Fish Meat – Chapter 22

The Seventh Year of Shenchu

Tall Magnificent Building

Zhen Wenjun pondered the intent behind Ah Jiao sending her to the opera troupe. Young Master Liao, known for his indulgence in pleasures and fondness for beauty, might very well invite the troupe to perform at his residence for entertainment. If she could use this opportunity to get close to Young Master Liao, she might uncover some useful information. She was confident that she could ascertain whether this Young Master Liao was indeed Wei Zizhuo in person.

On the second day after settling into the troupe, before the roosters had even opened their eyes, they were all dragged out of bed by Third Lady Du and herded into the courtyard to start their training. The exercises involved basic opera troupe skills such as waist bending and leg splitting. Third Lady Du was extremely strict; those who couldn’t bend their waists were forcibly bent, and those who couldn’t split their legs were pulled apart. The small courtyard was filled with the pitiful cries and sobs of the young girls.

For Zhen Wenjun, who had secretly practiced martial arts in the Xie family garden since childhood, Third Lady Du’s teachings were merely the basics, all easily managed. Remembering that she was now Zhen Wenjun and not Alai, she knew she couldn’t perform the basics too effortlessly. She had to mimic the painful expressions of the young girls, pretending to struggle, while Third Lady Du tugged at her legs for quite a while. Seeing her age and assuming her bones were stiff, Third Lady Du was even harsher. Zhen Wenjun tensed her leg muscles, causing Third Lady Du to sweat profusely from the effort, eventually getting angry and scolding:

“At your age, these legs are harder than stone! Look how tired you’ve made me! Stretch your own muscles!”

Zhen Wenjun then ran off to the side to slack off on her own.

Three days later, whether it was waist bending or leg splitting, she could perform them with ease. Third Lady Du regarded her differently and secretly told Uncle Li that she had indeed judged correctly, saying that she hadn’t expected someone of this age to still be so flexible. She praised the girl as a promising talent and remarked that the money spent was worth it.

At night, Third Lady Du and Uncle Li took the girls along with the other troupe members into the city. The young girls had just stretched their leg muscles that day and were shivering with each step. If they walked too slowly, Third Lady Du would scold them harshly. Upon reaching Shengyue Pavilion, Zhen Wenjun saw a large signboard in front displaying the name of the troupe, “Liaoyuan Troupe,” and the night’s performance program. It seemed that wherever this troupe went, they would set up a stage and perform at the busiest inns and taverns, splitting the profits. However, it was the first time she had heard the name of the troupe. Liaoyuan Troupe? Young Master Liao? Wasn’t this flattery a bit too obvious?

Uncle Li greeted the manager of Shengyue Pavilion and took the troupe to the side rooms in the backyard to dress up. Soon, the group was fully costumed and began to take the stage. Naturally, Zhen Wenjun and the new girls couldn’t perform yet, so they all stayed backstage. Seizing the moment when no one was paying attention, Zhen Wenjun quietly hid behind the curtains and peered outside. The main hall and the elegant seats on the second floor of Shengyue Pavilion were already full, but a quick scan revealed no one resembling Wei Zizhuo.

As she was carefully scrutinizing, someone suddenly patted her shoulder, startling her. She turned around to see that it was Yueniang (moon lady), the leading performer of the troupe.

“What are you looking at?” Yueniang asked, scrutinizing her with a piercing gaze.

Zhen Wenjun chuckled and, putting on a naive expression, said she was curious about what it was like in front of the stage, as it seemed very glamorous. Yueniang smiled knowingly and said that she would naturally have the chance to go up there in the future, but that Third Lady Du disliked people being lazy, so she should quickly go out and help with the costumes and props to avoid any misunderstandings. Zhen Wenjun quickly thanked her and left.

After the performance, Zhen Wenjun busied herself with helping to pack up. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Uncle Li handing a rather heavy cloth bag to Third Lady Du. Third Lady Du took it, glanced inside, and smiled broadly. She called Zhen Wenjun over and said that a young master named Siyue had invited Yueniang to drink and enjoy the moon, and that she should accompany her to serve.

Zhen Wenjun agreed and followed Yueniang onto the carriage. They arrived at a secluded courtyard. The courtyard was quite quiet, with no guards at the entrance. It was unclear who had bought this retreat. The dim lanterns illuminated the deep courtyard, creating a uniquely enchanting scene.

Zhen Wenjun helped Yueniang off the carriage and followed her into the inner courtyard. As soon as Young Master Siyue saw Yueniang, he came forward to greet her and directly led her into the house. Inside, a sumptuous banquet was already prepared. Zhen Wenjun stood by, serving dishes and pouring wine. The scene confirmed her worst fears.

This opera troupe, which seemed to travel around performing arduous shows, turned into a den of clandestine prostitutes by night. Any wealthy young master who fancied them would pay to take them out for the night, no different from brothels in the red-light districts.

What other method of the art of seduction could be faster than soaking in this pool of romance? Perhaps to Yue Shi Ah Jiao, men were most susceptible to this, and Wei Zizhuo was certainly no exception.

Understanding this, Zhen Wenjun began to pay attention to Yueniang.

Yueniang had a small, palm-sized oval face, delicate wrists as white as snow, and a charming beauty like a spring peach. Among the girls, although she wasn’t the most beautiful, she was the most enchanting. Her alluring eyes sparkled with warmth and affection. It wasn’t just men; even Zhen Wenjun couldn’t help but feel a ripple in her heart after taking a longer look.

Yueniang sat opposite Young Master Siyue, her eyes full of tender affection, with three parts infatuation and seven parts shyness. If Zhen Wenjun didn’t know that Yueniang had seen countless men, she might have truly believed that Yueniang had fallen for Young Master Siyue.

After a few cups of wine, Young Master Siyue couldn’t resist holding Yueniang’s hand and leading her to the inner room. Fortunately, Yueniang didn’t summon her to follow. The others stood outside the inner room, ready to serve at any moment. Zhen Wenjun noticed that the table of delicacies remained untouched, which was truly wasteful, so she sat down to eat and drink heartily. Until she heard Yueniang’s sudden moans, Zhen Wenjun paused, nearly choking while tearing a chicken wing. Yueniang’s moans were completely different from Ah Jiao’s. Ah Jiao’s were straightforward and hit the heart directly, while Yueniang’s were like life and death, each sound louder than the last, each wave higher than the previous one, making it feel like a crime scene. The sounds made her scalp tingle and appetite vanish.

Every morning, Third Lady Du watched them practice, and in the afternoon, she trained them in various postures, body movements, and eye expressions.

Third Lady Du often said, “I always tell you that your body needs to be soft, as if boneless. The same goes for your eyes; they need to be like a pool of spring water. Do you know what spring water is? Have you seen your sister Yueniang’s eyes? Just like that, one look seems to pierce into your heart and twist a tender piece of flesh, making those wealthy young masters go weak all over and willingly spend their money. The body and posture are just the skin and bones of a person; only the eyes are the soul.”

Third Lady Du raised a few pigeons in the courtyard and made them watch the birds for two hours every day. Wherever the pigeons flew, their eyes had to follow. After watching the pigeons, they had to follow her in learning how to walk. Their steps needed to be graceful and swaying like willows in the wind, and a backward glance should bring forth a hundred charms. The girls followed her example. When Third Lady Du turned around flirtatiously, they did the same, laughing until their stomachs hurt. After a round of palm slaps, they didn’t dare mess around anymore.

The Liaoyuan Troupe continued to perform in restaurants and inns, and the girls chosen by the customers were always accompanied by new girls. Firstly, to serve the older girls, and secondly, to learn through observation and practice how to please the young masters and earn money.

After accompanying Yueniang on several outings, Zhen Wenjun had become accustomed to Yueniang’s style. She could even discern from Yueniang’s moans whether she was genuinely enjoying herself or just going through the motions.

After joining the opera troupe, life was no longer as good as when waiting to be sold. Initially, in order to fetch a good price, the brokers took care of everything, ensuring no worries about food and clothing. However, once sold, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse. Third Lady Du was someone who had business acumen ingrained in her bones; whoever could make money for her, she treated well. Yueniang was her living advertisement, and all good things were sent to Yueniang. The other young girls, who were not yet qualified to perform on stage and were still costing money, had to train hard and didn’t even get hot meals. Zhen Wenjun was hungry for several days before she managed to get a bowl of noodle soup. It was called noodle soup, but it was actually a bowl of starchy water with a couple of dough lumps floating on top. She was in her growing years, and after finishing the bowl, her stomach was still empty. Just as she was dizzy with hunger, Third Lady Du sent her out to the fabric shop to fetch Yueniang’s newly made clothes.

Walking on the road, her legs felt weak, and her stomach rumbled non-stop. She could barely walk and sat by the roadside, taking out a steamed bun she had hidden for a long time, which was now as hard as a rock. It seemed wise to have saved it back then, as she could finally feast on it now.

Just as Zhen Wenjun was about to tear off a piece of the bun to fill her stomach, a sudden clamor of shouts and cries erupted behind her. Instinctively, she bent down, clutching the untouched bun, and looked back. She saw a group of refugees overturning a bun shop, with steaming hot buns rolling all over the ground. The refugees pounced on the buns, stuffing them into their mouths. The shopkeeper, a skinny old man, couldn’t stop anyone and watched helplessly as his family’s livelihood was devoured by the refugees, tears streaming down his face.

Zhen Wenjun recognized that these refugees were not from the Jixi tribe; judging by their appearances, they were likely citizens of Da Yu. However, years of disasters and wars had left countless people homeless, wandering everywhere, nearly starving to death, with no regard for propriety, justice, integrity, and honor.

Two buns rolled to Zhen Wenjun’s feet. She quickly picked them up and hid them in her sleeves, retreating to a distance. After the refugees had eaten their fill and left, she returned and handed the two buns back to the terrified old man.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The old man, with tears streaming down his face, kept thanking her. As she shook her head to say there was no need for thanks, another hand reached out.

Zhen Wenjun and the old man both looked and saw a refugee child, half a head shorter than Zhen Wenjun and so dirty that his facial features were indistinguishable. He was also holding a bun, sniffled, and said, “Your bun fell.” Then he handed the bun to the old man and squatted back in the corner.

Zhen Wenjun recognized his accent and walked over to ask him:

“Are you from Suichuan?”


“Where are your father and mother?”

“We got separated.”

“Why didn’t you eat that bun?”

“My father said that taking without asking is stealing.”

This child, so dirty, it’s hard to tell how long he’s been wandering. Seeing him curled up in a ball is very pitiful; the sound of his stomach growling from hunger is clear and audible. He is also very hungry.

Zhen Wenjun twisted her fingers, and the hard steamed bun was split in half. She gave one half to the refugee child.

The child looked up at her in astonishment, not expecting that anyone would still be willing to offer food in these times.

“Eat it, survive, and go find your father and mother,” Zhen Wenjun said.

“Sister! Can you tell me your name?” the child shouted at her departing figure.

Zhen Wenjun did not answer.


The Liaoyuan Troupe performed several times in Taojun City, and Yueniang’s fame grew. More and more people invited their troupe to perform. Third Lady Du earned a lot and was overjoyed. Yueniang practiced during the day, sang at night, and served the patrons at midnight, becoming so exhausted that dark circles appeared under her eyes, and her face became thinner. However, Yueniang followed Third Lady Du’s words, doing whatever she asked. It was said that the two were once from the same hometown. When Yueniang’s impoverished family couldn’t afford a coffin after her mother’s death, Third Lady Du generously paid for her mother’s burial. Since then, Yueniang followed her around and was very obedient.

Zhen Wenjun calculated the days, thinking that with Yueniang’s fame in Taojun City, the seemingly affectionate but actually lecherous Young Master Liao should appear soon, likely within these few days. She needed to make some preparations in advance.

One day, while she was cleaning the backyard, she discovered two medicinal herbs. She glanced around, seeing that no one was paying attention to her. As she bent down to pluck them under the guise of sweeping, a gust of sinister wind blew past her ear, bringing Ah Jiao’s voice:

“Do you still recognize me this time?”

Zhen Wenjun quickly turned around, finding everything normal. She looked at everyone’s faces one by one but couldn’t recognize which one was Ah Jiao.

It seems that her disguise this time has truly reached a masterful level, which gave her some peace of mind. Ah Jiao and the others wouldn’t let her die; they wouldn’t let a face that so closely resembles Wei Zizhuo’s savior disappear. This is the trump card in the hands of the Qingliu faction, and they would surely cherish it, not allowing her to die easily.

A few days later, Third Lady Du hurriedly returned, calling out all the members of the troupe to stand in line. She instructed that there would be a very, very important performance the next day. If this performance could successfully win the favor of the young master, the Liaoyuan Troupe wouldn’t have to worry about their livelihood for the next three years.

“Is there really such a good thing?” The ladies were still somewhat skeptical.

“Do you know Young Master Liao?” Third Lady Du’s proud demeanor as she threw out this name made it seem as if she were Young Master Liao herself.

The name of Young Master Liao was so well-known in Taojun City that almost no one was unaware of it. Before Third Lady Du could say another word, she was met with the ladies’ shrieks.

“Young Master Liao spent a thousand taels for us to go to his residence and sing. Each of you must be careful, perform well, and sing beautifully. Don’t blame me for not warning you; this might be the best opportunity of your lives.”

The entire day, the ladies of the troupe rehearsed with all their might, each one beaming as if they already belonged to Young Master Liao. Some were so excited they couldn’t sleep the entire night.

At dusk the next day, Uncle Li drove the carriage, taking them out of Taojun City, farther and farther until the surroundings became desolate. They grew suspicious—weren’t they supposed to sing for Young Master Liao? Why were they heading to this godforsaken wilderness?

The carriage wove its way through the mountain forest. When the full moon hung high in the sky, a sudden clearing appeared before their eyes. Deep in the forest stood a tall and magnificent building with four stories, surrounded at the front by a circular courtyard. From a distance, the courtyard looked peculiar, and upon closer inspection, it nearly scared the ladies in the carriage. It turned out that the courtyard walls were made of jade, smoother than the skin of many women. Each of the four stories of the building had hexagonal corners adorned with black and blue gemstones. The entire structure emitted a faint woody fragrance. Zhen Wenjun did not know the name of the wood, but upon careful observation, she noticed that the wood used in the building had no signs of joints or seams, as if it was crafted from a single tree. She remembered her mother mentioning that the late emperor, in his extravagance, had once ordered the complete deforestation of tens of thousands of ancient trees in the Suidong Mountains, transporting entire trunks of Lantujin wood to the capital to construct a new forbidden garden. The current emperor’s palace living quarters were made entirely from this Lantujin wood.

From afar, the courtyard didn’t seem special, appearing to be just another noble’s garden. Only up close could one appreciate its lavishness.

Knowing that Young Master Liao was wealthy, they never imagined he was rich to the point of being jaw-dropping.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Uncle Li drove the carriage to the courtyard entrance, where several lightly armored guards searched the carriage inside and out. Afterward, they split into two groups: one remained outside to guard, while the other led the troupe into the courtyard.

Zhen Wenjun was not mistaken—it was indeed winter, yet inside the courtyard, flowers were blooming as if it were spring. The young ladies lifted the curtain of the carriage out of curiosity and were astonished by the out-of-season flowers, silently marveling at the sight. As a gardener, Zhen Wenjun knew the cost of out-of-season flowers well. One glance, and she saw not flowers but heaps of gold and silver, making her even more curious about what kind of nouveau riche this Young Master Liao was. If he wanted to use an alias and hide his identity, why live in such a lavish and conspicuous place? Or was there another motive…

Zhen Wenjun’s thoughts raced, not realizing they had already crossed the circular front courtyard and turned past a rock garden, suddenly seeing a theater stage right in front of them. Even Third Lady Du, who had roamed the Jianghu for over 20 years, had never seen such a stage. The semi-circular, gradually rising tiers were covered with private boxes, as if someone had moved their entire household here. The boxes were furnished with soft couches and filled with exotic fruits from foreign lands. From any height or angle, lifting the curtain of a box would give a perfect view of the central, high stage. It seemed that listening to performances was of great importance to Young Master Liao, and he had many guests.

Yueniang had never sung on such a high and grand stage before, and for once, she felt a bit timid. Her stomach churned with nervous pain, making her want to find a restroom.

Young Master Liao had already arrived, but Yueniang was still stuck in the restroom. Third Lady Du was so anxious that she yelled from outside:

“That’s what you get for eating those moldy buns, you wretched girl! Look at the mess you’ve made now! If you make Young Master Liao unhappy this time, we’ll all be left out in the cold!” After saying this, Third Lady Du stormed off angrily.

Yueniang cried in the restroom, unsure if it was because of the unbearable diarrhea or the harsh scolding from Third Lady Du that made her feel so upset.

Zhen Wenjun, thinking quickly, took out some herbs from her bosom, climbed onto the restroom roof, and handed them to Yueniang:

“These herbs can stop the diarrhea. There’s no time to grind them; just eat them directly.”

“Really? How long will it take to stop?” Yueniang’s tears washed away her face powder, making her look like two nearly dried-up riverbeds. Holding her skirt with one hand and the herbs with the other, her eyes were filled with hope and excitement as if she had seen a savior.

“About the time it takes to burn an incense stick.”

“Are you sure? How do you know how to use herbs?”

“I grew up with my father on Xumo Mountain. Whenever I got sick, my father would gather herbs for me. I learned by watching him. Quickly eat it, so Third Lady Du won’t get more anxious.”

“Okay, okay!” Yueniang began chewing the green herbs in the restroom, looking like a mule chewing its cud. Zhen Wenjun couldn’t help but laugh heartily.

After the time it takes to burn an incense stick, Yueniang indeed felt much better. As she came out, she saw Third Lady Du rushing in, carrying a bowl of medicinal soup. The two of them quickly walked towards the backstage while talking. As Zhen Wenjun was putting away the herbs, a gust of wind brought a message.

“Second floor, center, red silk cloth.”

Zhen Wenjun quickly turned around, but saw only Uncle Li and a group of porters carrying items. She still couldn’t find any trace of Ah Jiao. However, what she mentioned should be referring to the location of the private box, which is where Young Master Liao was.

Yueniang went on stage, and the stage fright she had just moments ago disappeared instantly. Once she stepped on stage, it was as if she became a different person. All her timidity and listlessness vanished, and she began with her best piece, “Dong Xuan Zi.” This tune is melodious and delicate, and with her beautiful voice and perfect control of the melody’s emotional peaks, even Zhen Wenjun, who was hiding behind the thick backstage curtain, listened intently. If the troupe’s songs weren’t all about lewd and vulgar themes, she might have been mesmerized by Yueniang’s singing.

After “Dong Xuan Zi” ended, there was applause and laughter, indicating a sizable audience. Yueniang changed her costume and went on to sing “Sharing the Pillow Tree,” with the scene changing to a different set of instruments, continuing with the lively music.

At this time, night had already fallen. Zhen Wenjun quietly pulled back the curtain to look outside. Sure enough, all the private boxes on the hillside were filled with people. Two purple gauze lanterns hung at the entrance of each box, and there were three or four servants dedicated to serving at each box. Amid the shifting purple light, laughter and conversations rose and fell, but the faces of the viewers inside the boxes were not clearly visible.

Zhen Wenjun looked towards the center of the second floor and indeed saw a large private box with two strips of red silk cloth hanging on either side. Inside the box were three people, vaguely appearing to be one man and two women. The man in the center wore a loose robe and light crown, a style that was currently very popular among scholars for its sense of indulgence. For a period, Xie Suishan also liked to dress this way.

This man should be Young Master Liao.

Zhen Wenjun was not interested in this person; she only knew that tonight Young Master Liao was hosting a banquet for his friends, and perhaps somewhere in the shadows was the Wei Zizhuo she longed for. She stood on tiptoe and tried to look down, just about to search for Wei Zizhuo when Young Master Liao unexpectedly stood up from the box and came to the purple gauze lantern.

Zhen Wenjun hadn’t intended to look at him, but the moment she saw his face, she was unconsciously captivated. The young girls were right: this Young Master Liao had a jade-like face, starry eyes, and peach-blossom eyes, with a naturally charming appearance. He smiled slightly, his eyes full of light, and he walked out of the box to see Yueniang more clearly, standing with one hand behind his back, gazing intently. This infatuated look would be disgusting on another man’s face, but this young gentleman’s handsome and delicate features, combined with his fair skin that seemed like cream, and the graceful figure barely concealed under his loose robe, made him more eye-catching than ordinary women. Such a beautiful person, no matter how infatuated, would always be endearing.

Zhen Wenjun was secretly amazed by his good looks. Although she hadn’t seen many men, the one before her was clearly different from others—who knew a man could be so beautiful?

In an instant, Zhen Wenjun changed her mind. Perhaps this Young Master Liao was actually Wei Zizhuo himself.

After the song “Shared Pillow Tree” ended, Zhen Wenjun composed herself. She saw Third Lady Du happily leading Yueniang, who had just come off the stage, away with a face full of joy, muttering “Good luck, good luck.” It was likely that Yueniang had been chosen by Young Master Liao to accompany him for the night.

Yueniang never went to accompany anyone alone; she always needed someone to follow and wait outside the door, just in case something happened. A group of young ladies followed behind her, hoping to get the chance to be near Young Master Liao. She looked back and said:

“Wenjun, you come with me.”

“Yes,” Zhen Wenjun responded.

The opportunity had arrived.

If this Young Master Liao was indeed Wei Zizhuo, he would surely react upon seeing her face, which was identical to the real Zhen Wenjun’s. Everything would then become clear.

Unexpectedly, Young Master Liao’s reputation for being lecherous was well-deserved. His eyes were fixated on Yueniang in his arms, as if he wanted to devour the beauty right then and there, leaving no chance to notice anything else. He didn’t even glance at Zhen Wenjun.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Once the door closed, Zhen Wenjun stood at the entrance holding a handkerchief, silently gazing at the empty, desolate corridor.

In the latter part of the night, Yueniang’s voice could still be heard. She was so exhausted that she genuinely started to beg for mercy. However, since she didn’t say the secret signal, Zhen Wenjun knew that although their encounter was intense, there was no immediate danger to her life. So, she continued to stand outside the door.

By dawn, Zhen Wenjun, who had fallen asleep while standing, almost hit her head on the door as she dozed off. It was only then that Yueniang, looking utterly fatigued, came out. She leaned weakly against Zhen Wenjun and, with vacant eyes, shook her head:

“He looks like a woman, but in bed, he’s fiercer than anyone. Let’s go, let’s go, take me back to rest. I need to recover the half of my life I’ve lost.”

As the two were about to leave, the door suddenly opened, and two slender arms reached out from behind, embracing both of them.

“Don’t rush, Yueniang and young lady. I’ll personally drive you back.”

Young Master Liao’s voice was delicate and gentle, very pleasant to the ear. At such a close distance, one could smell the fragrance of Dragon Flame Wood on him. It seemed he was very fond of this Dragon Flame Wood, and he had more than just a feather fan made from it.

He was Wei Zizhuo.

A voice inside Zhen Wenjun’s mind told her that names and behaviors could be hidden or misleading, but the most intimate scents and personal items were hard to fake, especially in unguarded moments.

Zhen Wenjun did not deliberately turn around. After Yueniang agreed, she nodded slightly, neither overstepping her bounds nor making her presence unnoticed by him.

Young Master Liao gently sniffed the fragrance on Yueniang. As he left, his fingers, whether intentionally or unintentionally, brushed across Zhen Wenjun’s face, leaving a trace of warmth.

LP: This chapter was long?? Didn’t even noticed lmao