Alone, Beautifully – Chapter 51.1

Don’t Want a Divorce (18)

Locked Chapter

Xu Jiao’s back leaned against the room door, her long legs crossing and overlapping, arms crossed over her chest, leisurely watching the person in front of her who, under the pretext of applying medicine, was self-righteously trying to take advantage of her.

Feng Qingyu deserves to be called an actress; in such a situation, she managed to maintain an innocent look on her face, as if she did not understand why Xu Jiao still was not following her intention. After patiently making eye contact with Xu Jiao for a while, she then took a few steps forward, wanting to pull Xu Jiao into the room.

However, just as she raised her hand, it was lightly pressed by Xu Jiao’s right index finger in her palm. Clearly, it was poking her palm, yet her heart also inexplicably trembled as if being electrified.

“Feng Qingyu—”

Xu Jiao directly called her name, no longer pretending to be polite. Immediately after, she raised her lips slightly and said indifferently, “Since you want to act with grace, please maintain your persona to the end, do not give up halfway.”

Feng Qingyu: “…”

She suddenly burst into laughter, showing a bit of helplessness, lightly sighed, and handed the medicine in her hand to Xu Jiao, “Remember, twice a day. Call me if there are places you can’t reach. Don’t be stubborn.”

Xu Jiao made eye contact with her for a few seconds, raised her hand to take the medicine bag from her hand, and said in a low voice, “Thank you.”

Feng Qingyu watched her take the bag and walk towards the bathroom. The white, fluffy long bathrobe reached her knees, revealing a pair of beautifully lined, fair-skinned calves. The flesh on her legs was just right, gradually tapering to smooth ankles.

The ankle bones, under the illumination of the hotel lights, reflected a slight gleam, appearing exceptionally bright.

This ankle is so slender…

Feng Qingyu’s fingertips hanging at her side retracted slightly, gradually forming a circle, as if imagining how she could easily encircle this ankle with one hand.

The color in her eyes deepened, like desires accumulated over the years, never released, stacking and sedimenting. The beast in her heart, which had rested for so long, suddenly let out a strong, roaring howl in its cage, restlessly clamoring to pounce on this delectable prey.

The cage clanged loudly, the door about to give way, seemingly unable to contain the beast at any moment. Yet, Feng Qingyu stood motionless in place until Xu Jiao’s figure was suddenly obscured by the bathroom door she closed behind her.

The frosted glass door of the bathroom made a soft “click.”

The room fell silent again, leaving only the insignificant sound of Feng Qingyu’s breathing.

She stood with her eyes lowered for a while, then walked to the entrance, opened the door, and left, carrying the restless beast in her heart, as if unwilling to let it rampage and harm her beloved.

Wait a bit longer, Feng Qingyu heard a voice in her heart say:

Be patient.

The more favors the other person owes, the more they will pile up like a snowball. Sooner or later… she will have to repay her debt with her love and body.


The premiere time of 《The Palace Wall Willows》 is about to arrive.

The filming of the drama has also reached its climax.

After learning about the affair between the Noble Consort and the Empress, the Emperor had no intention of staying in the harem for amusement and instead drove back to the Imperial Study. On the way, he suddenly said:

“Noble Lady Liu is undisciplined and poorly managed. From this day forth, she is demoted to the rank of Attendant, pending further observation.”

The camera then focuses on the chief eunuch beside the imperial palanquin. The eunuch slightly raised his head, a glimmer flashing in his eyes, as if recalling the unspeakable secrets he overheard while guarding the door for the Emperor earlier. His duster shook slightly as he bowed deeply and responded, “I respectfully obey Your Majesty’s decree.”

Zhen Tiao pulled a long shot, showing the Emperor’s entourage from above, with dragon flags, the imperial palanquin, palace maids, and eunuchs. The long procession was the only sight moving between the deep red palace walls, like a long dragon wandering in the silent night.

Next, the scene shifted to outside the palace—

An urgent dispatch rider, traveling eight hundred li, was seen with armor already worn and even muddy blood seeping from beneath the armor. The minor eunuch with the secret order in his hand hurriedly crossed the palace gate, passing the message layer by layer into the palace.

The Imperial Study was silent.

Only the brush and ink quietly moved across the memorials to the throne, silently moistening the paper.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The Emperor of Da Yan’s expression was dark and unclear. He sat on the golden, square dragon throne, reviewing the memorials in his hand. As he took another one from the desk and just opened it, he threw it to the floor beside him:

“Inform the Six Ministries that such greetings memorials should not be presented anymore, they waste my energy.”

The eunuch who served him did not dare to breathe, his waist bent very low. He made no sound as he walked, picked up the memorial, and placed it on the other side of the desk, responding softly, “As you command.”

The next moment.

A blue-robed eunuch quickly approached from outside the Imperial Study. He whispered something in the ear of the eunuch holding the brush, who immediately looked up, deep astonishment showing on his overly delicate and pale face. Then, he knelt down towards the Emperor, cold sweat seeping from the corner of his forehead:

“Your Majesty,” his voice trembled with the shock of the news, slightly hoarse, “urgent report from the border—”

“General Qi Younian has been besieged by the Hu cavalry for three months and fourteen days. The day before yesterday, he led the Qi family troops of five thousand at Mobei… and surrendered.”

With a “snap,” the Emperor broke the jade-embedded brush in his hand. The vermilion ink splattered like blood on the xuan paper, creating a shocking sight on the desk in an instant.

He stood up from the dragon throne, his gaze sharp as lightning, looking in the direction of the Imperial Study’s door, as if his sight had already flown to the horizon, to that distant desert, seeing how the last general of the Qi family was now in such a miserable state.

“Surrendered?” he repeated in an unusually calm tone, as if he had not yet recovered from the news.

The eunuch reading the military report had already prostrated himself deeply on the ground, his forehead touching the floor. The palace attendants in the Imperial Study also silently knelt down, until the Emperor of Yan curled his lips ambiguously, “The Qi family’s teachings state, ‘Guard the nation for the Emperor, rather die than surrender.’ What a Qi Younian.”

Immediately, he coldly said, “Pass my decree, Qi Younian, having surrendered to the enemy and betrayed the nation, is a traitor. Strip him of the title of Grand General and the Duke of the State. From this day forth, the Border Marshal will be commanded by the Imperial Guard…”

“… Arrest Qi Younian and bring him back to the capital. I will have him executed by slicing at the marketplace, to inform the entire army that our people of Da Yan would rather die standing than live kneeling.”

“… The Qi family’s relatives also have suspicions of treason. Imprison them in the Dali Temple, to be jointly interrogated by the Ministry of Justice, the Dali Temple, and the Censorate.”

He paused for a moment, then continued, “Empress Qi Yunshang, considering she is carrying the imperial heir, will be confined to the Chang Le Palace, guarded by the Imperial Guard. I do not want even a fly to enter or leave that palace.”


Zhen Tiao stood up from behind the monitor and walked towards Lu Xun, holding the script rolled into a tube, tapping it in the palm of his other hand, and said to him:

“The Emperor’s anger should cause corpses to lie everywhere and blood to flow for a thousand miles. Your emotions here are not strong enough, not full enough. You need to understand that reclaiming military power from the Qi family has been your intention since you ascended the throne. Last year, when the Hu cavalry invaded, you deliberately replaced the Ministers of War and Revenue, choosing individuals who either had personal grudges against the Qi family or were corrupt, to sever the Qi family’s influence at the border.”

“You wanted Qi Younian to die in battle at the border, but you did not expect him to kneel to the enemy rather than let countless soldiers starve to death outside the border. When you heard this news, you felt a sense of satisfaction. This satisfaction was not just the fulfillment of your long-held wish—it also included the pleasure of being able to justifiably confine Empress Qi Yunshang, who dared to betray you, to the Cold Palace.”

“Today should have been a good day for you, the day your imperial power is no longer hindered by the Qi family. However, you learned about the affair between the Empress and the Noble Consort from a palace attendant by Liu Ruyi’s side. You are furious, and this fury instantly overshadowed the satisfaction of your wish being fulfilled. You only feel disgust, disgust towards the Qi family.”

“When you were still a prince, Qi Younian was your study companion. On the martial arts field, he was youthful and high-spirited, like a rainbow, and with one shot of an arrow, he took the top prize, overshadowing you. Everyone around praised Qi Younian, even the late Emperor admired him for his youthful talent. So, you swallowed your pride, befriended Qi Younian as brothers, and finally gained the late Emperor’s favor, who appointed you as the Crown Prince.”

“But you didn’t expect that after all these years of careful planning, just as the Qi family’s luck was running out, the Empress, who had always been silent and good-tempered since entering the palace, dared to collude with the Rong family and put such a great cuckold on you. In that instant, only by killing all the Qi family members could you quell the hatred in your heart.”

“Every word you speak is filled with hatred, those shadows hidden for many years, unknown to anyone, have been clinging to you like maggots on bones.”


After carefully explaining these changes to Lu Xun, Director Zhen gave him some time to brew this emotion. Lu Xun glanced to the side and immediately saw Feng Qingyu approaching Xu Jiao, and in an instant, the feeling of his beloved woman being taken by the Empress surged within him.

He made a gesture to Director Zhen, indicating he was ready. Director Zhen borrowed a megaphone from the assistant director and said to the extras and supporting actors:

“Everyone, perk up! Hang in there! Let’s aim to wrap up early and go home to watch the premiere tonight!”

The crowd was invigorated and responded loudly with approval.

Only then did Zhen Tiao put down the megaphone and signaled to the clapperboard operator, who clapped the board once again:

“《The Palace Wall Willows》, Scene 21, Take 4, Action!”


“I’ve been counting the days, hoping and hoping, from the trailer until now! Hahahahaha, finally, I’ve waited long enough! Tonight, no one is snatching my remote! The whole family is watching 《The Palace Wall Willows》 with me!”

“Another masterpiece by Director Zhen. The previous one was a big hit. I wonder if this will raise everyone’s expectations and cause this one to start high and end low?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“All the naysayers, get out! Smoked meat fans, charge! Just from the look in Liu Ye’s eyes in the trailer, I can watch this drama over and over again! After watching it on TV, I’ll contribute clicks to the online broadcast too!”

“Waaah, when I saw Lizi kneeling, I cried. Please don’t torment the female lead? Lizi, come into sister’s arms, sister will comfort you!”

“I’m different from the other sisters! I crave the bodies of the Empress and the Noble Consort! I’m so lowly! I heard there are luxurious car scenes in the first two episodes. If I can just see a glimpse, I can die without regrets TAT! Seven Emotions, charge for me! Joy, anger, sorrow, and delight are you! The seven emotions and six desires are you! Everything I have in this world is you! Seven Emotions girl reporting in~”

“The last scene in the trailer ends with Xu Sajiao’s shot… that dreamlike feeling, I have a hunch I’m going to be heartbroken. I’m afraid to jump into this pit, but the stills of the Empress and Noble Consort pair are just too good. What to do, what to do, am I the only one hesitating at the edge of this pit?”

Ten minutes before the premiere.

Netizens were once again enthusiastically discussing the drama. The crew had wrapped up today’s filming early, allowing the actors some time to see the results of their two months of hard work.

Xu Jiao and Feng Qingyu returned to the Feng family house by the sea. As soon as they entered, they heard lively chatter inside. Only then did they realize that Father Feng had just returned from a business trip today, and Shi Weiya was busy preparing dinner.

Her cooking skills were no less than the family chef’s, but she usually didn’t have the interest, so Feng Qingyu rarely enjoyed her cooking. Seeing that both Xu Jiao and Feng Qingyu had been working hard in the film crew for a long time, plus her husband returning home, Shi Weiya was in an excellent mood, personally putting on an apron and taking charge in the kitchen.

Father Feng, dressed in a well-fitting suit and wearing an extremely expensive gemstone tie clip, was earnestly holding a small vegetable basket, peeling broad beans outside the kitchen.

Hearing the sound of someone returning, Shi Weiya poked her head out, her face full of joy, and said, “I knew it was Jiaojiao and Qingyu coming back. Your TV drama airs tonight, right? I’ve already set the channel. Let’s watch it together after dinner.”

Feng Qingyu smiled gently, responding, “Sure,” after hearing that she called Xu Jiao first before calling her.

Xu Jiao politely greeted Uncle and Auntie, changed her shoes, and wanted to go to the kitchen to help, but was quickly pushed out by Shi Weiya:

“Oh, the kitchen is already crowded enough. You two usually work so hard; just spending more time with me is enough. No need for everyone to squeeze into this small space. The smoke and grease here are bad for you. As celebrities, maintaining your complexion is a lot of effort. Be good, go out and play, and leave us old folks here to chat.”

Only then did Xu Jiao realize that the kitchen was empty not because the housemaids were on leave, but because Shi Weiya had intentionally sent them away to cook with Father Feng. Blushing deeply for once, she came out and saw Feng Qingyu waiting not far away, standing there leisurely as if she had anticipated this outcome.

Seeing her, Xu Jiao felt a strong sense of being part of this big family.

Not wanting Feng Qingyu to misunderstand, she walked closer, intending to pass by nonchalantly, but Feng Qingyu gently tugged at the corner of her dress.

Xu Jiao turned her head to say, “Let go,” but the next moment, her phone appeared in Feng Qingyu’s palm:

“I was just about to tell you.”

“You left your phone in the car. It was Luo Bo who thoughtfully noticed it. Here, don’t be so scatterbrained next time.”

Xu Jiao had to swallow her words and instead said, “Thank you.”

Seeing her take the phone and head upstairs, Feng Qingyu leaned against the stair railing, her gaze following Xu Jiao’s back for a long time without retracting.


After a sumptuous dinner.

Shi Weiya carried a freshly-cut fruit platter from the kitchen and placed it on the coffee table. She heard Father Feng asking Feng Qingyu about the drama she was acting in, while the large LCD screen hanging on the wall was playing commercials.

“The Empress is the female lead, right? She has to fight with many of the Emperor’s concubines, that kind of plot.” Father Feng usually watched financial channels, but sometimes he accompanied Shi Weiya in watching melodramatic evening dramas, so he had some understanding of historical dramas.

Based on his experience, he judged—

Feng Qingyu’s Empress must be the female lead, and she definitely has to compete with many women for the Emperor.

But Feng Qingyu just smiled and shook her head, intending to explain the plot. She caught sight of Xu Jiao eyeing the fruit platter beside her, so she picked up a piece of apple with a toothpick and casually handed it to Xu Jiao’s lips, naturally continuing Father Feng’s conversation:

“Dad, you’ll know once you watch.”

Xu Jiao was quite surprised as the cool apple touched her lips. She looked at Feng Qingyu, not knowing why she suddenly handed her fruit, but since she had already touched it, it wasn’t appropriate to put it back on the platter.

She could only take it with her hand and quietly said, “Thank you, I’ll take it myself.”

Shi Weiya discreetly observed their interaction from the corner of her eye. Hearing Xu Jiao’s polite and courteous thanks to Feng Qingyu, she anxiously urged Feng Qingyu with her eyes, signaling:

Haven’t taken her down yet?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Feng Qingyu pressed her lips together, revealing a helpless smile, and shook her head slightly at Shi Weiya.

Shi Weiya looked at her with a “disappointed in iron for not becoming steel” expression.

At this moment, the prelude music of the TV drama started playing. It was a piece of ancient-style instrumental music without lyrics, but the melody was croaky and mocking. Even without a single word, it seemed to sing of all that happened in the deep palace.

Shi Weiya commented, “Hey, this song has some flavor.”

Xu Jiao seriously ate her apple while watching the heavily post-processed scenes on the screen. The first episode depicted Qiu Yongli causing a fuss at home, unwilling to enter the palace, showcasing the character of a slightly temperamental and stubborn young lady to the fullest.

Entering the palace is like entering the deep sea, the deep palace will wash away all the innocence and simplicity from a woman. Like the palace walls, day after day, year after year, it will eventually turn her into the color most suited to this deep palace.

She casually opened Weibo and found that the premiere content of 《The Palace Wall Willows》 was already trending. The overwhelming majority were fans of Qiu Yongli praising her cuteness and acting skills.

Xu Jiao had just bitten off the last piece of apple on the toothpick, and before her fingers could move, the lonely toothpick in her hand was taken away by Feng Qingyu beside her. Then, a peeled grape was placed at her lips in the same manner.

The sweet and sour juice seeped through her lips silently, just like this person quietly permeated her world.

Xu Jiao suddenly remembered a psychological concept called the “foot-in-the-door effect.” It refers to the phenomenon where once a person agrees to a small request from others, to avoid cognitive dissonance or to maintain a consistent impression, they are more likely to accept larger requests. This phenomenon is like stepping up a staircase, one step at a time.

In the end…

Xu Jiao would go from accepting to eat apples and grapes to accepting to consume Feng Qingyu.