Please add it to your favorites~ (hands clasped)

Next, there will be a side story about what would have happened if Daidai didn’t die in the previous life.

An older ancestor x a younger scheming crane.

In the previous life, Daidai’s name wouldn’t have been Jing Dan. After all, Mother Jing wouldn’t have named her the ancestor’s name initially (trying to make the logic chain a bit more complete ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭).

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red flower

thank you for the chapter😊

Last edited 5 days ago by red flower
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