Peerless Beauty – Chapter 42


Reported by a student

Entering the pavilion in the middle of the lake, Jian Qing held a ginkgo leaf and said, “You speak.”

Lu Yinxi propped her hands on the railing, reminiscing about waking up at 5 a.m. every day back then, practicing lines by the lake, and smiled—smiled, indeed showing off: “Let me give you a classic tongue-twister from the internet, which was also the easiest one for me to make mistakes with during morning practice—‘Grandma Liu buys durian milk for Grandma Niu, Grandma Niu takes durian milk to Grandma Liu, Grandma Liu says Grandma Niu’s durian milk is not as good as Grandma Liu’s durian milk…’”

She said it in one breath, with clear enunciation and no pauses.

Jian Qing listened attentively, and after finishing, clapped expressionlessly to give her applause.

Lu Yinxi exhaled, took a moment’s rest, and said, “Pay up, two hundred.”

Jian Qing’s expression softened: “Hugging you—one hundred, and you charge two hundred for saying a tongue-twister?”

Lu Yinxi said, “Hugging is mutual; you hug me, and I hug you. Performance is one-way; only I put in the effort.”

Persuaded by this reason, Jian Qing transferred two hundred to her and asked, “Is this how actors practice their lines?”

“Hmm.” Lu Yinxi nodded, “The basics of line delivery are breath, voice, and enunciation. Clear pronunciation is a basic requirement. I am from the south, and used to have some difficulty distinguishing between n and l. My teacher had me practice Liu Laolao’s tongue-twister. Each syllable’s pronunciation has a corresponding tongue-twister exercise, like b and p, which is ‘eight hundred specimens rush to the north slope.’ Once the basics are solid, you practice character, emotion, and intent. At this point, what you recite is not a tongue-twister, but prose, novels, poetry, or fables. Speaking of pronunciation issues, there is actually one more thing to mention, which my grandmother told me.”

“Go ahead and tell me.”

Lu Yinxi looked at the ginkgo leaf in Jian Qing’s hand and said with a smile, “Guess how my name came about?”

“Wasn’t it from the line ‘The forest is empty, and the deer drinks from the stream’?”

“Not originally. When I was born, my mother’s mother came to the city from the countryside to take care of me. My grandmother really liked ginkgo trees and initially wanted to name me Ginkgo. She came from the countryside and her Mandarin wasn’t very good. When she brought me to register my birth, the police officer, being a cultured person, saw that my dad was named Lu Ming, and thought of the ‘Lu Ming’ from the line ‘Ode to the Deer’—the ‘Ode to the Deer’ that goes ‘The deer call out, eating wild apples.’ Following this naming method, he heard ‘Ginkgo’ as ‘Yinxi.’ So, the origin became ‘The forest is empty, and the deer drinks from the stream,’ which immediately sounded more elegant.”

Jian Qing played with the ginkgo leaf in her hand, smiled slightly, abandoned the thought of casually discarding the leaf, took out a tissue to wipe it, and after cleaning it, put it into her pocket.

Lu Yinxi rubbed her nose and continued softly, “I told you this story so that in the future, when you see a ginkgo tree, you’ll think of more than just the tree.”

Jian Qing asked knowingly, “So what will I think of?”

Naturally, you’ll think of me.

Lu Yinxi did not say this out loud. Her cheeks flushed slightly, and she pretended to be serious, explaining, “It’s like in ancient poetry… expressing feelings through the scenery, where feelings arise from the scenery.”

Jian Qing was about to say something more when several classmates came from afar, chatting and laughing.

Lu Yinxi saw them too and said, “Looking at the flutes, xiaos, and hulusi they’re holding, they must be from the vocal music club, right? Let’s go. Let’s give them space to practice. You take me to get something to eat.”

The old campus is large, with mostly second-year students. You can still make friends in various clubs and fully enjoy youth. By the time you reach the third, fourth, and fifth years, you’ll have to move to the new campus in the city. While studying and attending classes, you’ll also be doing clinical observation and internships, leaving less time for leisure activities.

The sky had darkened, and the campus lights had come on.

Walking through a grove of trees and seeing the vague shadows of the trees, faintly hearing the laughter of male and female students.

Lu Yinxi smiled and said, “This must be a popular dating spot for the students of your school.”

Jian Qing showed some disdain, “And there are so many mosquitoes.”

Lu Yinxi poked her shoulder and said, “Hey, honestly, when you were studying here before, did you ever come here with someone else?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Jian Qing turned her head away and said, “No.”

The places she often visited while studying—Ginkgo Road and the pavilion in the middle of the lake—she had already shown Lu Yinxi.

The teaching buildings along the way were almost all brightly lit, with some classes having evening lessons and some students attending evening self-study.

Jian Qing said, “Next month, I will also have evening classes, elective courses.”

Lu Yinxi made a sound of acknowledgment and said, “Then I’ll come and listen later. What will it be about?”

Elective courses in the medical school are divided into medical and humanities categories. Hospital doctors need to report the course names and content to the academic affairs office by the end of the semester, and the academic affairs office allows students to sign up on their own.

Each year, the most popular courses are those related to sex education, followed by medical courses like 《Experimental Zoology》” and 《Advances and Evaluation of New Drugs》. Humanities courses, such as 《Song Dynasty Poetry and Yuan Dynasty Songs》 and 《Medical Aesthetics》, often face the embarrassment of having fewer than 20 registrants and are at risk of being canceled.

Jian Qing was silent for a moment before saying, “《Appreciation of Ancient Poetry》.”

In previous years, she had signed up for medical courses like 《Overview of Clinical Trials》 and 《Domestic and International Research Progress on Lung Cancer》. This year, by some twist of fate, she signed up for a humanities course.

Lu Yinxi was stunned for half a second, then chuckled, thinking to herself that you really aren’t afraid of misleading others.

Jian Qing heard the laughter and asked coldly, “What are you laughing at?”

Lu Yinxi immediately stifled her laughter, took a deep breath, calmed her smile, and said, “Send me the course schedule. I will definitely come, come rain or shine—how many students have signed up?”

“150,” Jian Qing said as usual, pausing for a moment before adding, “It’s full.”

Lu Yinxi silently laughed to herself, thinking that the students signing up in full were not just interested in the course but clearly in you.

“Returning to the school, it feels like I’ve become younger,” she said, spreading her arms, spinning around. Her gaze caught a small white building, and she pointed to it, asking, “Is that building without lights the anatomy building?”

The anatomy building is generally only open in the evenings during finals for students to review and practice; otherwise, it is only open during the day for classes.

Jian Qing nodded, “Yes, do you want to go inside and take a look?”

“Who would want to visit that kind of place at night?”

Instead of inviting her to enjoy flowers, moonlight, or mountains and waters, she’s inviting her to the anatomy building to see the cadavers…

Lu Yinxi smiled for a moment and then said, “However, you can take me to see your school’s Life Sciences Museum.”

Every medical school has its own Life Sciences Museum, displaying various human specimens.

Jian Qing agreed, “It’s next to the Bioinformatics Institute, and it’s not open in the evenings. I’ll take you next time.”

They walked slowly, chatting and laughing, and reached the school gate. Lu Yinxi suddenly turned around and looked at the teaching building of the medical school.

Jian Qing had lived here, attended classes in the classrooms, walked alone under the street lamps, recited quietly by the lake, and stayed up all night in the study room to review until dawn. Every flower and tree here had witnessed her youthful student days.

Now, she takes her to show the scenery she once saw.

Lu Yinxi suddenly realized at this moment that she seemed to be slowly stepping into Jian Qing’s world.

The iceberg had cracked open a crevice, and she walked in, glimpsing a corner of the world.

Jian Qing touched the back of Lu Yinxi’s hand and said, “I’ll take you to Student Street.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Student Street is just a hundred meters away. It features a food area with a dozen or twenty small stalls, selling spicy chicken noodles from Guizhou, Sichuan’s boiled fish slices, Guangdong’s rice rolls, Beijing’s roast duck, Xinjiang’s baked naan… A collection of delicacies from all over the country is gathered here.

Lu Yinxi smelled the aroma of the food, browsing one stall after another. Finally, she tugged at Jian Qing’s sleeve and asked, “When you were studying, which stall did you like to eat at the most?”

Jian Qing took her to the Guizhou Spicy Chicken Noodles stall and, with practiced ease, placed an order: “Boss, two servings of spicy chicken noodles, one regular and one with less salt, add green onions and cilantro.”

The stall owner’s wife recognized her and greeted with a smile, “Professor Jian, you’re here again?”

Jian Qing said, “I’m not a professor yet.”

Doctors at teaching hospitals usually have two titles: one for the teaching and research system and one for the clinical system. The teaching and research title is often evaluated later, so sometimes even directors may still be associate professors when they retire.

The stall owner’s wife didn’t care about these details; as long as it was a teacher from the school, she called them all “Professor”: “Professor, are you treating your student to noodles?”

Jian Qing nodded, and Lu Yinxi smiled and greeted the stall owner’s wife. Then she pinched the palm of Jian Qing’s hand and whispered in her ear, “Who is your student? I’ll go to the library later and borrow a book on 《Ethics》 to show you!”

Jian Qing said seriously, “Why not help me borrow some books on poetry appreciation? My course materials aren’t ready yet.”

Lu Yinxi snorted lightly, ignoring her, and watched the stall owner’s wife prepare the noodles and mix the ingredients, asking questions and learning secretly.

If she learned how to make it, she could cook it for Jian Qing at home.

The campus of the new school district still exists like an ivory tower, where students have not yet been exposed to clinical practice or witnessed life and death, and still have time to play the xiao and flute, and enjoy the wind, flowers, snow, and moon.

In the old school district’s medical school, undergraduates gradually enter clinical practice and begin to confront the darker side of society. Here, it is no longer an ivory tower but a clearly hierarchical white giant tower.

After the start of the semester, the medical education department routinely conducts a large ward round across the hospital.

They are not checking on patients but on students and the teaching doctors in the teaching and research departments.

The medical education department, with much hustle and bustle, arrived at Tumor Area Two, bypassed the teaching doctors, and called the fifth-year interns into the teaching and research office for a heart-to-heart talk. Before the interns left the office, Zhang Yue tugged at their sleeves and shouted, “Brother has not wronged you, has he? You must say something good about Brother Zhang!”

The intern laughed and said, “Rest assured! Just for the milk Brother Zhang gave me this morning, I’ll praise you to the skies and make sure you’re rated as an outstanding teacher this year!”

After a while, Jian Qing walked by, saw Zhang Yue writing medical records, and casually asked, “Not mistreating the students, are you?”

Zhang Yue clicked his tongue and said, “Sister, am I that kind of person? I am diligently nurturing the country’s flowers, making each one of them grow more robust!”

Jian Qing opened the drawer, gave Zhang Yue a glance, and asked, “The milk I left here, which student did you use it to nurture?”

Zhang Yue replied, “The Wangzai milk? Xiaolu took it away and drank it, it definitely wasn’t me!”

Just then, a student from the conversation came back, excitedly running over to ask for praise: “Brother! I praised you extravagantly! I specially highlighted how I didn’t have breakfast this morning, and you gave me your only bottle of Wangzai milk! The teachers were very moved and want to personally commend you. They also want you to write an article to submit to the publicity department to promote this kind of gardener spirit within the hospital!”

Jian Qing tapped her fingers on the table, glanced at the student, and then at Zhang Yue: “Does he also have the surname Lu?”

Zhang Yue’s expression froze for a moment, then immediately opened his wallet, took out a hundred-yuan red note, and handed it to the student: “Sister, it was all a misunderstanding! Apprentice, go to the grocery store on the first floor and buy a box of Wangzai milk!”

Lu Yinxi helped Jian Qing run errands and bring back documents. Jian Qing stuffed a box of Wangzai milk into her pocket.

Lu Yinxi took it out and touched it. Jian Qing tilted her chin and pointed to the corner of the office, saying: “I bought you a box.”

Zhang Yue, who was engrossed in writing medical records, heard the word “I,” turned around, and before he could speak, Jian Qing’s glance swept over him. He turned back around and continued writing the medical records.

Lu Yinxi smiled, took out a few bottles to distribute to the people in the office. When it came to Zhang Yue, Jian Qing said: “He can’t drink it. If he does, he will have a stomachache.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Zhang Yue, who was about to take the milk with a full smile, withdrew his hand: “Ah… yes! I, Zhang, don’t like drinking it. Xiaolu, keep it for yourself.”

During the conversation, Director Yan from the Medical Education Department walked in with a serious face and asked: “Is Doctor Gong in the ward?”

Doctor Gong is from the neighboring Digestive System team.

Zhang Yue stood up and answered: “Director, he went to the Medical Affairs Department and hasn’t returned yet.”

Director Yan, with his hands behind his back, said: “When he returns, have him call the Medical Education Department!”

Saying this, he left, and a large group of people moved on to the next ward for their rounds.

Lu Yinxi took a sip of milk and asked softly: “What did he do wrong?”

Wei Mingming, who had come out of the teaching office, leaned over and whispered gossip: “I heard! He was reported by the students! During the New Year, Teacher Gong was on duty, and his interns had to work with him. However, that evening, he had a New Year’s Eve dinner with others in the department and didn’t let the interns eat with them. The interns went out to find food themselves. During the New Year, the hospital and school canteens were closed, and the street shops were also closed. Where could they find something to eat? They went back to the dormitory and divided two packs of instant noodles among themselves. When they came back to the department with still empty stomachs, there was a pile of bowls and chopsticks left on the table, and Teacher Gong even made them wash them!”

The author has something to say:

Here’s a case study of dual cancer~~~ Also, my wisdom teeth are about to come out. I touched them myself and feel like they’re growing crooked, so I need to get them extracted. In my family, wisdom teeth come in very late. My dad only grew wisdom teeth after I was born, and my mom teased him for many years~~~ Good night, everyone~~~

Ps: The medical knowledge is definitely not original to me; it belongs to the industry knowledge. However, while writing, I didn’t reference textbooks or literature much, and I don’t remember exactly which year or which article it came from. Most of it is from various comprehensive treatment guidelines for cancers. I’ll list them all at the end. The knowledge related to the performing arts is from current literature, and I’ll mark it out now, hehe~~~