After Being Scummed – Chapter 19

We are friends now!

Upon hearing Yin Bai’s words, Zuo Jingyou furrowed her brow in some difficulty, hesitating for a moment before saying, “But Little Prince, I don’t have paper or a pen right now, so I can’t draw a little lamb for you, can I?”

Zuo Jingyou reached out and picked up the glass of wine on the table, smiling at Yin Bai, then said, “How about this, after I go back, I’ll draw a lamb for you, okay?”

Perhaps it was a case of reciprocity, but Yin Bai found Zuo Jingyou’s smile at this moment to be particularly enchanting. She raised the wine glass to her lips, took a sip, and reluctantly said, “Alright.”

Perhaps it was because Zuo Jingyou had called her “Little Prince” twice, but at this moment, Yin Bai felt a bit embarrassed. She held the wine glass, looked at Zuo Jingyou, then glanced at the hot air balloon flying towards the sky outside the pavilion. Her gaze wandered for a while before finally settling back on Zuo Jingyou. “Then you must remember to draw the lamb for me.”

Zuo Jingyou chuckled, “Of course, I promised you, didn’t I?” She never went back on her promises.

In contrast, due to losing her parents at a young age, even though her grandmother indulged her childish innocence, she also wholeheartedly cultivated her ability to deal with danger.

This meant that Yin Bai possessed the capability to survive in the mundane world on her own.

Someone who learned to survive too early had to use a cold mask to conceal their true nature in order to protect their remaining innocence and naivety, resulting in her rejecting many interpersonal relationships.

In her desolate social circle, Xiao Nian was an exceptionally unique presence for Yin Bai. It was the first time Yin Bai had actively sought to get closer to someone.

Xiao Nian was too vividly beautiful, like a light, drawing Yin Bai towards her. As if drawn to a flame, in the end, everything turned into a tragedy.

Nevertheless, Yin Bai was very grateful to Xiao Nian.

At the very least, her interactions with Xiao Nian marked the beginning of positive interpersonal relationships for her. Slowly, she emerged from her own social isolation, following the path laid out by Xiao Nian, and established relationships with people like Jin Xiangyu and Zhang Yu. So, after Xiao Nian left, she didn’t find herself facing a desolate world once again.

It was Xiao Nian who had introduced her to the human world.

However, Yin Bai had never imagined that in this world, apart from children, there could also be people like Zuo Jingyou.

Yin Bai felt that she should be a mature “adult.” Now, it seemed that Zuo Jingyou was indeed the mature “adult,” the kind who could accommodate a lot. She was the kind of adult who wouldn’t mistake a python for a hat, whose conversations were filled with banknotes, golf, and political trends.

In Zuo Jingyou’s heart, there was something similar to Yin Bai.

There was the Little Prince, there were stars, there was the primeval forest, and there was also the giant python.

Indeed, the person who could teach a child like Tong Tong so interestingly must also be a very fascinating individual. This unexpected discovery genuinely delighted Yin Bai.

Yin Bai’s transformation was so evident, and the sincerity in her eyes made Zuo Jingyou feel very comfortable. Leaning one hand on the table, supporting her chin, she smiled at Yin Bai, saying, “I’ve actually always wanted to be friends with Director Yin, but I was afraid you might not find me interesting enough.”

From their few previous brief encounters, Zuo Jingyou had discovered that Yin Bai was a rare individual with a clear and pure mind. Especially during their awkward meeting at the hospital, she sensed a kind of considerate goodwill in Yin Bai that fell somewhere between being a child and an adult.

It was precisely this goodwill that made her never discourage the children in her family from interacting with Yin Bai. She even thought that if there was a chance, perhaps she could become friends with Yin Bai herself.

Yin Bai raised her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and said somewhat embarrassedly, “It’s not too late now. Fate is such that it arrives when it’s most opportune.”

Yin Bai straightened her posture and looked at Zuo Jingyou earnestly, saying, “By the way, since we’re friends, there’s no need to be so formal. You can call me by my name.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Exchanging names was the beginning of their friendship.

Zuo Jingyou pondered for a moment, her lips slightly parted, and she said softly, “Then… Teacher Yin Bai?” After all, Yin Bai’s name consisted of only two characters, and it felt a bit awkward to say aloud. Besides, she was indeed teaching her own daughter, so addressing her as “teacher” seemed more appropriate.

Yin Bai was momentarily taken aback but soon responded with a cheerful smile, saying, “Sure thing, Teacher Zuo Jingyou.”

Zuo Jingyou lifted her gaze, meeting Yin Bai’s eyes. She gazed at Yin Bai’s bright, sparkling gray-blue eyes and couldn’t help but smile. When she smiled, Yin Bai joined in.

The two of them exchanged knowing glances and shared a laugh before delving into some less important topics.

Starting from “The Little Prince,” their conversation drifted to the fairy tales of Oscar Wilde, inevitably touching on Wilde’s life and works, and eventually discussing related movies.

Yin Bai had to admit that the A-list celebrities and actors in the entertainment industry, aside from their talent, also possessed excellent emotional intelligence and communication skills to reach the top tier.

Just like Xiao Nian, who could patiently indulge the somewhat awkward Yin Bai in her early twenties, fulfilling all her fantasies and requests, facing her.

And the present Zuo Jingyou was also skilled in conversation, talking to her was refreshing, and it even made Yin Bai feel like they had met too late, giving her a sense of having found a kindred spirit.

The two of them chatted for quite a while, during which Zuo Jingyou abandoned the group of people she had come to meet. Eventually, it was Yin Bai who felt thirsty, and they both walked out of the pavilion together.

The wedding was scheduled for four o’clock in the afternoon, and it was currently the early afternoon, but Yin Bai was already hungry.

Leaning on her cane, she returned to the crowd with Zuo Jingyou, and they grabbed a cup of plain water and a piece of cake from a passing waiter’s tray and leisurely began to eat.

However, as soon as the cake entered her mouth, Yin Bai frowned. Seeing her reaction, Zuo Jingyou, who was holding a fruit tray nearby, quickly asked, “What’s wrong?”

Yin Bai licked the cream from the corner of her mouth, put her hand to her lips, and whispered to Zuo Jingyou, “The cake here doesn’t taste good.”

Yin Bai paused for a moment, then added with all seriousness, “It’s not as delicious as that one you made.”

Zuo Jingyou was momentarily surprised, then chuckled softly. She lowered her gaze, her eyes glistening with a subtle light, and said with a faint smile, “Then you don’t have to eat it anymore. Have some fruit to settle your stomach.”

“Of course, you can also try other desserts.”


Yin Bai nodded and followed Zuo Jingyou as they selected their desired items from the passing food cart.

The two of them stood side by side, drawing the attention of many in the room.

After all, one was a highly-ranked big-screen actress, and the other was a well-known figure in the entertainment industry for her spending habits. For various reasons, many people naturally wanted to strike up a conversation.

However, it seemed like neither of them had the desire to talk to others, which made numerous people give up their attempts.

But in this group of people, there were always a few courageous souls. Right at the moment when Zuo Jingyou was helping Yin Bai with her dessert selection, an acquaintance who wasn’t very familiar approached and said, “Teacher Zuo, long time no see.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The two people, pretending to casually sip on their fruit juices while actually searching for desserts, both lifted their heads simultaneously upon hearing the voice of the newcomer.

The newcomer was dressed in a cream-colored knitted long dress, with a matching cashmere coat. Her long hair was elegantly tied up, and her slender figure gave off an exceptionally graceful and handsome appearance.

Yin Bai gazed at her face, which exuded an exquisite Eastern classical beauty, and her heart skipped a beat.

What luck was this? Meeting Lu Qing in such an event. She lost her appetite for the small cakes!

Yin Bai’s mood instantly soured, and she withdrew her hand that was reaching for the food cart. Her gaze began to wander around, pondering how she could gracefully exit the situation without causing awkwardness.

Standing beside Yin Bai, Zuo Jingyou was equally surprised upon seeing Lu Qing. She straightened her posture and put on a professional smile, saying, “Long time no see, Director Lu.”

She blinked, somewhat puzzled, and asked, “Is there something you need?”

Lu Qing, who was typically quite straightforward, glanced at Yin Bai from the corner of her eye and then returned her gaze, getting straight to the point, “Well, I had reached out to your studio a while back, Teacher Zuo, to inquire about your availability. However, it’s been two weeks, and I haven’t received a response. So when I ran into Teacher Zuo today, I couldn’t help but come and ask.”

Yin Bai, standing nearby, furrowed her brow upon hearing this. What was going on? Was Lu Qing looking to collaborate with Zuo Jingyou? Didn’t she know that Xiao Nian and Zuo Jingyou were not on good terms?

What if Xiao Nian got upset about this?

Zuo Jingyou looked at Lu Qing and vaguely recalled that there might have been such an incident. She wore a apologetic expression and said, “I’m sorry, I’ve been quite busy lately and forgot about it. Is your film scheduled to start shooting next year? That’s truly unfortunate. I’ve already planned my schedule for next year, and I simply can’t free up any time.”

Next year, she needed to edit her directorial debut, arrange the film’s release, and prepare her graduation thesis, among other things—she was swamped.

Zuo Jingyou showed a helpless expression and continued, “I did read your script, Director Lu, and I was genuinely interested. But our schedules don’t align, so all I can do is express my regret…”

Before Zuo Jingyou could finish her sentence, Lu Qing pressed her lips together and spoke firmly, “It’s alright, Teacher Zuo. I’m glad you’re interested. I can wait for your availability. If it’s not possible next year, it can be the year after.”

After a moment of contemplation, Lu Qing said with great seriousness, “Teacher Zuo, please don’t rush to reject me. Let’s find a time to discuss this further. Please give me another chance; I believe we can have a perfect collaboration.”

Yin Bai, standing on the side, couldn’t help but feel that this situation was making her cringe.

She was getting goosebumps from Lu Qing’s somewhat cheesy dialogue. Goodness, were all these arthouse film directors so cheesy when they talked? Could it be that Xiao Nian liked her because of her cheesy way of speaking?

This was quite unexpected!

Zuo Jingyou, on the other hand, didn’t firmly reject the offer. She simply nodded and said, “Alright, Director Lu, let’s arrange a time to talk further.” After all, this wasn’t the most suitable occasion to outright decline someone.

Lu Qing smiled and replied, “Great, I’ll get in touch with your assistant later to schedule a time when you’re available, Teacher Zuo.”

After Lu Qing finished her conversation with Zuo Jingyou, she suddenly turned her gaze toward Yin Bai and said earnestly, “Since Ms. Yin is here too, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you as well.”

Taken aback by being called upon, Yin Bai put away her cane, which she was about to use to move aside, and turned to face Lu Qing with a smile. She innocently asked, “What is it? Are you looking for my investment in your new film?”

No way, could it be that Lu Qing had gone bankrupt and needed her, a former rival, to invest in her film?

This didn’t sound good at all. Would Xiao Nian have to support her in the future?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Wow, what a shameless little white-faced person!

Yin Bai, with her hand resting on her cane, had numerous chaotic thoughts racing through her mind at that moment.

Lu Qing, with a slight smile, straightened her posture and looked directly at Yin Bai as she spoke, “No, it’s not that. Xiao Nian and I are getting married in February next year. Since Xiao Nian has received significant help from Ms. Yin before, I came here personally to invite you to our wedding.”

“You will definitely grace us with your presence, won’t you?”

In that instant, Yin Bai, clutching her cane, felt her whole body trembling with anger.

Shameless! Way too shameless! This was too much! Her fists were clenching so hard!

The author has something to say:

So angry, so angry!

But Little Ms. Yin Bai is a respectable person and wouldn’t do anything inappropriate.