Peerless Beauty – Chapter 28

A Heart Racing Encounter

A sudden collision into her arms

Wei Mingming hurriedly released her grip and sheepishly said, “Boss, I’ve finished writing the medical records for the new patient. I only played with my phone after I finished my work…”

Jian Qing retracted her gaze, glanced coldly at Lu Yinxi, and without a word, turned around to continue her work.

Lu Yinxi rubbed the bridge of her nose and comforted Wei Mingming, “Don’t worry, she won’t scold you.”

Wei Mingming whispered, “She doesn’t scold people, but she’ll hold a grudge and make me work overtime, and then stare at me with those icy eyes. It gives me the creeps. Our Deputy Director Hu is the same. When you make a mistake, he won’t scold you. He’ll just stare at you coldly first. It’s terrifying. I’d rather he just scolded me a few times.” (LP: Changing “Vice President” to “Deputy Director”.)

Lu Yinxi rarely saw Deputy Director Hu Jianjun, only during the weekly department head rounds when she could see his tall figure from behind, among a group of ten or twenty people.

Usually, when there was paperwork to be signed, the department secretary would handle it.

Lu Yinxi joked, “If you follow Dr. Jian for a few years, maybe you’ll become like that too, killing with just a look.”

Wei Mingming shook her head like a rattle drum: “No way, that’s too scary.”

Zhang Yue returned from outside and chimed in, “Exactly, that fierce look won’t get you a husband. Learn from me. Look how well I treat the kids under me. Wei Mingming, wait a few more years before doing your PhD. When I become a doctoral advisor, I’ll take you in!”

Wei Mingming retorted, “Shut up! You treat them too well. None of them write their medical records. Last night before clocking out, there was a new patient in bed 12. One of your students copied the entire record from the neighboring bed without changing a word. Fortunately, I caught it and made a few changes. Otherwise, you’d be scolded. It’s the end of the month, and the Quality Control Department might drop by any day for an inspection. You better be careful!”

As soon as she finished speaking, a group of young people in white coats and masks streamed in from outside, escorting a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. “Is the head of the second district here? We’re here for a routine inspection. Please bring out all your department’s records.”

“Right here!” Zhang Yue stood up to respond, silently mouthing “crow’s mouth” (an idiom suggesting someone has jinxed the situation) at Wei Mingming, then stepped forward to greet them. “Director, why are you personally here today? What records do you need to check?”

Usually, the young staff from the Quality Control Department would come for inspections. Among young people, it was easier to talk things over. A few soft words, and non-principled issues could often be overlooked.

Director Wu of the Quality Control Department clasped his hands behind his back, “It’s the end of the year. We’re making rounds to all the wards. Please bring out the emergency value logbook, the difficult case discussion book, the handover book, and all the usual inspection records for us to see.”

Every year-end, from health administrative departments to hospital administrative offices, there would be rounds made in the hospital and wards.

Zhang Yue had prepared the materials early. While rummaging through the boxes and cabinets for documents, he instructed the two of them to lend a hand: “Xiaolu, go get the emergency value and handover books. Mingming, find the difficult case and death case discussion books.”

The comings and goings of the medical staff exchanged greetings with Section Chief Wu, who nodded in response one by one.

In no time, the department’s personnel had gathered the documents, neatly placed them on the table, and even turned to this month’s records for easy inspection and review.

The staff of the Quality Control Department complimented in front of the section chief: “The quality control in the second district has always been quite serious, and the core system is implemented quite well.”

Wei Mingming nodded and flattered: “It’s all because of the leaders’ supervision that the work is done well. The New Year is coming, leaders, please deduct fewer points.”

Section Chief Wu laughed and said, “Don’t be cheeky, there are still medical records to check. Each group needs to pull out 2 running records, and they must have been hospitalized for more than 3 days.”

Wei Mingming asked joyfully, “Can we draw them ourselves?”

Section Chief Wu replied, “Wishful thinking. Xiaolui, go and draw.”

The two records drawn from Jian Qing’s group were both by Zhang Yue, and Zhang Yue had let the interns write them.

Section Chief Wu personally sat at the computer to check: “Let me see how the medical records of Deputy Director Hu’s student are written.”

Although he had not been directly supervised much, Zhang Yue was still considered a doctoral student of Hu Jianjun.

Wei Mingming said, “Now that there are interns coming in, they are first taught to write.”

Section Chief Wu instructed, “You can’t just let the interns write. Every single one must be reviewed by you and your superiors. If there’s a problem, the interns don’t bear the responsibility, you do.”

Zhang Yue quickly nodded and responded, “Yes, yes, yes. I check and review every day, and the superiors have also looked over them once.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Section Chief Wu pointed to the medical records of beds 12 and 11, feeling something was off, and frowned as he asked, “Why do both of these stage IV stomach cancer patients have a history of travel? And their physical condition is so good?”

In medical terms, “history of extramarital sexual activities” refers to a history of visiting prostitutes, used to determine the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases in patients.

Zhang Yue explained, “No, no! It might be that the template was not updated! I’ll change it right now!”

It could also be that the student did not learn the chapter on writing medical histories in the textbook “Diagnostics” well, mistaking “history of extramarital sexual activities” (冶游史) for “history of travel” (旅游史).

Section Chief Wu opened the new admission medical records under Zhang Yue’s account and, sure enough, almost all patients were noted to have a history of extramarital sexual activities.

“The patients from your group are quite promiscuous!” Section Chief Wu shook his head slightly, both angry and amused, pointing at the medical records with his finger. “Xiaoliu, note down all these beds. Report to the entire hospital at the end of the month!”

The report would not include the names of the intern doctors. Jian Qing returned to the ward, received the 《Inspection Feedback Form》 issued by the Quality Control Department, and saw the lines of medical record defects. She remained silent, staring at Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue, feeling utterly mortified under her gaze, said, “Senior Sister, I check every day. Who knew we’d suddenly run into the Quality Control Department today?”

Jian Qing replied with a blank expression, “From now on, teach every new intern how to write medical records first.”

“This batch rotated from other departments. I thought the previous people had already taught them.”

Jian Qing said, “Ask more questions in the future to see if they know how to write. Today, you check all the in-hospital medical records of your group. Tomorrow, I’ll check. Don’t let me find any more omissions.”

When the hospital-wide criticism report was issued at the end of the month, the column for the responsible doctors of the defective medical records prominently listed “Zhang Yue/Jian Qing.” A significant portion of their bonuses was also deducted. Department Head Hu Jianjun even specifically called them to his office for a scolding.

Coming out of the Deputy Director’s office, Zhang Yue hung his head and apologized to Jian Qing, saying, “In the past, Teacher Hu never paid attention to these small matters. Why is he so strict today?”

Jian Qing calmly reminded, “Because the hospital director is about to retire. Be more cautious from now on.”

It’s best to make fewer mistakes during special periods.

As the hospital director was nearing retirement, various factions within the hospital were openly and covertly vying for power. Hu Jianjun and his students naturally fell into the Hu faction. Director Jiang of the Medical Affairs Department was also on Hu Jianjun’s side, while Section Chief Wu of the Quality Control Department was closer to another Deputy Director, Sun, and belonged to the Sun faction.

Zhang Yue scratched his head, “I don’t get it. When the people above fight, it’s us shrimp soldiers and crab generals (idiom meaning minor functionaries or low-ranking soldiers) who suffer.”

Jian Qing calmly said, “Don’t worry about it. No matter how they fight, the hospital still needs to treat patients and save lives. Go write the medical records.”

With a few days left until the New Year, Zhang Yue, who practically lived in the hospital 24/7, took a half-day off, saying he needed to buy some local specialties from Jiangzhou City to send back home.

Jian Qing asked, “You still need to buy gifts for the New Year?”

Zhang Yue said, “I also need to send big red envelopes. Senior Sister, you’ve celebrated the New Year before! Since I can’t go back, I have to send something, right?”

Jian Qing waved her hand, granting the leave, and took some time to go to the mall herself.

Over the years, she had only considered herself, never thinking about buying gifts for someone else.

For the first time, she wandered aimlessly in the mall.

After half an hour, she walked into a jewelry store and saw a poster on the display wall behind the glass. On the poster was a silver necklace with a deer antler pendant. Next to it was a line of text: “When the forest is deep, you see the deer; when you wake from a dream, you see you” (a poetic expression implying a sense of longing and connection).

She remembered waking up in the moonlight and seeing Lu Yinxi. She walked into the store and bought the necklace with the deer antler pendant.

When she got home, Lu Yinxi was curled up on the sofa watching TV, holding a bag of chips. Seeing Jian Qing return, she gave a gentle smile, shuffled over in her fluffy slippers, and said, “I learned to make sweet and sour carp tonight. Come and have a taste.”

Jian Qing reached out to rub her head, holding the small square jewelry box in her left pocket, saying nothing.

Lu Yinxi pulled Jian Qing’s right hand and led her to the dining table, pressing her down into a chair.

Jian Qing said, “I haven’t washed my hands yet.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lu Yinxi made an “oh” sound and then pulled her to the sink, chattering away.

Recently, every other day, Lu Yinxi would make a new dish.

“I’ve calculated it. By the time the New Year arrives, I’ll be able to make fried shrimp, garlic spare ribs, white-cut chicken, beer duck, and sweet and sour carp. With chicken, duck, fish, and meat, the only thing missing is a soup. Even if I’m the only one here, I’ll still have a lot of delicious food to eat.”

Warm water wetted the back of her hand. Jian Qing stared at the flowing water and said aloud, “You are not alone.”

She would not leave her alone here.

Lu Yinxi responded, “You’re not going home for the New Year?”

Jian Qing dried her hands and returned to the table. “No, I’m on duty on New Year’s Eve.”

Lu Yinxi sat down beside her. “I remember you’re on day shift. Won’t you go back to your parents’ place in the evening? Not even on the last night of the year?”


“Won’t your parents be upset? Will they send bodyguards to drag you back?”

Jian Qing served herself half a bowl of rice. “Stop reading those nonsensical novels and watching TV dramas.”

The way she said it made it sound like they were eloping.

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing with sparkling eyes, almost as if she had grown a tail and was wagging it wildly.

She propped her face with her left hand and sighed, “It’s been many years since someone spent the New Year with me.”

Before she turned 10, the New Year was at its most festive. In the countryside, people liked to gather in large groups to celebrate. Children would chase and play, set off firecrackers and fireworks, while adults slaughtered chickens and pigs. A large round table could seat about ten people. From the first to the fifteenth day of the lunar month, people would visit relatives and friends. In those days, life was tough for everyone. Children didn’t get much New Year’s money, but even stuffing their pockets with biscuits and candies would make them very content.

After she turned 10, she moved to the city with her mother, Gu Mingyu, and lived in the family quarters of the hospital. You couldn’t set off firecrackers in the hospital, but the medical staff were a bit less stern and a bit more cheerful than usual. Every New Year’s Eve, Gu Mingyu rarely returned home. It was almost always the neighbors across the hall who took pity on her and brought her into their home to have New Year’s Eve dinner together.

After she turned 20, she completely cut off contact with Gu Mingyu. Even though she later had an agent, assistants, and friends, she felt that they all had their own family lives and it would be inconvenient to intrude. She would just make some dumplings at home by herself.

Jian Qing responded with a hum, focusing on eating fish and not asking more questions.

She too had many years without anyone to spend the New Year with.

This year, she had someone to keep her company.

At night, Jian Qing held the jewelry box in her pocket, hesitating to give it away.

She took out the jewelry box and placed it on the coffee table in the living room, hoping that Lu Yinxi would find it and wear it when she woke up the next morning.

After a minute, she retrieved it and opened the refrigerator, thinking of placing it inside so that Lu Yinxi would find it when she prepared to cook.

After thinking it over, she decided against it, planning to give it personally before New Year’s Eve.

The day before New Year’s Eve, after much hesitation, Jian Qing finally placed the jewelry box in the pocket of Lu Yinxi’s coat, still hoping that she would find it herself.

The day before New Year’s Eve, He Bei’s condition improved, and she was moved out of the ICU. Lu Yinxi happily ran to the ward and shook hands with her twice.

Perhaps due to her frequent visits and genuine joy, she infected the family of three. He Bei’s parents gave Lu Yinxi a big red envelope.

Lu Yinxi quickly declined, “Uncle, Auntie, I can’t accept this. I really can’t! I’m actually working already, so I shouldn’t be receiving red envelopes. I’m not a child anymore!”

He Bei’s parents insisted on stuffing it into her pocket, “Take it, take it! Just consider it a token of our appreciation! And help us bring a share to Dr. Xiaojian.”

“She can’t accept it either! If she accepts it, she could get reported! Luckily, I didn’t wear a white coat to visit you today, or I might have been reported to the inspection department too.”

He Bei’s mother quickly withdrew her hand, smiling broadly, “Auntie didn’t consider that. Let’s add each other on WeChat, and Auntie will transfer it to you via WeChat!”

“Auntie, I don’t mean it that way. We really don’t want a single penny. We’re just very happy to see He Bei getting better! Auntie, I have to go now. Happy New Year!” Lu Yinxi almost ran out of the ward.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She exited the cardiology department, chose not to take the elevator, and instead hopped down the stairs like a little rabbit, all the way from the 25th floor of the internal medicine building to the 1st floor. Then she ran like the wind back to the oncology building, wanting to give Jian Qing a big hug.

Jian Qing got off work an hour later than usual today. She was in the changing room, taking off her white coat and putting on her overcoat.

Lu Yinxi dashed in and bumped right into her arms, causing her to take a step back and lean against the locker, lightly hugging Lu Yinxi.

She gently patted Lu Yinxi’s shoulder, “Why are you so happy?”

Lu Yinxi pulled away from Jian Qing’s embrace, her eyes curved in a smile, “He Bei has been moved to a regular ward. She made it!”

She had successfully changed the fate of a secondary character.

Jian Qing gently rubbed her head, her gaze clear and her expression calm.

Lu Yinxi patted her coat pocket, “Her parents even tried to stuff a red envelope into my pocket just now. I didn’t take it—hey, what’s this?” She took out a small square box from her pocket, “How did they secretly give me a gift? No, I have to go back to the cardiology department and return it!”

Jian Qing stopped her, “Don’t go.”

The author has something to say:

Happy New Year! Wishing you great fortune in the Year of the Ox!