Fish Meat – Chapter 41

The Eighth Year of Shenchu

Meridians Unblocked

Under the icy cold moonlight, Zhen Wenjun sat alone on the long steps in the courtyard, her eyes staring blankly ahead.

She did not know whether it was because of the medicine or because she had already gotten used to this pain, but the hands resting on her knees no longer hurt as much. However, it would still take a considerable amount of time to skillfully handle the Golden Cicada Knife.

She looked at the short scar on her finger, a mark left by the Golden Cicada Knife.

When she was very young, her mother handed down the Golden Cicada Knife to her. At first, her mother gave her a thin wooden piece to practice with, instructing her to start with that. After she could skillfully maneuver the hard wooden piece between her fingertips, her mother gave her a leaf to continue practicing. She had a high spirit and did not want to keep practicing with these fake things, insisting that her mother give her the real Golden Cicada Knife directly. Her mother did not refuse and indeed gave it to her. She eagerly clamped the knife blade between her fingers, and after just two turns, she exclaimed “Ah!” as her small hand was cut by the Golden Cicada Knife.

“Mother, you did it on purpose.”

Mother squatted down and smiled at her: “I want you to understand what it means that haste makes waste. Alai, you are indeed very smart, but sometimes you are really too impatient. When the sun reaches its zenith, it starts to decline; when the moon is full, it begins to wane. Calm your mind and take things slowly, and you will find that those things that seemed difficult to achieve will become more manageable.”

Mother had always taught her to hide her talents and bide her time, to keep a low profile, not only to help her avoid trouble in chaotic times but also to cultivate a mature and sophisticated character.

How could these teachings be forgotten?

Wei Tingxu was right.

Thinking carefully, Zhen Wenjun felt that her words were like a blow to the head. She thought that since her mother was captured, she had been able to face all changes calmly for the past two years, enduring all hardships for her mother and the future. Unexpectedly, just a small test and repetition by Wei Tingxu made her feel a sense of world-weariness, which she really shouldn’t have. This was a great disservice to her mother’s many years of upbringing.

Fortunately, the efforts all along were not in vain. Today’s speech by Wei Tingxu was enough to prove that she had opened a door in Wei Tingxu’s heart, and looking at her attitude towards Zhong Ji further demonstrated her love for talent. Regardless of status or wealth, as long as one has ability, they can earn her favor.

In the future, if she wants to stand firm and secure beside Wei Tingxu, she must accomplish what Wei Tingxu thinks of but does not express, and even achieve what Wei Tingxu has not yet thought of herself. For example, Wei Tingxu may not care for twenty thousand taels of silver, but five carts of grain are the key to staying by her side.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Understanding this crucial point, Zhen Wenjun felt the stifling air in her chest finally dissipate. However, the pain in her palm began to throb again, indicating that her meridians had been thoroughly unblocked.

When Lingbi came to bring Zhen Wenjun her meal in the evening and saw her usual expression and heard her repeatedly calling her “sister” in a chattering manner, she knew that Zhen Wenjun had figured things out.

“I find it more comfortable to see you like this.” Lingbi arranged the bowls and chopsticks neatly on the table.

Zhen Wenjun’s hand hurt so much that she couldn’t hold the chopsticks steadily. Lingbi, seeing her shaking and eating messily, stood by and laughed heartily. Zhen Wenjun picked up a bunch of scallions with her chopsticks and flicked them at Lingbi’s face. Lingbi cried out “Aiya” and came up to dismantle her completely.

“Pain, pain, pain, sister, it hurts.” This time it wasn’t an act; Zhen Wenjun’s hand really hurt.

“You still know pain? Before, when your shoulder was shattered, you could still snatch my vase. Why didn’t you shout ‘pain’ then?” Lingbi said, knocking on her shoulder. The injury on her shoulder had shown signs of improvement, at least to the point where she could move freely. But today’s assassination incident had aggravated her injuries, making even a light touch excruciating, as if her whole body was falling apart, and tears started to fall.

“Growing up in the mountains, how can you still be so delicate? When you get better, Xiaohua and I will teach you some techniques to strengthen your body.”

Just as Xiaohua was mentioned, Zhen Wenjun curiously asked, “Today, I heard that little doctor say that Xiaohua was poisoned by a strange toxin, which caused her face to change drastically?”

“Mm, I have seen Xiaohua before; she is completely different now.” Thinking of some past events, Lingbi sighed lightly and said, “She is a year younger than me, and from the Gucang tribe. Back then, the eldest son, who was the legitimate elder brother of the young lady, was the youngest general of the Great Yu, who was only twenty-eight years old when he followed the army to fight the enemy. In seven years, he achieved many remarkable feats, and the late emperor personally appointed him as the General of the Cavalry, with the golden seal and purple sash, holding a position equivalent to the Three Dukes. At that time, the eldest son fought against the Gucang tribe. The Gucang tribe lived in the southeast of Great Yu; although their people seemed delicate and beautiful, each was brave, skilled in combat, and possessed immense strength, especially adept at close-quarter fighting. Unfortunately, Great Yu’s elite troops had varied formations and iron cavalry. Once they entered the territory, they quickly defeated them, capturing many women and children, including Xiaohua. Xiaohua and several other young women were taken back to Pingcang. The eldest son originally intended to send them all to the outskirts near the capital to build the late emperor’s tomb, but the young lady took a liking to her, thinking her to be honest, and kept her by her side. At that time, the young lady’s legs were already unable to walk. Although she used a four-wheeled cart, it was still inconvenient. Xiaohua was strong and able to serve her. They were of similar age, which made it more convenient. The mistress had me stay by her side for a while. Xiaohua seemed taciturn and dull, but she understood everything very well. She knew well that the young lady treated her well, and she kept it all in her heart, rarely mentioning it. The poison of the ghost dove was caused by traitors trying to assassinate the young lady. They poisoned the food, and Xiaohua was poisoned when she tasted it, nearly dying on the spot. Fortunately, the young lady was proficient in pharmacology and acupoints. She used silver needles to acupress to block the toxin’s spread and saved Xiaohua from the hands of the King of Hell. However, the ghost dove poison was extremely difficult to neutralize and quickly destroyed her appearance. For nearly ten years, the young lady has been searching for the antidote, visiting many famous doctors without success. Many doctors hadn’t even heard of this poison. That’s why when Zhong Ji mentioned it today, the young lady was particularly concerned.”

Now, Xiaohua is considered the closest and most intimate person to Wei Tingxu, even closer than Lingbi. Xiaohua, originally a captive slave from the Hu people, sacrificed her appearance and even her life for Wei Tingxu, earning today’s trust, which shows that despite Wei Tingxu’s suspicion, she can still be managed.

Zhen Wenjun placed her chopsticks under her chin, furrowing her brows in deep thought.

Wei Tingxu seemed to repeatedly test people, but each time before drawing someone closer, she would first push them two steps back. Such a person must shed blood and clear away thorns for Wei Tingxu before being accepted by her.

This woman has always watched from a distance, calmly observing all those who wish to approach her, whether they seek to be loyal or to kill her.

Zhen Wenjun knew that she was already among those who were “approachable” but still needed to be “further investigated.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Even though there would be more rounds of evaluation, it was not far off. Zhen Wenjun’s eyes sparkled—she was determined to become Wei Tingxu’s trusted confidant.

Early the next morning, Zhen Wenjun got dressed and groomed, even having Lingbi help her with her appearance before heading to Wei Tingxu’s courtyard. Last night, she slept until dawn, and despite her injuries, it was the best night’s sleep she had had since being by Wei Tingxu’s side.

She had thought that Wei Tingxu would not have risen yet, but as soon as she entered the main courtyard, she heard a cheerful laugh. Zhen Wenjun’s steps hesitated slightly; everyone coming here usually spoke in hushed tones, afraid of disturbing Wei Tingxu, who was like a living King of Hell. Unexpectedly, today there was a lively atmosphere, and the voice, full of flattery and perfumed with makeup, sounded somewhat familiar.

Who is it?

Just as she was wondering, a surprised “Oh!” came from inside the room, and like a whirlwind, someone swept out, cupped their hands towards Zhen Wenjun, and said, “Isn’t this Miss Wenjun? It’s been a year; do you still remember me?”

Who else could this person be if not Ah Liao? Today, she was dressed in a white robe with a purple-golden crown, dressed as a man, and adorned with a few red plum blossoms on the collar, making her ambiguous beauty extremely eye-catching.

Zhen Wenjun’s body swayed slightly, instinctively taking a step back. Realizing that this action might seem like a rejection, she immediately responded with a sweet smile, “How could I forget Young Master Liao’s national beauty? It’s been a year; it’s flattering to have Young Master Liao thinking of me.” Although her words were warm, Zhen Wenjun silently continued to move backward, maintaining her distance, still recalling Ah Liao’s wild and frivolous demeanor from a year ago.

Ah Liao could clearly see her little intentions. As she took a step back, Ah Liao stepped forward, forcing her way closer and said, “Compared to a year ago, Miss Wenjun is much livelier. It seems that Tingxu has taken good care of you.”

The scent of Ah Liao’s powder filled Zhen Wenjun’s nostrils in an instant. Unable to maintain her manners, Zhen Wenjun tilted her head back almost folding her entire body in half, and sneezed suddenly. She quickly smiled, turned around, and stepped aside, saying, “Sister is attentive to every detail.”

Ah Liao immediately wrapped her arms around Zhen Wenjun’s waist, preventing her from escaping, and complained with a mixture of resentment and reproach, “My dear sister hasn’t come to see me even once in Taojun City this year; it really breaks my heart!”

Zhen Wenjun felt that hand on her waist groping her soft flesh in a very inappropriate manner. Ah Liao had always been like this, touching and grabbing both in public and private. Now, even knowing that she was Wei Tingxu’s lifesaver, Ah Liao was still so rude. Zhen Wenjun’s face couldn’t help but turn red, and she gritted her teeth and said, “Young Master Liao should be paying attention to the full spring scenery of your residence.”

Ah Liao responded quickly, as if she had already anticipated this reply, “But I particularly favor this delicate flower of my sister.”

Just then, Xiaohua, pushing Wei Tingxu out, happened to see this farce. Zhen Wenjun’s face already showed suppressed anger, and Wei Tingxu lightly cleared her throat and called out, “Ah Liao, stop making a scene.”

As soon as the hand on her waist loosened, Zhen Wenjun slipped out of Ah Liao’s embrace like a loach and hurried towards Wei Tingxu. After thinking for a long time last night and calming her fluctuating emotions, she wanted to pledge her loyalty to Wei Tingxu. Just as she began to speak with “Sister, I…” she suddenly hesitated, glancing back at Ah Liao, unsure whether she should continue.

Wei Tingxu smiled gently, “Did my sister come to a realization after a good night’s sleep? There’s no need to worry about Ah Liao; she is my confidante, and there’s nothing that cannot be said to her.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Zhen Wenjun replied earnestly, “Sister deals with major matters. I have neither talent nor virtue, only a passionate heart, willing to devote this passionate heart entirely to you. In the past, I was foolish and failed to live up to your painstaking efforts. Since I wish to follow you, I must take your safety as my own responsibility in all matters.”

Wei Tingxu gestured for her to come closer. Zhen Wenjun quickly approached and knelt beside Wei Tingxu’s feet. Wei Tingxu caressed her face, gently lifted her chin, and said, “I originally intended for you to live a carefree life, as happy and comfortable as the daughters of others. I didn’t expect you to be different from a house sparrow, with aspirations as lofty as a swan. Wenjun, I will ask you one more time—have you truly made up your mind? The matters I am planning are of great importance.”

Zhen Wenjun lay on the ground and declared loudly, “I am willing to sacrifice my life and blood for you!”

“Good.” Wei Tingxu smiled and patted Zhen Wenjun’s shoulder, signaling her to rise. “I was just discussing the matter of Suichuan with Ah Liao. You arrived just in time to listen. In three days, you will accompany me.”

Zhen Wenjun looked up, her face full of astonishment, “Go to Suichuan?”

Wei Tingxu’s eyes narrowed slightly, “Exactly.”