Hey, everyone! I have both auto ads and manual ads running on the site. Please take a moment to comment below if you find them too overwhelming or if they affect your reading experience negatively. Your feedback is much appreciated!

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Its so annoying


Blocked because of ad blocker poster stuff is so annoying I swear


Cant even finish my typing


The poster “blocked because of ad blocker” is so annoying


This stuff is so annoying


I badly want to read all your novels


I need to type faster to send this so that poster cant catch me


Please I want to read all your novels🤧


Really???🤧 Thank you so much😍 I will be always staying here in this website at this point cause I badly want to read all your novels. I will be your patron from now on.
I’ve been on bad mood since last november haha cause I really wanna read “For the rest of our life” but my speed cant win against the pop up “blocked because of ad blocker” 🤧
I tried all the ways just to enter in this website without that pop up but I just can’t.


Thank you again and thank you also for your hard work💪
You make us book worm’s happy🥺


I tinkered all my phone settings but it wont go away


First of all, I’d like to thank you for finding and translating these stories. I really appreciate that we readers get access your great translations for free (even at the cost of having ads).
My only complaint would be that the ads change in placement and/or size (at least on my phone), so if I scroll as I’m reading, the text will often move up and down according to the ads and I’ll have trouble finding the part I’ve read, thus forcing me to re-read several times and breaking my flow. Ads should at least be in a designated spot and a set size – maybe even in a text box so the appearance of the ad won’t affect the reading experience too much.


There’s a new type of ad that is making it necessary to post – you have an ad running that is one of those “hot single in your area” kind of thing, and on mobile it takes up the entire screen without any place to close it. I ended up just turning on reader mode.

While I’m complaining, the auto-redirects to displayvertising are deeply annoying.

Anyways, I do really appreciate the translations, but this is just too much.


Thank you very much! I really do love the translations, they’re some of my favourites 🙂