Peerless Beauty – Chapter 23


Will you miss me?

In the 70s and 80s of the last century, housing areas for enterprises and institutions were tight. The dormitories arranged by the units for employees were like student dormitory-style tube-shaped buildings.

The tube-shaped buildings were adjacent to the workplaces. Each floor housed 3 to 4 families who shared a narrow and long corridor, with a communal bathroom and toilet at the end of the corridor.

In the last century, getting into a unit, leaving single-story houses, and moving into apartment buildings would make one so excited that they couldn’t sleep for a night.

Countless families got married and had children here back then. Among neighbors, the sounds of cooking utensils clanging, couples arguing, and children crying and playing could be heard clearly.

After decades of wind and rain, the walls of this building have long been covered with a layer of gray-black, the wall paint has peeled off, and the dilapidated stairs have exposed the rebar.

Like an old man entering the twilight of his life.

The residents of those days have long since moved with their children into spacious and bright high-rise buildings. The remaining few households are either elderly people unwilling to live with their children or those whose financial conditions do not allow them to buy new homes, so they can only continue living here.

Lu Yinxi carried a large bag of fruit and stepped onto the stairs: “I used to live in a building like this with my mother. From the balcony, you could see the hospital.”

She was very willing to share her past life with Jian Qing, showing herself openly to her, wanting to be understood by her.

Also wanting to understand her.

Unfortunately, she rarely talked about herself.

She only said, “Some freshly graduated students or long-term patients will rent accommodation here.”

Housing prices in Jiangzhou City are ridiculously high, and areas near the city center with hospitals and schools are especially valuable.

Some students and sick families cannot afford the high rent in residential complexes, so they choose to temporarily stay in this dilapidated tube-shaped building.

The staircase is located in the middle of the building. Upon reaching the third floor, faint sounds of food sizzling in oil and the clanging of stir-frying can be heard.

Jian Qing led Lu Yinxi to room 301 on the left and knocked on the door.

The door was wide open.

It seems that only two households, 301 and 302, are left on this floor.

Lu Yinxi turned around to peek at 301 next door.

The door of 301 was also open, but the items inside were somewhat messy, and there were a few cardboard boxes at the entrance, as if someone was packing up to move out.

“Oh my, Dr. Jian, Dr. Xiaolu, what brings you here?”

Lu Yinxi lifted the fruit and gave a faint smile, “Teacher Zhou, we came to see you.”

Teacher Zhou quickly invited them inside, “Come in and sit for a while. I’ll go stir the food in the pot. It’s midday—have you eaten? If not, stay and have a meal with me.”

With lunch secured, Lu Yinxi scratched her head and whispered, “If I had known, I would have brought some groceries.”

Jian Qing looked around the room.

The room was clean and tidy, with a piano in the corner of the living room.

Teacher Zhou was a retired music teacher, skilled at playing the piano. Even though her hair was already gray and her face was lined with wrinkles, one could still see the elegance and quiet demeanor of her younger years.

On the wall hung many group photos. Lu Yinxi looked at each one and saw a younger Teacher Zhou holding her husband’s arm, with a radiant smile.

She couldn’t help but exclaim, “Teacher Zhou was so beautiful and graceful when she was young.”

Jian Qing followed her gaze, nodded, and praised, “Beautiful.”

Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing and said, “In the future, I will take more photos of you. When you get old, young people will also be amazed and admire your youthful appearance.”

But who would be by her side then?

Who would be so lucky to walk through life hand in hand with her?

Hearing Lu Yinxi’s indirect compliment, Jian Qing turned her head, looked at her steadily for a moment, and dryly responded, “You are also beautiful.”

After speaking, she turned back to continue looking at the photos on the wall.

Over the years, Lu Yinxi had heard all kinds of compliments, thinking she had become immune to them. But hearing the person in front of her say a word of praise in a cool tone still made her heart flutter, and she couldn’t help but smile slightly.

“Teacher Zhao was also beautiful when she was young,” Jian Qing pointed to a group photo on the wall.

In the group photo, Teacher Zhou is wearing a plain white dress, and Teacher Zhao is wearing a bright red dress. The two are holding each other’s shoulders, looking at each other and smiling.

When Lu Yinxi met Teacher Zhao, Teacher Zhao could no longer be called beautiful. She had been tormented to the point of losing all her hair, her face was gaunt, and she was so thin that she was just skin and bones. When she smiled, her wrinkles always bunched up together.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lu Yinxi tentatively asked, “Teacher Jian, if one day I am no longer in this world, would you miss me just a little bit… just that little bit?”

Jian Qing silently looked at her, not answering.

Lu Yinxi rubbed her nose, averted her gaze, and dared not look her in the eye. “Let’s not talk about this anymore. I’ll go help in the kitchen.”

Food is the paramount necessity of the people.

The days of ordinary people are very simple. No matter how many life-and-death separations and human coldness you experience in the hospital, when it’s mealtime, you still have to cook and eat.

Three people had a simple lunch. After the meal, Teacher Zhou went next door to Room 301 to continue tidying up.

Lu Yinxi and Jian Qing helped out together.

While sorting through Teacher Zhao’s belongings, Teacher Zhou recounted past stories to them.

“Old Zhao and I were colleagues and neighbors for decades. We could be considered friends despite the age gap. She graduated in her twenties and started teaching at our school. I was in her first class of students. After I graduated, I returned to teach and became her colleague. We were lifelong old friends.”

“In the past, she was married once. Her husband was not good to her and would hit her. Her family advised her to tolerate it, saying all men make mistakes and she should just endure it. I told her not to endure it and to leave if she needed to, not to be soft-hearted. She left him, and her family felt ashamed and arranged another marriage for her.

Her second husband was considerate, but her stepson was not good to her and often cursed at her. Her husband was soft-hearted and found himself in a difficult position between them.

She cried every day at that time. I advised her not to go back, to simply live at the school, eat at the canteen, save money, and avoid the anger at home. I said she could keep me company, and when we got old, my son and I would take care of her.

She really moved out and lived here for decades without going back.

Her husband came to find her a few times and urged her to return. I said, ‘What’s there to go back for? If you go back, you’ll just be bullied by your son.’ I scolded him away. Her family thought it was improper for a married woman to live outside and not take care of her husband, so they also told her to go back, but they were chased away with a broom.”

Lu Yinxi smiled slightly, unable to imagine the quiet and graceful Teacher Zhou scolding people and chasing them away with a broom.

“I had my son recognize her as a godmother so he could take care of her in her old age and handle her funeral matters. Unfortunately, he left us earlier, drowning in the river the year before last. I, a person with white hair, had to send off someone with black hair. Now, I have also sent off Old Zhao.

Old Zhao suffered a lot from her illness and wanted to leave early on. She was worried about my mental state after losing my son, so she endured for so long to keep me company. This month, she hasn’t had a single good night’s sleep. Last night, she was admitted to the hospital and given some painkillers, which made her feel much better. She even asked me to go home and bring some clean clothes for her, thinking she might have to stay in the hospital for a few more days. Who would have thought that by the time I came back, she was gone…”

At this point, she choked up, took off her glasses, and wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes.

Lu Yinxi patted her shoulder to comfort her.

Jian Qing also paused and looked at her.

After a while, Teacher Zhou patted Lu Yinxi’s hand, put her glasses back on, and asked Jian Qing, “Doctor Jian, did you come to see me today to persuade me to give the death certificate to that man named Wang? I’ll tell you directly, I won’t give it to him. Let him figure it out himself.

That house their family lives in now, Old Zhao paid half of it back then. Old Zhao spent all her savings to treat this illness, sold the house, jewelry, and anything valuable, and yet that man named Wang never visited once or even asked about her. Now that Old Zhao is gone, he comes to take advantage. Put yourself in my shoes—would you give it to him?”

Lu Yinxi wanted to defend Jian Qing, intending to say that Jian Qing never establishes personal relationships with patients or their families and that today she came to visit with her, not to persuade about the death certificate.

Just as she started to say “Teacher Zhou,” Jian Qing gave her a look, slightly shaking her head, signaling her not to say more.

Lu Yinxi obediently closed her mouth.

Jian Qing asked, “Teacher Zhou, what do you plan to do next?”

Teacher Zhou replied, “I’m just an old bag of bones; I can go anywhere. All my savings these past two years went to Old Zhao’s treatment, and I owe a lot of money too. I’ll slowly pay it back with my pension. My daughter wants me to help take care of my granddaughter, so after handling Old Zhao’s affairs, I’ll go to her place.”

Jian Qing was silent for a moment, then nodded and said, “I understand.”

In the afternoon, during work hours, Lu Yinxi stayed in the old tube-shaped apartment building to help Teacher Zhou sort through Teacher Zhao’s belongings, while Jian Qing went to work at the hospital alone.

As soon as she got to the hospital and changed into her white coat, Director Jiang from the medical department called and asked her to come to the medical department.

What good could come from being called to the medical department?

Jian Qing had a rough idea.

Sure enough, as soon as she entered the director’s office, she saw three middle-aged men chatting and drinking tea by the desk, looking quite happy.

There was the old rascal Director Jiang, Teacher Zhao’s stepson Wang Enyi, and another man in a suit and tie with a medium build.

Jian Qing knocked on the door, “Director Jiang.”

“Xiaojian, come in, come in,” the old rascal Director Jiang said with a smile on his face. “Director Lin, this is one of our oncology department’s backbones, Vice President Hu’s prized student, Xiaojian. And this is Director Lin from the X Bureau, who came to our hospital for an inspection and dropped by to have tea with me.”

Jian Qing glanced at Wang Enyi and exchanged polite greetings with Director Lin.

As expected, Wang Enyi didn’t follow the proper procedure but instead sought connections to settle things privately.

Director Jiang poured her tea and made some small talk. Jian Qing got straight to the point, “I have patients in my ward, so let’s keep this brief, leaders.”

Director Lin smiled and said, “Well, Enyi and I were college classmates, and I also heard about his mother’s passing. I know there were some misunderstandings in between…”

He recounted what he had heard from beginning to end, then pleaded with Director Jiang and Jian Qing to make an exception and issue another death certificate.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

In the morning, Wang Enyi had been causing a scene in the ward, but by the afternoon, he had adopted a serious demeanor, sitting upright on the sofa with his hands on his knees, pretending to be filial and regretful in front of his old classmate and Director Jiang.

Some people become chameleons after spending a long time in society, changing their attitudes based on who they’re dealing with, and Wang Enyi changed his face faster than anyone.

Jian Qing didn’t expose him, knowing that the old rascal Director Jiang had called her over to share some of the responsibility.

After all, according to regulations, a medical institution can only issue one death certificate: one page is kept on record by the hospital, and the other page is divided into three parts—the top part kept by the family, the middle part handed to the public security bureau for deregistration, and the bottom part given to the funeral home as proof for cremation.

The old rascal, being the leader of the medical department, didn’t dare openly lead the way in breaking the rules.

She stepped down from the ladder provided by Director Lin, thoughtfully saying, “I have a solution.”

Director Jiang asked, “What solution?”

Jian Qing said, “Doesn’t our medical records room still have a copy on file?”

Director Jiang waved his hand, “No, we can’t give out the original. Our hospital must keep the original stub.”

The old rascal remained firm on the key point.

Jian Qing said, “It’s not giving the original to Mr. Wang, but making a copy for him, and then stamping it with the hospital seal to validate its effectiveness.”

Wang Enyi asked, “Is the hospital’s stub identical to the family’s copy of the death certificate?”

Director Jiang said, “No, they are different. The hospital’s stub contains more detailed information, which the medical records room needs to report.”

Jian Qing added, “The house transfer procedures require a death certificate just to confirm that the original owner has indeed passed away. Whether the certificate is the hospital’s stub or the family’s copy is not the most important thing, as long as it is authentic and valid.”

Director Lin agreed, “Then let’s give him the copy.”

Director Jiang was about to call the medical records room when Jian Qing said, “No rush, there’s one more thing to discuss with Mr. Wang.”

Wang Enyi put on a grateful face, “Director Jian, please go ahead.”

Jian Qing, with a cold expression, said, “I previously misunderstood Mr. Wang, thinking he was heartless, not supporting his mother, and rushing to the hospital to fight for the inheritance right after she died.”

These words sounded like an insult, causing Wang Enyi’s face to alternately blush and pale. He forced a laugh, “No problem, no problem, no need to apologize. I know there are many such people in the hospital. It’s not surprising that you thought that, Director, but in fact, my stepmother and I have a deep misunderstanding, not a lack of affection. I deeply regret it now…”

Jian Qing shook her head and said earnestly, “No need to regret, there is a chance to make amends.”

Wang Enyi: “Ah?”

Jian Qing: “Mr. Wang needs to cover Teacher Zhao’s funeral expenses. Also, Teacher Zhao had a neighbor who took care of your elderly mother for the past two years. She paid a lot out of her own pocket and incurred significant debt. Mr. Wang, please reimburse her within the next couple of days.”

Director Lin once again found the suggestion reasonable and patted Wang Enyi on the shoulder: “Old classmate, you really need to make it up to her properly.”

Wang Enyi’s face looked even worse, but to maintain his image as a “filial son,” he forced a smile and said, “Of course, of course…”

Next, they discussed how much and in what manner to reimburse the money.

After dealing with them, Jian Qing returned to the second oncology ward, stared at Lu Yinxi’s white coat for a moment, and then immersed herself in her busy work.

Lu Yinxi spent the whole afternoon organizing Teacher Zhou’s belongings, feeling tired and sore. When she returned to her apartment, she took a shower first and then wrapped herself in a bathrobe, collapsing on the couch and ordering takeout.

During the wait for the delivery, her mind finally settled down, reflecting on the events of the day.

Although it cannot be ruled out that physical tumors with brain metastasis can result in sudden death, she still felt guilty about Teacher Zhao’s death.

It seemed as if it had been destined from the beginning.

If, according to the original plot, Teacher Zhao was destined to die, even if she had prevented Teacher Zhao from committing s*icide, other unexpected events would still occur, leading to death.

If this is true, does it mean that everyone’s fate is predetermined and cannot be changed?

In the original plot, both she and Jian Qing had the tragic ending of s*icide. Is it really irreversible?

No, she refuses to accept it.

Why should her destiny be controlled by others? Decided by a few lines of text?

She will not commit s*icide. The first lesson she learned in university was to respect life, and no matter what situation she is in, she will never give up her own life.

Even if she can’t return to her own world in the end, she still wants to survive in this world.

A strong will to survive and a belief in resistance burst forth in her heart. Lu Yinxi opened her phone’s memo and checked the few plot points she had recorded.

She wants to give it another try, to see if the fate of others can be changed.

When Jian Qing came back from work, she happened to run into the deliveryman downstairs and took the takeout from him.

Back home, she took off her coat, holding the takeout, and walked to the side of the sofa, asking the person on the sofa, “Did you order this at the appointed time?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lu Yinxi tried to act cute, hugging a furry plush toy, and looked at her with bright eyes like a small animal. “Yes, when you finish work, you can just eat the takeout I ordered with my own hands. Do you feel happy?”

And also, do you think she is considerate and sensible?

Jian Qing looked into her eyes and dismantled her act without giving face. “Isn’t it only when you cook by yourself that you feel happy?”

What does it matter if you order takeout with your own hands?

Not hearing any praise, Lu Yinxi snorted lightly, stood up, snatched the takeout from Jian Qing’s hand, and walked towards the dining table. “It’s good enough to have something to eat, don’t be picky.”

Just walked a few steps, then turned back, her gaze scanning Jian Qing’s cold face for a moment, and asked seriously, “You look a bit tired today. Do you want a hug? It’s 100 yuan per hug, no additional charge for the first minute, and 50 yuan for every extra 2 minutes after the first minute.”

Jian Qing sat on the sofa, rubbed her forehead, and calmly looked at Lu Yinxi, “I only charge 20 yuan for a registration fee.”

Both of them sat and stood.

Lu Yinxi rarely had the chance to look down on Jian Qing. She restrained the desire to touch her head, bent down to meet her eye level, smiled gently, and said softly, “Forget it if you think it’s expensive. When I’m in a super good mood one day, I’ll give you a free hug. Now let’s wash our hands and eat. When we have time the day after tomorrow, let’s go to the park together?”

Jian Qing nodded and paused for a second, keenly catching the details in her words, and asked, “Why specifically emphasize the day after tomorrow?”

Lu Yinxi froze.

Does this ice cube have mind-reading abilities?

The author has something to say:

This chapter is scheduled to be published. Muah muah, everyone, continue to say good morning~~~

Ps: I have received a lot of monthly stones in the background again. It seems that they were obtained after being recommended. Although I don’t know who it is, thank you for the lovely recommendation. Hugs and kisses to the lovely one (* ̄3 ̄)