Big Boss – Chapter 64

She was angry

Ye Youqing was caught off guard by her voice, her hand shook, spilling a few drops of tea. She immediately put the cup down and stood up, bowing her head and gazing for a while before recognizing the person.

The woman had already changed into a plain dress, her hair loosely tied into a single strand that hung over her shoulder, with a few strands falling across her forehead, swaying gracefully with her movements.

Her eyes were filled with tears, previously closed and unclear, but now open, revealing a tear mole at the corner of her eye, adding to her delicate and pitiable appearance.

Ye Youqing lightly coughed, using some strength, subtly pulling her sleeve back, and warmly said, “It was just a small effort, not worth mentioning. Are the injuries on your body severe?”

The woman retracted her slender fingers, curling them against her chest, still kneeling as she said, “It’s just a superficial wound. This slave was chased out of the village by her master, not knowing where to go, suffering hunger and heat along the way, and was struck by heatstroke.”

“This slave thought, thought her life was over, but who knew this slave would be saved by you. Your great kindness and virtue, this slave have no way to repay.” As she spoke, two clear tears rolled down, like dew falling among flowers.

“Chased by your master?” Ye Youqing pretended to be surprised.

The woman bowed her head, aggrieved, “This slave used to be a farmer’s daughter, my family is poor with many children. Because I have a good appearance, I was sold to a wealthy household in town as a slave.”

“But over time, the master took a liking to me and wanted to take me as a concubine. If I refused, I would be beaten. I couldn’t bear it, so I fled while out shopping.” The woman said, lifting her tearful eyes, looking truly pitiful.

“So that’s how it is.” Ye Youqing sighed, “Stand up and speak.”

She reached out to help, but her eyes caught sight of a white figure, so she redirected her hand, waving at the waiter standing at the door.

“Serve the dishes,” she said.

The white figure walked around the kneeling woman on the ground, pulled out a bench, and sat opposite Ye Youqing.

Although she couldn’t see her expression clearly, Ye Youqing felt uneasy, knowing that the “mute girl” was staring at her.

“Get up and eat something,” Ye Youqing said to the woman on the ground, pushing a bowl towards her.

The woman sobbed softly, gently standing up, her slender waist swaying weakly, and sat down by herself.

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“Thank you, young master,” she said gratefully.

The three sat facing each other, the atmosphere tense. Ye Youqing suddenly felt that the just darkened sky was hotter than the day, and couldn’t help but wipe her sweat.

Fortunately, at this moment, Shi Li walked in energetically from outside, holding a bag of sour apricots, which she threw in front of Ye Youqing.

“This season, you can’t find green tangerines anywhere, so use these apricots instead,” Shi Li said, lifting her robe and sitting down, glancing at the woman beside her with a start.

“This slave greets you,” the woman said, about to get up and bow, but Shi Li held her down.

“Changed your clothes, almost didn’t recognize you,” Shi Li laughed, giving Ye Youqing a knowing look, then changed the subject, discussing the route for tomorrow.

They pretended to be from Luoyang, escorting Ye Youqing to Weizhou to find relatives, addressing her as “young master” in front of others.

“Judging by tonight’s sunset, it should rain tomorrow. There are many mountains near Shanzhou. If we follow the original route, we’ll have to walk a long mountain path after leaving the city, which could be dangerous if it rains,” Shi Li advised softly.

Ye Youqing rubbed an apricot, saying, “Let’s decide based on tomorrow’s weather. If there’s any change, we’ll take a detour.”

“Does the lady know of any routes that avoid the mountains?” Ye Youqing suddenly asked, turning to the silent woman beside them.

The woman’s expression didn’t change. She thought seriously for a while, then softly said, “This slave’s home is in a village near Xiezhou. The city of Xiezhou is only a dozen miles from here. If we detour through Xiezhou, it won’t add much distance.”

Ye Youqing nodded, smiling, “We outsiders are not familiar with the terrain here, so let’s follow the lady’s suggestion as repayment for saving your life. Since your home is near Xiezhou, why don’t we escort you back on the way…”

Hearing this, the woman’s voice took on a sobbing tone again. She shook her small face while getting up to kneel.

“Please, young master, don’t send this slave back. If my master can’t find me, he will go to this slave’s village to look for me. My parents, fearing his power, will never hide me. This slave beg you…” The woman was already tearful, clutching Ye Youqing’s sleeve, sobbing and pleading.

“Stand up first,” Ye Youqing couldn’t bear people kneeling like this, reaching out to hold her arm and helping her back onto the bench. “I’m not your master, no need to kneel all the time.”

Her tone was calm and gentle but very firm. The woman was stunned and didn’t dare to speak, continuing to sob silently.

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Ye Youqing gave Shi Li several intense looks. Shi Li, who had been watching with amusement, finally coughed and spoke.

“Since that’s the case, Shanzhou is known for its good customs. You can stay here and find a job. We’re leaving early tomorrow and will give you some money for your injuries.”

“The customs here are conservative, how could a weak woman like me find a job? I would only end up serving another rich family, entering a tiger’s den again.” The woman cried even harder, and if not for Shi Li’s restraint, she would have bowed.

Shi Li, always straightforward, disliked watching people cry, feeling a bit irritated. “Miss, our young master is just a scholar. This trip to the north is to find relatives, we can’t afford to take you along. Besides, we just helped you in passing, we can’t take on too much.”

The woman looked at Shi Li’s light-colored eyes and the long sword on her back, feeling scared and not daring to speak, only covering her mouth and sobbing quietly.

“Master is right,” Ye Youqing smiled, pushing aside the tea cup on the table, watching as the waiter placed the steaming dishes on the table.

“You must be hungry. Eat something first,” Ye Youqing said, taking chopsticks from a bamboo tube and handing them to the mute girl sitting opposite who hadn’t moved.

The mute girl still didn’t move, her hands resting under the table, doing something unknown.

Ye Youqing blinked, placing the chopsticks lightly in front of her, serving her a bowl of rice, and quietly putting it down.

This meal was tasteless. Ye Youqing felt dizzy and weak, finishing quickly and returning to her room.

Shi Li also left soon after, leaving only Ci Ke and the woman downstairs. Ci Ke took her chopsticks, placing one grain of rice at a time into her mouth, while the sobbing gradually stopped.

“I don’t know your name. Are you with the young master?” the woman asked softly, her voice still nasal.

Ci Ke ignored her.

The woman smiled gently, the small mole under her eye appearing even brighter after crying, wiping her tear-streaked face with a handkerchief. “Take your time eating, I will return to my room.”

She stood up, but her wrist was suddenly grabbed, unable to move, and she slowly sat back down.

“What do you mean by this?” she asked, her voice aggrieved.

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Ci Ke pursed her lips tightly, suddenly pulling her hand out forcefully, grabbing the woman’s snow-white palm with both hands. The woman cried out in pain, her eyes filling with tears again. “Miss…”

Ci Ke ignored her words, lowering her eyes to examine her palm, a trace of vigilance flashing in her eyes beneath the white gauze.

The woman suddenly withdrew her hand, as if she had been bullied. Her egg-like cheeks flushed with red, and she bit her pale lips, saying, “Miss, I didn’t provoke you. I only saw that the young master is a good person and wanted to ask him for help. Why are you so hostile towards me?”

Ci Ke gripped the edge of the table, squeezing her fingertips until they turned white.

Seeing that she didn’t speak, the woman wiped her tears with her sleeve, nodded slightly at Ci Ke, and then lifted her skirt to go upstairs.

Ci Ke watched her graceful back, her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly followed, taking three steps at a time. After ascending two flights of stairs, she suddenly stopped at the corner.

She saw the woman kneeling at the door of Ye Youqing’s room, her skirt spread out like a flower, making her body look even more delicate. Faint sobs echoed in the empty corridor.

Ci Ke furrowed her brows. As she saw the door open, she quickly stepped forward, placing herself between the woman and the door frame. As a result, when Ye Youqing opened the door, she was startled by the white gauze in front of her, causing her to jerk back.

The wound immediately hurt, and Ye Youqing’s face turned pale. After recognizing the figure in front of her, she leaned against the door frame and breathed a sigh of relief.

“What is this…” Ye Youqing began, her eyes moving downwards to see the woman, who had been pulled down, now softly lying on the ground.

The woman in white seemed startled as well, then subtly shook her head at Ye Youqing.

Ye Youqing’s gaze swept over her and then looked at the tear-streaked, fragile woman, who was lying there, holding her right arm with her left hand, her face pale, and tears streaming down unchecked.

Ye Youqing’s hand moved slightly in her sleeve. After a moment’s pause, she squatted down and extended her hand towards the woman, gently supporting her elbow and pulling her up with a bit of effort.

“Are you alright?” Ye Youqing asked softly.

“This slave is fine, just…” The woman glanced at Ci Ke with a look of grievance, as if unable to speak.

Ci Ke had already clenched her hand into a fist.

“What is it?” Ye Youqing asked, looking puzzled. Just then, she saw the frail woman touch her forehead, swaying a bit before falling towards her.

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Ye Youqing instinctively glanced at the mute girl beside her but did not dodge. Instead, she reached out to catch the falling woman, her hand inadvertently squeezing her arm before quickly moving away, returning to a normal supportive hold.

However, in Ci Ke’s eyes, it looked like the two were embracing.

Her face turned pale, and she felt a dull pain in her heart, standing rigidly.

Ye Youqing naturally pushed the woman away, frowning, “It’s late, and you’re injured. You should rest. Why are you here at my door?”

“This slave beg you, young master, take this slave with you. This slave can do all the tasks of a maid—laundry, cooking, sewing. Please, save this slave!” The woman pleaded almost desperately.

A hint of impatience flashed in Ye Youqing’s eyes, but it was brief, quickly replaced by a helpless smile.

“Do you really want to follow us? The journey is long and arduous, especially in this summer heat. It won’t be easy.”

Hearing this, the woman’s eyes lit up. She sniffled and smiled, “Really? You promise to take this slave?”

Ye Youqing leaned back slightly but still smiled, “Temporarily.”

The woman joyfully wiped her tears and reached for Ye Youqing’s sleeve, “Thank you, young master. Your great kindness will never be forgotten. This slave’s name is Lian; you can call me Lian’er.”

Just as Ye Youqing was about to speak, she saw the mute girl beside her move. Ye Youqing reached out but was pushed away by the mute girl.

She winced in pain and withdrew her hand.

The mute girl’s face was unseen, but her body trembled slightly, showing her agitation. She felt around her body, found a medicine bottle wrapped in a cloth, and stuffed it into Ye Youqing’s hand before turning and running away.

Her white clothes fluttered behind her like clouds.

Ye Youqing lifted her leg to chase after her but was held back by Lian’er. She slowly stopped, her expression turning cold, but when she looked back at Lian’er, she was calm and gentle.

“This slave haven’t asked, what is your name, young master?” Lian’er softly asked, pinching the corner of her clothes.

Ye Youqing’s mouth opened slightly. With a face disguised as a man, she smiled brightly and casually thought of a name.

“Surname Zhou.”

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red flower

i don’t like her ┌( â—• 益 â—• )á“„

Little Panda
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