After Being Scummed – Chapter 79

Official Announcement

Xiao Nian’s livestream completely exploded within the circle. After the livestream, many radical fans declared that they were unfollowing her. They don’t mind the fact that Xiao Nian is being financially supported by someone, but they do mind that Xiao Nian came out at this time and said that everything has nothing to do with Yin Bai. Between her and Yin Bai, it was willingly done.

In the days before, fans who fought with the haters over the “financial support” issue were so angry that they almost lost their minds. They felt that Xiao Nian didn’t care about them at all, which led to a large number of fans unfollowing her.

On the other hand, Zuo Jingyou openly replied to Xiao Nian on behalf of Yin Bai, which caused some speculation among the fans. But previously, Zuo Jingyou had been protecting Yin Bai in public, and when she was injured and hospitalized, they couldn’t say anything.

It can only be said that Teacher Zuo is truly radiant, full of universal love…

Fortunately, Xiao Nian has successfully transformed into a powerful actor today. Although this incident caused her to lose many fans, it also gained her many casual fans. Overall, the problem isn’t significant.

Even though Yin Bai had already made up her mind not to care about Xiao Nian’s affairs, with Zuo Jingyou’s permission, she still had Zhang Yu investigate Xiao Nian’s losses.

As expected, Xiao Nian had indeed lost many endorsements and needed to compensate a significant amount of money. After Zhang Yu reported back, she cheerfully said to Yin Bai, “Boss, don’t worry about it. Xiao Nian can afford this compensation. Besides, she has Director Lu… Recently, Director Lu has been accompanying her to deal with these matters together…”

In Yin Bai’s mind, the image of Lu Qing’s seemingly upright face appeared. For the first time, Yin Bai felt that the seemingly serious and meticulous young woman had a slightly adorable side.

Yin Bai pursed her lips and muttered, “Lu Qing is quite good.”

Perhaps she could restrain some of her own prejudices.

This incident caused a great uproar but eventually dissipated like the wind after Xiao Nian’s sincere confession. Whether it was Xiao Nian, Zuo Jingyou, Yin Bai, or Lu Qing, none of them wanted to avoid this past.

The main characters of the story didn’t care about these matters, while others might be indignant or filled with varied emotions, it was all a matter of personal concern.

(Originally translated on, let's go!)

In the blink of an eye, it was mid-May, and Zuo Jingyou, completely recovered, returned to work, immersing herself with Xu Ruofeng in the post-production of 《Dawa》.

After Yin Bai was discharged from the hospital, she completely moved out of Baihe Villa and chose a hotel suite closest to Zuo Jingyou’s studio as her new residence.

During the day, Zuo Jingyou went to work, while Yin Bai handled the tasks assigned to her by Jin Xiangyu from home. Occasionally, she would read books, write film reviews, and have lunch with Zuo Jingyou when they had time.

The paparazzi often managed to capture Yin Bai appearing near Zuo Jingyou’s studio, accompanying her to various events. Although the two of them didn’t publicly announce their relationship, it was obvious they were in love.

At this point, Yin Bai no longer cared if her photos were leaked or what kind of controversy they would generate. However, frequently appearing in gossip as a rumored couple might affect Zuo Jingyou’s reputation. Therefore, Yin Bai spent a considerable amount of money to buy the photos of her and Zuo Jingyou taken by entertainment reporters, suppressing various rumors and marketing press releases about their public displays of affection.

But buying too many photos made Zuo Jingyou feel like she had money to spare. She sighed and said it would be better to donate the money to children in mountainous areas, ordering Yin Bai not to buy any more.

However, this meant that she couldn’t freely go out for meals with Zuo Jingyou anymore. So, every time she went to see Zuo Jingyou, she dressed up in a disguise to avoid being photographed by the paparazzi.

During one lunch, Zuo Jingyou looked at her wearing sunglasses and sneaking around to evade the paparazzi and couldn’t help but reach out and tap her head, scolding her, “Why are you being so cautious? The paparazzi can’t eat you!”

Yin Bai pushed her sunglasses up and sighed, saying, “The paparazzi can’t harm me, but what about your fans? If I’m constantly involved in rumors and public displays of affection with you in the public eye, your fans might end up hating me!”

Yin Bai mumbled to herself, “Sigh, being in a relationship with a famous actor comes with this kind of trouble.”

Zuo Jingyou rested her hands on her chin, pondered for a moment, and then smiled, saying, “Is that so? When I was with Mr. He before… we were often photographed, but I didn’t really feel anything about it. In the end, the more we engage in marketing tactics, the more people resent it. Without attention from the paparazzi, they won’t bother us.”

“Some things are just like that. The more you hide, the more curious people become.”

Yin Bai raised her gaze and looked at Zuo Jingyou with a dissatisfied expression, saying, “Hey, hey, hey, Teacher Zuo, don’t mention Mr. He at a time like this. I’ll get jealous!”

“Oh… is that so? I thought you wouldn’t suggest that,” Zuo Jingyou nodded and smiled, saying, “Well then, how about we go public with our relationship? That way, even if we get photographed, you won’t have to worry too much.”

Yin Bai looked at Zuo Jingyou, hesitatingly saying, “But I think… it’s better to choose a good day to go public with our relationship, don’t you think?”

Zuo Jingyou blinked and asked her, “Isn’t today a good day? Isn’t the weather nice?”

Yin Bai raised her gaze and looked outside. It was early summer, with brilliant sunshine, and all the flowers and plants were radiating vibrant vitality in such weather. Who could honestly say it wasn’t good weather?

Yin Bai was an honest person, so she replied, “Okay.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“That’s right.” Zuo Jingyou beckoned to Yin Bai, saying, “Come here.”

Yin Bai picked up her cane, stood up, and moved to sit next to Zuo Jingyou. Zuo Jingyou raised her hand and embraced Yin Bai’s shoulder, forcing her to lower her head. “Since it’s a good day, it’s very appropriate to announce our relationship.”

“Actually, summer isn’t the best season for romance. It’s always sticky and uncomfortably hot when we’re together. Winter is much better… cuddling with you feels warm…”

As Zuo Jingyou spoke, she used one hand to open the front-facing camera on her phone and leaned against Yin Bai’s shoulder, smiling. “But when I’m with you, every season is a good season for love.”

Yin Bai felt that something was off about her words and frowned slightly as she looked down at the person in her arms, saying, “Teacher Zuo, were you just driving?”

“No, I’m a serious person, okay?” Zuo Jingyou said so and playfully poked Yin Bai’s face with the hand that was embracing her shoulder, reminding her, “Don’t move around, look at the camera quickly.”

Yin Bai immediately looked at the camera and forced a smile, feeling stiff. Zuo Jingyou raised her gaze and looked at the two of them huddled together in the phone, their slightly swaying figures, and her eyes curved with a smile. “Say ‘eggplant’!”

Yin Bai obediently raised a peace sign and said to the camera, “Eggplant!”

With a click, the smiles of the two frozen together in the small phone screen. After taking the photo, Yin Bai immediately leaned over to Zuo Jingyou and chattered beside her, “Let me see, let me see! I feel like I smiled so stiffly just now. Did it not turn out well?”

Zuo Jingyou pulled out the photo to show Yin Bai. Seeing Yin Bai’s shy and unnatural expression while making the peace sign in the picture, she chuckled lightly, “It does look a bit unnatural. Shall we take another one?”

“Okay, okay.”

Next, the two of them huddled together and took dozens of photos. When Zuo Jingyou’s smile became tired at the corners of her mouth, she raised her hand and patted Yin Bai’s head, saying, “Alright, that’s enough. Choose one quickly. We’ll post it on Weibo later.”

Yin Bai stared at her, “Teacher Zuo, are you being so casual about it?” Shouldn’t they announce their relationship in a more formal setting?

Zuo Jingyou looked at her with a smile, “Is this too casual? A sudden day, a sudden love, a sudden declaration… Doesn’t it perfectly fit the irrational nature of love?”

It made so much sense that there was no way to refute it.

After thinking for a moment, Yin Bai happily went to pick the photos. When she found a photo where Zuo Jingyou had a beautiful smile, Yin Bai’s mood improved and she said, “Let’s use this one!”

Zuo Jingyou glanced at it and noticed that Yin Bai had a shy and bashful expression in the photo. She nodded in agreement, saying, “Alright, let’s go with this one.”

Zuo Jingyou opened her Weibo page, edited a post, and sent it out: “Official announcement [heart] [photo].”

After posting the Weibo, she pinned it to the top. After completing all of this, she put down her phone and looked at Yin Bai with seriousness, saying, “Okay, now everyone knows that you’re my lover.”

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Everyone knows that I’m loving you.

Yin Bai lowered her gaze and called out, “Teacher Zuo…”

Zuo Jingyou tilted her head and looked at Yin Bai, her eyes shining brightly as they met. She smiled and asked, “What’s wrong?”

What’s wrong? What else could it be… of course, Yin Bai wanted to kiss her.

Yin Bai reached out and embraced Zuo Jingyou’s shoulder, leaning in to press a kiss on her always tender eyes, her face filled with affection, and her lips that uttered sweet words…

Only with a gentle kiss could she respond to the emotions of respect and love that Zuo Jingyou bestowed upon her.

Yin Bai and Zuo Jingyou’s official announcement, although surprising to some, was also expected. After causing a small stir on Weibo, for a long time afterward, Yin Bai openly accompanied Zuo Jingyou, participating in work together.

In the blink of an eye, it was summer vacation. After a semester of hard studying, before the start of summer classes, Yin Bai decided to take the children to the seaside for a round of fun.

After a week of sun exposure, the two little monkeys turned into little tanned monkeys, their bright white teeth startling. Despite seeing the children in this state, Zuo Jingyou could still go against her own heart and say that their skin looked healthy and pretty good.

Perhaps this is the filter of being a mother. After all, as their little friend, Yin Bai still found them cute with their fair and tender skin!

After the short vacation ended, August came in the blink of an eye.

On August 12th, directed by Director Xu, the urban film 《Give Me A Hug》, starring Zuo Jingyou and Xiao Nian, officially began filming.

After the official announcement news was released, it instantly ignited the internet.

LP: Happy holidays and new year!!! Long time, no see too 🙂

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“we are officially dating! …Oh and btw im also gonna be in a movie now making out with my gf’s ex”

Little Panda
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