Panda Cub – Chapter 69

Merging soul

He Ying reacted quickly, quickly pulling over the blanket to cover themselves. Looking at the soul with a hint of awkwardness.

Before, she didn’t know about their past life relationship, so it was fine. But now that she knows, it feels a bit strange to face it.

He Ying didn’t know what to say for a moment, and at this moment, Jing Dan seemed to sense something, taking her hand away from her eyes and following He Ying’s gaze.

Jing Dan: “…”

She was instantly shocked and broke out in a cold sweat!

After realizing what was happening, she felt somewhat relieved. Thankfully, it hadn’t shown up earlier, or else it would have been disastrous if it had absorbed her soul power!

The soul did not make any extra movements, just maintained that posture while looking at the two of them, appearing less excited than when it first emerged.

He Ying: “…” For some reason, she felt like it had a feeling of despair.

She reached out, grabbed the soul by the back of the neck, lifted it up, and turned it in another direction. Looking at the panda cub with its back to her, He Ying breathed a sigh of relief, then carried Jing Dan and headed to the bathroom for a bath first.

The soul, lifted up by the back of the neck: “…”

The two of them arrived at the bathroom together. He Ying had a strange expression on her face, raised her hand to touch her lower back, glanced at the oblivious Jing Dan, and harbored a grudge.

“We finally get to take a bath together!” However, Jing Dan was unaware of her grudge-holding behavior. When she saw He Ying standing in front of her, she pursed her lips and smiled gently, looking particularly obedient.

The idea of bathing together had been on her mind ever since they were rejected once in the Gulong Mountain Range!

He Ying: “…” Silly.

She raised her hand to turn on the shower, and the water instantly soaked both of them through.

Jing Dan looked at her wet hair, then at He Ying, and lifted her to hold her in her arms. She liked the feeling of being close to He Ying like this.

He Ying let out a sigh, but the smile on her lips did not diminish. By now, the two of them had completely ignored the presence of the remnant soul outside.

After they came out, the remnant soul had turned around on its own and looked at them with a deep gaze, creating an especially strange atmosphere.

He Ying had adjusted her mood by now. Anyway, she and Jing Dan liked each other mutually, and they weren’t doing anything wrong to anyone. So, why should she feel embarrassed?

She calmly approached the bed, lifted the soul once again, placed it on the sofa nearby, and then began to change the sheets and such.

The soul watched her every move, as did Jing Dan. When He Ying started to remove the bedsheet, Jing Dan was already conscientiously fetching the clean bedsheets to hand to He Ying, completely disregarding the soul’s gaze.

After changing all the bedding, He Ying finally turned to the soul. Avoiding the previous matter completely, she only said, “Some time ago, Jing Dan and I went into the Gulong Mountain Range together. Inside, we encountered a black snake that seemed to recognize us. I wanted to ask, do you know about it?”

In order for the soul to be willing to merge, she needed to reveal everything she knew.

The soul visibly paused, then turned to look at Jing Dan before falling silent.

He Ying, seeing her reaction, knew she must be familiar with the black snake. She squatted down in front of the soul, raised her hand to touch the ear that Jing Dan had previously bitten but was now healed, and with a slightly lowered voice, said, “You really need to merge. We don’t know what happened in your past life, but now, with your direct threat to us, not mergin would make it difficult for Jing Dan to fully unleash her power.”

Jing Dan also sat down cross-legged in front of the soul, supporting her face with a serious and earnest expression, and said, “Don’t look down on me!”

Soul: “…”

It glanced at Jing Dan with a bit of disdain. However, recalling He Ying’s words, it knew that it and its original body could no longer continue like this. In fact, it hadn’t even expected that after reincarnating, it would still encounter enemies from its past life.

Although it had already decided to merge with Jing Dan in its heart, when it saw Jing Dan, it couldn’t help but feel resentful. Why did its reincarnated form have to be like this!

Seeing the change in its expression, He Ying guessed its decision and asked, “How about we start the preparations for the merging in the coming days?”

The soul nodded, and its gaze no longer fell on Jing Dan.

Jing Dan: “…” Why did she still feel like she was being looked down upon?

Seeing it nod in agreement, He Ying’s face relaxed slightly, and she raised her hand to pat its head. As long as it was willing to merge, they would have succeeded halfway in dealing with the black snake.

With the matter settled, she had thought the soul would return to her body, but to her surprise, the soul remained motionless. He Ying was a bit puzzled but didn’t think much about it. She pulled Jing Dan up to go to bed. After the earlier activity, she felt exhausted. This exhaustion was even greater than fighting with the wild beasts in the Gulong Mountain Range.

Lying on the bed, Jing Dan naturally moved closer to her. He Ying reached out to hold her in her arms. Just as she was about to say something, she sense something and turned her head to look towards the wall. There, the soul was sitting, gazing at them with deep eyes.

However, she felt that this time, there was a hint of surveillance in the soul’s gaze.

He Ying: “…” She suddenly understood why the soul hadn’t returned to her body.

The soul was monitoring them, preventing her from doing anything with Jing Dan again!

Jing Dan also turned her head to calmly look at the soul, saying, “What are you looking at? She’s mine!” as she hugged He Ying tightly.

Soul: “…”

It met Jing Dan’s gaze, unmoving, but Jing Dan suddenly felt her spiritual power diminishing. Out of the blue, she reverted back to her original form.

Jing Dan: “…”

He Ying: “…”

They hadn’t expected the soul to resort to this move…

Watching Jing Dan in her original form, He Ying fell silent. With this turn of events, there wasn’t much they could do.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Jing Dan looked at her own paws, feeling the urge to rush up and fight the soul again. However, seeing He Ying looking somewhat tired, she ultimately held back. After giving a cold snort at the soul, she climbed into He Ying’s arms and slept.

He Ying turned off the lights and slowly drifted off to sleep while holding Jing Dan.

In the darkness, the soul watched them in silence for a long time. Finally, it crawled onto the pillow that originally belonged to Jing Dan, lying down without sleeping, lost in its own thoughts.

When she woke up the next day, she opened her eyes to find the room still dim. He Ying’s mind was a bit blank, and upon seeing the dim lighting, her first instinct was to think it was still early in the morning. It wasn’t until she checked her phone that she realized they had actually slept until noon.

He Ying: “…” She hadn’t expected to have such a lazy day of sleeping.

Lowering her head, she noticed that this time Jing Dan was still sleeping on her chest, which surprised her a bit. Before, Jing Dan would always wake up and sleep on her stomach.

She turned her head to look at the other side of the pillow, where the soul seemed to have been awake all along. When the soul saw her glance over, it lazily gave her a sidelong glance, as if it didn’t feel like paying attention to her.

Seeing this, He Ying wisely chose not to disturb it, carefully lifting Jing Dan off her and placing her to the side before getting up to wash and prepare lunch.

After being set down by He Ying, Jing Dan continued to sleep soundly. She even unconsciously sought out the spot where He Ying’s scent was strongest after He Ying got up, moving herself to the position where He Ying had been lying before.

The soul, watching this action, looked somewhat disdainful. It walked over to Jing Dan, raised its paw as if to wake her up, but in the end, for reasons unknown, it didn’t follow through. Instead, it withdrew its paw and stood quietly by, observing Jing Dan.

Subsequently, it lay down, a sense of relief in its eyes. This life of hers was much happier than before.

When He Ying finished making lunch and Jing Dan still hadn’t woken up, she carried Jing Dan to the bathroom to wash. Watching herself familiarly help Jing Dan wash up brought a smile to her face, as she clearly recalled the month when Jing Dan had stayed with her.

At that moment, Jing Dan slowly woke up. Seeing He Ying help her wash up, she no longer felt any discomfort. Since learning that she had raised He Ying when she was young, she had come to accept these things very well.

After finishing washing up, He Ying asked, “Can’t you change back yet?”

Jing Dan yawned, then with a flash of white light, a slender and elegant woman appeared beside He Ying. Leaning against He Ying, she seemed boneless, pouting slightly as she said, “Kiss me~”

He Ying smiled and obediently lowered her head to kiss her lips, savoring the taste of the mint-flavored toothpaste they had used earlier when brushing teeth together.

“Let’s go out for lunch?” He Ying released her lips and whispered.

“Mm,” Jing Dan nodded, following He Ying out of the bathroom. The soul on the bed remained in its original position. Once it saw the human form of Jing Dan, it was momentarily at a loss for words and didn’t react further.

He Ying stepped forward, holding the soul in her arms, and then took Jing Dan’s hand as they walked towards the door.

Sitting down at the dining table, she placed the soul on another chair and took out her phone to send a message to Lady He explaining the situation. However, He Yuan’s response left He Ying somewhat silent.

Merging souls was a significant matter that couldn’t afford any mishaps, so during this period of Jing Dan’s merging, they needed to find a safe place where they wouldn’t be disturbed by any unexpected events.

She looked at Jing Dan, then at the soul. In fact, they hadn’t told Jing Shiyue and the others about her speculations regarding her past life. When Lady He mentioned a safe place, He Ying’s immediate thought was the Panda Clan’s territory. There, nothing unexpected should happen, and if it did, they would be able to handle it.

However, in that case, how would they explain to them that Jing Dan might actually be the ancestor they were looking for? After all, if they found out, they might feel a sense of confusion in their generational hierarchy…

She let out a sigh, asking for Jing Dan’s opinion, “I asked my mother just now, and she said that merging souls requires finding a safe place. So, I thought maybe we could head back to the Panda Clan’s territory?”

Jing Dan looked up, with fresh bamboo shoots on her chopsticks. After some thought, she nodded and said, “That way, we can also meet other people in the clan!”

With this decided, their next step would be getting married!

He Ying smiled softly, “Let’s eat.”

Having made their decision, both of them were action-oriented. After finishing lunch and tidying up, they headed to Jing Shiyue’s house. Since the soul was still unwilling to return to her body, He Ying had to carry her as well.

When the Jing family saw the small version of Jing Dan that He Ying was holding in her arms, they were momentarily stunned. Then, they approached with some curiosity, looking at the little cub with mixed expressions. Was Jing Dan’s soul so solid and powerful?

The soul raised its head to look at the two people surrounding it, its gaze also showing some complexity. It never expected that after reincarnation, it would turn out to be their child. However, judging from Jing Dan’s clueless appearance, it knew they must have treated her well, or else she wouldn’t have turned out so stupid.

“Can I hold her?” Jing Li asked somewhat cautiously.

He Ying lowered her head to ask for the soul’s opinion and only handed it over to Jing Li when it didn’t refuse.

Initially, Jing Li was a bit reserved when she first held the soul, but once she felt that the soul didn’t resist her, her smile grew bigger and bigger. She couldn’t help but pat and pinch it, then, just like before when she made Jing Dan transform back to her original form, she buried her face in the soul’s belly, causing a muffled giggle to escape from her.

Soul: “…”

It was dumbstruck by what was happening. It turned to look at Jing Dan, who seemed unfazed, and fell silent.

Seeing Jing Li’s actions, He Ying was at a loss for words. She realized she couldn’t bring herself to say the sentence “It might be your ancestor,” as it would put Jing Li in a difficult position later. 

She decided to keep quiet for now. After explaining their intentions to Jing Li and the others, Jing Li immediately decided that they would all head back to the Panda Clan’s territory together. They needed to protect their child and complete the soul merging!

Once He Yuan arrived, the group wasted no time and headed directly to the location of the Panda Clan’s territory.

The Panda Clan was located in the southwestern region. Once the group entered the mountains, they had to proceed on foot as they couldn’t teleport directly into the Panda Clan’s territory from the outside.

Arriving at the crossroads leading to the Panda Clan’s territory, the group saw two individuals stationed there: Huai Sheng, who had previously gone on a blind date with He Ying, and Jing Dan’s father.

Huai Sheng’s eyes lit up with a genuine smile upon seeing them, especially when she noticed Jing Dan glaring at her, the smile on her face grew even broader. Indeed, she still held a grudge about the previous incident.

Returning to the Panda Clan, the soul in He Ying’s arms appeared somewhat trance-like, as it had been a very long time since it had last visited.

Since they had returned, there were many things to do. The first task at hand was to introduce He Ying to everyone and teach her to recognize the members of the clan.

However, when they officially began the introductions, both He Ying and the soul in her arms froze simultaneously.

Jing Dan was actually the youngest in her generation?!

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

He Ying looked around and realized that everyone was older than Jing Dan. When she tried to address them using the same honorifics as Jing Dan, her face completely froze.

Not only was Jing Dan the youngest, but she also appeared to have a lower status in terms of seniority…

However, the most serious shock was felt by the soul in her arms. It couldn’t accept the fact that it had gone from being their ancestor to becoming everyone’s junior…

Watching from the side, Huai Sheng had an extreme urge to laugh, feeling sorry for He Ying.

After finally completing the round of introductions, He Ying had calmed down. There was nothing she could do since Jing Dan had been reborn with such a junior status.

The people in the Panda Clan treated Jing Dan very well, so naturally, they also showed great kindness towards He Ying, whom Jing Dan liked.

Arriving at Jing Dan’s residence in the Panda Clan, a not very large two-story building made entirely of bamboo greeted them. It was unknown if something had been applied to the bamboo exterior, but it maintained a fresh and vibrant appearance, making it especially beautiful.

“Do you not live together?” He Ying asked somewhat strangely. Just now, Jing Shiyue had taken Qiu Shuhua in another direction, and Jing Li hadn’t followed along.

“Everyone needs their own personal space!” Jing Dan said very seriously. In the Panda Clan, if one wanted to live with their parents, they could do so, but if not, they could move out and build their own small building.

He Ying chuckled, holding the soul in her arms as she looked at Jing Dan and said, “Well, could you please take Mom to get settled now?”

Upon hearing this, Jing Dan turned to look at He Yuan and nodded seriously, “Auntie, come with me!”

He Yuan glanced at her and said calmly, “It’s time to change what you call me.”

He Ying chuckled on the side.

Jing Dan was momentarily stunned, then she saw He Ying laughing, and understanding what she meant, she began to feel a bit embarrassed herself. Her face turned slightly red, and for a moment, she couldn’t bring herself to say anything.

Seeing that she still couldn’t speak, He Yuan didn’t push her to say it now, “Let’s go, let’s see the room.”

Jing Dan let out a slight sigh of relief and looked at He Ying, discreetly pointing to the second floor.

He Ying nodded in understanding.

Leading He Yuan, Jing Dan entered the room on the first floor. It was already cleaned and neatly organized, with all the necessary items ready.

“Alright, I’ll handle the rest of the matters myself. You go find He Ying,” He Yuan spoke in a soft voice, glancing at Jing Dan. Although she appeared to be addressing her, her heart had long drifted away.

“Is it okay?” Jing Dan’s eyes lit up, but then she asked somewhat cautiously.

He Yuan replied, “…Go ahead.”

“Okay, great! Mom, rest early. I’m off!” With that, she disappeared without a trace, leaving only her slightly excited voice behind.

He Yuan chuckled. She had now officially changed what she was called.

Leaving from He Yuan’s place, Jing Dan went directly to the room on the second floor. True to expectations, she saw He Ying sorting out and hanging up their clothes, while the soul was standing to the side, gazing around the room with a somewhat absent-minded expression.

Jing Dan paid no attention to the soul. She approached He Ying from behind, embraced her, and lovingly nuzzled against her back, softly calling out her name.

“Hmm,” He Ying responded softly.

The soul on the other side, witnessing Jing Dan’s clingy behavior, showed a hint of disdain and turned its head away, pretending not to see.

He Ying stood up, pulling Jing Dan up as well, then embraced her quietly, sealing the moment with a gentle kiss. These peaceful and heartwarming days were truly precious.

“Don’t…” He Ying grabbed Jing Dan’s hand placed on her and shook her head, “Mom will hear.”

In such a bamboo building, it was obvious that there was not much sound insulation.

Jing Dan blinked, then raised a barrier in the room, blocking out all sounds.

He Ying: “…”

She turned to look at the soul, who indeed already seemed close to dying from anger.

“The soul is still here,” He Ying quietly reminded.

Jing Dan suddenly felt like she had lost all her energy and hung onto He Ying, saying weakly, “When can we stop worrying about it!”

Furthermore, facing the soul, she was a bit afraid that she would transform back to her true form when doing it, otherwise, she would really be infuriated!

He Ying chuckled, soothingly rubbed her head, and gently reassured, “Soon.”

Jing Dan pursed her lips, feeling a bit reluctant. She really liked sleeping naked with He Ying!

Considering Jing Dan and the soul’s conditions, He Yuan allowed them to rest for a day before starting the soul merging process the following day.

Perhaps due to the approaching soul merging, Jing Dan’s face became increasingly serious, until He Yuan approached her.

“Alright, everyone except Jing Dan and the soul, please leave,” He Yuan said.

He Ying glanced worriedly at Jing Dan, but still had to leave and went to the lobby on the first floor, where she stayed with the others.

The group remained silent, waiting for Jing Dan’s soul merging to finish, while keeping a close eye on their surroundings, afraid that someone might disturb Jing Dan and the soul.

As time passed, they could feel the energy fluctuations coming from upstairs. The majestic energy slowly spread from the upper floor to the lower floor, seemingly about to disperse to the surroundings, when He Ying and Jing Li both raised a barrier, enveloping the energy within the small building.

Sensing this energy, Jing Li and Jing Shiyue were visibly stunned for a moment, with a hint of confusion in their eyes. They shared a glance, clearly seeing the astonishment reflected in each other’s eyes.

Why did they feel a somewhat familiar energy during Jing Dan’s soul merging this time?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Both of them temporarily set aside their doubts, as the most important thing now was to protect Jing Dan and ensure the successful merging of her soul.

Upstairs, He Yuan watched Jing Dan, who was sweating profusely. Soul merging was a tricky business. Although the soul was one entity, the human soul had been away from the human body for too long. Achieving a perfect merging was not a simple task.

As time passed bit by bit, Jing Dan’s face grew paler, her eyes closed tightly, her eyebrows furrowed in suppression, and her whole body began to tremble slightly.

He Yuan furrowed her brows, raising her hand and placing it on her head, infusing spiritual power to help her maintain her soul altar.

With He Yuan’s assistance, Jing Dan’s complexion improved noticeably. Eventually, her expression became more serene and tranquil, her eyes closed peacefully as she breathed quietly.

Seeing Jing Dan like this, He Yuan withdrew her hand, feeling relieved. The most crucial step in the soul merging had been completed. Now, it was time to give her space to quietly sort through her past memories.

Downstairs, the others could clearly sense the majestic energy decreasing. No, perhaps it was more accurate to say that it was converging. At this moment, this energy was under control by someone.

He Ying’s face lit up with joy as she looked up at the second floor. Did this mean that Jing Dan’s soul merging was nearing its end?

Sure enough, not long after, the energy gradually diminished, eventually disappearing completely. After waiting for a while, they finally saw Jing Dan standing at the staircase on the second floor.

Seeing Jing Dan standing above, He Ying began to feel a slight nervousness in her eyes. Although she and Jing Dan loved each other, she suddenly started to feel a bit anxious. Would the feelings that Jing Dan had for her change because of the soul merging process?

After all, the previous soul really disapproved of their relationship.

Jing Dan slowly made her way downstairs, each step seemingly weighing heavily on He Ying’s heart. Her heart began to beat faster.

Jing Dan was too quiet.

As she came down from upstairs, Jing Dan sat directly next to He Ying, tilted her head to look at her, and smiled lightly. “Do you know why I chose to place my soul inside you?”

The author has something to say:

Don’t ask about what happened yesterday; asking about it is embarrassing. (covers face)