Fish Meat – Chapter 37

The Eighth Year of Shenchu

Ten Thousand Taels of Silver (Part Two)

Using all the money earned from the All-Encompassing deals into the medicinal herb business, Zhen Wenjun asked Lingbi for her help, reallocating personnel to purchase large quantities of cheap medicinal herbs like rhubarb, Chinese gall, and lotus flowers from nearby counties. For expensive and rare medicinal herbs, Zhen Wenjun personally took Lingbi and gathered a group of slaves to dig everywhere.

During the year she stayed with Jiang Daochang, Jiang Daochang took her running up the mountains every day; the medical books and diagrams were all flipped through by her until they were falling apart. Although she could not claim to understand all the pharmacology, she had to know the medicinal herbs most needed on the battlefield.

Belladonna and night lotus both have the effects of pain relief, paralysis, and inducing excitement, with a huge demand on the northern battlefield. Belladonna is not hard to find, but night lotus is. Because of the high price and profitability, night lotus is specifically cultivated in Suichuan, but there are no signs of cultivation in Dongchun so far. However, Zhen Wenjun could find places where wild night lotus might grow by surveying the terrain.

Night lotus usually grows at the edges of swamps, growing in clusters. Once one is found, it’s easy to harvest a large area. However, as its name suggests, night lotus is mostly camouflaged during the day, looking like a pile of dead grass from afar and very hard to detect. Only at night does it emit a faint blue glow, attracting nocturnal insects.

The night lotus in Taojun City was all dug up by her, but the quantity was not much, so she had to go to Suichuan to purchase more. But as soon as Lingbi heard she wanted to go to Suichuan, she immediately stopped her.

Zhen Wenjun said: “Why can’t I go? The twenty-day period set by Sister is almost up, and only Suichuan has the medicinal herbs I need. If I can’t go, I’m afraid I won’t complete the task set by Sister.”

Lingbi said: “It’s not that I won’t let you go, but you don’t know that Suichuan is in chaos right now. If something happens to you, how can I explain to the lady? You can’t go.”

Zhen Wenjun naturally understood that Lingbi was still monitoring her movements. She tugged at Lingbi’s sleeve and pleaded: “Good sister, can’t we just take more guards and shadow guards?”

Lingbi was very firm: “No, you can’t go.”

Zhen Wenjun pestered Lingbi for two days, and finally, with no other way, she could only discuss with Lingbi about arranging someone to go to Suichuan to collect the medicinal herbs for her. Lingbi hesitated for a moment and agreed. She arranged for the shopkeeper of the Wei family pharmacy in Taojun City to help. Before departure, Zhen Wenjun carefully instructed him.

The shopkeeper did not fail Zhen Wenjun’s trust, collecting all the night lotus around Suichuan. Five days later, the carriage returned and stopped outside the courtyard. Lingbi accompanied Zhen Wenjun outside, lifted the carriage curtain, and saw a full carriage of night lotus.

Lingbi picked one, crushed it with her hand, and sniffed it in front of her nose. It had a sweet yet fishy smell with a unique pungent fragrance, thick leaves, and abundant sap—this was top-quality goods.

Lingbi asked: “You only have three hundred taels of silver. How did you collect this entire carriage? As far as I know, this top-quality night lotus has very high requirements for its growing environment, and its price has gradually increased due to the ongoing wars. Three hundred taels can’t even buy one-third of this carriage.”

Zhen Wenjun had the night lotus unloaded from the carriage and weighed: “Night lotus is cold-resistant and likes the cold. For survival, the colder the area, the more its leaves can store sap to withstand harsh environments. The climate in Taojun City is too warm and humid, causing the night lotus to grow small. Suichuan’s cold climate is the most suitable growing environment for night lotus. There are hundreds of acres of plantations in Suichuan, so the price is naturally much lower than in Dongchun. Even if I had people buy it at a price higher than Suichuan’s local price, it is still only half the price in Dongchun, and the farmers are happy to sell. This is the principle of ‘knowing the land to win, choosing the land to make money.’”

Lingbi said: “Oh? But the officials are not foolish. Since Suichuan is cheaper, why don’t they go to Suichuan to buy? Why would they care about your carriage of goods, priced double?”

“If the officials could buy, it would save me the trouble of running around. But it’s better that they don’t buy.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“The officials give at most five taels of silver per pound in Dongchun, but if I sell to the local gentry, I might get seven or eight taels. Why not?”

It turned out Zhen Wenjun’s target was not the officials but the gentry of Dongchun. As she said this, Lingbi also realized that after continuous years of war, the Da Yu army was increasingly exhausted, and the national treasury was often empty to the point of not even being able to pay the soldiers. More and more young men were finding ways to avoid conscription—living anywhere is still living, why go to the front lines to die? Moreover, working elsewhere might allow them to live to sixty, whereas going to the northern front might mean death tomorrow. Fewer and fewer people were willing to go to the front lines, making the Yu army increasingly weak and unable to resist the fierce Hu people. The supervising military officer ordered that all major families in the Da Yu counties with private soldiers should send them to the front lines for reinforcement. Private soldiers, like family slaves, were owned by the gentry. If the central government forcibly conscripted them, it had to give the gentry benefits. Otherwise, if the major gentry united in rebellion, it would make the already devastated Da Yu even more unstable. Therefore, the supervising officer submitted a proposal to the Emperor, issuing a “conscription order,” compensating the gentry who sent soldiers with land. The gentry, having the manpower, would cultivate the land, and during the autumn harvest, the officials would buy the grain. In this way, the conscripted soldiers would have food for the next year’s battles, and the well-fed and strong soldiers could kill more Hu enemies.

Although the central government conscripted private soldiers, these private soldiers still belonged to the gentry. Their supplies, rations, and even burials were still handled by the gentry, and naturally, the military medicine was also prepared by the gentry at their own expense. There was a time when, for unified management, the officials issued a document, instructing the gentry to provide only money, while the officials would handle the supplies and burials. However, a minor official involved in the process embezzled up to one million taels of the submitted funds, and all the collected silver ended up in his pockets. The grain sent to the front lines was all moldy old grain. After this person was discovered and executed, the major gentry jointly submitted a petition to the Emperor, stating that they would rather take care of their own soldiers, at least ensuring the money was spent where they could see it.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

In this way, the night lotus and other medicines would be purchased by the gentry themselves.

In the years of great famine, what the gentry lacked were resources, not money. Zhen Wenjun was confident that even if she sold this batch of night lotus for ten taels of silver per pound, the prominent families of Dongchun would still rush to buy them. It should be noted that night lotus was not only used on the battlefield but was also kept in the homes of the gentry.

Back then, Wei Tingxu said she would burn all of Ah Liao’s house full of “Furong Powder.” At that time, Zhen Wenjun only thought the name “Furong Powder” sounded familiar and did not connect it to night lotus. Later, she realized that Ah Liao’s face was as pale as a ghost’s, which was undoubtedly the result of long-term addiction to some powder. This “Furong Powder” must be related to night lotus and was probably the trendy powder among the nobles of Dongchun.

Zhen Wenjun always maintained a curiosity about various mysteries. While wandering in Taojun City, wanting to contact the Qingliu, she chatted with many idlers to gather information and confuse Lingbi’s attention. She specifically inquired about this Furong Powder. Indeed, Furong Powder was a medicine made by grinding the roots and stems of night lotus into powder and mixing it with other substances in a specific ratio. It had effects such as clearing the mind, enhancing physical strength, boosting vigor, and sensitizing the skin. Of course, such a poison must have strong side effects. Overindulgence led to uncontrollable emotions, and excessive consumption severely harmed the body. The trend of consuming Furong Powder spread from the capital. From Pingcang to Dongchun, all the gentry took pleasure in consuming it. Those who did not use it were easily ostracized. Some even consumed large quantities before discussions to bolster their presence, causing many jokes.

The gentry in Dongchun had already become addicted to Furong Powder. They had to consume it themselves and also send it to the front lines, creating a huge demand. They would take as much as they could get, even competing and offering high prices for it.

Zhen Wenjun only lamented that she had too little capital; otherwise, she could use night lotus to turn Dongchun upside down.

A full carriage of night lotus sold for two thousand three hundred taels, more than she had expected. If she could arrange continuous transport between Suichuan and Dongchun, earning ten thousand taels over time would not be a problem. However, time was tight. A round trip would take at least five days, and half of the twenty-day limit had already passed, making it unlikely. Moreover, the night lotus in Suichuan had mostly been bought by merchants and officials in the autumn, leaving very little stock. The previous carriage was gathered with great difficulty and at increased prices.

There were also large quantities of common medicinal herbs with thin profit margins, which Zhen Wenjun did not rely on. Making three to five thousand taels was not an issue, but aiming for ten thousand seemed far-fetched.

Perhaps Wei Tingxu had calculated this before setting the task, knowing that earning a certain amount of silver was mediocre. Many people could achieve three to five thousand taels with some effort. Only those who could earn ten thousand taels within twenty days were the talents she needed.

If Zhen Wenjun could not pass the first test, it would greatly disappoint Wei Tingxu, making it extremely difficult to establish herself by her side in the future.

Zhen Wenjun sat on the cart transporting medicinal herbs, her head aching from thinking too hard without coming up with a better solution. Her shoulder injury began to act up due to her distress, making her feel sore and restless.

“There are only three days left until the lady returns. Have you thought of a better way to make money, young lady?” Lingbi stood beside her and asked.

For the past seventeen days, Lingbi had observed Zhen Wenjun’s cleverness, but she was also aware of how much money had been made. Altogether, it was just over four thousand taels, still a long way from the ten thousand taels target. With only three days left and seeing Zhen Wenjun looking worried, it seemed she was ready to give up.

Lingbi clearly enjoyed seeing her misfortune, anticipating a good show. Zhen Wenjun didn’t want to pay attention to her and, staring at the cart full of herbs, found it easier to lose focus. Her thoughts were tangled, and her chest felt tight.

Speaking of business principles, it’s nothing more than “knowing the land to win, choosing the land to make money, buying when cheap, and selling when expensive.” Moreover, business relies on long-term planning, and having the ability to make a fortune in one go is rare. Perhaps there really was no other way. Zhen Wenjun thought that maybe she should act spoiled and beg for mercy when Wei Tingxu returned, asking her to be lenient and make up for it in other ways later?

No, doing so would waste all the effort and careful planning. Zhen Wenjun told herself she couldn’t give up easily. There were still three days left; there must be a way.

Three to five people carrying buckets hurriedly passed by. When Zhen Wenjun came to her senses and observed her surroundings again, she heard someone shouting for more people to bring water. The street was bustling, almost everyone was rushing out, carrying two full buckets of water toward the south city gate.

Zhen Wenjun stopped a gentleman and asked what had happened. The gentleman said that a big fire had broken out in Jun County, east of Taojun City, and everyone was rushing to fetch water to put out the fire.

Zhen Wenjun immediately followed the crowd to investigate the situation. Before reaching the city gate, she saw flames soaring into the sky in broad daylight, indicating a significant fire.

Jun County was a crucial mountain pass in Dongchun, where countless shops and carts gathered. The fire started from the north, and with the howling north wind, it quickly spread south. Half the city was engulfed in flames, with countless people fleeing in panic and wailing. Some even risked their lives trying to rush into the fire to save their families, only to be stopped by others. The scene was chaotic.

The people of the neighboring counties hurried to extinguish the fire. Zhen Wenjun disregarded her injury and, together with Lingbi and the others, joined in the firefighting efforts. The fire burned for a full two hours before being brought under control, leaving the vast Jun County almost razed to the ground.

Zhen Wenjun’s small face was blackened with soot. She was so exhausted that she collapsed on the ground, not caring about her appearance. Lingbi’s hair tips were also singed and curled. She held a child in her arms, who had been frightened and lost both parents, continuously comforting them.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Not far away, the county magistrate and officials of Jun County were discussing something with worried expressions, looking at the city reduced to white ashes. A plan formed in Zhen Wenjun’s mind.

How could she forget another principle of business—seeing the beginning and knowing the end, predicting wealth.

This was a big deal, and the four thousand taels she had were not enough. If she missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it would be hard to turn things around again.

Zhen Wenjun paced around Lingbi’s room, looking here and there, finally stopping in front of a delicate vase by the bedside.

“Don’t even think about it.” Lingbi stood behind her, her face even darker than hers.

“Sister, good sister, please lend it to me.” Zhen Wenjun pleaded.

“What do you want to do with it? You’re not going to sell it, are you?”

“No, absolutely not.” Zhen Wenjun denied righteously, “I just want to pawn it, and I will definitely redeem it later. There are only three days left; this is my last chance. Sister, you must help me.”

“Why don’t you pawn your All-Encompassing treasure?”

“That won’t do; it’s a treasure given to me by Sister Tingxu! It’s dear to my heart!”

“Do you have any shame?! This is also a treasure given to me by the lady! You promised to return my money but haven’t even shown me a single coin. Now you have the nerve to take my things! Get out!”

“Sister Lingbi, don’t let small losses lead to greater losses.”

Lingbi’s eyes widened, and she was about to draw her knife. Seeing that Lingbi was determined not to give it to her, Zhen Wenjun had no choice but to stomp her foot, grab the vase, and run!

Lingbi never expected this little brat to dare to openly snatch it. She leaped out of the room, reaching to pull Zhen Wenjun back and tear her apart. Unexpectedly, the little rascal was extremely agile. Lingbi missed her and almost fell headfirst. She barely steadied herself, but the abrupt movement caused the wound on her back to reopen, making her face turn pale with pain.

“Someone! Catch her for me!” Lingbi, furious and ignoring the pain, even used her Qinggong, leaping up and aiming a kick at Zhen Wenjun’s back.

Seeing she was about to be hit, Zhen Wenjun shouted, “If the vase is shattered because of your roughness, wouldn’t it be a loss?”

Hearing this, Lingbi forcibly changed her movement in mid-air. The wound tore open, oozing blood, and she couldn’t land properly, falling hard on her butt.

The servants in the courtyard burst into laughter. Zhen Wenjun didn’t dare to stop, holding the treasure tightly as she hurried out.

Three days later, a spring breeze swept through Taojun City, and Wei Tingxu returned.

Lingbi and the maidservants of the courtyard went out to greet her. She looked around and didn’t see Zhen Wenjun, so she asked:

“Where is Wenjun?”

Lingbi initially wanted to say “dead,” but since she was facing the lady, she couldn’t speak such harsh words out of anger. She had to restrain herself and said, “She went out early this morning. Two shadow guards are following her. Just now, a message came back saying her carriage should be returning soon.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Oh? Then let’s wait here for her.”

“Sister!” From a distance, Zhen Wenjun, sitting on the carriage, poked her head out and waved at Wei Tingxu.

“What is this…” Wei Tingxu’s gaze fell on the three carriages. Zhen Wenjun, full of smiles, asked the coachman to help move down four large boxes. When opened, they were filled with shining silver.

“Twenty thousand taels of silver, please inspect it, sister.”

“Twenty thousand taels? I remember I wrote only ten thousand taels.”

“That’s right, sister did write ten thousand taels of silver in twenty days, but since ancient times, more money has always been better. And sister, look!” Zhen Wenjun led Wei Tingxu to the other two carriages, lifted the cloth cover, and the carriage compartments were filled with rice barrels. Opening the lid of one barrel, it was packed to the brim with rice.

“This is just two cartloads of rice. There are five more cartloads yet to be delivered, which will all be delivered in three days. But sister, you don’t need to worry. I have already agreed with them on the delivery location; they won’t come here.”

Looking at Zhen Wenjun’s spirited face, Wei Tingxu smiled with relief.

“Come, Wenjun, I brought some fresh fruits from Hu Country for you to taste. Let’s go inside, taste them, and chat. I also brought some other little trinkets for you to play with.”