Peerless Beauty – Chapter 29.1

Celebrating the New Year

Like a Home

“Don’t go.” Jian Qing grabbed Lu Yinxi’s hand, speaking a bit faster than usual, “Open it first and see.”

Her left hand was held, Lu Yinxi turned back, somewhat surprised, “How can you open a gift you’ve decided not to accept?”

Jian Qing released her left hand, turned her gaze away, and said indifferently, “It’s not a gift from them.”

After saying this, without waiting for Lu Yinxi to react, Jian Qing rubbed her head and walked ahead on her own, “Let’s go, we’re going home.”

Lu Yinxi was stunned for a moment, “Ah? Then who is it from?”

She looked at Jian Qing’s back, then glanced at the small square box in her hand, hesitated for a few seconds, and swiftly tore open the transparent packaging bag, opening it, a necklace with a deer antler pendant came into view.

She picked it up, shook it twice in front of her eyes, silently recalling Jian Qing’s subtle behavior earlier, and understood a bit in her heart.

Lu Yinxi carefully clenched the necklace in her hand, jogged all the way, caught up with Jian Qing, and hugged her from behind.

Jian Qing immediately stopped in her tracks, her facial expression freezing as well.

At 6:30 in the evening, the hospital ward was not as bustling as during the day, silent and empty, with only bright white lights and festive little lanterns.

Lu Yinxi stood on tiptoe, wrapped her arms around Jian Qing’s waist from behind, placed her chin on her shoulder, and hugged her tightly, whispering, “Thank you for the gift, I really like it.”

Feeling the warmth behind her, Jian Qing placed her hand over Lu Yinxi’s hand on her waist and asked softly, “Does this hug come with a charge?”

With their bodies pressed together, Lu Yinxi felt the vibrations in her chest as she spoke, and she chuckled, releasing the hug, “No charge.”

Filled with joy and affection that seemed ready to overflow, she restrained her urge to give Jian Qing another hug, grabbed Jian Qing’s hand, and started to run forward, “No charge, but you have to come shopping with me to buy New Year’s goods!”

After running a few steps, Jian Qing pulled Lu Yinxi back, stopping her, “No running in the hospital grounds.”

Lu Yinxi dragged her, still wanting to run, and laughed, “It’s after work hours, no one is going to catch healthcare workers for their behavior.”

Jian Qing held her firmly, like holding a wild horse ready to break free, and pointed to the code of conduct for medical staff hanging on the wall.

The code of conduct outlined twenty rules regarding attire, language, and behavior.

Lu Yinxi looked at rule sixteen and read aloud, “Conduct yourself with dignity and elegance, keep your head up and chest out, walk lightly, and do not hook arms or play around when walking in pairs.” She tapped the words “conduct yourself with dignity,” looked at Jian Qing beside her, and laughed wryly, then approached closer, brushed aside her hair, and whispered in her ear, her breath fragrant like orchids, “Dr. Jian, do you conduct yourself with dignity at home?”

Blowing into someone’s ear is not at all dignified, and stripping someone cleanly in bed is even less so, yet she remains solemn and dignified in the workplace.

Jian Qing’s face remained unchanged, though her ears gradually turned red. She calmly said, “The rules only need to be followed in the hospital.”

Lu Yinxi instantly transformed into a seductive fox spirit, leaning against the wall. She wrapped her arms around Jian Qing’s waist, pulling her close to her own body. “Dr. Jian, what would happen if you were caught not being dignified in the hospital?”

The change in her demeanor happened in an instant; her eyes no longer resembled a clear, clean spring but became those of a captivating enchantress. Even her voice carried a hint of seduction.

It wasn’t the first time Jian Qing had witnessed Lu Yinxi’s acting skills. With the warm and soft woman pressed against her, Jian Qing gazed at her steadily for a few seconds, keeping her eyes straight ahead. She pried Lu Yinxi’s hands away and took half a step back, “Stop playing around. I’ll go to the supermarket with you.”

Lu Yinxi laughed so hard she almost bent over.

She decided that if Jian Qing teased her at home again, she would retaliate even more playfully in the hospital.

This scoundrel wouldn’t dare to act out of line in the hospital.

Jian Qing stood quietly to the side, watching her laugh. She lowered her head and gave a faint smile.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Today, she seemed unusually lively and happy.

Jian Qing asked her, “On a scale of 0 to 10, how happy are you?”

Lu Yinxi blurted out, “8.”

“Only level 8?”

Lu Yinxi smiled without saying a word.

Because there was still a bit of regret.

A level 10 happiness should be without regret, like all idol dramas, ending with a perfect, happy ending.

She did not know if she and Jian Qing could stay together.

At this moment, she only knew that she could change their fate.

The supermarket was decorated everywhere with bright red lanterns and ribbons, and cheerful background music lingered in the air. Jian Qing pushed the shopping cart, following behind Lu Yinxi, who was responsible for tossing snacks from the display shelves into the cart.

Jian Qing asked, “Weren’t you going to lose weight?”

Lu Yinxi said, “I can lose it after the New Year.”

This body is 5 years younger than in reality, with a vigorous metabolism. It gets hungry easily, digests and absorbs easily, and doesn’t gain weight easily. With appropriate exercise, it appears slim in clothes and muscular when undressed. It is in its best physical condition.

Lu Yinxi suddenly turned around and smiled at Jian Qing, saying, “You are very lucky to have met me at this age.”

In another 5 years, she would have a body full of injuries from acting. At 25, her body would feel like that of a person in their forties or fifties. Whenever it rained or got cold, she would feel aches and pains all over.

This is probably the price of fame.

Jian Qing smiled faintly, “Are you trying to tell me you are someone who has traveled from the future?”

Lu Yinxi shrugged without saying anything.

Jian Qing was too perceptive; she dared not say more.

“The last time we went to the supermarket, you said you wanted to share your journey to fame as an actress with me.” Jian Qing brought up an old issue, “You still haven’t said anything.”

Lu Yinxi threw a bag of pistachios into the shopping cart, “Last time, you didn’t want to listen.”

Jian Qing replied, “I said I wanted to hear it at home.”

Not that I didn’t want to listen.

“I don’t care. You missed the last opportunity, so you’ll have to wait until I feel like saying it again.” Lu Yinxi didn’t mind showing her capricious side in front of Jian Qing. After a pause, she smiled and turned around, “Never mind, I’m in a good mood today. I’ll give you another chance. Come on, rock-paper-scissors. If you win, I’ll tell you.”

Jian Qing stopped walking, her eyes showing a faint disdain.

Disdain for Lu Yinxi’s childishness.

Lu Yinxi scolded her, “Are you going to play or not?”

Jian Qing put her right hand behind her back, ready to play.

Lu Yinxi said, “I’ll count three, two, one, rock-paper-scissors and we’ll show our hands. Three, two, one, rock-paper-scissors—”

Lu Yinxi showed rock.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Jian Qing spread her five fingers, showing paper.

Just as Lu Yinxi was about to withdraw her hand, Jian Qing’s gesture changed. She instantly folded her thumb, ring finger, and little finger, turning the paper into scissors.

—deliberately losing to Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi was stunned, looked up, and met Jian Qing’s clear eyes, blinking.

Jian Qing also blinked, seemingly responding silently.

Lu Yinxi asked, “Don’t you want to hear it?”

Jian Qing withdrew her hand, continued pushing the shopping cart, and said indifferently, “Waiting for you.”

No matter what it was, she was willing to wait until Lu Yinxi wanted to say it, to say it, and listen.

On New Year’s Eve, the hospital ward was much quieter.

During the Chinese New Year, nobody likes to come to the hospital.

The ward, which was full all year round, with even extra beds not enough, rarely had vacant beds.

As long as the patients were not in critical or emergency condition, almost all had completed discharge procedures.

Some had just received chemotherapy in the morning and were in a hurry to be discharged in the afternoon, unwilling to stay for overnight observation.

“Usually, you all rush me to be discharged, but today, during the Chinese New Year, when I want to be discharged voluntarily, you won’t let me?”

Large hospitals undertake more treatment responsibilities and have bed turnover rate assessment indicators. If patients stay too long, they are urged to be discharged as soon as possible. When beds are particularly tight, some familiar, good-natured, and physically fit old patients are also asked to leave early to free up beds.

The nurse explained with a smile, “Uncle, please stay a few more hours. We are afraid there might be any adverse reactions.”

The patient waved his hand, “No, no, there won’t be! I’ve had this medicine several times! I can’t wait, I’ve already bought the tickets in advance, I must rush back.”

Unable to dissuade him, after discussing with the doctor, they had to let him go.

While having the patient sign the discharge papers, Jian Qing instructed, “Don’t eat too greasy food, and don’t take any random traditional Chinese medicines right after chemotherapy. If you feel unwell, go to the nearby hospital as soon as possible.”

For some patients participating in clinical trials, she would add, “If you feel unwell, go to the nearby hospital as soon as possible, and remember to bring the contact notification sheet so the doctors there can call me.”

On New Year’s Eve, interns follow the teaching schedule. Those whose mentors are off-duty can take a holiday, while those whose mentors are on duty must stay in the hospital. Graduate students, mostly in their standardized training period, do not have holidays and follow the duty roster strictly.

Wei Mingming arrived at the hospital with her luggage in the morning, planning to go home directly after her shift in the afternoon.

Jian Qing let her go at noon, “There won’t be many patients in the afternoon, you can leave first.”

Wei Mingming wished she could hug her mentor and give her a few kisses, but her mentor’s face was as cold as frost, so she didn’t dare. She could only excitedly hug the mascot, Lu Yinxi.

When Jian Qing saw this, her face remained expressionless. She hooked her finger around the belt at the back of Wei Mingming’s white coat and pulled her back, creating distance between her and Lu Yinxi. Her tone was unkind: “No hugging in the hospital.”

This is inappropriate.

Afraid that her holiday would be canceled, Wei Mingming quickly wished everyone a happy new year and hurried off with her luggage.

Jian Qing looked at Lu Yinxi, who had just been hugged, and said again, “No hugging in the hospital.”

She had to push them apart.

Lu Yinxi, who had been suddenly hugged and then suddenly separated, was stunned for a moment and patted her clothes.

It was just as well that it was lunchtime, and they weren’t wearing their white coats.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She then remembered that she had hugged Jian Qing last night, and Jian Qing hadn’t said anything about no hugging.

Fireworks exploded in her heart, Lu Yinxi covered her chest and smiled, “I need to go get an ECG.”

Jian Qing asked, “Is your heart feeling uncomfortable?”

She casually grabbed a stethoscope from the table.

Lu Yinxi quickly covered her chest before Jian Qing could say anything else, “No problem, no problem, no need for a stethoscope.”

Jian Qing put the stethoscope back, looking at Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi looked back at her, and they shared a smile, “Can I have the afternoon off too? I need to go home and prepare for the New Year’s Eve dinner.”

Jian Qing said, “No rush, we’ll go home together and prepare it in the evening.”

“What should I do in the afternoon?”

Jian Qing thought for a moment and said, “Help me screen patients for the clinical trial. My research assistant is also on holiday.”

Since the last business trip, Jian Qing had found that Lu Yinxi was quick to learn and had a certain understanding of medical knowledge, making her more than capable of being an assistant.