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Panda Cub – Chapter 28

Another Bottle

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

Understanding that the kid was intimidated, He Ying turned and left the bedroom. She spoke to the production team, “There are too many of you crowding around her; she’s scared. Just leave two people to film, everyone else should go out, and you’re not allowed to enter my bedroom to film.”

The production team: “…”

But the kid is in your bedroom now! If they can’t film there, what will they film!

He Ying seemed to catch on to their thoughts, her gaze shifting as she asked, “You guys came over so early, have you had breakfast? There’s quite a bit of breakfast prepared here; why don’t you all join in for a bite?”

It was lucky that she anticipated the kid’s appetite and made plenty of food; otherwise, there wouldn’t have been enough for all these people.

Seeing the array of breakfasts laid out on the dining table, everyone’s stomachs began to rumble.

He Ying smiled and directed them all to sit at the dining table to eat, while she picked up the milk bottle that the little cub had discarded earlier. She went into the kitchen to whip up a fresh bottle of milk, and after that, she took it into the bedroom. When entering, she even closed the door behind her, not giving the people outside a chance to glimpse inside.

Meanwhile, in the live chat room, the netizens were like: “…”

They watched the staff members digging into the feast, one by one getting cursed at for having no spine. Over just a simple breakfast, they’ve abandoned the shoot! Where is the professionalism?

The netizens chewed on their little blankets, whining: “Wuuuwuuu, I really want to see the kid drink their milk, I was almost there! Teacher He has gone to make milk again!”

However, no matter how much they wanted to watch, they couldn’t at this moment. The only audience member who could see was He Ying.

He Ying handed her the baby bottle, watching as she hugged it and started to drink again, deep in thought about what snacks to bring over. After all, the little cub’s breakfast was devoured by that bunch outside, and she had to make sure the kid wasn’t left hungry before heading to the show recording.

Looking down at the little cub, now cuddling the bottle and drinking without a care, totally oblivious to her worry.

Feeling disgracefully shamed, Jing Dan was just relieved that she was in her true form, barely recognizable to others, and having come to terms with it, she felt no psychological burden.

After the cub finished her milk, she pushed the bottle back into He Ying’s hands, her dark, beady eyes staring without blinking, letting her clearly understand what was expected.

He Ying resignedly got up and went to prepare another bottle of milk for her. After all, the little cub had only had half a bottle before being interrupted, and now, she really couldn’t refuse to let her drink.

After fixing the second bottle, she came in to hold and feed her, then turned around and headed back to the kitchen. There, she thought to make the most of the remaining time to prepare some easy-to-carry snacks for her.

The crew members, noticing her bustling about, couldn’t help but turn their cameras toward her.

Although Daidai had initially attracted a crowd of onlookers, now that the panda cub was gone, all eyes naturally fell on He Ying. Those who recognized her were in utter disbelief.

Is this really the He Ying that they knew?!

Stunning and versatile in her dance moves, she’s always the one shining on stage. But now, to see her play the domestic goddess in the kitchen?! It’s hard to imagine her as someone who’d cook!

The shocked crowd then realized that the breakfast the crew had enjoyed was made by He Ying herself. They began to look on with envy, wishing they too could have a taste of He Ying’s homemade breakfast!

Racing against time, He Ying whipped up some frozen dumplings and packed a bunch of fruits into a box, topping it off with a magical touch of preservative energy. Feeling a bit more at ease, she finally headed to the bedroom to change into a fresh outfit and head out with the team.

When she entered the bedroom, the little cub on the bed had finished her milk and lay there yawning aimlessly, clearly ready for a post-milk nap.

He Ying paid her no mind, opened the wardrobe to take out her clothes, and started to change. Midway through, she turned around, locking eyes with the little cub.

He Ying: “…”

Startled by her sudden move to undress, Jing Dan: “…”

After a brief silence, He Ying stopped lifting her clothes and pulled them back down, then took the clothes she meant to change into and went into the bathroom.

Although that little furball looked like it was just two or three months old, she’s a spirit; who knows how old she really is!

Jing Dan watched He Ying retreat into the bathroom, and inexplicably, she also let out a sigh of relief. Then she turned around and pointed her butt at the bathroom door, choosing the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ approach.

He Ying changed her clothes and came out, only to immediately catch sight of that soft, white butt and the small, semi-concealed white tail.


Earlier, you didn’t turn around, and once I go into the bathroom, you do? Aren’t you being a bit silly, Daidai?

She thought for a moment, then opened the wardrobe to rummage through it. She found a red bow tie and walked towards Jing Dan.

Hearing her movement, Jing Dan turned her head: “…”

What kind of experience would it be to have an exceptionally beautiful woman approaching you with a smile, holding a red bow tie?

Jing Dan: Trembling.

That’s right, He Ying’s smile was just too spine-chilling for words, especially when she was sizing up the red tie on her. Jing Dan was already dumbfounded by her actions.

With a smile that crinkled her eyes, He Ying smoothed out the tie and then spoke to the little cub with affection, “Wear this nicely, and I’ll treat you to two bottles of milk.”

Jing Dan: “…”

Her gaze fell on the glaring red tie, thinking that if it were worn on herself, it would be extremely eye-catching!

But then again, there are two bottles of milk at stake…

Just wear it, after all, no one knows her here, right? It should be fine, right?

In the end, He Ying stood up straight, pleased with her creation, nodding in approval.

The stark contrast of the striking red bow tie against the black and white of the panda cub’s neck was especially conspicuous. Paired with her dazed and adorable demeanor, it was a direct hit to the softest part of the heart!

She couldn’t help but pick up the little cub and snuggle it into her arms, its cuteness making her want to ‘rua’ (lovingly rub) it bald!

Jing Dan remained emotionally serene, nestled in her embrace, having become accustomed to her actions. Staying with a quirky spirit like her, even her mental fortitude had greatly improved!

Holding the cub, He Ying reached over for her cellphone on the bedside, and noticed that Jing Dan had replied to her message not long ago.

【Jing Dan】: Nothing much.

He Ying raised an eyebrow, looking at the two simple words, and sighed helplessly. This person really is excessively aloof.

After sending a “Rest well, I’ll visit when you’re free” message with one hand, He Ying slipped her phone into her pocket and, holding the little cub, stepped out of the bedroom.

The team waiting outside had become anxious from anticipation. With the two main figures absent, there was nothing for them to capture, so they just sat chatting with the live stream audience. The people in the live chat were on edge too, almost wishing the team would hurry up and knock on the door.

As soon as they saw her emerge, the team’s eyes lit up, and the cameras and equipment were immediately aimed at them.

He Ying, Jing Dan: “…”

The live stream audience, upon seeing them at this moment, exploded in a frenzy of excited messages, effusively praising He Ying for her endearing understanding of what audiences crave!

Why tie a bow on the little cub? To max out the cuteness overload, of course!

Netizens declared: “I hereby announce my undying loyalty to this show!”

Then a barrage of “+1” comments flooded the screen.

The director, spotting this reaction, squinted with a satisfied grin and threw a thumbs-up towards He Ying from behind the camera. This person gets it!

He Ying simply smiled without a word, picked up the things prepared earlier, and walked out holding the cub, with a baby bottle dangling from her arm—resembling those supermoms out and about with their kids—getting into the production team’s van headed to the filming site.

Because she was cradling a panda cub in her arms, she instantly became the center of attention upon her arrival.

Arriving at the filming location signaled that the show was about to kick off officially. The director, grinning from ear to ear, turned to the camera and bid farewell to the viewers in the live stream, reminding them to stay tuned for the premiere of the show.

— Noooo! We could keep watching!

— Don’t go off the air! Keep filming, or we’re tuning out!

— That’s right! We’ll stop watching! Keep it rolling! We want to see Daidai, we want to see Teacher He!

One by one, they even tried to threaten the production team with vows of not watching. However, seeing these threats, the team only laughed harder.

Without further ado, the live stream was promptly ended.

Audience: “…”

Fine, we’ve got you noted!

As soon as she entered the Love Observation Room, several people immediately flocked around He Ying. They looked at the little cub in her arms with eagerness, hands itchy and ready to pounce. Just waiting for permission, they seemed ready to pet her until she went bald!

Jing Dan: “…”

Feels like I’ve fallen into a wolf den.

Naturally, the start of the show entailed filming the interactions between the observers, and some of their thoughts and feelings about the program.

Those who didn’t get a chance to touch the panda cub sulkily returned to their seats. In the spacious observation room, a huge screen was set up in front for them to watch, and the seats were arranged in a semicircle. Jiang Yan, who was originally sitting next to Qiu Shuhuai, saw that He Ying’s seat was so far away from hers, she immediately asked to switch with the person next to her, trying to get closer to He Ying—and by extension, curry favor with the panda Daidai.

The person being asked to switch: “…” Though her spot was the coveted central seat, she really didn’t want to swap.

Seeing Jiang Yan’s maneuvers, Qiu Shuhuai chuckled and pressed her down into her seat, then invited He Ying to take her spot. She shifted over to the side, and just like that, Jiang Yan managed to be right next to He Ying without having to switch seats.

He Ying was momentarily stunned and quickly shook her head in refusal. She joked, “That’s the host’s seat. If I sit there, won’t I be mobbed to death when the show starts airing?!”

Qiu Shuhuai laughed it off, “No worries. Having you sit here is to make filming her easier, plus I’m sure everyone is more eager to see this little cub.”

As she spoke these words, she helplessly shook her head and turned toward the program’s camera to say, “This is me hustling some benefits for you guys. Since this little kid sticks with Teacher He, I can’t even get a chance to hold her, so I have to give up my seat.”

These words were undoubtedly designed to patch things up for He Ying, to prevent backlash from the netizens later on.

The others laughed upon hearing her words, and then witnessed the panda cub claiming the absolute center seat.

Because He Ying placed her on the table, which originally only had a few bottles of drinks on it, the moment she set her down, the little cub became especially noticeable.

It was like a rice ball just plopped right on top.

Jing Dan: “…”

Are they really treating her like a mascot?!

The panda cub, wearing a red bow tie, turned its head and silently stared at He Ying, as if questioning why she placed it in such a conspicuous spot that might as well have been a target for arrows!

Leaning in, He Ying whispered softly, “Add a bottle of milk.”

Jing Dan: “…” Do they think she’s so easily bribed?!

He Ying: “One more bottle, then.”

Jing Dan turned back around, dutifully playing the role of her lucky charm.

He Ying couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle.

While stifling her laughter, He Ying also felt a pang of worry for the little cub’s family—such a glutton, one day it might just get lured away by some ill-intentioned folks.

Jiang Yan was sitting close enough to touch the cub’s faintly visible little tail with a mere stretch of her hand. Regrettably, while her hand twitched with eagerness, she just didn’t dare to actually reach out and touch it.

With a panda cub like this, she naturally became the group’s darling. As He Ying took out breakfast to feed the little one, others quickly seized the moment, planning to cozy up with some snacks of their own.

The production team: “…”

Have you all forgotten that we still need to speak?

However, when they pushed their offerings in front of the cub, it merely glanced at them and then ignored them completely, contently eating the food from He Ying’s hands, snubbing their snacks.

Well, that was to be expected. How could those dry biscuits possibly compete with the steamed dumplings and fruit that He Ying had prepared?

Everyone: “…”

Their self-esteem took a hit.

“Alright, alright, let’s get down to business,” Qiu Shuhuai finally said, taking charge of directing the proceedings and bringing the restless guests back to reality.

She glanced at Jing Dan, who was leisurely eating, a subtle smile playing on her lips. Her eyes were soft as she tried her best to draw everyone’s attention to herself, giving Jing Dan peace to enjoy her meal.

“This is the first time I’ve done this kind of show. What does everyone think about it?” she asked.

Most of the people present had some connection to Qiu Shuhuai, and their attendance was largely out of respect for her. When she asked, they wouldn’t dismiss her, naturally praising the show and expressing their anticipation while feeling the trip worthwhile.

After all, it’s not every day you get to be up close and personal with a panda cub!

He Ying smiled, “I’m also very much looking forward to seeing how this show turns out. After all, I’ve never seen a show quite like it, and it’s also my first time participating in this way. I’m inevitably a bit nervous, so I’ll be counting on everyone’s understanding and support.”

Yet her beaming appearance showed no hint of nervousness.

After finishing her bit, He Ying’s tone shifted as she handed a microphone towards the little cub, holding back a laugh, and asked, “I wonder, what does Daidai think about this show?”

Jing Dan: “…”

She was still eating a piece of apple carefully cut by He Ying. Confronted with the sudden microphone and question, she froze, mouth half open, in a terribly awkward predicament over whether to continue biting the apple or not.

Seeing this, the production team immediately zoomed the camera on Jing Dan, capturing her current expression in high-definition and recording it in the camera.

Jing Dan: “…”

The other people were also amused by He Ying’s antics. They watched as the cub gave He Ying a silent glance and then turned away from the camera, quietly chewing and swallowing the apple in its mouth. Once done, it faced back around and swatted the microphone away with its paw.

He Ying couldn’t help but laugh at her antics, and the others were somewhat amazed at the cub’s intelligence, seemingly understanding human speech.

After a thorough introduction had been given, the six emotional observers and one panda cub began to watch the recorded footage.

This time, the guests invited for filming were four men and four women, all elites from various industries. They were now brought together to live under the same roof for a month, to see what kind of sparks could fly.

As they watched, the first to appear was a female guest, who seemed like the quintessential demure and gentle lady. Stepping out of the car, her somewhat shy smile made everyone slightly concerned about whether she would be able to engage with the other guests later on.

Although Jing Dan proposed the idea of watching others fall in love, when it came to actually sitting in the observation room and observing romance unfold, she admitted she still didn’t get the appeal that seemed so popular online.

Not long after the first female guest took her seat, the second guest arrived—a man dressed in a somewhat Japanese style, looking clean-cut, as he towed his luggage towards the entrance.

With the first pairing of guests settled in, the observers watched as the man and woman began to converse.

The guy seemed shy at first, yet while talking to the female guest, he cleverly probed, subtly gathering information about her. The lady, on the other hand, seemed a bit constrained, yet responded diligently to the man’s inquiries.

“So what do we think about these two? Do we foresee any sparks flying between them in the future?” Qiu Shuhuai initiated the conversation.

“I feel like the male guest might have some thoughts about the female guest, but what she’s showing right now is just politeness, so it might be quite difficult,” one of the female observers said.

“On the contrary, I think it’s not impossible between them,” chimed in a male observer. “The guy expressed his interest right from the start, and there’s still a month to go. Maybe sparks will fly?”

“Teacher He, what do you think?” Qiu Shuhuai turned to He Ying.

He Ying twirled a pen in her hand and shook her head while looking at the screen. “These two definitely won’t end up with anything in the future. Have you noticed? Every time the male guest stands up and sits back down, he’s subtly moving closer to the female guest, trying to get nearer to her. But every time he does that, she unconsciously shifts away from him. Actually, this kind of behavior from the male guest can really damage his likability.”

In the beginning, when both of them aren’t familiar with each other, can’t he maintain a proper distance? Especially when he looks quite shy but acts too slick.

When the show aired, many people noticed the point He Ying had made and agreed with her, especially when the female guest showed a clearly better impression of the second male guest compared to the first, which seemed to confirm He Ying’s observations.

One after another, the guests appeared, followed by various greetings and introductions, to the point where Jing Dan started feeling dazzled.

Help, she was somewhat face-blind!

As one by one they gathered to introduce themselves, by the end, Jing Dan hadn’t managed to match anyone’s name with their face.

Jing Dan: “…”

She’s made up her mind; next time they do a show like this, they’re definitely going to invite some celebrities with a bit of fame—actors, perhaps. At least she might have seen them a few times before, so she could at least match faces to names, right?

Watching them critique one by one, Jing Dan felt so sleepy she could nod off.

Indeed, she wasn’t cut out for shipping celebrity couples.

He Ying noticed her state and gently ruffled her hair with a hand, internally sighing. Wasn’t this almost like employing child labor by the production team? Others come to record and get paid for it, but this little cub, coming over just for a meal, is quite the deal.

Jing Dan, whose head was ruffled, instinctively snuggled closer to He Ying. Eventually, overwhelmed by sleepiness, she hopped off the table and into He Ying’s arms, where she found a comfortable spot and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Jiang Yan watched her series of actions with such envy that it almost materialized and buried He Ying.

He Ying: “…”

The look was so intense that she felt almost embarrassed. But the idea of handing over the little cub for someone else to hold was not something she was willing to do.

After that, the entire program recording basically passed with Jing Dan eating and sleeping, and sleeping and eating. By the end, Jing Dan didn’t even know how they got back home. She only knew that when she woke up again, the sky outside had completely darkened, and the whole house was silent; the other woman was not there.

She got up from the bed, left the bedroom, and looked around, but still did not see He Ying. Where could she be?

Unbeknownst to her, the woman she was looking for was right now in the little bamboo forest where they first met.

She stood quietly in the woods, waiting. Before long, a puff of black mist appeared beside her, followed by a figure fully shrouded in a black cloak. The person’s build gave away no hint of gender, and even their voice was androgynous and indistinguishable.

“This is the reward for dealing with that spirit last time,” the cloaked figure said, stretching out a hand so ghostly pale from the folds of the robe that it seemed to glow in the darkness.

He Ying, seemingly unfazed by the sudden appearance of the cloaked figure, took the card and asked, “What do you plan to do with that spirit?”

As she spoke, a cold light flickered in her eyes, still holding a grudge against the spirit that had dared to target the little cub.

“Rest assured, she’ll be tilling the land in Prison Ten for the rest of her life.”

He Ying: “…Okay, got it.”

The Tenth Prison of the Spirit Race is, in fact, just a vast wasteland. For spirits to live in harmony with humans, interaction is inevitable. And for spirits to walk in the human world, various forms of identification are necessary to validate their existence. That’s where human operations come into play.

And spirits, correspondingly, create considerable value for humans. Take those wastelands, for instance—too tough and costly for humans to cultivate, but turn them over to the spirits, and you save yourself a whole heap of trouble.

Naturally, the spirits sent to reclaim land are usually those who’ve committed grave offenses. The people at the management bureau figured that killing them was too easy a way out. Better instead to put them to work and have them generate some value.

He Ying collaborates with the people at the Management Bureau. She hands over the malicious spirits she captures to them, and in return, they provide her with the convenience or rewards she needs.

After parting ways with the cloaked figure, He Ying pulls out her phone and glances at the chat bubble for Jing Dan. The message she sent out in the morning hasn’t received a response, even after a whole day.


This kid really knows how to burn bridges—gobbles up her food and then gives her the cold shoulder. Although that’s what she thinks, deep down, she’s a bit worried and decides to shoot a message to Hu Tu.

【Hu Tu】: Ah, don’t fret about it, her auntie confiscated all her communication gadgets and whisked her away to the countryside to recuperate.

He Ying: “…”

Wasn’t it supposed to be no big deal? How come it’s serious enough to need a rest now?

(If you're not reading on littlepandatranslations.com, it means this has been stolen)

The author has something to say:

He He: Talking out of your hats, I really fell for your evil deeds!

Note: The interactions between some of the guests that they mentioned are inspired by a scenario from one episode of the show “Heart Signal”~

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