Alone, Beautifully – Chapter 30.1

Green Plum, Green Plum (22)

“Has the rose bloomed?”

“She doesn’t care about you at all. You went through so much trouble to find her, but did you see any reaction from her? No, she doesn’t love you at all. She doesn’t even care about you, Shen Yelan.”

“To Xu Jiao, you are nothing more than a tool she uses to assuage her guilt. Besides that, you have no relationship.”

“Do you want to know how to keep her forever? Take her away, lock her up, then she will be yours alone. Only you can see her, only you can touch her. Her whole being, everything about her… will belong to you.”

A seductive voice whispered in Shen Yelan’s ear, drawing out those dark thoughts hidden deep in her heart, thoughts that could never be exposed to the sunlight, and magnifying them.

As long as Shen Yelan’s gaze remained on Xu Jiao, as long as her reason wavered, these fragmented voices would infiltrate, determined to drag her completely into the abyss.

Shen Yelan had originally decided not to pay attention to the commotion, but whether it was the prolonged separation that deepened her longing or the unacknowledged grievance in her heart for not having her messages replied to, when she walked up to Xu Jiao, she couldn’t help but utter the words: “I want you.”

In response, she heard the other party’s unhesitating rejection: “Just think about it.”

When Shen Yelan expressed her thoughts, she was merely conveying her longing. She didn’t know how to make Xu Jiao see her heart, so she could only say this sentence. She didn’t even have any intention of doing anything excessive.


Xu Jiao’s thoughtless response still brought a bitter taste to her heart.

Recalling the other’s performance in bed, Shen Yelan inevitably felt a sense of longing. She couldn’t persuade herself not to love that feeling—the feeling of being able to control all of Xu Jiao’s reactions and emotions.


After hearing those tempting sounds in her ear for so many years, this was the first time Shen Yelan compromised with the devil hidden in her heart. She didn’t know where the impulse came from, but she repeated her request, her tone much firmer than before, even excessively adding:

“Right now.”

“This is the second time.”

She wanted so badly that Xu Jiao who would softly beg her, who would act coquettishly, just to make her give a little more.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, Shen Yelan saw a slight ripple of emotion in Xu Jiao’s eyes, as if only such outrageous things could stir her emotions.


“What’s Shen Yelan’s blackening value?”

Xu Jiao’s gaze lightly fell on the person in front of her. Rationally, she didn’t have any fear of Shen Yelan, but her body seemed to remember that summer’s madness. When Shen Yelan’s presence enveloped her from above, Xu Jiao could feel a shiver from the depths of her soul.

Originally sitting near the back door in the corner, Xu Jiao unknowingly moved aside. By the time she realized it, the cold temperature of the wall permeated through her thin clothes, sending a chill through her body.

The system’s voice sounded: “80.”

Xu Jiao’s gaze dropped, seeing her fingertips trembling slightly beside her. The voice in her mind remained as calm as ever: “The value is quite high; it seems I can only calm her down.”

In other words, if Shen Yelan’s request is refused now, who knows what more terrifying things she might do due to her blackening, or her blackening value might surge again.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Xu Jiao asked the system again, “Are there any students on this floor? Where did the security guard who passed by just now go?”

The system understood her implication and was slightly surprised. It didn’t expect that Xu Jiao would be willing to make such a sacrifice. For a moment, it was moved by her rare determination. After detecting that all the students on this half of the floor had left and the security guard had gone downstairs, it took a moment to respond:

“What do you take me for! I am not a lookout for you two to do such things in the sacred and great hall of knowledge!”

Xu Jiao: “Come on, we’re close enough for you not to be so petty.”

After fooling the system, she looked up in the direction of the front and back of the classroom. Sure enough, this was the old campus from a long time ago, and there were no surveillance cameras installed in this teaching building. Some time ago, the older students who brought her in had kindly given her a reminder:

“When you go to the study room, it’s best to come to our college’s building. Although our building looks old from the outside, you need to show your student ID to enter, and it’s very strictly managed, with surveillance inside.”

“The old building, on the other hand, is very troublesome. Every year, people go out to use the restroom and come back to find their laptops, phones, or wallets stolen. There have been countless reports, but all to no avail.”

Squinting her eyes slightly, Xu Jiao lifted her head a bit to look at the person in front of her. The graceful lines of her neck, which looked so fragile, were exposed, and because her skin was so fair, the faint blue veins were vaguely visible.

Upon seeing something clean, people generally have two kinds of psychological responses. One is to carefully protect it, trying to keep it clean for as long as possible, using every means to safeguard it. The other… is to simply and thoroughly stain it with another color.

The darker the color, the harder it is to be covered by other marks.

Shen Yelan, as if possessed, lowered her head and was about to get closer when suddenly there was a light “pop” sound. The entire classroom’s lights abruptly went out, and her eyes, unaccustomed to the sudden darkness, couldn’t make out the person just inches away.

As she paused halfway, Xu Jiao’s extraordinarily calm voice reached her ear in the darkened room:

“Do you know what will happen to us if we are discovered?”

In the pitch-black, Shen Yelan was drawn to the warmth and breath of the other person like a beacon. Tilting her head slightly, she remembered the position she had noted before the lights went out, leaned in, and kissed Xu Jiao on the cheek.

She asked softly, “Then, Sister Xu Jiao, are you afraid?”

Xu Jiao silently raised the corners of her lips. Because they were so close, she could smell the unique scent on Shen Yelan. It was strange; even though she was a girl, and who knows what she had been through recently, there was a faint smell of gunpowder on her skin.

It didn’t match her silent, non-trouble-making academic achiever persona at all.

But it was precisely that bit of discordant, even somewhat choking smell, that inexplicably excited Xu Jiao. She placed her right hand on the desk beside her, sitting sideways. Instead of answering Shen Yelan’s question, she countered with:

“Isn’t this what you wanted?”

Shen Yelan remained silent.

In that brief moment of silence, Xu Jiao exhaled and asked again, “Doing this with me, will you be happy?”

Xu Jiao genuinely wanted to know if these repeated interactions with Shen Yelan could make her feel less troubled, help her achieve some peace, and reduce her tendency to become more blackened.

But who knows how Shen Yelan interpreted her words? She had been motionless for a long time, but upon hearing this, she suddenly lifted Xu Jiao’s chin and kissed her forcefully, without any gentleness.


In the midst of their intermingled breaths, the system seized the moment before any inappropriate scenes could unfold and quickly asked, “Aren’t you afraid? In a moment, I’ll enter blocking mode and won’t be able to help you monitor the surroundings anymore.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Xu Jiao’s throat moved as she swallowed all the unbearable feelings, yet her voice remained calm and indifferent:

“Of course I’m afraid.”

She said, “Even if I don’t take this world seriously, I have no interest in being watched by everyone. If we really get discovered, I’ll immediately abandon this world’s mission, and we’ll meet again in the next one.”

In short, it’s hopeless, let’s just wait for the end, and move on to the next one.

The system: “…?”

A trace of confusion appeared in its otherwise flat tone: “Is this what you call trying to reduce the blackening value?”

Xu Jiao retorted, “Haven’t I tried hard enough? To appease this little bastard, I’ve even thrown away my dignity accumulated over two lifetimes—”


When vision is restricted, the responses of other senses become increasingly amplified.

Xu Jiao had assumed that Shen Yelan, like herself, also couldn’t see clearly, so she didn’t bother to control her expressions. Little did she know, Shen Yelan could see her expressions of seemingly pain and pleasure very clearly.

This included the thin layer of sweat on her neck, and when she turned her head and bit her finger to avoid making a sound, the faint light from somewhere outside the window painted her in a warm jade-like hue.

Shen Yelan couldn’t resist opening her mouth to bite. Just as her lips touched, she heard Xu Jiao’s restrained voice leaking through the gap between her bitten fingers: “Don’t…”

Don’t bite my neck, it will be seen by others.

Shen Yelan paused, her lips lingering lightly and slowly on the side of her neck, teasingly close but never quite touching, just stirring waves of ticklish sensation. It felt as if she could bite down heavily at any moment, giving a terrifying sense of a butcher’s knife suspended above one’s head, always threatening but never falling.

Perhaps the last experience had been too wild; Xu Jiao found herself much more sensitive than before. Just a casual touch from Shen Yelan made her whole body feel as if every pore had opened up, and pleasure came easily and simply.


Sensing that she was in an optimal state, Shen Yelan abruptly pulled away. She steadied herself on a nearby chair with her right hand, her long fingers together, leaving a layer of glistening moisture on the chair back.

Shen Yelan kissed Xu Jiao’s slightly cool ear, responding in an incredibly intimate manner: “Not biting the neck is fine, but in exchange, Sister Xu Jiao has to do something else.”

Xu Jiao’s happiness abruptly came to a halt. She widened her eyes and looked up at her, her breath catching irregularly.

She instinctively felt that Shen Yelan was up to something again.

Sure enough, Shen Yelan observed her current state leisurely and brought up another matter: “Sister Xu Jiao, have you ever bought flowers from a flower shop?”

Xu Jiao: “…?”

Is this really the time to talk about buying flowers?

When she saw her eyes slightly widen in confusion, Shen Yelan curled her lips and said unhurriedly, “Once, I saw someone go to a flower shop to buy carnations. Originally, those flowers were all closed, but the shop owner made them bloom after the customer chose them. Do you know how she did it, Sister Xu Jiao?”

“She pinched the base of the flower head with one hand, and with the other hand, she gently brushed the outer petals of the flower head with the side of her index finger, slowly, slowly spreading the red and pink carnations open—”

“Later, I never saw this technique again. I thought since Sister Xu Jiao folds roses so beautifully, you must be quite skillful. Can you demonstrate it for me?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Xu Jiao: “…”

This story almost made her turn into a Buddha. In the end, she didn’t even pay attention to what Shen Yelan was saying. The temperature in her body gradually cooled down, and her voice, now devoid of the previous strong emotions, carrying a slight nasal tone, asked, “Where am I supposed to find flowers for you?”

As soon as she spoke, she carefully recalled Shen Yelan’s words, and her whole body stiffened.

Sure enough, Shen Yelan chuckled lowly and said with a pointed tone, “How can there not be? Isn’t there one right here? Sister Xu Jiao, this flower is much prettier than the ones in the flower shop.”

Xu Jiao: “!”

Hearing such a suggestive comment, she couldn’t control the surge of heat rising to her face, spreading like a blaze to her ears and down her neck.

Seeing her motionless for a long time, Shen Yelan made a move to approach her neck again. Xu Jiao struggled to raise her hand to press against her shoulder, stopping her from leaving marks on her neck, and managed to utter a word with difficulty:


Shen Yelan’s voice carried a smile: “Then Sister Xu Jiao, you’d better hurry up. My patience isn’t very good, and—”

“In ten minutes, it seems the security guard will come up again.”