After Being Scummed – Chapter 83

Fortunately, in the rest of their lives, they will no longer cross paths

The two of them hadn’t seen each other for a long time. After having dinner at the hotel, they washed away their exhaustion and naturally returned to the bed to recharge.

Perhaps they had been apart for too long, and Yin Bai was particularly fierce tonight. Zuo Jingyou, worried about the next day’s shoot, couldn’t bear it any longer and grabbed her hand, biting her lip and breathing lightly, saying, “Enough… Yin Bai… enough…”

Enough… stop.

Yin Bai looked up, brushed aside the stray hair sticking to her forehead, and leaned down to kiss her soft lips, comforting her, “Director Xu said you have an afternoon scene, so you can sleep a little longer tomorrow.”

But no matter how much longer she slept, it couldn’t make up for the sleep she had missed at night.

Zuo Jingyou had the intention to resist, but Yin Bai was just too good at being affectionate, so she let her have her way.

They spent the night entwined with each other, and when they woke up the next day, it was already 11 o’clock in the afternoon. Sunlight streamed through the gauzy curtains, filling the room with a warm and ambiguous glow.

Zuo Jingyou got out of bed wearing a thin shirt and went to rummage through the luggage that Yin Bai hadn’t organized yet. She took out a clean shirt and trousers for her, muttering, “I knew you’d make a mess. You didn’t even tidy up the luggage.”

Yin Bai sat on the bed, holding the blanket and tilting her head to watch Zuo Jingyou walk towards her with the shirt, saying with a playful smile, “I’m supposed to make a mess and not tidy up. After all, Teacher Zuo will help me clean up.”

Zuo Jingyou approached the edge of the bed, unfolded the shirt, and scolded, “You’re so spoiled. Have you put on your underwear?”

Yin Bai spread her arms and said with a smile, “I’ve put it on!”

“Then reach out and put the shirt on properly, get changed quickly, and let’s have brunch.”

Zuo Jingyou held the shirt and put it over Yin Bai’s head. Yin Bai reached out and cooperatively wore the shirt, looking up at Zuo Jingyou with sparkling eyes and saying, “Teacher Zuo, you’re so kind and considerate.”

Zuo Jingyou reached out and brushed her glossy black hair out from inside the shirt. With lowered eyes, she buttoned up the shirt for her and said with a half-smile, “Very considerate? Does it feel like I’m your mom?”

After Zuo Jingyou finished speaking, she sighed and said, “Ah, being with you always makes me feel like I have an extra child.”

Yin Bai held her hand and said triumphantly, “Who told you to date your daughter’s little friend? But Teacher Zuo, even if you want to break up with me now, you won’t be able to.”

Yin Bai reached out and firmly grasped Zuo Jingyou’s waist, pulling her into her embrace, their cheeks rubbing against each other. “I’m like a clingy mutt now, sticking to you and never going anywhere else.”

After saying “mutt,” Yin Bai even stuck out her tongue and licked Zuo Jingyou’s earlobe, letting out a playful “woof.”

Zuo Jingyou’s cheeks blushed slightly for a moment. She extended her finger and lightly pushed Yin Bai’s forehead, saying, “Stop with the woofing. Get up and let’s eat. I really have to go to work.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Alright.” Yin Bai playfully poked Zuo Jingyou’s shoulder with her pointed chin and said in a relaxed tone, “Then let me also help Teacher Zuo change her clothes.”

Next, Yin Bai accompanied Zuo Jingyou to the film set.

She called herself a “clingy mutt,” and she truly lived up to that description. While Zuo Jingyou was in the dressing room putting on makeup, Yin Bai leaned on her cane and eagerly watched from the side.

When Zuo Jingyou started filming, Yin Bai squatted beside Director Xu, like an excited puppy, watching attentively.

Throughout the entire day, all the crew members on set were annoyed by her infatuated gaze towards Zuo Jingyou.

Ah, being in love can be so troublesome!

Although Yin Bai didn’t do anything other than watch Zuo Jingyou work, her presence was highly noticeable. Despite Zuo Jingyou’s professionalism, whenever she looked up and saw Yin Bai, her emotions would abruptly shift, and her overall state would become somewhat off.

Zuo Jingyou’s condition also affected those who acted alongside her. After being stared at by Yin Bai for a while, Director Xu temporarily had Zuo Jingyou pause to adjust her state, and then politely asked Yin Bai to move out of Zuo Jingyou’s line of sight.

At first, Yin Bai protested, “Why? I’m not making any noise or doing any strange actions to attract everyone’s attention. This shouldn’t be considered disrupting the set, right?”

Director Xu pushed her glasses up and said with a serious expression, “Director Yin, you have to understand that your presence is a significant distraction for the actors themselves. I don’t want my cast to be distracted because of you.”

Well, if the director said so, what could Yin Bai do? She could only obediently comply and find a secluded corner of the set where no one could see her. There, she sat down, eating fruit and playing Five Stones1 with Zhang Yu, eagerly awaiting Zuo Jingyou to finish work for the day.

Whenever there was a break for Zuo Jingyou in the middle of filming, Yin Bai would walk over with her cane and attentively massage Zuo Jingyou’s legs and shoulders, feeding her food and drink.

This enthusiastic behavior shattered the icy and domineering image she had on her first appearance. Perhaps she wasn’t a cold and domineering executive after all, but just an adorable and clingy little puppy.

After all, she was incredibly well-behaved in front of Zuo Jingyou.

Yin Bai stayed on the set for four or five days, and gradually, many crew members started saying she was generous and adorable. She practically took charge of the entire crew’s meals, providing afternoon snacks and such. As they spent more time together, everyone discovered that she was truly lovable.

She was a bit lacking in eloquence, but when facing Zuo Jingyou, she would chatter like a child. She had a bit of a cleanliness obsession and would almost always avoid dirty areas. However, Zuo Jingyou was an exception of this obsession. For example, during the scene where Zuo Jingyou was dragged out of the door, her clothes were disheveled, and her makeup was smudged. But when they finished filming, Yin Bai still pounced on her like a little dog.

In summary, this domineering executive is extremely adorable and has a double standard. She is a very reliable “dog-like” lover.

Xiao Nian, who worked with Zuo Jingyou, would occasionally overhear whispered discussions among the crew about Yin Bai. In the past, Xia Nian had only heard gossips and criticisms, mostly about the ambiguous relationship between Yin Bai and herself. But this time, she heard something about Yin Bai herself.

For example, her gray-blue eyes, her fair and innocent face like a Barbie doll, and her envy-inducing height. Even her disability, which had previously been criticized for affecting her mental state, now became a “regret that the Creator was stingy in creating one perfect being for the world.”

She has really changed a lot… Xiao Nian thought.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Perhaps in the past, she should have encouraged Yin Bai to socialize more. After genuinely getting to know someone like her, how could anyone bear to have prejudice against her? It might all be favoritism, after all.

But the things she couldn’t do, Zuo Jingyou easily accomplished. Indeed, Yin Bai is most suitable for someone more mature.

In the blink of an eye, it was early September, and September 6th was Zuo Jingyou’s birthday. On this day, Xu Shishi and the crew surprised Zuo Jingyou. They rearranged the shooting schedule and told Zuo Jingyou in the morning that they only needed to film one scene that day—a scene between Du Minyan and He Wan, commonly known as a bedroom scene.

Xu Shishi said with particular delight, “Teacher Zuo, today happens to be your birthday, and we don’t have any surprises for you on the set, so let’s give you an unforgettable experience!”

It has to be said that filming a bedroom scene with your current girlfriend’s ex-girlfriend on your birthday is indeed quite unforgettable.

Zuo Jingyou was a dedicated person and thought the opportunity was rare, so she agreed to Xu Shishi’s adjustment plan. They asked Yin Bai to wait outside for her to finish work, and the crew quickly adjusted the set according to Xu Shishi’s instructions, getting the actors in position to start filming.

This bedroom scene actually depicted the moment when Du Minyan and He Wan’s lives started to fall apart after their first argument and kiss. Their lives became awkward, and at the same time, Du Minyan encountered a new pursuer. When the pursuer was dropping her off at home, He Wan caught them together.

During the pursuit, Du Minyan gradually discovered her true feelings. In the process of mutual dependence with He Wan, her once desolate soul found healing. She was deeply moved by He Wan’s warmth.

At the same time, He Wan began to pick herself up and, together with Du Minyan, reported and resolved the previous affair. She also found a suitable job for herself.

Seeing Du Minyan having a pursuer and witnessing her life improving, He Wan started to suggest leaving. On the night of their separation, the once fallen girl bid farewell to her benefactor and Du Minyan, who gradually understood what she needed, took a step towards her.

“Can you give me a hug?”

Du Minyan approached, looking at the woman she had saved and taken care of for half a year, and softly pleaded. He Wan’s face instantly showed a bewildered expression. She stood still, not moving, while Du Minyan stepped forward and embraced her.

They didn’t speak. Du Minyan held her, expressing gratitude to He Wan. She thanked her for the meals she cooked every day, for keeping the house clean and tidy, and for bringing warmth to her through this steel forest.

They poured out their hearts to each other and shared a kiss, finding reconciliation in their intimacy.

This was a bedroom scene completed with tears. Xiao Nian, who portrayed Du Minyan, found a hint of vulnerability in He Wan, Zuo Jingyou’s character, as she saw her.

He Wan also loved Du Minyan, but due to her own identity, she never managed to cross the line of societal self-doubt. It was only when Du Minyan gave her a hug that she was willing to acknowledge her true feelings.

As she believed that the person who sought her embrace and help was merely bestowing a small act of grace, she didn’t realize that the other person also wanted to receive a pure embrace from her.

In this bustling city, they embraced each other, seeking solace.

This time, Xiao Nian, unusually, couldn’t get into character. When she saw the perplexed and uneasy gaze of the young Zuo Jingyou beneath her, she saw her younger self as well.

That fragile… self who hoped for someone else to come and save her. Even someone like her would have others yearning for the warmth she possessed. But in the end, she was stingy in giving.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

As the most crucial part of the scene unfolded, Xiao Nian, stripped of Du Minyan’s identity, looked at her youthful “self” underneath her and cried uncontrollably for the first time.

I’m sorry… I’m sorry… You also just wanted a hug.

Her sudden tears caused Zuo Jingyou to detach herself from the scene. Zuo Jingyou raised her gaze and looked at Xiao Nian, who was crying on top of her like a child, and a sense of realization seemed to dawn upon her.

Zuo Jingyou sighed, got up, straightened her clothes, and patted Xiao Nian’s shoulder, offering silent comfort.

She suddenly remembered that night when Yin Bai silently shed tears on the ground. She thought to herself, “If you choose this path, there will be consequences.”

Whether it’s here or there.

Fortunately, in the rest of their lives, they will no longer cross paths.

LP: I’m finally back! Thank you all for your patience. As always, I’m striving for daily updates, maybe not updating on sunday sometimes. Update time is 5AM (UTC+8).


  1. Knucklebones, also known as scatter jacks, snobs, astragaloi (singular: astragalus), tali, dibs, fivestones, jacks, or jackstones, among many other names, is a game of dexterity played with a number of small objects that are thrown up, caught, and manipulated in various manners. It is ancient in origin and is found in various cultures worldwide. (Directly pulled from wiki)