Fish Meat – Chapter 10

The Sixth Year of Shenchu

A major event is about to begin

The coffin containing Fourth Aunt’s body was placed in the backyard. Normally, relatives and friends would come to pay their respects, but due to the ongoing crisis in Qixian, no one dared to venture out recklessly. Fourth Aunt’s family had been scattered and few remained, so only a few distant poor relatives came to mourn briefly, requested some rewards, and left without lingering.

Xie Taihang instructed the household servants to consult a feng shui master to determine an auspicious date for the burial, which was set for three days later.

Sixth Lady had cried so hard last night that her throat was hoarse and her already unremarkable eyes were now swollen like peaches.

“What? Alai and Xiaoshi have been released?!” She could hardly believe it when she woke up and heard that Xiaoshi and her daughter were safe and sound.

The maid serving Sixth Lady, Le Ju, nodded and said, “I heard that the eldest young master was about to kill Alai and Xiaoshi, but Master Xie stopped him. For this, Master Xie even punished the eldest young master by making him kneel in the ancestral hall. It shows how angry the eldest young master was at Xiaoshi and her daughter.”

“Father punished Eldest Brother for their sake?”

Le Ju also looked indignant, “Master Xie usually pays no attention to that mother and daughter, and it was because Fourth Aunt went out with Alai that the accident happened. How can this matter be brushed aside? Master Xie’s behavior this time is really odd. Does Sixth Lady still remember, during the Cold Food Festival two years ago when Xiaoshi was gravely ill, Alai begged the mistress to let the family doctor take a look, but Master Xie ignored her.”

Sixth Lady nodded, “Yes, I remember. At that time, Alai couldn’t get help from the mistress, so she went to my mother. My mother secretly gave her some money to buy medicine, and that’s how Xiaoshi managed to survive.”

Recalling how Fourth Aunt used to lament the pitiful state of Alai and Xiaoshi, who were despised by Father and could only be lowly servants, she wondered why, if they were despised, they were not killed to avenge her mother’s death. Did her mother die in vain, and in such an undignified manner? Father didn’t care about Xiaoshi’s life, yet he wanted to protect Alai. Could it be that Father still remembered Alai was his own flesh and blood?

Thinking about Alai’s increasingly beautiful face made Sixth Lady very uncomfortable. She wondered what Alai would look like in a few years when she fully matured. Would even Ah Xun pale in comparison to her? It was possible that Father might acknowledge Alai as his daughter to forge alliances with other noble families. If Alai married better than herself… Sixth Lady felt a chill. The Zhong family’s young master had never looked at her with respect, and with her mother’s death, the Wang family would surely lose interest too. What would she do in the future? She clutched the handkerchief tightly, feeling more and more resentful.

It’s all that wretched slave Alai’s fault that my mother died!

She cannot be allowed to live!

Sixth Lady immediately took a few servants and rushed to Xiaoshi and her daughter’s room, banging on the door, intending to beat them to death with clubs to avenge Fourth Aunt’s death.

After all, she was the mistress while Xiaoshi and her daughter were slaves. In the past, besides Ah Xun, she was the one Father doted on the most. If she killed them, at most Father would scold her or whip her a few times, but at least someone would avenge her mother’s death and it would put an end to the possibility of Alai becoming a member of the Xie family.

Xie Taihang was also deeply grieved by the death of Fourth Aunt.

Among his many concubines, Fourth Aunt was the most charming and affectionate, but the urgent trouble caused by his legitimate son needed immediate attention. Who had the leisure to mourn a concubine now? Moreover, he heard that Fourth Aunt’s body had been gnawed beyond recognition by refugees, making it unbearable to look at. Just one glance would ruin his appetite for three days, so he decided it was better not to add to his own misery.

Xie Taihang was already troubled by his stupid son’s actions, and now even worse things awaited him.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The Inspector from the Ministry of Supervision had arrived in Qixian due to the matter of ceremonial plowing and had certainly learned about the situation in Qixian.

The ceremonial plowing and the refugee disaster were events that wouldn’t happen together even once in ten years. Who could have expected them to coincide now?

The Inspector was surely aware that he had returned from Yanzhou, so he had to come up with a strategy before being summoned, to cover up the crimes committed by Xie Suishan.

Early in the morning, Xie Taihang summoned all the advisors and strategists of the Xie household to the front hall to seek a good strategy for dealing with the refugees.

As soon as he reached the front hall entrance, he heard a servant report that Sixth Lady had taken a few servants with clubs to kill Xiaoshi and her daughter to avenge Fourth Aunt. Already sleepless through the night, Xie Taihang’s anger surged, causing the veins at his temples to bulge. He furiously shouted, “A bunch of troublemaking useless fools! Go immediately and stop them!”

“Yes! Yes!”

Just as Sixth Lady’s group kicked open Xiaoshi and her daughter’s door, they were subdued by Xie Taihang’s attendants. Hearing that it was her father’s men, Sixth Lady’s resentment grew even stronger, wishing she could tear Alai apart on the spot, but she didn’t dare disobey her father. Le Ju advised her not to confront the Master head-on, as there would be plenty of opportunities in the future. Only then did Sixth Lady swallow her anger and temporarily retreat.

A servant reported back that Sixth Lady had left and Xiaoshi and her daughter were temporarily safe. Xie Taihang instructed the steward to arrange for someone to watch over the flower house to prevent Sixth Lady from causing more trouble. The steward took the order to leave, but Xie Taihang called him back and, after thinking for a moment, said, “Pass down the order that Alai and Xiaoshi must not leave the house.”

Returning to the front hall, Xie Taihang found that everyone in the Xie household had already gathered and was waiting for him. He scanned the crowd and directly asked Ah Xun:

“I heard Ah Xun didn’t sleep a wink last night. Do you have any good strategies to relieve your father’s worries?”

Ah Xun, standing behind Lord Yunmeng, had initially intended to listen to everyone’s ideas before making any decisions, but she hadn’t expected her father to call on her immediately.

All eyes turned to her, waiting for her to speak.

After Alai left yesterday, Ah Xun couldn’t hold back and went to Xie Taihang’s study to tell her father about the plan to incorporate the refugees. At that time, Xie Taihang didn’t say much after hearing it, merely nodding and telling her to rest early. She thought the plan was useless and that her father didn’t think much of it. Facing everyone’s attention now, her mind went blank and she had no new ideas, so she could only recount the incorporation plan from beginning to end once more.

After she finished speaking, she noticed that Xie Taihang was smiling with satisfaction.

Xie Suishan was still kneeling in the ancestral hall. He had privately stolen the prefect’s talisman and caused today’s disaster. Xie Taihang would never let him out to embarrass the family again. With a foolish legitimate son, the Xie family could only rely on the legitimate daughter to save face.

The issue of how to incorporate and manage the refugees was not a difficult problem. The strategies that the advisors in the Xie household had in mind were roughly similar to what Ah Xun had just mentioned, and only needed some additional details to be implemented directly.

Xie Taihang didn’t let anyone else speak and directly named his legitimate daughter to speak up, naturally wanting his daughter to take the spotlight. The people present didn’t expose this but instead vied to praise the lady’s erudition and wisdom, saying she was well-versed in ancient and modern knowledge, and that the Xie household’s talents would surely achieve great things in the future. They racked their brains to come up with words of praise, showering her with compliments until Ah Xun’s face burned and she couldn’t lift her head.

Xie Taihang ordered that things be done as Ah Xun had said. After everyone dispersed, he pulled Lord Yunmeng into the inner room for a private discussion.

After dismissing everyone and personally closing the door to ensure no one was eavesdropping, he turned around with an anxious expression:

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Sir, at present, Inspector Li is in Qixian…”

Lord Yunmeng had already guessed the purpose of the private discussion and said leisurely, “He will definitely come to the mansion to question. Why should Lord Xie worry? Sun Mingyi is the magistrate of Qixian, and he should be responsible for everything that happens within Qixian.”

“But the fact is, it was my son who stole the prefect’s talisman and coerced Sun Mingyi into privately opening the city gate, leading to the current situation…”

“The eldest son has not entered officialdom and bears no official position. Even if he has the prefect’s talisman, it has no effect. Sun Mingyi could have completely ignored it. Why would he be coerced by a commoner? I think it’s because Sun Mingyi is cowardly and afraid of trouble, ineffective in resisting the bandits, disregarding the lives of the people of Qixian, and shifting the blame onto others! Such a timid, useless, and cowardly person is unworthy of holding a high position as the magistrate of a county. The disaster he caused should be his own responsibility. What does it have to do with the eldest son? And what does it have to do with Lord Xie?”

Lord Yunmeng’s knowing smile made Xie Taihang feel much more at ease, though he still felt slightly uneasy. Lord Yunmeng understood what was on his mind and reassured him:

“My lord, throughout history, those who accomplish great things do not dwell on minor issues. You have a heavy responsibility; how can you be delayed by a mere county official? The rise and fall of Da Yu is now in your hands.”

Xie Taihang was startled and lowered his voice to the lowest possible level. Even though there was no one else in the room, he still used a whisper that only the two of them, being very close, could hear: “Could it be that there has been progress on the matter you mentioned earlier?”

Lord Yunmeng nodded solemnly: “We are only missing the final piece of evidence. Once we have it, the grand plan will commence.”

The medicine Ah Xun provided was very effective. After resting for a few days, Alai’s injuries were almost healed, and Xiaoshi was also fine.

In the morning, Alai went to trim the branches and water the plants. When she returned, she saw Uncle Dong, the coachman, had arrived. Uncle Dong was carrying two packages, which startled the household slave guarding the door. When he turned and saw Alai, his face immediately broke into a smile, his face wrinkling like a flower:

“I heard that you and your mother were injured. I just came back from Dongchun and brought some local ginseng from there. Although this local ginseng is not as good as real ginseng, it is still good for replenishing energy and blood! It is not cheap! Alai, remember to stew some for your mother and drink some yourself.”

Alai initially felt a bit embarrassed, but this Uncle Dong often came to bring things for her mother. After refusing him a few times, he started making a scene at the door, causing rumors to spread. Since then, Alai no longer argued with Uncle Dong and accepted everything he brought.

“Thank you, Uncle Dong!” Alai said sweetly as she took the local ginseng.

“Ah! Good child! Um… is your mother inside?”

“She’s here. Mother! Uncle Dong is here to see you!” Alai shouted into the house. Uncle Dong’s old face turned red, and he hurriedly stopped her:

“Don’t shout, don’t shout. Your mother’s legs aren’t good, don’t make her move around. I…” Even though Da Yu’s customs were more open, it was still taboo for a man to enter a widow’s room, especially considering the sensitive relationship between Xiaoshi and Lord Xie. Moreover, there were Lord Xie’s men guarding the place. Uncle Dong didn’t have the courage to go in, so he stood outside, rubbing his hands together. “I, I won’t go in. Tell your mother to rest well. If there’s any dirty or tiring work, just call me. As long as I’m around, I won’t let you two suffer! Your Uncle Dong may not have many skills, but I’ve got plenty of strength!”

The more Uncle Dong spoke, the more enthusiastic he became. Alai’s mouth twitched slightly, feeling a bit embarrassed, and she thanked him once again.

After Uncle Dong left, Granny Lin from the laundry room also came to visit them. As soon as she entered, she sighed and placed the flatbread she brought for Alai and her mother on the table. She immediately grabbed Xiaoshi’s hand and said, “I was scared to death this time. I thought you and Alai wouldn’t make it!”

Granny Lin had lost her husband and son early in life and had lived in the Xie household for more than ten years. When Xiaoshi first came to Suichuan, she was severely injured due to the war, and it was Granny Lin who rescued her and brought her to the mansion. Later, it was also Granny Lin who pleaded for Xiaoshi to stay and do odd jobs. Xiaoshi’s injuries took a long time to heal, and it wasn’t until after Alai was born that she gradually recovered.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Granny Lin sat by the bed, holding Xiaoshi’s hand, and started talking about things from thirteen years ago. She talked about how they met and the hardships they had endured together over the years. Alai stood by, listening. As expected, Granny Lin started to blame herself again, saying that if she hadn’t brought Xiaoshi to the Xie household, Xiaoshi wouldn’t have been… by Lord Xie.

Xiaoshi felt a headache coming on and quickly stopped her from talking. If anyone heard them discussing Lord Xie behind his back, they would be in big trouble.

Granny Lin had a tragic life story herself and often felt compassion for others. However, her compassion could be overwhelming. Once she started crying and talking, no one could stop the flood of emotions.

But she was also someone who could quickly change her mood. Soon, she started comforting Xiaoshi: “Let’s not talk about those old things. Those two men outside were arranged by Lord Xie, right? After all, Alai is his own flesh and blood. Look at how beautiful our Alai is. I bet Lord Xie wants Alai to be recognized by the family. You two have finally seen the end of your hardships…”

Xiaoshi smiled and didn’t say anything, diverting the conversation to another topic.

Uncle Dong and Granny Lin, although occasionally exasperating, were both good people who genuinely cared for Alai and her mother. Alai remembered their kindness deeply.

There was another person who saved them this time…

The weather was getting colder and colder. She touched the silver ingot wrapped in the coarse cloth belt around her waist, planning to buy a warm cotton-padded jacket for her mother, who had been reluctant to buy one for herself, so that she could comfortably get through this winter.