After Being Scummed – Chapter 49

If it’s suitable, I can give it a try

Yin Bai lay on the bed, placed her cell phone next to her ear, and tried to suppress the urge to cry, forcing all her attention on Zuo Jingyou.

Zuo Jingyou had a very pleasant voice, like the gentle flow of water in a deep mountain valley, clear and captivating.

Zuo Jingyou’s acting skills were excellent, and when she said, “Romeo, oh, Romeo! Why must you be Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name. Or, if you won’t do that, just swear to be my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet.”

Yin Bai began to envision a young and innocent Zuo Jingyou in her mind. She stood on a high balcony, bathed in moonlight, looking down at her newfound love.

Her ardent and pure emotions were so full that they couldn’t help but move one to tears for the lively love of this young girl.

However, when Zuo Jingyou spoke with Romeo’s tone, saying, “With the wings of love, I fly over the garden wall, for the barriers of bricks and stones cannot obstruct love. Love will attempt anything within its power, so I am not afraid of the interference of your family.”

In Yin Bai’s mind, the image of Zuo Jingyou in medieval knight attire appeared again. She carried a sword at her waist, and, under the dim moonlight, fearlessly overcame difficulties and obstacles to climb the high platform to meet her young lover.

This version of Zuo Jingyou, full of deep affection and romantic charm, made one feel that she was the Romeo who was born for love and willing to die for it.

Yin Bai listened to Zuo Jingyou’s voice, and in her mind, various images of Zuo Jingyou in different outfits kept emerging. Excessive pain was corroding Yin Bai’s brain, gradually pulling her into the vast darkness of the afterlife.

Her consciousness plunged into darkness, but Zuo Jingyou’s voice tugged at her nerves, allowing her to float on the edge of consciousness, in a state between life and the named “living.”

Straddling the edge between pain and solace, Yin Bai quickly fell into a half-dream, half-awake state, cradling a beautiful vision as she drifted into a deep sleep.

After Zuo Jingyou read several long passages to her, when they arrived at the airport, Zuo Jingyou realized that Yin Bai hadn’t responded to her messages for quite some time.

Zuo Jingyou guessed that she must have fallen asleep due to the pain and couldn’t help but softly call out to her, almost whispering, “Yin Bai…”

“Yin Bai…”

These were a few very gentle calls, but the already sleeping Yin Bai didn’t hear them. Zuo Jingyou waited for a while, and when no response came, she sighed softly and said, “Sweet dreams, Yin Bai.”

Zuo Jingyou hung up the phone, took her phone, and got out of the car, heading to the airport. While waiting to board, Zuo Jingyou, feeling bored, decided to reread the entire script.

The things Zuo Jingyou learned during her university years were not closely related to filmmaking, but she had a strong passion for drama. So, during her college years, she joined the drama club.

In her sophomore year, she and her classmates performed “Romeo and Juliet” at the New Year’s Eve party. It was during this time that she met He Zhiwen.

Their first encounter was at the backstage entrance.

He Zhiwen, a few years older than her, was wearing a well-made white shirt and a gray-blue coat, holding a camera at the entrance and looking at her, saying, “You’re the freshman who just performed as Juliet, right? Your acting was exceptionally good~”

He Zhiwen, holding the camera, grinned at her, looking very sunny and handsome. “I work in filmmaking, and I have a great story. Would you like to give it a try?”

After saying that, He Zhiwen handed a business card to Zuo Jingyou. His beautiful peach blossom eyes were full of smiles. “I think you’re someone with a fascinating story. It’s in your eyes, your voice, your gestures; you’re naturally suited to appear on the big screen.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“How about giving it a try and collaborating with me to tell a more heartwarming story?”

In that year, Zuo Jingyou was barely twenty years old. She looked at the sincere and youthful guy in front of her, took his business card, and accepted his invitation.

Deep down, He Zhiwen was a romantic at heart, believing that love is fleeting and brilliant, and death is romantic. Everything was a dazzling romance.

Without romance, he would rather die.

A young Zuo Jingyou was enticed and couldn’t help but become infatuated with this young man. In such an ambiguous and hazy backdrop, two young filmmakers from humble beginnings ultimately relied on a fervent love for their craft, as well as an unwavering commitment to romance, to break through.

The first film she collaborated on with He Zhiwen was also his directorial debut. In that year, she received several industry awards for “Best Newcomer,” and He Zhiwen’s film also won a major award, along with several “Best New Director” awards.

Between her and He Zhiwen, there was never one person lifting the other.

Without He Zhiwen, she would still won awards, and without her, he could still make great films.

However, when they worked together, they always shone together, mutually achieving greatness.

He Zhiwen often said that she was his muse, the source of all his romance.

But in Zuo Jingyou’s view, his romance didn’t come from her, nor would it end because of her, so in the end, they parted ways.

Love… it’s just that romantic until the end, a brief yet splendid thing. It makes people feel sweet and also causes pain, like sugar-coated poppy seeds, irresistible. It’s like a cupcake with extra icing, the sweeter it is, the more deadly.

Yet, even so, Zuo Jingyou still looked forward to the arrival of the next beautiful thing.

After all, life is short, why not give it a try?

While there is a possibility of pain, there’s also the potential to reap countless beautiful moments.

Moreover, the person she met this time is such a wonderful individual. Since she has already met her, how can she deceive her heart into stopping its beat?

Yin Bai had been suffering from oral pain for several days, and during this time, she could only consume liquid food. Every day, she struggled to eat using a straw, making her increasingly irritable.

Fortunately, during these days, Zuo Jingyou saw her distress and devoted much of her energy to her. Every night, she used various methods to comfort her and put her to sleep. Yin Bai felt happy with her efforts, so she stopped worrying about the upcoming appointment she had with someone else next month.

One day, while Zuo Jingyou was singing to lull Yin Bai to sleep, Yin Bai, who could already speak, comfortably turned on the bed and lay on her back, touching her belly with a deep sense of emotion, and said, “Teacher Zuo, if you were bisexual, you would definitely be the type of sister that the gays loves.”

“Your singing is so beautiful, and you’re just so gentle.”

On the other end of the phone, Zuo Jingyou remained silent for a while with her arms crossed before softly saying, “I don’t think I ever said that I’m not.”

Yin Bai’s hand, which had been touching her belly, stopped suddenly. She turned over and lay on the bed, exclaiming in surprise, “Is that so? Have you ever dated a girl before getting married?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Zuo Jingyou shook her head and said somewhat helplessly, “No, I only dated one person and then got married.”

Yin Bai sighed, “You’re so beautiful, how could you have only dated one person and then got married? If you look good, you should date a few more men and women!”

Zuo Jingyou raised an eyebrow and chuckled, “What kind of twisted logic is that? Should good-looking people date more people? Why don’t you date then?”

Yin Bai hesitated and replied, “Well, my situation is a bit special, you know?”

Zuo Jingyou asked her, “What special situation are you talking about?”

Yin Bai tugged at her pillow and said in a muffled tone, “I’m disabled, can’t even stand properly, can’t hold or carry others, there are so many things I can’t do. How can I fulfill a normal person’s fantasies of a partner?”

Well, people tend to daydream in most situations.

Zuo Jingyou chuckled softly and said gently, “Why should it be you doing those things? Can’t you find someone who can hold and carry you, take you to play, and do everything you fantasize about?”

Yin Bai thought for a moment and said somewhat resignedly, “I’d like to, but the problem is I’m quite tall, and anyone who can carry me needs to be at least 175 cm or taller.”

“There are tall girls with good figures too, but they have plenty of choices. Why would they want to pick someone like me, a disabled person, and even want to princess-carry me?”

Zuo Jingyou pursed her lips and smiled, sighing, “Well, that’s a shame. I don’t meet your height criteria, or else I could give it a try and hold you.”

Yin Bai was suddenly stunned, and at that moment, she felt her heart skip a beat.

Huh? What does Zuo Jingyou mean by saying this?

Yin Bai didn’t say anything for a moment, and Zuo Jingyou continued, seemingly talking to herself, “After all, I work out regularly, so it shouldn’t be a problem to fulfill your wish to be princess-carried.”

Fulfill her wish? Is this what friendship between best friends is all about?

Yin Bai pursed her lips, then raised her hand to rub her face after a while, somewhat embarrassed as she said, “Then you can work out more… maybe you could try… I think I’m quite light.”

Zuo Jingyou nodded in agreement, “Yeah, you’re quite petite. You should eat a bit more.”

Zuo Jingyou thought for a moment and added, “But I do somewhat agree with what you said. I look so good, I should date a few more times. Marriage isn’t necessary, I can try dating… after all, when it comes to having children… I only need one from Tong Tong.”

Dating? Why is she bringing this up? Is her good friend about to start a new relationship? That Senior Sister? It can’t be, can it?

The more Yin Bai thought about it, the more she found it strange. She felt like she had just gotten her teeth sorted out, and now she might be in pain again.

Despite her thoughts, Yin Bai suppressed her emotions and pretended to be cheerful, clapping her hands and saying, “That’s really great. Tong Tong won’t have to worry about having a stepdad or stepmom or little brothers and sisters.”

Zuo Jingyou smiled, her eyes curving, and she teased, “You don’t have to worry about having another little friend, do you?”

Yin Bai tilted her head and chuckled somewhat embarrassedly, “Well, this is true… I can be friends with kids, but it doesn’t mean I can be friends with babies. Moreover…” If Zuo Jingyou got remarried, she felt like she might genuinely lose her friend.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Thinking of this, Yin Bai clenched her hand and asked, feeling anxious and uneasy, “You’ve mentioned the topic of love twice today. Do you have a new relationship recently?”

Zuo Jingyou curved her lips and chuckled softly, saying, “No, not at all.”

Yin Bai’s heart sank heavily back to its place, and she breathed a sigh of relief, hastily saying, “Oh… that’s good.”

Zuo Jingyou raised her eyebrows, her eyes containing a hint of mysterious gleam. After biting her lip for a moment, she said, “But I was thinking, if I meet the right person, I might consider starting a new relationship.”

Yin Bai widened her eyes and felt like her heart had been lifted high, left hanging in the air without support, swaying dangerously, full of anxiety.

Who is it! Who is it!

Who made her friend feel like she wants to be in a relationship?!

Yin Bai clenched her fist and thought she definitely had to find out who the jerk was trying to take her friend away!

LP: I think I remember someone commenting that Zuo Jingyou would be the first to realize her feelings. Whoever it is, you are correct! ♡( ◡‿◡ )