Alone, Beautifully – Chapter 52

Don’t Want a Divorce (19)

“I want you to be mine.”

In her mind, there was a tumultuous clamor of desires that needed to be released. Xu Jiao was both hot and intolerable, strongly feeling that every cell in her body was calling out to embrace this Alpha. Yet, she was pinching the palm of her hand with her fingertips in the bedclothes, trying to maintain her clarity, so much so that although her entire body was blushing red, her eyes still retained a trace of clarity.

When Feng Qingyu passed by that forbidden place, she did not expect to have such a strong reaction. Now, hearing the other’s seemingly gentle, but actually deliberately provoking words, Xu Jiao couldn’t help but smile.

With a voice full of emotion, tinged with a murmuring nasal tone, she slowly said, “If you really help, won’t the bed be dirtier?”

At this moment, she resembled a captivating fox spirit.

Even though her little tail was already swaying in the air, spreading the pinkish ambiguity everywhere, when the scholar below the mountain was seduced by her to the point of losing control, she lay there languidly, wagging her tail, as if she were not the one who had ignited his intense desire for possession with her pheromones.

Feng Qingyu, waiting for her permission in vain, sighed lightly. The smile on her face could no longer be maintained, and she restrained the intense impulse. She leaned over, hugging Xu Jiao tightly through the bedclothes, trying hard to retract her exuberant pheromones and not resonate with her sweet little freesia.

To prevent the fire from burning more fiercely.

Even though she was not in her susceptible period, looking at Xu Jiao’s complete lack of compromise and her unwavering demeanor, Feng Qingyu felt an indescribable sadness rise in her heart. It was a kind of overwhelming despair, as if she would die the next moment if she did not receive the love of the person before her.

She did not understand how her usually calm self could have such obsessive thoughts. She endured, and because her head was buried in the blanket, the sound she made was somewhat muffled:


She said, “Actually, I should have asked you at the door if you needed help. If you had refused me, I should have left, instead of coming in and making it increasingly difficult for you… I shouldn’t have bullied you just now.”

Xu Jiao had some trouble hearing her words clearly; her ears were filled with a buzzing sound. Earlier, the scent of Feng Qingyu’s pheromones had been overwhelming, and she thought that was the worst of it. But now that the scent had suddenly faded, her body craved it, wanting to chase after that scent and desperately seeking comfort from the other person.

She kept taking deep breaths and even silently recited the Clear Heart Method she had learned in the first world. Although this world lacked spiritual energy and was not a place for cultivation, some texts indeed have their own power. After reciting it two or three times, Xu Jiao found that she was gradually becoming a bit clearer.

She heard Feng Qingyu speaking softly, with an incredibly sad tone:

“Although you might think I’m making excuses for my desires by saying this, but… it’s really not the case. According to the principle, I should be resistant to Omega’s pheromones. Previously… you have used pheromones during the heat period to entice me, but at that time, I was basically indifferent.”

“But recently, I don’t know what’s going on. Not only do I have no resistance to your pheromones, but there is also always a voice inside me calling to be closer to you, to drag you into that desire, as long as I can get your love, I’m willing to do anything…”

“I even feel despair, as if I have repeatedly sought your love and failed many times—”

At this point, Feng Qingyu felt a slightly warm hand brushing aside her hair and gently resting on the side of her face. She slowly lifted her head according to the force, and her slightly reddened eyes met Xu Jiao’s gaze.

Clearly, Xu Jiao was the one suffering more, but she found that the struggle in Feng Qingyu’s eyes surpassed her own.

She carefully watched the person in front of her. After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly revealed a smile and, with an alluring tone, softly asked, “Do you really want to have me?”

Feng Qingyu unconsciously nodded. In her palm, she looked like a well-behaved puppy, gazing eagerly at a tasty bone.

Xu Jiao asked again, “So do you want my body more, or do you want my heart more?”

After hearing this question, Feng Qingyu vaguely realized what the correct answer was. She sniffled slightly, lay back down on the blanket, and, like a large dog, snuggled close, gently rubbing her face against Xu Jiao’s palm, and softly said:

“I understand.”

She said, “I will be good. I won’t trouble you anymore. I’ll stay here and accompany you, okay?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Hearing her reply, Xu Jiao’s hand, which was resting on her face, slid slightly downward, gently lifting her chin. Her eyes held an undeniable allure, her cheeks were flushed red, and her lips were a shimmering water-red, likely just moistened.

Under Feng Qingyu’s gaze, which was filled with patience yet also showed confusion, Xu Jiao smiled lightly and hoarsely said, “A good child should be rewarded…”

This time, before Feng Qingyu’s confusion could be expressed, she saw the person beneath her sighing lightly, holding her right wrist, and gently pulling her a little bit further into the blanket.


The scent of pheromones in the room suddenly became intense.

The ventilation system had automatically increased to its maximum frequency, yet it still could not block the searing, entangled scents in the room. The sweet little freesia actively intertwined with the bitter yet sweet fruit-scented orange blossom, continuously permeating and soaking in. For a moment, it was unclear whether the invigorating bitterness or the dazzling sweetness was stronger in the room.

The soft Omega’s face was pressed against the soft pad of the nightstand, emitting disordered, uncontrollable sounds. Her nostrils flared, trying to breathe in a breath of fresh air, but no matter how hard she tried, she could never escape the dominant Alpha pheromones. Every breath she took, in and out of her lungs, was inevitably tainted with the other’s scent.

It felt as though she had been marked from inside out.

The person behind her didn’t dare to bite out marks on her nape glands, worried that she might be joked about by others when she returned to the set tomorrow. Instead, she kept repeatedly licking that area of skin, like a child savoring a cherished candy, reluctantly unwrapping it, and carefully licking the candy wrapper, imagining the sweetness of the entire candy from the little bit of flavor that clung to the wrapper.

And with each touch to the gland, the person beneath would tremble once.

For Feng Qingyu, she was restrained and patient, not daring to bite down. But for Xu Jiao, that crucial spot was as significant as the throat. Being lightly bitten and then released by those canines felt like a herbivore being held by a predator’s fangs, enduring the constant threat of a sudden fatal bite, yet that danger remained hanging above her without arriving.

The more she guarded herself in fear, the more her attention focused on that area, and the gland, filled with numerous nerve endings, became even more sensitive. This made the perception of the other’s movements more acute, creating a vicious cycle.

At that moment, Xu Jiao felt like the source of the Three Rivers, as if she harbored an endless source of water deep within, continuously flowing outward. The gland location was like a pump, each touch causing her to tremble and release even more.

Feng Qingyu held her from behind, one hand around her waist, the other supporting the side of her face, with hot breath streaming beside her ear, carrying a clear smile:

“Jiaojiao, you’re so sensitive…”

She said, “It seems like the sheets and blanket are all wet from you.”

Xu Jiao originally didn’t want to see the scene of herself being driven by the heat of the mating cycle, but unable to resist Feng Qingyu’s deliberate description, those absurd and indulgent images of the room surfaced in her mind.

She asked, breathing heavily, “Feng Qingyu, are you coming?”

As soon as the words were out, all her previous energy turned into a mournful groan.

Feng Qingyu answered her with actions, her laughter reaching Xu Jiao’s ears, carrying a burning, intense emotion, as if she wanted to drag her into hell. In the midst of a storm, Feng Qingyu slowly said:


She bit the tip of Xu Jiao’s ear, accompanying her actions with a tone of yearning, saying to her, “Unfortunately, I wasn’t prepared in advance, do you know? There is a special item between female Alphas and Omegas that can help with pregnancy, which can make my pheromones…”

“Inject into deeper places within your body.”

“I want you to fully open up to me, making it so that not only your glands, but your entire body… has my scent.”

“I want you to be mine.”

Xu Jiao floated in that sea of passion, hearing her uninhibited and explicit words, letting her actions dance along with the rhythm, blooming at her fingertips.

The waves of passion collided, like dry wood meeting a fierce flame, raising the heat that ignited the entire room, trapping them inside. The bedding, carpet, wallpaper, and every tile were all stained with their scent, leaving their marks.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

(LP: My face is burning!!!)


This farce continued until dawn.

Feng Qingyu held Xu Jiao, sleeping on a clean robe, while the rest of the bed was soaked and dark, emitting a vague sense of dampness.

As Feng Qingyu’s breathing gradually steadied, Xu Jiao, who should have been exhausted from the mating heat, suddenly moved her eyes slightly, opening them to look at the person before her.

Despite being so tired that her eyes were almost unable to open, she scanned Feng Qingyu’s face inch by inch with her gaze, carrying a kind of indifferent, desire-emptied calm, as if she was not the one who had just actively pulled someone into the sea of desire.

The system’s voice finally sounded: “In these several worlds, you have been avoiding developing emotional or physical relationships with the female protagonists. Just now, Feng Qingyu had already given up, so why did you suddenly change your mind?”

Xu Jiao watched as Feng Qingyu instinctively showed affectionate actions towards her while asleep, burying her head unconsciously into Xu Jiao’s shoulder. After a while, Xu Jiao shifted her gaze away and lazily answered the system’s question.

“Yes, if they were just simple female protagonists… Xia Jingzhe would just be Xia Jingzhe, Shen Yelan would just be Shen Yelan, and Feng Qingyu would just be Feng Qingyu. I wouldn’t change my approach, of course.”


“Is the one now really still Feng Qingyu?”

She stared at the face before her, noting that because she had previously set all these female protagonists to have the same face, she had made an effort to distinguish them by describing their temperaments. When Feng Qingyu displayed a look not described in the text, it made Xu Jiao feel somewhat disoriented.

She would forget who this person was.

And it was precisely this sense of disorientation, combined with the previous statement “I even feel desperate, as if I have repeatedly asked for this from you and failed many times,” that suddenly startled Xu Jiao.

“I suddenly have a very scary, very bold idea,” Xu Jiao said calmly in her mind, her gaze never leaving Feng Qingyu’s body: “Since I can come into the book and make this flat world three-dimensional, could it be… that some people in the book also have their own souls?”

The system was silent for a moment.

Then it said: “I have repeated many times, every world is real.”

Xu Jiao smiled slightly: “Yes, however, it wasn’t until today that I realized what this sense of reality means. Do you think Feng Qingyu could possibly have the memories of Xia Jingzhe and Shen Yelan?”

System: “This question is beyond my understanding, sorry, I cannot answer.”

Xu Jiao’s smile at the corner of her lips had not faded, and she looked at Feng Qingyu’s sleeping face as if by looking a little longer she might be able to see the depth of the other’s soul.

The system said again: “The host has not answered my question—why did you suddenly change your mind and choose to have a relationship with the female lead?”

Xu Jiao’s smile reached the corners of her eyes, and she, now satisfied, had a relaxed and involuntary demeanor. If Feng Qingyu were not asleep and unable to see, she would surely be enticed again by Xu Jiao’s unintentional display of seductive aura.

“Why change my mind…”

She said: “Just consider me instinctively suspicious. I want to know the purpose behind these female leads wanting my love, wanting my body.”

Xu Jiao’s smile was faint as she lifted her hand to gently brush the hair from Feng Qingyu’s ear. The movement seemed to carry warmth and care, yet these emotions only skimmed the surface. Deep within those black eyes was an empty vastness.

She allowed Feng Qingyu to sleep more comfortably on her shoulder, even lifting her chin slightly in response to the other’s movements, and continued in her mind:

“My love, she cannot have.”

“But the bait must be sufficiently sincere, and there is another sacrifice that I can offer. It’s just that one must be willing to risk it to achieve the goal, that’s all.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Xu Jiao placed a kiss on Feng Qingyu’s forehead, like the creator’s pity for a favored object, like the free wind pausing momentarily in this world.

“She wants to pull me down into this sea of desire to drift—”

“Coincidentally, I am thinking the same way.”

“System, why don’t you look forward to seeing who will achieve their goal first in the end?”

Whether it is her being suspicious, or if she is really trapped in a huge conspiracy.

It just depends on who will completely fall first—herself or Feng Qingyu.

The system was silent for a while, not knowing whether it understood or not, and then asked another question: “Do you still need me to help you find a good hospital for the gland removal surgery before you sleep?”

Xu Jiao touched the back of her neck, but felt the bite marks near her shoulder, where Feng Qingyu had tried to mark her when excited but had restrained herself, leaving marks in other places:

“No need.”

She said: “Not for now.”