Big Boss – Chapter 6

Applying medicine for her

Ci Ke let out a sigh, forced to look up.

What kind of eyes were those? Ye Youqing suddenly became stupefied, as if a boulder had plunged into clear water, stirring up a splash of humiliation and anger, which was then quickly covered by forced calmness, turning into dead water.

Ci Ke didn’t look at her again, pulling Ye Youqing’s hand away and stepping back to stand properly.

“Enough.” Qin Wang spoke softly to stop the tall girl from speaking further, then turned to Ye Youqing with a smile, “Qingqing, let me help you.”

Having said that, he stepped forward gently, only to be subtly avoided by Ye Youqing, who then dismounted the carriage with the help of Qin Xin, the visible distance between them causing Qin Wang’s heart to sink further.

He initially thought that Ye Youqing was just momentarily angry about not wanting to settle on an engagement, so he planned to invite her over and coax her, and if that didn’t work, he would make her jealous using Ci Ke’s words. Given Ye Youqing’s deep feelings for him, she wouldn’t be able to resist.

Now, it seems, simply trying to coax her might not be enough.

While Qin Wang racked his brain for strategies on the other end, Ye Youqing’s mind was entirely occupied with matters of the pendant, paying no attention to Qin Wang’s deliberately passionate gaze. Instead, she walked leisurely, advancing through the grand gates amidst whispering voices, passing the winding corridors to reach the courtyard of the General’s Mansion.

Compared to the Duke’s residence, the General’s residence occupied a significantly smaller area. However, the courtyard was well-maintained, filled with white camellias, yellow winter jasmines, and the lush green of pine and bamboo in celadon pots, arranged to mimic miniature landscapes.

A group of wealthy youngsters sat around a stone table, engaged in lively discussions, yet their eyes frequently darted towards Ye Youqing, especially a tall woman among them whose gaze was as sharp as needles.

She also had phoenix eyes, but her eyebrows were drawn in an arc, showing a bit of arrogance. Ye Youqing remembered for a moment, and a name jumped to mind: Ye Chengzhu.

That was the same second young lady from the Duke’s residence who bullied the original host and also had her heart set on Qin Wang.

At this moment, she was speaking with another young lady by her side, occasionally glancing at Ye Youqing and then at Ci Ke, clearly harboring ill intentions. However, the young lady beside her, with a cute round face and delicate features, looked gentle and timid.

They seemed to be conspiring something. Ye Youqing lowered her head to gently twirl the teacup in her palm.

Suddenly, she remembered a scene from the original story where, during a spring flower-viewing gathering, the original owner, deeply in love with Qin Wang, and the malicious female supporting character Ci Ke, both fell into the water. Qin Wang only saved Ci Ke, nearly costing the female lead’s her life and leading to a severe illness.

In the spring flower-viewing festival, it seems to be the case, Ye Youqing frowned.

A faint smell of rust wafted over, and a shadow sat down beside her. Ye Youqing instinctively dodged to the side, but an iron-clamp-like hand grabbed her wrist, rendering her immovable.

A surge of anger welled up in Ye Youqing’s heart, and she turned to look at Qin Wang with a cold expression.

“Ye Youqing, I have given you enough face, stop at once.” Qin Wang spoke in a low voice, his presence as a seasoned warrior emanated, frightening Qin Xin behind Ye Youqing, almost causing her to drop the teapot she held.

“It was General Qin who deceived first. Now, it’s not that I disagree, but Duke Liang.” Ye Youqing spoke, her voice gentle and indifferent.

“I have already reported the matter to Duke Liang, and His Excellency, being generous, will not pursue it further.” Qin Wang whispered, his grip tightening, pulling Ye Youqing closer to him.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

At his touch, Ye Youqing shivered with goosebumps, so she twisted her wrist, breaking free and at the same time, forcefully pushed Qin Wang off the stone bench.

A loud crash followed as the cups and plates on the stone table were knocked to the ground by Qin Wang, shattering into several pieces, while Qin Wang, caught off guard, fell squarely on his bottom into the garden mud under everyone’s watchful eyes.

He was stunned for a moment, then his face flushed with a mix of red and white, almost roaring out in anger. However, Ye Youqing reacted faster than him, already wearing a face full of surprise, bending over to him: “Young General Qin, how did you fall down? Could it be that the stone bench was too slippery, and you didn’t sit firmly?”

Qin Wang clenched his teeth in anger: “Ye Youqing, you!”

“This person surnamed Qin, I no longer wish to play house with you. Our engagement has been canceled. As of now, I, Ye Youqing, have nothing to do with you. It’s time to return the things I’ve given you in the past,” Ye Youqing pretended to support him, but whispered in a low voice in his ear.

Qin Wang’s face shifted from red to purple, as if he was so angry he was about to faint. After a while, he took several deep breaths, slowly stood up, and looked down at Ye Youqing from a height. He reached into his chest and took out a nondescript Fenghua Pendant.

“Qingqing, are you referring to this?” he managed to suppress his anger.

Ye Youqing reached out to take it, but Qin Wang suddenly withdrew his hand and put the Fenghua Pendant back to his chest.

“How could I give away the token of love you gave me so easily? Qingqing, I know you’re just throwing a tantrum. I’ll wait for you to change your mind.” Qin Wang forced a smile, but it looked somewhat ferocious.

Turning back, he resumed his usual expression, exchanging cold greetings with the curious onlookers.

“Damn it.” Ye Youqing cursed under her breath, her gaze growing increasingly fierce.

The men and women opposite started playing a game of tossing arrows into a jar, the clinking and clanking sounds making her restless. Ye Youqing pondered over how to retrieve the Fenghua Pendant, unconsciously downing several cups of tea in the process.

Suddenly, Qin Xin nudged her shoulder from behind, whispering, “Eldest Miss, that servant girl is here again.”

Who? Ye Youqing looked up, and a graceful figure entered her line of sight. Dressed in a light pink gown, sleeves fluttering, with a waist so slender it seemed graspable by a hand, she stepped on the green grass, her white shoes picking up bits of leaves.

As her gaze shifted upwards, her cherry lips slightly parted and her alluring eyes narrowed, her black hair neatly arranged on top of her head in buns wrapped with lotus silk ribbons. However, two strands of hair fell by her forehead, adding a touch of disheveled charm.

Even the young ladies in the courtyard were captivated by her, not to mention the dashing young men, who all stared with wide eyes, craning their necks.

Ye Youqing couldn’t help but be momentarily stunned as well.

“That vixen again,” Ye Chengzhu muttered under his breath.

“Young General Qin,” Ci Ke spoke softly, taking slow steps until she was beside Qin Wang. She bowed her head to pour him wine, her hair strands falling onto her rosy back of the hand, making Ye Youqing realize her hands were unnaturally red.

Ye Youqing hurriedly looked up at her face but couldn’t discern any clues.

Qin Wang’s expression gradually became enraptured; he seemed very pleased, turning his head to glance at Ye Youqing.

“It’s almost noon, it’s getting hot outside, beware of the heat,” Ci Ke said with a smile, her eyes twinkled, and it seemed as if the flowers around her lost their color in comparison.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The woman gently took a white handkerchief from the table with her soft hands and lightly wiped the sweat from Qin Wang.

What the hell are they doing? Ye Youqing fiddled with the empty cup in her hand, eyeing the two in front of her.

Just as she was doubtful, Ci Ke, who was holding the tea, suddenly trembled, and Ye Youqing, unable to dodge in time, got splashed with the tea coming straight at her.

Fortunately, the water had cooled down for quite some time and was no longer scalding hot. However, her light green dress was now a messy mix of tea stains and even had a few green tea leaves on it, making her look quite disheveled.

Ye Youqing held back from crying out, only to stand up abruptly, her phoenix eyes coldly looking towards Ci Ke, who was covering her cherry lips.

“It wasn’t on purpose, this servant, this servant…” Her timid appearance emerged spontaneously, her hands and feet in a flurry trying to clean up for Ye Youqing, yet she accidentally knocked over a few plates of snacks.

“Ci Ke!” Qin Wang was about to scold, but was then interrupted by Ci Ke’s tearful eyes: “Please forgive this servant, General Qin. This servant will help Miss Ye change her clothes.”

Having said this, Ci Ke then moved in front of Ye Youqing and gave her a small bow, “Miss Ye, please follow this servant.”

Half a stick of incense later, under Ci Ke’s guidance, Ye Youqing walked out of the courtyard and into a tea room set aside for guests to rest, surveying its decor. There was nothing amiss, nor were there hidden onlookers.

“With no one else here, there’s no need for pretense.” Ye Youqing spoke indifferently, stepping over the threshold, “Miss Zhou, what is this about?”

The frail appearance Ci Ke had adopted vanished in an instant. She followed Ye Youqing inside and closed the door behind her.

“It’s nothing, just a slip of the hand.” Ci Ke smiled and approached Ye Youqing, taking out a stack of clothes from the cabinet.

“No need, the wind has blown all the way here, and the tea has already dried. It can’t be seen,” Ye Youqing said as she snatched the clothes from Ci Ke’s hands and tossed them aside. “What are you really after?”

Ci Ke smiled at Ye Youqing for a moment, and then suddenly spoke, her voice soft and smooth, “General Qin wants to use me to make you jealous, hoping you’ll change your mind.”

Ye Youqing sneered, “Young General Qin really is confident.”

“Then why did you spill tea on me?” Ye Youqing asked again.

This time, Ci Ke did not answer but a different expression flashed across her eyes. Suddenly, she raised her hand, her rosy fingertips hooking the edge of the outer garment, gently pulling.

Ye Youqing hastily took a step back.

“What are you afraid of, Miss Ye?” Ci Ke spoke softly, her eyes seemingly misted with water, the scent of her makeup wafting gently, irresistibly charming. Even Ye Youqing couldn’t help but sigh, “Truly a rare beauty under the heavens.”

Meanwhile, Ye Youqing felt a cold bottle being pushed into her hands. She looked down, and when she looked up again, she was met with a glimpse of soft, tender, and fair shoulders.

Ye Youqing inhaled sharply, instinctively wanting to close her eyes but then thinking it unnecessary, so she kept them open.

The woman before her seemed like the most exquisite jade, also carrying a magical allure that drew people in. However… Ye Youqing’s eyebrows suddenly knitted together, gripping the porcelain bottle in her hand tightly.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

On what was supposed to be a spotlessly white jade, there were several red marks, some already bruised, looking quite ferocious.

“Help me,” Ci Ke suddenly turned around, her fingertips resting on her shoulders, slightly protecting herself, with a hint of pleading in her voice.

“Did Qin Wang hit you?” Ye Youqing detected anger in her own tone.

A bell-like laughter came, tinged with a hint of sorrow, she gently said, “No, but, for the things the servants of a big household do, someone always has to tacitly agree.”

Ye Youqing didn’t want to help Ci Ke.

But she still opened the porcelain bottle, which contained a brown medicinal liquor. She poured it into her palm, feeling its warmth.

She steadied her spirit, rubbed the medicine in her palm to spread it, and then covered Ci Ke’s smooth shoulder with it, wiping vigorously.

The body before her couldn’t help but feel pain, the slender waist trembling slightly. Suddenly, it leaned towards Ye Youqing, who quickly reached out, supporting her waist with her fingertips.

A suppressed sob came through.