Alone, Beautifully – Chapter 8.1

Sharing a bridal chamber with you (end)

“Winter is about to end.”

A sword’s light slashed down from the horizon, suddenly splitting open the abyssal barrier of the Demonic Realm. In an instant, tens of thousands of demons turned to ash, the abyss cracked open, and the flames and lava from the earth’s core flowed out along the surface, filling the entire world with an unbearable stench of sulfur.

The sword light stopped in front of the Demonic Dragon’s grand hall.

However, inside, Xu Jiao could still feel the entire Demonic Realm shaking.

This was the sword of the Immortal Lord.

The spiritual power from the Immortal Realm contained within it remained on the ground where the sword light had struck. That pure immortal power, imbued with killing intent, caused countless demons to change color and emit cries of pain.

Sunlight, for the first time, shone into this dark underground, exposing all the hidden evil spirits and monsters, a salvation for humanity but a near-apocalyptic disaster for the demons.

Xu Jiao seemed to hear the wailing of ten thousand ghosts. Even the magic pillars that imprisoned her hummed, sensing the immortal power and eager to confront it.

She looked outside but still couldn’t see anything, like an ordinary person trapped in a high building during an earthquake, only able to stay in a safe place, feeling the earth-shaking battle outside.

Her heart was shocked, and she remained motionless in the same posture for a long time.

Until the system’s prompt reminded her: “Detected rapid life force decline in Xia Jingzhe, please respond, don’t get distracted, host.”

Xu Jiao snapped out of her daze and laughed, “I just think this world is too realistic—wait, what did you say? Xia Jingzhe lost the fight?”

Her expression turned serious in the latter half of her sentence.

This result…

Unexpected, yet within reason.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

According to her setting, Xia Jingzhe struggled in the Kunlun script for a long time and, after opening the Demonic Realm side quest, would undergo a series of upgrades, eventually cultivating a divine demon body to lead the Demonic Realm army against the Immortal Realm and kill the Immortal Lord.

It wasn’t surprising she couldn’t defeat the Immortal Lord now, but Xu Jiao’s lips tightened.

She felt uneasy inside.

Since entering this world, her emotions had rarely fluctuated, even when Xia Jingzhe confessed to her countless times, she remained indifferent, until now—

Her heart felt like a crumpled piece of paper, filled with unrest.

“Why seek death?” she asked the system in confusion, her voice tight for the first time, like the dry rasp of someone who hasn’t spoken in a long time.

The system instead asked her a question: “Is the host sad about this?”

Xu Jiao was stunned for a moment.

Then, she straightforwardly said, “No, I’m not sad.”

“But wouldn’t you be angry if a fully maxed-out account you worked hard to level up was suddenly deleted? Although Xia Jingzhe wasn’t the character I invested the most effort in, it’s still frustrating.”

The system, having heard her answer, fell silent again.

Xu Jiao frowned, about to say more, when she suddenly saw a snowy white expanse in her vision—

She looked over.

When the light got close enough, she belatedly realized it was sword light, the Immortal Lord’s sword.

The sword intent came fiercely, with the abyssal barrier of the Demonic Realm gone, it slashed toward the grand hall, unstoppable, with a mighty momentum capable of destroying gods, heading straight for Xu Jiao’s face.

Xu Jiao only glanced at it, and her eyes were burned by the sword intent. Even through the barrier, she felt a stinging pain in her eyes, followed by a field of white, with only two warm lines flowing down her cheeks.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Just one look.

And she was blinded.

This was the power of the Immortal Lord.

Feeling the stinging pain in her eyes, she closed them and a thought flashed through her mind:

Am I going to die too?

After she dies, will it reset the save file, or will it count as a failed world save and restart to the next book?

The thought crossed her mind.

However, Xu Jiao waited for a long, long time, yet she neither heard the system’s prompt nor felt the sudden pain. It was as if time had stopped.

“Crack…” came a sound.

She heard the heavy doors of the hall being pushed open.

In the absence of sight, her hearing became particularly acute. She heard the wind blowing in from outside, and even her skin felt a chill.

She couldn’t help but ask the system in her heart, “Am I not dead?”

The system responded with a “Hmm” and then fell silent again.

Xu Jiao was about to ask more when she suddenly felt something fall on her head and face, bringing a slight chill and prickling cold, also a slight itch.

Is this…


(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

She reached out in the air, and when her palm touched that coolness, she clenched her fist, feeling the wetness as it melted, and wondered: Is it snowing?

But how could it snow in the Demonic Realm?

Just as her confusion arose, her wrist was gripped by a strong force, the grip tight and the skin hot.

From that grip, she knew who it was.

“Junior Sister Xia.” Her voice was soft, and she unconsciously tilted her head. Unable to see, her eyes were more unfocused than usual, but it did not diminish her overall aura of cold elegance.

Xu Jiao heard the person chuckle softly.

Just as she was about to speak—

A sudden thunderclap erupted by her ear!

“Boom…!” Xu Jiao instinctively raised her head, looking upward. The thunderclap was so intense that it took her a moment to realize—was someone undergoing a tribulation?

But where would there be a cultivator undergoing a tribulation in the Demonic Realm? Demons are not acknowledged by the Heavenly Dao and do not undergo tribulations. Their cultivation is entirely different from that of righteous cultivators… Moreover, the thunder seemed so close, it made her ears ache. Mortal beings in this world would likely be terrified to death.

Rather than a tribulation, it seemed more like the wrath of the Heavenly Dao.

Sure enough, each thunderclap was louder than the last. Xu Jiao could vaguely feel white light flashing across her retinas—her eyes’ final blurred perception of light, which must be the lightning outside.

At first, Xu Jiao thought it was some commotion caused by Xia Jingzhe until the system suddenly spoke: “The thunder has already struck ten times.”

Ten times—the highest form of the Nine-Nine Heavenly Thunder, meant to strike those who have committed great sins during their tribulation.

There has never been more than ten bolts of Heavenly Thunder; this is an unwritten rule among cultivators.

But Xu Jiao suddenly remembered something and couldn’t help but think, “Wait.” No wonder it was snowing.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

In her setting, there indeed was a time when more than ten bolts of Heavenly Thunder occurred—

“The Immortal Lord has fallen?” she murmured, her voice filled with disbelief. It wasn’t loud, and in the roaring thunder, no one could hear it.

Except Xia Jingzhe, who was intently watching her.

Seeing Xu Jiao’s lips move slightly, Xia Jingzhe recognized the words and couldn’t help but smile wider.

She thought, Senior Sister deceived me again.

She said she wasn’t a deity, yet she knows everything.

At that moment, Xu Jiao felt a pain in her lower lip. She raised her hand slightly, realizing that Xia Jingzhe had pulled her into an embrace and was kissing her.

The action was somewhat aggressive, like a dog gnawing on a bone. Xu Jiao couldn’t help but push Xia Jingzhe’s shoulder forcefully, knowing it was useless, but it was an instinctive resistance.

Then, she felt something warm and wet on her hand—it was blood.

In her stunned moment, Xia Jingzhe voluntarily withdrew.

“Senior Sister.” That affectionate voice reached her ears.

Xu Jiao listened, still somewhat disoriented, and slowly realized that the thunder had stopped. The Heavenly Dao’s mourning for the Immortal Lord was over. Next… there would be three years of continuous snow.

Without a new Immortal Lord to succeed, mortal beings would lose their lives in this snowfall, and the entire world would return to a desolate silence.

Recalling the plot, Xu Jiao slowly spoke, sighing, “Does Junior Sister Xia want to become the Immortal Lord?”

Although she didn’t know why the plot was accelerated, the goal of destroying Kunlun, becoming the supreme of the Demonic Realm, and killing the former Immortal Lord should ultimately remain unchanged, right?

At this moment, Xu Jiao couldn’t see Xia Jingzhe’s exact expression, nor the surrounding environment, unable to gather information, so she finally spoke a bit more.

But Xia Jingzhe only asked, “If I become the Immortal Lord, will Senior Sister love me?”

Xu Jiao: “…”

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