Peerless Beauty – Chapter 18.3

Entering V Three-in-One


Jian Qing saw Lu Yinxi come back and sat beside her, opening her computer. “Who bullied you?”

“No one bullied me.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

With her head lowered and eyes cast down, she resembled an abandoned kitten, both aggrieved and pitiable.

Lu Yinxi sneered quietly, “You still know how to care about me?”

Isn’t your heart only occupied with your ex-boyfriend?

Jian Qing glanced at her, silently reflecting for a moment, unable to think of anything she might have done recently to anger her.

There were still clinical research records unwritten, so she had no time for such inexplicable sarcasm. Jian Qing looked at the computer screen and said indifferently, “If you have something to say, just say it.”

Wounded by her cold attitude, Lu Yinxi swallowed her bitterness and lowered her head, “Nothing.”

She stopped looking at her and focused on her materials.

Yet, as she read, she couldn’t help but sneak another glance, wanting to know what Jian Qing was doing.

Unexpectedly, she met a pair of beautiful eyes.

Jian Qing seemed to have anticipated Lu Yinxi’s gaze, silently watching her.

Their eyes met, and in Jian Qing’s eyes, like autumn waters and cold stars, a faint smile spread.

The bitterness in her heart was dispelled by this tacit understanding. Lu Yinxi looked at Jian Qing and smiled, her clear eyes softening immensely, “Why are you sneaking a peek at me?”

Jian Qing remained indifferent, “If you weren’t sneaking peeks at me, how would you know I was sneaking peeks at you?”

Lu Yinxi pointed at the materials, “I encountered a problem and wanted to ask for your advice.”


She couldn’t think of a problem; she hadn’t even read a few lines of the materials.

Jian Qing didn’t expose her, quietly watching her, her eyes filled with a half-smile.

Lu Yinxi rubbed her temple, her brain working quickly, finally squeezing out a question, “I know that the RECIST criteria are used to evaluate the treatment efficacy of solid tumors like lung and liver cancer. But for non-solid tumors, such as leukemia and lymphoma, what standards are used to evaluate treatment efficacy?”

She specifically emphasized leukemia.

Jian Qing casually picked up a piece of scrap paper and wrote down the letters PD, SD, PR, CR, Lugano, and slowly explained, “PD stands for Progressive Disease, SD for Stable Disease, PR for Partial Response, CR for Complete Response. These concepts are universal. Lymphoma is evaluated using the Lugano classification. I’ll print it out for you.”

As she spoke, she printed out two full pages of leukemia and lymphoma treatment evaluation standards from an external network computer for Lu Yinxi.

Looking at the dense knowledge points, Lu Yinxi rubbed her temples, feeling a bit of a headache.

While feeling the headache, there was also a subtle sense of relief.

Jian Qing had no special reaction to the term “leukemia.”

The story of the unforgettable ex-boyfriend was likely a lie, right?

Satisfied, Lu Yinxi bowed her head and continued studying the materials. The familiar sound of keyboard typing, “tap-tap, tap-tap,” echoed like it was tapping on her heart.

Jian Qing’s university mentor, Hu Jianjun, was a leading figure in the field of lung cancer and is now the deputy director of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou and the head of the Comprehensive Oncology Treatment Center.

In recent years, Hu Jianjun has been engrossed in administrative power struggles, leaving his doctoral students to fend for themselves. They only meet at the beginning of the school year, and after that, he is almost impossible to find. New disciples rely on senior brothers and sisters for guidance.

Zhang Yue was brought up by Jian Qing, both teaching clinical practice and leading research. Whenever Jian Qing was on duty, he could even enjoy free lunches and dinners.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

He knew that his senior sister was intentionally looking after him.

The growth cycle for doctors is long. His peers had already gotten married and bought houses, while he, a Ph.D. student, was still struggling as a resident doctor, with little left after deductions for social insurance and housing funds.

When his father fell ill last time, he couldn’t come up with much money. Jian Qing, knowing this, didn’t console him much but directly transferred him 50,000 yuan, telling him to pay it back after graduation.

This moved him deeply, and he wanted to repay her kindness, but Jian Qing coldly handed him a mirror, telling him to take a look at himself.

Knowing he wasn’t worthy, he just laughed it off.

Having worked together for many years, he had never seen anyone who could win Jian Qing’s heart. Yet, after work that day, he was cornered by her in the duty room, with a cold question thrown at him, “Did you bully someone under my charge?”

“Senior, how dare I? Isn’t Wei Mingming already stepping on my head… Has she been badmouthing me in front of you again?”

“Not Mingming, someone else.”

Xiaolu? Then I definitely wouldn’t dare. Isn’t she your distant cousin? So obedient and pretty, I wouldn’t have time to pamper her.”

Jian Qing, with her arms crossed, glanced at him coldly, “Then why did she look unhappy after coming back with you?”

“How can a guy like me guess a young girl’s thoughts?” Under her intense gaze, Zhang Yue almost wanted to curl up in a corner, “Maybe she’s lovesick. She just met Chu, the handsome guy from the thoracic surgery department. Every year, some girls lose their hearts to him. By the way, senior, don’t you have an academic conference next week? I heard Chu Yan is also going. Why don’t you take Xiaolu along? Maybe Chu Yan will become your cousin-in-law, and you’ll have the upper hand—”

Before he could finish, Jian Qing uncharacteristically interrupted him, “Go revise your paper and stop talking nonsense.”

Zhang Yue pointed to his dark circles, “Senior, I haven’t slept for 24 hours. If I revise any more, I’ll die suddenly. Can you bear to torment your junior like this?”

Jian Qing turned and left, “When giving you emergency treatment, I’ll specifically ask the anesthesiology department to intubate you.”

In the evening, when they returned home, Jian Qing suddenly said, “I have an academic conference next weekend. Wei Mingming has exams. You’ll go with me to City C to handle the coordination.”

The advantage of acknowledging her identity was that Lu Yinxi could openly show her true self, reducing many communication costs.

She opened her phone memo and asked, “Can the slides be sent to the organizer in advance?”

The organizers of academic conferences would undoubtedly urge experts to provide their slides before the conference. Some experts with strong intellectual property awareness disliked providing their PPTs in advance for the organizers to debug. They would only copy them onto the conference computer on the spot and ask for them to be deleted after the conference.

“They can be sent in advance. I have no such restrictions. I’ll have them ready by Wednesday.”

“Do you need continuing medical education credits?”

Medical titles require continuous annual credits, which are obtained through publishing papers and attending academic conferences. Sometimes people rush to attend academic lectures not because of their love for academics but to earn credits.

At the end of the year, many doctors find they haven’t earned enough credits and have to rush around the province and city to attend academic lectures.

Due to the credit limit, organizers usually ask the lecturing experts if they need credits in advance. If they do, a quota will be reserved for them.

“I’ve earned enough this year. Leave it for others.”

“Should we leave on Friday night or Saturday morning?”

“Friday night.”

“When will we leave?”

“The conference ends around noon on Sunday. We’ll take the 1 PM train.”


After clarifying all the details, Lu Yinxi recorded everything clearly in her phone memo. Then she looked up, gave an “OK” gesture, and smiled, “Teacher Jian, leave it to me. You just need to focus on lecturing.”

Jian Qing looked at her smile, nodded, and reached out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear. As she was about to withdraw her hand, her gaze fell on Lu Yinxi’s snow-white earlobe. Unable to resist, she gently pinched it.

Lu Yinxi was stunned, her smile fading as she covered her ear and took a step back, glaring fiercely.

Jian Qing looked away nonchalantly, her face calm, though her ears were tinged with red.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lu Yinxi turned around, back to Jian Qing, and while swiping her phone, she cursed in her heart.

Scoundrel, two-faced, wasting a good face.

While cursing, she felt her ear getting hotter.

Most academic conferences are sponsored by pharmaceutical and medical device companies, and sometimes the liaison is not a hospital staff but a sponsor representative.

The sponsor would cover the experts’ travel and accommodation expenses.

City C, being a prefecture-level city, had its sponsor assistant book high-speed rail tickets and hotel rooms for them. The assistant coordinated with Lu Yinxi.

After confirming everything, Lu Yinxi noticed only one room was booked. She informed Manager Qian, “Manager, two people need to stay at the hotel. Teacher Jian will bring a female assistant.”

Manager Qian typed back quickly, “Don’t worry, I booked a double room!”

Lu Yinxi: I’m not reassured…

But it’s hard to argue about free stuff. Maybe their budget only allowed for double rooms. Besides, near the New Year, hotels were busy with events, and rooms were hard to book.

Lu Yinxi politely replied, “Thank you,” and didn’t argue further. She reported the situation to Jian Qing, who had no objections.

Lu Yinxi began preparing her travel essentials.

Planning to stay at the hotel for two nights, she packed a large suitcase: “Cosmetics, skincare products, disposable face towels, a change of underwear, and pajamas…”

Sharing a room with Jian Qing, Lu Yinxi agonized over whether to bring conservative pajamas and pants, a sexy V-neck camisole nightgown, or a fluffy long-eared rabbit pajama set.

Jian Qing appeared at her door, holding a cup of coffee, leisurely taking a sip. She glanced at the jam-packed suitcase, then looked at the indecisive Lu Yinxi standing by the wardrobe, and nonchalantly said, “Bring the long-eared rabbit one; I like it.”

Lu Yinxi turned around, her face slightly flushed. “What does it matter if you like it? I’m not wearing it for you to see. I have to like it.” She picked up the V-neck nightgown. “I like this one.”

Jian Qing responded with an “oh” and took another sip of her coffee, casually reminding her, “I like you in a nightgown too, but City C has no heating.”

Lu Yinxi quickly threw the nightgown aside and stuffed the warmest long-eared rabbit pajamas into her suitcase.

On Friday evening, after work, they dragged their luggage and took the high-speed train to City C.

In a rush and without time for dinner, they ate some bread and cakes on the train.

It was near the end of the year, and the train was mostly filled with students returning home for winter break and young people starting their annual leave early.

Outside the carriage, it was pitch black.

The train left the city, heading towards the suburbs.

The outskirts still had a rural charm, with glimpses of barren winter fields, low eaves, and scattered lights.

Lu Yinxi, sitting by the window, watched the scenery intently.

Jian Qing, sitting on the outside, asked her, “What are you looking at so intently?”

“Looking at the rural scenery.” Lu Yinxi once lived in the countryside for a period of time, and has particularly vivid memories of the spring, summer, autumn, and winter there. “Have you ever seen those large rural stoves? The kind made from piled-up mud and bricks, with a surface that might be roughly coated with cement or possibly covered with white tiles.”

“Tell me about it.”

Lu Yinxi then told her about the rural stoves.

She talked about the stove, which had two large pots on top. One pot was specifically used for cooking meals, while the other was used for boiling water. Farm families would get up early to boil a pot of hot water for washing up in the morning. In the evening, they would boil another pot of water, and once it reached a boil, they would scoop it into a bucket for bathing.

Underneath the stove was the firewood-burning stove hole. In front of the stove hole, there would be a long wooden bench. In winter, the children in the family loved to sit on the wooden bench, helping to poke the firewood and add more wood while watching the flickering flames in the stove hole and rubbing their hands together to keep warm.

When the firewood burns out, the ashes in the stove hole can be swept into a small bamboo basket woven from bamboo strips and thorn branches, which can be used as a tool for warmth.

In the coldest months of winter, people would carry a small bamboo basket while visiting friends and relatives. At night, the bamboo basket could be placed under the quilt to warm the bed, comparable to an electric blanket.

Jian Qing listened attentively. As Lu Yinxi continued talking, she started to feel drowsy and yawned several times.

Jian Qing gently pressed Lu Yinxi’s head onto her own shoulder. Lu Yinxi nuzzled lightly, then fell asleep.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

When they arrived in City C, Manager Qian was already waiting outside the station and arranged for a special car to take them to their hotel.

Manager Qian graciously offered to treat them to a meal, but Jian Qing glanced at the time; it was nearly past ten at night.

“We’ve already eaten. You should go home and rest early. You’ve worked hard these past few days. Thank you.”

Her tone was cold, but her words were incredibly considerate. Manager Qian dropped his workplace façade and gave a genuine smile. “Then both of you should rest early. I’ll come to pick you up in the morning to go to the hospital.”

Lu Yinxi waved goodbye to him.

Entering the hotel’s double room, Lu Yinxi put down her luggage and slowly took in the surroundings. When she saw the bathroom, she was instantly stunned and murmured, “The bathroom glass, why, why is it transparent…”

Jian Qing followed Lu Yinxi’s gaze and glanced at the bathroom, then explained earnestly, “It’s a visual effect. This design makes the room look bigger.”

She stared at Lu Yinxi’s increasingly red cheeks, slowly leaned closer, and whispered, “Student Lu, where is your mind wandering?”

Lu Yinxi’s face turned beet red, and she took a step back, avoiding eye contact, trying to dispel the messy thoughts in her mind about couples, romantic bathrooms, and other such nonsense.

Jian Qing approached unhurriedly, her expression calm, and continued to ask, “Do you want to shower first, or should I go first?”

The author has something to say:

How about showering together? _(:з」∠)_