Peerless Beauty – Chapter 1


Peerless Beauty

A woman lies beside her

Moonlight like water, saturating the room.

Lu Yinxi awoke from her sleep, momentarily unsure of the time or place.

She blinked in confusion, her gaze sliding to the large floor-to-ceiling window on her right.

The curtains were not drawn, and outside, the fresh snow had just cleared, the full moon hanging in the sky.

Winter, after the snow.

A full moon night, absolute silence.

It had been many years since she had seen such bright, clear moonlight, a memory only from childhood in the countryside.

At that time, it was midsummer, her grandmother holding her, with a cat lying on her lap, enjoying the cool in the courtyard, watching the moon.

Too beautiful to be real, it was like being in a dream.

Could she still be dreaming?

Her temples throbbed, her mind unusually muddled. Lu Yinxi closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.

She should wake up; there were schedules to keep.

She habitually stretched lazily, her left hand extending, suddenly touching something soft.

The touch was especially warm and soft, and she instinctively grasped and pressed it.

Her fingers felt the rebound of life, Lu Yinxi froze, opened her eyes, and looked to the left.

In the next second, she retracted her left hand as if scalded, pulled up the quilt to cover her chest, and shrank back.

A woman lay beside her.

In the moonlight, the woman’s black hair spread like a waterfall on the pillow, her features like a painting, her nose high and straight, with a cold demeanor, like the scent of thin snow on a branch.

Does snow have a scent?

Yes, it does.

In the countryside winter, snow weighed down the green pines overnight. The next day, opening the door, the green pines turned into jade branches, snow wrapped in pine fragrance. Inhaling a breath of cold air into the lungs, it was clean, piercing, refreshing, a scent completely different from the usual.

Lu Yinxi sighed softly.

Still dreaming, it seems.

Where in reality is there such beautiful moonlight?

In the moonlight, such a peerless beauty lying beside her…

Recognizing the situation, Lu Yinxi slowly let down her guard, released the quilt covering her chest, and looked down at her attire.

——A scarlet nightgown, brand new, without a trace of disorder, a belt loosely tied at the waist, the neckline wide open, revealing endless scenery below the collarbone.

This outfit…

Could it be that in the dream, she liked to dress in a wild, sexy style?

Unexpectedly, she was so repressed and ostentatious. Lu Yinxi hastily tidied her collar, tightened the belt, then turned her head, gazing at the woman’s beautiful face beside her.

She remembered reading Freud’s 《The Interpretation of Dreams》, which said: dreams are the fulfillment of human subconscious desires.

She couldn’t help feeling a bit disappointed in herself.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

——So unambitious.

Rare to have a wet dream, yet it skipped the foreplay and went straight to the aftermath.

What a waste.

Lu Yinxi laughed lightly, finding an excuse for her brain: probably because the other person was the same sex, her brain couldn’t weave specific details, so it just skipped it.

After all, living to twenty-five, she really hadn’t had any same-sex relationship experience.

In her industry, there were quite a few homosexuals, or rather, many people didn’t care about gender, accepting both men and women.

In the world of fame and fortune, many indulged in sensual pleasures, but she didn’t want to be such a person. To start a relationship impulsively and end it aimlessly was not what she wanted.

She didn’t like chaotic relationships, whether same-sex or opposite-sex, she just wanted to love one person earnestly.

One-night stands, being kept, unspoken rules, drunken indiscretions—these words were far from her.

——So, the current situation could only appear in a dream.

Strengthening this thought, Lu Yinxi looked at the woman on the bed, hesitated for a moment, then carefully moved closer, kneeling beside her, reaching out her left hand, wanting to touch her.

Just a dream.

Like a flower in the mirror, a moon in the water.

As her fingertip was about to touch the woman’s red lips, Lu Yinxi abruptly stopped.

She was afraid of waking her.

Her sleeping face was calm and gentle, like an ink painting in the moonlight, clear and simple, perfectly balanced.

Lu Yinxi couldn’t bear to wake her.

Her slender fingers stopped above the red lips, almost touching, the warm, soft breath brushing past her fingertips, making them tremble slightly.

Lu Yinxi curled her fingers, pulled back her hand, and quietly, gently outlined her face with her gaze.

Then she looked up, examining the unfamiliar room in the bright moonlight.

Three white walls, one floor-to-ceiling window, very few items in the room. She scanned and saw a nightstand.

On the nightstand were a stack of magazines, a dark blue pen, a black glasses case, and…

A knife glinting coldly.

Why keep a knife by the bed?

Lu Yinxi frowned, puzzled, then felt that this dream was too realistic, everything seen so vividly detailed.

As she stared, a cold, soft touch suddenly wrapped around her left wrist. Lu Yinxi instinctively looked at the woman on the pillow.

The woman on the pillow, eyes half-closed, one hand rubbing her forehead, the other clutching Lu Yinxi’s wrist.

Her wrist was gripped painfully, Lu Yinxi frowned slightly, not having time to speak before the hand gripping her wrist suddenly pulled, making Lu Yinxi lose her balance, falling into the woman’s arms.

The grip on her wrist loosened, but a pair of hands tightly encircled her waist.

The two warm bodies pressed together, Lu Yinxi buried her head beside the unfamiliar woman’s neck, her lips brushing over smooth and delicate skin, rendering her mind blank.

After a few seconds of daze, Lu Yinxi hurriedly moved her lips away and propped herself up, facing the unfamiliar woman’s gaze.

She had very beautiful eyes, like autumn waters, like cold stars, but her gaze was extremely indifferent, looking at her as if she were a pebble on the roadside.

Every touch was the unique warmth and softness of a woman, Lu Yinxi’s hands had nowhere to go, her gaze wandering momentarily, finally propping on her shoulder, she asked softly, “What is your name?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The person beneath her did not answer, her gaze showing a hint of scrutiny.

She slightly loosened her grip, the right hand pressed against Lu Yinxi’s waist and back moving to stroke Lu Yinxi’s neck.

Lu Yinxi continued speaking, “My name is Lu Yinxi, like in the phrase ‘When frost falls, the bear climbs the tree, the deer drinks by the stream.’ I was born in winter, my mom said she dreamed of a little deer leaping through the forest, hopping to the stream to drink water, so she gave me this name… It’s easy to remember.”

She spoke earnestly, like a child in kindergarten introducing themselves in class.

Naive and serious.

After a pause, Lu Yinxi softly asked, “And you? Can you tell me your name, please?”

Even if this spring dream left no traces, was just a fleeting illusion, she still wanted to know the other person’s name.

Very seriously.

The woman beneath her, with clear, cold eyes, her icy fingers lingered from Lu Yinxi’s nape to her earlobe, lightly touching and pinching, spoke word by word, “Jian Qing, simple ‘Jian’, clear ‘Qing’.”

Jian Qing, Jian Qing…

Lu Yinxi silently repeated twice, firmly remembering, a strange feeling unexpectedly arising in her heart.

This name was very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere…

Her earlobe had turned red from the pinching, Jian Qing switched to using the pad of her thumb, lightly scraping the brown tear mole under Lu Yinxi’s eye.

The ambiguity floating in the moonlight gradually wrapped around them, Lu Yinxi squeezed out a bit of clarity, breaking the silent and ambiguous atmosphere, “Have I met you somewhere before? This doesn’t seem like our first meeting…”

“The first time we met, it was at a private club.”

“And then?” Lu Yinxi frowned, unable to recall when she had been to a private club and met this person.

This person was so beautiful, if she had seen her, she would definitely remember.

“And then—” Jian Qing used her fingertip to smooth Lu Yinxi’s frown, her tone calm, her eyes still scrutinizing, “I brought you home.”

At these words, the ambiguity instantly froze in the moonlight.

Lu Yinxi slowly sat up, pulling some distance between them, “What do you mean?”

What do you mean by brought home?

Kept? Or a one-night stand?

Neither could possibly happen to her.

Even if it was a dream, even if this person was beautiful, she couldn’t just insult people like this…

Jian Qing reached out, undoing her belt and robe, answering her question with action.

The belt loosened, the robe slid down like water, pooling at her waist, the moonlight devoutly kissing her back, making her skin appear as delicate and flawless as white jade.

Lu Yinxi, naked from the waist up, straddled Jian Qing’s waist, all her tenderness fading away.

She closed her eyes, hiding the surging anger in them, raising her left hand, “slap,” she harshly slapped the person beneath her.

“Slap,” the refrigerator door was casually closed by someone.

A woman in a black nightgown stood by the refrigerator.

The woman was tall, her cheek red and swollen, her expression indifferent, crimson blood trickling down her left hand, dripping on the floor.

She grabbed a thin towel, wrapped a medical ice pack taken from the fridge.

The ice pack touched her face, the bone-chilling cold seeping into her flesh.

Jian Qing, expressionless, applied the ice pack while looking towards the sofa in the living room.

On the sofa, black hair, red lips, clear eyes, hugging her knees, red-eyed, looking frail, clean, and aggrieved, as if she were the one who had been hit.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Noticing Jian Qing’s gaze, Lu Yinxi looked up at her.

After two seconds of eye contact, Lu Yinxi’s lips turned paler, instinctively raising her left hand to clutch her collar, shrinking into the corner of the sofa.

Like a startled kitten.

Jian Qing put down the ice pack, walked over, and looked down at her.

Lu Yinxi stared at Jian Qing for a few seconds, then lowered her head, looking at her continuously bleeding left hand, feeling a moment of panic and dizziness, her face turning even paler, her voice trembling, “You, you should bandage it…”

After slapping this person, Lu Yinxi had grabbed the knife from the nightstand for self-defense, but who would have thought this person would grab the blade without blinking, pulling the knife away and throwing it to the floor.

Barehanded, taking a blade, she was practically crazy.

Jian Qing ignored her, raised her hand to look at the blood-covered palm, then looked at Lu Yinxi’s pale lips, pondering for a moment, her index finger hooked up, lifting her chin.

Lu Yinxi, still in shock, held her breath, not daring to move.

Her chin lifted, a bloodstained thumb covered her soft lips, smearing slowly from left to right, until her lips were as red as a drop of blood.

The fingertips were icy, the blood warm.

Red liquid seeped into her mouth along her lips, the taste of blood spreading, the tip of her tongue tasting the fresh blood, Lu Yinxi trembled all over, her eyes red like a rabbit’s, she turned her head away with difficulty, angrily cursing, “You’re sick!”