Panda Cub – Chapter 39.1

The moon in the sky

He Ying had no idea what the kid outside was wildly imagining. If she knew, she’d surely treat her to a few chestnuts roasted in sugar, even cook soup for her by hand. Hadn’t she done enough for her in the past?

First, she brought out a glass of milk for Jing Dan, watching her drink it with half-closed eyes like a satisfied little animal. He Ying’s gaze darkened for a moment before she asked, “Didn’t you say you were going to bring your aunt’s cat for me to see? Why haven’t you brought it yet?”

Jing Dan, who had been contentedly sipping her milk, paused: “…”

She looked up at He Ying, wondering why she suddenly remembered to ask about this.

“Or should I just have them take a photo for you? It’s all the same, right?” She felt a sigh of relief inside as she spoke, thankful that she had prepared in advance. Otherwise, how could she suddenly come up with a cat for her?

“Them?” He Ying detected something unusual in her tone.

“Yeah, them!” Jing Dan didn’t find anything odd about using “them” and, without much concern for He Ying’s growing curiosity, took out her phone to send a message to her aunt.

Receiving her message, Jing Shiyue: “…” This kid never gives anyone a break!

She found Qiu Shuhuai and, with a stoic expression, posed with two cats while Qiu Shuhuai took a photo.

Jing Dan received the photo and immediately showed it to He Ying, blinking she said, “Aren’t they adorable?”

He Ying looked at the photo of Jing Shiyue holding the cats, thinking to herself, “…” She really seemed like she wasn’t interested in being in business.

Her gaze then shifted to the two cats, and shortly after, she sensed something amiss. “Aren’t these cats the same ones Qiu Shuhuai has shown off in her social circle before?”

After all, a black and a white cat were quite memorable.

“They are living with my aunt now!” Jing Dan said without any intention to hide the fact.

He Ying: “…”

She silently looked at Jing Dan and saw her with an honest expression. Slightly touching her forehead, she handed the phone back to her, saying, “Don’t talk like this once we’re outside.”

Are these things that can be casually mentioned? Although Qiu Shuhuai is not a pop idol, she still carries significant weight in the entertainment industry. Naturally, her love life is closely watched by many interested parties.

“Oh.” Jing Dan felt she was worrying unnecessarily. She didn’t want to bother with others, so why would she possibly talk about her aunt’s affairs?

After that, the matter of the cats was never brought up again, and they returned to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Jing Dan, while drinking her milk, quietly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed this issue had already passed.

After having the breakfast prepared by He Ying, Jing Dan was fully revitalized. Before leaving for work, she even got He Ying to make her a bottle of milk to take to the office.

He Ying: “…” She had never seen a CEO like her before!

The days that followed were unbelievably calm. There were no more storms online, but it was heard that something had happened to Zhihuan Entertainment. Xu Zhihuan was removed from her CEO position, and her father took over the management. Xu Zhihuan was sent abroad.

He Ying was slightly startled upon hearing the news. So, this was how Jing Dan meant there was no need to worry? Truly a thorough solution—sending the person out of the country.

However, her bafflement was momentary. The matters regarding Xu Zhihuan didn’t spark much interest in her. What mattered most now was the performance.

With no interference from Xu Zhihuan, the tickets for the performance were sold out smoothly. Shortly after they went on sale, they were all snapped up, and there were even people starting to resell them.

Knowing this, He Ying, in subsequent ticket sales, adopted a method where each ticket was tied to an identification card and sold, intending not to give any opportunity to scalpers.

“I’m telling you, isn’t it just a performance? And it’s not even you who’s going on stage. Why do you need to dress up so nicely?” Hu Tu rolled her eyes as she sat on the couch nearby, wishing she could comfortably lie down on the bed, but a glance at Jing Dan deterred her.

Jing Dan took another outfit from the wardrobe and, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, said, “The ticket He Ying gave me is a Supreme VIP ticket. Since it’s supreme, of course, I have to dress up nicely to live up to the word ‘supreme’!”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Hu Tu was speechless. “Do you realize how much you’ve talked this morning?”

Watching her continue to rummage through her clothes, Hu Tu’s expression was one of indescribable feelings. “You’re not really falling for He Ying, are you? You better think it through; she’s human.”

By now, Hu Tu was almost numbed to trying to stop them; what’s worse, she felt her efforts were utterly ineffective. They still met up and joked around as usual, with none of the awkwardness you’d expect from a pursuer and the pursued. On the contrary, they seemed like two people blissfully in love!

Jing Dan turned around, giving her a puzzled look. She just wanted to pick a nice outfit, so how did that translate to being interested in He Ying? It was clear that it was He Ying who had an interest in her, wasn’t it?

Seeing Jing Dan’s expression, Hu Tu was at a loss for words. “…” She didn’t care anymore! Let them be however they wanted! In the end, she wasn’t the one who would be crying a river over a loved one passing away!

After much deliberation, Jing Dan finally chose an outfit that satisfied her: a high-necked, thin white sweater paired with a black blazer. Once put on, it gave off a vibe of aloofness, yet the soft sweater added a touch of warmth.

Before heading out, Jing Dan also put on a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, instantly elevating her scholarly yet rebellious aura by several levels.

Hu Tu, who had witnessed the entire process, thought to herself, “…” If this kid doesn’t get taken away by someone, she’d eat her words!

Not only Hu Tu had never seen her like this, even He Ying hadn’t.

Before the performance officially started, Jing Dan came to the backstage and saw He Ying, who was still getting dressed. She glanced at He Ying’s thin performance outfit, frowning slightly. Isn’t that cold?

However, the moment He Ying saw her, she was stunned, unable to take her eyes off her.

Jing Dan looked so different today. Previously, she seemed cold and indifferent at first glance, giving you a look as if it was with an arrogant nonchalance. But today, with those glasses on, the coldness seemed to be washed away a bit, instead highlighting a sort of scholarly disreputability.

It was as if she had become more grown-up.

He Ying was momentarily taken aback, not quite used to the situation.

Jing Dan tilted her head, puzzled by He Ying’s silence.

However, Hu Tu’s expression drooped. Although Jing Xiaodan didn’t notice, how could she, an old fox, fail to see? He Ying was clearly spellbound!

With a tilt of her head, He Ying saw a familiar air about Jing Dan, couldn’t help but purse her lips, and let out a soft chuckle. Indeed, no matter how much this person changes on the outside, deep down, she’s still that adorable kid.

“Have you come this early?” He Ying had someone bring chairs for them to sit.

Whenever Jing Dan appeared, others around them would occasionally glance their way, curious about the nature of their relationship and wondering if the online rumors were true – that the two were a couple. This curiosity intensified especially after witnessing the way He Ying gazed at Jing Dan; it was certainly no ordinary look.

“It’s getting late; the show’s about to start,” Hu Tu rolled her eyes, thinking to herself that Jing Xiaodan have woken up incredibly early to get dressed up like that.

Jing Dan nodded in agreement.

He Ying’s smile deepened as she applied eyeliner to her eyes, saying, “I’ll have someone take you to your seats in a bit. Once the performance starts, I won’t be able to keep you company, but feel free to ask anyone in the dance troupe if you need anything.”

Jing Dan curiously leaned in a bit closer to get a better look at He Ying skillfully drawing on her eyeliner, intrigued by the dramatic flick at the corners of her eyes. Jing Dan wondered, Is this what stage makeup looks like?

Although she looks good this way, it’s a bit too sharp. Jing Dan still prefers He Ying’s usual makeup, which she finds more beautiful and approachable.

As she leaned closer, the faint scent of bamboo from her drifted into He Ying’s nose. Her hand shook, and she slightly smudged her eyeliner.

Jing Dan saw it and pointed at the smudge with a serious expression, saying, “It’s smudged.”

He Ying: “…”

She was both amused and annoyed. Did she not know it was smudged?

He Ying reaches for a makeup remover pad to clean off the smudged spot, then looks through the mirror at Jing Dan’s pure and unadorned face, which is like flawless jade without any makeup, easily outshining many stars in the entertainment circle and becoming the true definition of a divine beauty.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Suddenly, she is struck by a thought; she has never seen Jing Dan wear makeup before. What would she look like if she did?

Hu Tu, watching them from the side, almost grinds her teeth in frustration, but seeing the joy emanating from the two of them, it’s clear how happy they are together.

She sighs softly to herself, deciding not to be the villain in the end, just as she had originally thought. After all, she’s not the one who will end up crying.

He Ying finishes applying her eyeliner, then glances at Jing Dan, who is still peering curiously, and asks, “Interested?”

Upon hearing this, Jing Dan nodded seriously, showing genuine interest.

She had seen her aunt apply makeup before, but then her aunt told her that children who wear makeup could ruin their skin, so she never dared to show interest in it again. But now she was no longer a child, applying makeup shouldn’t harm her skin, right?

She had a pretty face; it couldn’t be ruined.

Seeing her nod, He Ying smiled gently, “Then, when I’m free, I’ll do your makeup for you.”

Jing Dan’s eyes lit up slightly, and then her gaze fell upon He Ying’s face. She hesitated for a moment before saying, “But not the kind of makeup you’re wearing.”

It looks so thick, must be uncomfortable on the face.

He Ying: “…” She has become critical, and what’s wrong with this makeup? Isn’t it pretty?

“I won’t put this kind of makeup on you. This kind is okay for the stage, but if you wear it out, people might think you’re crazy.”

Hearing this, Jing Dan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as she wasn’t going to be made up like this.

Seeing her like this, He Ying: “…”

Is this guy really that scared of this kind of makeup? Then, does she not know there’s another kind of makeup called nightclub makeup?

She shook her head, clearly just a kid with little experience.

“Alright, the performance is about to start soon. I’ll have someone take you guys to the front desk.”

“Oh.” Jing Dan responded, taking one last glance at He Ying’s makeup before following the staff outside.

Watching her retreating figure, He Ying gave a gentle laugh, then asked someone to bring over the snacks prepared for Jing Dan, to save her from boredom.

On the other side, noticing the scene, people gathered and whispered excitedly. Initially, they saw He Ying carrying a big pile of things over and thought it was food for them. It turned out, to their surprise, that those items were all prepared for Jing Dan!

People came to watch the show, and here you are, personally preparing food for someone—that’s really spoiling them! If the “Chun and Jing Ming” relationship turns out to be fake, they would never believe any of those online CPs again!

Jing Dan and her group were led by the staff to the front row, seated in the very center of the sixth row. Upon sitting down, Jing Dan finally understood what a Supreme VIP experience was. This position offered the best view of the entire venue, allowing one to easily see everything without having to tilt their head back, as one would in the front rows.

“Tsk, this He Ying, really treats you well.” Hu Tu remarked. How many people were looking forward to He Ying’s dance tour? To what extent had the ticket prices been inflated? The tickets for these seats could be sold for a high price, yet He Ying gave them to Jing Dan, who frankly lacked an artistic cell in her body.

Hearing Hu Tu say this, Jing Dan felt a hint of pride. Of course, He Ying was good to her, considering she likes her. If she wasn’t nice to her, how could she win her over?

The little tail in her heart perked up as she looked towards the stage, but suddenly she noticed someone placing a small table in front of her, and then they began setting out a variety of foods and drinks, telling her, “This is prepared by Teacher He. If there’s anything else you need, just let us know.”

With a smile, they left.

Beside her, Hu Tu was speechless.

She looked down in front of her, only to see her own legs; where was the table with food and drinks supposed to be? Did He Ying forget she existed?!

Damn, it was infuriating. To think He Ying was also the type to forsake friends for love!

Jing Dan looked at the items before her, tasted them, and realized they were made by He Ying. She quietly pursed her lips in a smile, feeling an inexplicably sweet taste.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Beside her, Hu Tu remained expressionless.

However, what Jing Dan didn’t know was that someone who had recognized her early on secretly captured this smiling moment and posted it online. This sneaky smile was truly revealed to the public, challenging their perception of her as an unattainable beauty.

——Damn! Who is this person secretly smiling! Could it be my goddess wife?!

——My image of President Jing is collapsing, but why do I love it so much!

——Ah, so President Jing always goes to watch my Teacher He’s performance, huh! Chun and Jingming have joined forces!

——Wow, some people are saying someone’s character has collapsed! What’s wrong with smiling at my wife’s performance! Do you also give your wives cold faces!

Anyway, Jing Dan doesn’t know about the heated discussions happening online about her. Right now, she’s drinking the milk He Ying prepared for her, eating pudding and fruit cakes, doing nothing else but waiting for the show to start.

Unable to bear it any longer, Hu Tu immediately reaches out to grab some, thinking it’s a bit too much that all this food and drink were prepared but not for her!

In the last few minutes before the show starts, Hu Tu goes online and stumbles upon the topic of He Ying’s dance tour and Jing Dan attending the performance. Everyone is shipping Jing Dan and He Ying; there are even photos of Jing Dan and her posted online. In those photos, she is seen grabbing food from Jing Dan, such a loving scene. Why is no one shipping her and Jing Dan as a couple!

What gives! Back when they all fawned over Jing Dan and He Ying because they looked good together, wasn’t it because they both looked attractive that they got together in the first place! Am I not pretty enough or what!

Oh, she was furious, especially seeing comments telling her not to take Jing Dan’s food and to buy her own if she wanted some. Her anger soared to the skies. You all are really treating people unfairly!