Fish Meat – Chapter 28

The Seventh Year of Shenchu

Seeking the Dark Stake

Wei Tingxu asked her many recent situations, and she then detailed how her father died, and how she met her adoptive parents.

Of course, these words were arranged long ago when they were in the old gallery courtyard. A Jiao had discussed it with her countless times. A Jiao pretended to be Wei Zizhuo to interrogate her, asking about many details repeatedly, just to make her remember the context deeply, so that she would not contradict herself when mentioning it later. This fake family of three even actually lived in Jianzhang, the hometown of Zhen Wenjun, for a while. A Jiao and Jiang Daochang went out disguised to make the neighbors familiar with their appearances. Jiang Daochang even genuinely dug up a cart of herbs to sell at the market. Alai was dragged to help, not only assisting Jiang Daochang but also frequently helping the neighbors, all to ensure that everyone could have a deep impression of her and to prepare for the day when the Wei family investigates here.

The lamp was adjusted twice, and after the bright moon hid behind the clouds, the courtyard became silent. Some birds, avoiding the cold, perched on the branches, occasionally chirping twice.

Wei Tingxu finally felt a bit tired and asked Lingbi to escort Zhen Wenjun back to her room.

Wei Tingxu asked her, “Is Lingbi taking good care of you?”

Zhen Wenjun nodded and said, “Sister Lingbi is very good, but I am not used to being served and have always done things myself.”

“No matter, you will get used to it gradually. Lingbi has been with me since she was young and has always been careful and diligent. With her serving you, I am also at ease.”

Zhen Wenjun was moved and said, “Sister is so caring, I… don’t know how to repay you.”

Although she said this, she naturally understood in her heart that Lingbi was the eyes that Wei Tingxu placed by her side. With her watching, how could she not be at ease?

Wei Tingxu said, “Sister Wenjun, you are too serious. The life-saving grace of the past is unforgettable. Today, even if you wanted to take my life, I would not hesitate, just not sure if you would cherish it.”

All her words carried a hidden edge. If one was unintentional, they wouldn’t notice any problem, but with intention, pressure could be felt everywhere. Zhen Wenjun simply said:

“I am timid, sister, please do not speak of life and death, it’s too frightening.”

Wei Tingxu spoke in a calm tone: “Oh, I almost forgot. Afraid you might not sleep well, I have prepared a calming soup for you. Xiaohua.”

Xiaohua went behind the screen, picked up the medicine pot warming on the charcoal stove. The pot was slowly emitting steam. She poured the soup into a bowl and placed it in front of Zhen Wenjun.

When she placed it down, Xiaohua’s back faced Wei Tingxu. Her eyes were raised with a full sense of contempt, sweeping challengingly across Zhen Wenjun’s face.

Zhen Wenjun looked down and saw a glazed bowl in a splendid form. This was a top-quality product that started flowing into Da Yu from the Hu country last year. Back then, how much Ah Xun wanted a glazed hairpin, she had someone travel a hundred miles and spent a lot of money to buy it. After buying it, the mistress found out and gave her a severe scolding, but she still loved it dearly.

For some reason, she suddenly thought of these, probably because the black medicinal juice in the glazed bowl looked too much like poison. Xiaohua’s attitude was also clear – you don’t dare to drink it. You, an inexplicable spy mixed in the troupe, surely don’t have the guts, quickly reveal your true form.

Zhen Wenjun calmly picked up the bowl and drank it in one go, not looking at Xiaohua, and sweetly smiled at Wei Tingxu:

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Sister, you are so considerate. This soup has no bitterness, did you add snow sugar from the Hu country?”

Wei Tingxu said, “Sister, you have a good tongue. Indeed, I had someone add snow sugar to the soup. It not only dispels the bitterness but also makes the medicine less potent. You at the age of fifteen look like you are twelve or thirteen, which shows you have suffered a lot these years. I have already instructed the kitchen to provide you with nourishing food daily to help you gain weight soon.”

Zhen Wenjun didn’t mind that the lie about her age might have been seen through by the other party long ago and softly responded: “Sister’s wrists are even thinner than mine, you should be the one to gain some weight.”

The two chatted affectionately for a while. Lingbi quietly waited by the side. Whenever it involved the days and nights spent on the mountain, Zhen Wenjun would gloss over it, only smiling, never showing a sign of realization.

After the old talk and the medicine were finished, the night became deep. When leaving, Wei Tingxu again instructed Lingbi to add a thicker quilt for Wenjun, saying it was cold at night and she should not fall ill.

Lingbi smiled, revealing two obvious dimples: “Understood, my lady, Lingbi will surely take good care of the little lady.”

Wei Tingxu nodded slightly.

Zhen Wenjun and Lingbi walked to the door together. When Lingbi closed the door, she saw Xiaohua carrying Wei Tingxu from the four-wheeled cart horizontally, one hand supporting her back and the other cradling her legs. The strong arm held her steadily. Wei Tingxu wrapped her arms around Xiaohua’s neck, closed her eyes, and yawned lightly, with a crystal tear at the corner of her eye. She looked as delicate as an ordinary young lady of a noble family when she was sleepy.

Xiaohua’s ugly face was overflowing with undeniable tenderness when holding Wei Tingxu, as if she was holding the most precious treasure in the world. And Wei Tingxu, with her face resting on her chest, closed her eyes, feeling very assured.

This scene was caught by Zhen Wenjun just before the door closed.

What did she see? It seemed as if something was not quite right? Could it be that this master and servant…

Zhen Wenjun shook her head and stopped thinking, quickly leaving to rest.

Along the way, she still didn’t encounter anyone. This warm courtyard had no servants, no guards, not even a single strategist or advisor in sight. This place surely couldn’t be Wei Tingxu’s long-term residence. In such a common place, if the Qingliu suddenly attacked, no matter how skilled the shadow guards or strong Xiaohua was, even a tiger fears a pack of wolves and would struggle to resist, right?

What kind of confidence does she have that Qingliu cannot find her whereabouts?

Zhen Wenjun saw some lantern lights showing red outside the wall, understanding that this courtyard would appear as an ordinary small household from outside, with nothing noteworthy to make people remember or want to investigate.

In fact, Wei Tingxu had always been playing mind games with Qingliu, using four ounces to move a thousand pounds to break Qingliu’s moves one by one. The Wei family held absolute advantage, and if they really wanted to act, it would be an overwhelming force, but until now, Qingliu was still lingering on. There must be something in Qingliu faction that the Wei family was quite apprehensive about.

Back in the room, Lingbi made the bed and lit the charcoal brazier before leaving.

Zhen Wenjun lay down on the bed. After a conversation, she had sweated several times and her muscles were sore. All her energy had been drained by Wei Tingxu, but she had survived the first day.

She poured a cup of cold tea into her stomach and meticulously reviewed all the details from the moment she entered Wei Tingxu’s room tonight. Wei Tingxu was deeply guarded, hard to trust others easily, and she happened to discover A Jiao and Jiang Daochang. Even if she stood in Wei Tingxu’s shoes today, she couldn’t trust a sudden savior from a troupe harboring assassins. Constant testing was bound to be the focus for a while.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

What would Wei Tingxu ask tomorrow? How to answer if asked a certain question? Zhen Wenjun rehearsed all the questions she could think of in her mind. She tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep, with Wei Tingxu’s dagger still flashing in her mind.

Any slight movement would frighten her to the door and window to check for a long time, always feeling that Wei Tingxu would suddenly think of a flaw and send shadow guards to cut off her head.

It was not until dawn that Zhen Wenjun managed to sleep a bit and woke up an hour later, not feeling too sleepy. Her muscles were still sore, but being in a tiger’s den, she couldn’t be careless. Sleeping was just to regain energy, no need to indulge too much, after death, there would be eternal rest.

Lingbi brought hot water for her to wash, and after doing her hair, Lingbi asked:

“Little lady, would you like to have breakfast now?”

“Thank you.”

Wei Tingxu did ask the kitchen to prepare nourishing ingredients last night, and this morning’s meal was also stomach-nourishing lily porridge and lamb cakes. After eating and drinking, Lingbi collected the dishes and asked Zhen Wenjun:

“Little lady, would you like to go out for a walk? There is a carriage available in the mansion. My lady instructed before leaving this morning that she couldn’t accompany you today, and if you find it boring in the mansion, you could go into the city or visit Ah Liao.”

“Sister went out?”

Taojun City was on the border of Dongchun and Pingcang, a place of the Wei family and their lifelong friends, the Zhangsun family, but Qingliu faction would certainly extend their reach here. With A Jiao and Jiang Daochang dead, the connection with Qingliu was also severed. If these people thought she was also dead and acted against her mother, it would be a disaster. She had to go out and look for the dark stake of the Xie family in this place.

Zhen Wenjun said to Lingbi, “Sister is thoughtful. Since I came to Taojun City, I haven’t had a chance to walk around.”

Seeing Lingbi did not respond immediately, with eyes full of probing meaning, she smiled brightly and said, “Sister Lingbi, you also come with me. I am not familiar with Taojun City, can you guide me?”

Lingbi naturally agreed.

While Lingbi was arranging the carriage, Zhen Wenjun stood behind her, her face downcast, the Golden Cicada Knife spinning continuously on her fingertips…

Taojun City was as bustling as usual, as if no one noticed the sudden disappearance of the once-prominent Liaoyuan Troupe. The famous Yueniang’s death did not stir up any waves, having walked five streets without hearing anyone mention it. Dozens of lives seemed like bubbles on the sea, effortlessly erased from this world by a wave of Wei Tingxu’s hand.

Zhen Wenjun’s unfamiliarity with Taojun City was naturally a lie. Since the first day she arrived here, she had roamed the entire city, leaving her footprints in every street and alley.

Sitting in the carriage, she talked to Lingbi while secretly looking outside. She didn’t know what kind of mark Qingliu or the Xie family would leave, she had to recognize, probe, and confirm. With Lingbi by her side, there was no way to start.

She had to lose Lingbi.

Zhen Wenjun said she was thirsty, and while Lingbi was getting water for her, she turned around and was gone. Lingbi immediately smashed the water bowl on the ground, pulled out a dagger from her sleeve, and glanced at the tavern across the street. Two gentlemen were drinking there, they pointed to the eastern road, indicating that Zhen Wenjun had gone that way.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Follow me.” Lingbi moved swiftly and silently like a swallow through the crowd, whispering to several seemingly unrelated passersby. The passersby, after putting down their purchases, vegetables, and brushes, turned and followed Lingbi.

Although they moved quickly, they didn’t touch anyone. The market in Taojun City was crowded, and everyone was busy with their own affairs, not paying much attention to others. These people spread the word, and more people joined, weaving a large net spreading through the market.

Lingbi’s sharp eyes spotted Zhen Wenjun’s high bun swaying in the crowd across the street. The green gemstone hairpin on the high bun was to make her a more obvious target if she tried to escape. The green gemstone, though inconspicuous on an ordinary day, sparkled brightly under the sun.

Lingbi saw the gemstone’s shine, took a deep breath, and quickly approached Zhen Wenjun. One hand grabbed her shoulder while the other, holding a dagger, aimed to stab her head. The surrounding Wei family shadow guards formed a circle at the moment she struck, blocking the view of others. If Zhen Wenjun died, they would immediately wrap the body in a sack. Three steps away, a cart was ready. The sack-covered body would be thrown onto the cart, the human wall would disperse, and the cart driver would transport the body as ordinary goods. This person would die quietly.

Lingbi, when placing her hand on Zhen Wenjun’s shoulder, noticed she was holding a delicate item. Lingbi’s heart moved, quickly sheathed the dagger in her hair.

“Sister Lingbi.” Zhen Wenjun turned around, smiling, pushing the jade stone to her, “Sister Tingxu asked me to choose a gift for Ah Liao. What do you think of this?”

Lingbi’s facial muscles twitched, then returned to normal, smiling: “Why did you run off by yourself, making me search for you? I am just a servant, not good at choosing gifts, little lady decides herself.”

“I suddenly remembered I had been here before and recalled a jade seller. Sister Lingbi, don’t worry, I won’t get lost.” Zhen Wenjun, with an innocent face, made it difficult for Lingbi to say more. Lingbi blinked, and the surrounding shadow guards retreated immediately.