Fish Meat – Chapter 40

The Eighth Year of Shenchu

Bound feet, making no progress

Returning along the way, Zhen Wenjun was quite perfunctory towards Wei Tingxu. Fortunately, Wei Tingxu seemed tired as well, her interest in conversation low, and she leaned against the soft cushions and fell asleep after talking with Zhen Wenjun for a while. Lingbi lowered the thin gauze curtain and quietly stood by without disturbing the lady’s rest, only taking responsibility for guarding the charcoal fire that warmed the carriage.

Upon returning to the mansion, Lingbi was the first to get off the carriage and instructed the servants to fetch Master Xu and his apprentice to check on Zhen Wenjun’s injuries.

Wei Tingxu was carefully carried into the main courtyard by Xiaohua. Lingbi turned to see Zhen Wenjun disembark from the carriage somewhat listlessly, neither calling her elder sister nor clinging to her as usual, and asked in surprise, “Are you injured somewhere else?” After examining Zhen Wenjun thoroughly and finding no other injuries, she asked again, “Could it be that you were frightened?”

The events of the day had left Zhen Wenjun disheartened and exhausted.

She had thought that twenty thousand taels of silver and several large carts of grain would have been enough to make Wei Tingxu look at her differently. Unexpectedly, not only did she not see her as a trusted aide, but she also set a trap to test her. Wei Tingxu’s suspicion far exceeded her expectations, her cold and warm alternations made it impossible to get close, leaving her truly disheartened and exhausted. Even though Wei Tingxu had rarely offered her some comfort, guidance, and truth on the way back today, she no longer felt anything.

Hearing Lingbi’s question and seeing the genuine concern on her face, different from the usual pretense, Zhen Wenjun found it amusing. She had gained nothing despite putting so much effort into Wei Tingxu, while Lingbi, whom she had always exploited, had dropped her guard.

The human heart is unpredictable, and the ways of the world are laughable.

“When elder sister asked me to kill Mr. Golden Turtle and Madam Hongye today, had I not been timid, I wouldn’t have given the assassins the opportunity to exploit. My evasion exposed elder sister to danger, and now thinking back, I regret and fear it deeply,” said Zhen Wenjun.

Seeing that this was the cause of her distress, Lingbi smiled and said, “Little lady’s hands have never been stained with blood, so naturally, you could not kill without hesitation. It would have been strange if you had killed them immediately.”

Seeing that Zhen Wenjun still did not smile, Lingbi sighed and continued to comfort her patiently, “When I served the lady in the past, I once encountered an assassin, a true nine-year-old girl. I never imagined that a child only reaching my waist could wield such a swift blade. If not for Xiaohua’s alertness, I would have been killed by that child.”

Zhen Wenjun asked, “What happened to that assassin later?”

“What else could have happened? I personally skinned that little wretch and returned her hide to her mother.” As if suddenly remembering something, she let out an “oh” and added, “That little wretch’s mother was Madam Hongye. At that time, the lady spared them because she cherished their rare martial skills. But who would have thought that this couple would sharpen their heads just to court death? Now the whole family is reunited. Think about it, over the years, people who wanted to kill the lady have come in an endless stream, men, women, old and young, the weak and the infirm—there have been all kinds. If we don’t act, we will be killed by them. Over time, you will get used to it. Let’s go, Master Xu and Zhong Ji should be arriving soon. Your hand wound is too deep, it’s best to have them take a look. Hopefully, it hasn’t hurt the tendons or bones.”

Following behind Lingbi, Zhen Wenjun noticed that Lingbi used the term “we.”

When Master Xu and Zhong Ji arrived, it was still Lingbi who received them. When Wei Tingxu went to rest, she had instructed Lingbi that it was fine to bring Master Xu and his apprentice to the main courtyard.

Lingbi led them in, and Wei Tingxu did not see the visitors, setting up a screen to divide the large hall in two. She lay behind the curtains in the inner room, it was unclear whether she was asleep. Xiaohua knelt rigidly by the screen, monitoring anyone who approached.

Zhen Wenjun sat behind the desk, the burning pain in her palms becoming increasingly clear, as if two flames were constantly burning in her hands, making it difficult for her to sit still.

When Master Xu and Zhong Ji entered, Zhong Ji felt a chill down her neck as she set down the medical kit. Her dark eyes followed the beams around the room, the candlelight illuminating every corner, finding nothing unusual, yet she couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched, causing her to glance back repeatedly.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Zhong Ji,” Master Xu sat opposite Zhen Wenjun, stroking his beard and ominously reminding her, “A noble person’s mystery is profound, and their house even more so. Do not look around too much, do not look around too much.”

Zhen Wenjun noticed his drooping bulging eyes and casual tone, but his words were loaded with meaning, drawing her attention. She unwrapped the silk scarf from her hand for Master Xu to examine. After a thorough inspection, he said seriously, “Though the injury is severe, it was timely bandaged and treated with wulingzhi. This wound needs careful nurturing; otherwise, it will affect the flexibility of your fingers, most likely causing stiffness in your little finger.” Pausing, he glanced at Zhen Wenjun’s face, felt her pulse, and suddenly asked, “Did you just vomit blood?”

Even through the screen and curtains, Zhen Wenjun could imagine Wei Tingxu opening her eyes and looking over upon hearing Master Xu’s question.

Unable to conceal the truth, she had no choice but to tell the truth: “Yes.”

Master Xu let out a sound of acknowledgment and said, “Anger harms the liver, worry harms the lungs. Fortunately, you vomited that mouthful of blood; otherwise, the congestion in your heart would surely lead to a serious illness. The injury on your hand is nothing.” Master Xu tossed aside her injured hand and asked Zhong Ji to bring a brush, an ink, and bamboo slips. “I will prescribe two doses of medicine for you to take. Rest well and avoid overthinking, and you will recover.”

Zhen Wenjun held her painfully throbbing hand, which had been cast aside, with tears welling up in her eyes, but she could only say, “Thank you, sir.”

Master Xu did not respond and directly started writing the prescription, coughing a few times as he did so. Zhen Wenjun noticed something peculiar in his cough, a pattern of two short coughs followed by one long, then two long coughs followed by one short. The rhythm and intensity of the coughs seemed deliberately controlled. Unfortunately, she couldn’t decipher this unusual code and didn’t know if Master Xu was indeed the reinforcement sent by the Xie family. However, it seemed unlikely. Given Lingbi’s attitude towards them and their ability to enter the main courtyard, Master Xu and Zhong Ji must have already earned at least some trust and had probably arrived at Wei Tingxu’s side earlier than she did.

Speaking of which, the true identity of Wei Tingxu had already been successfully transmitted, indicating that the one who escaped back then was indeed the cleft-lipped person. In that case, the message about her needing reinforcements must have also been sent out. When exactly would the Xie family send people?

While Master Xu was writing the prescription, Zhong Ji kept staring at Xiaohua, who was kneeling by the screen, scrutinizing her face with furrowed brows, seemingly pondering an extremely complex issue.

“Master,” Zhong Ji pointed at Xiaohua and asked Master Xu, “Can I go take a look at her?”

Her voice was loud and clear, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Master Xu glanced at Xiaohua’s appearance and seemed to understand: “You need to ask the lady about this.”

Zhong Ji then went to ask Lingbi, who didn’t know what she intended to do. Xiaohua remained unmoved, not even blinking, as if completely unaware of what was happening in the room.

For some reason, Zhong Ji seemed excited and, without receiving anyone’s permission, quickly walked straight towards Xiaohua. Lingbi placed her hands on her waist, ready to draw her short knife, but seeing that Zhong Ji had no interest in anything behind the screen and was focusing all her attention on Xiaohua’s face, she refrained from taking action.

Fearless of Xiaohua’s fierce and ugly face, Zhong Ji leaned in closer, her petite and delicate nose almost touching Xiaohua’s reddened bulbous nose. She meticulously examined every detail of Xiaohua’s face at close range and suddenly uttered, “Ghost Dove?”

Xiaohua remained unmoved, not even glancing at her, sitting upright with her hands resting on her thighs. Zhong Ji grabbed her hand, attempting to check her pulse.

“Let go,” Xiaohua said softly, retracting her hand.

Unexpectedly, though her voice was cold and unyielding, it was surprisingly delicate and clear, quite pleasant to hear, and entirely mismatched with her appearance. Xiaohua’s sudden speech shocked Zhen Wenjun, who had never imagined that the usually silent Xiaohua would have such a girlish voice. It did… however, match her virtuous and gentle demeanor.

Zhong Ji was not angered by Xiaohua’s rebuff and continued to grasp her wrist, her brows furrowed as she asked, “How long have you been poisoned by the Ghost Dove?”

Xiaohua blocked Zhong Ji’s hand with a backhand motion, then grabbed her collar, her large frame still able to lift the frail Zhong Ji even while kneeling. “What business is it of yours? Stay away from me.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Before Zhong Ji could respond, Wei Tingxu’s voice suddenly came from behind the screen, “Are you confident in curing this poison?”

Xiaohua, who was about to toss Zhong Ji out of the room, had to release her upon hearing Wei Tingxu’s command, allowing her to examine her body.

After checking her pulse and feeling Xiaohua’s neck and hands, Zhong Ji finally replied, “I am not confident. This poison has already fused with her bones and blood. If I am not mistaken, someone has previously attempted to detoxify her. Unfortunately, their skills were inadequate, and they failed to perform timely bloodletting and scraping of the poison. Although they saved her life, the toxins accumulated, severely disfiguring her.”

While Zhong Ji was babbling away, Master Xu tried several times to interrupt, but Zhong Ji spoke so quickly that he couldn’t get a word in edgewise. This reckless child truly feared nothing, daring to speak so carelessly without knowing whose territory she was in.

Wei Tingxu did not reveal the slightest hint of anger. She even sat up, and a rustling sound came from the thick curtains: “If you treat her, does she have a chance of recovery?”

Zhong Ji replied, “I don’t have a seventy or eighty percent certainty, but there is a thirty to fifty percent chance. It’s worth a try since she has already become like this. Just let me give it a shot. However, the medicine I prescribe will be quite strong, and she will have to endure some suffering.”

Zhen Wenjun understood now that Xiaohua’s extraordinary physique and ugly appearance were not natural but were caused by the poison of the Ghost Dove.

Wei Tingxu only conversed with Zhong Ji, completely ignoring Master Xu. Master Xu was Zhong Ji’s master, so logically his medical skills should surpass Zhong Ji’s. However, Wei Tingxu did not underestimate her due to her young age and limited experience, truly appreciating her talent.

Wei Tingxu asked her, “If you can cure her, what do you want in return?”

Zhong Ji found her question peculiar, “Treating patients is my duty. What should I ask for? Just pay for the medicine.”

Master Xu quickly burst into hearty laughter and stepped forward to pull Zhong Ji away.

“My apprentice is young and still doesn’t know the vastness of heaven and earth. Lady, please don’t listen to her nonsense, she…”

“If you can’t cure her and my person suffers in vain,” Wei Tingxu ignored Master Xu and continued addressing Zhong Ji, “I will take your eyes and hands.”

Zhong Ji was stunned, and Master Xu was filled with regret.

Wei Tingxu said to give Zhong Ji three days to consider, as she never forces anyone.

After Master Xu and Zhong Ji left, Xiaohua knelt outside Wei Tingxu’s curtains and said:

“Lady, I do not need to detoxify; I only wish to serve you for my entire life.”

Wei Tingxu lifted the curtains, her eyes lowered with pain: “I know you fear that the detoxification might fail and cost your life. I have already had someone investigate Zhong Ji’s background. She is from Dongchun, Shu County, and her parents were itinerant herbalists. After her parents died of illness in a year of famine, she was taken in by Master Xu…”

Before Wei Tingxu could finish, Xiaohua said, “I am not afraid of dying; I only fear that after my death, no one will serve you.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Wei Tingxu sighed softly, raised her hand, and Xiaohua knelt and moved under her hand, allowing her to gently stroke her head.

“I also want you to stay with me always, which is why I want to cure your poison. The poison of the Ghost Dove recurs over a ten-year cycle, and each episode is a difficult ordeal. The ten-year mark is approaching, and I do not want anything to happen to you. If you wish to be with me for a long time, then cure the poison.”

Xiaohua lowered her head in silence, and Zhen Wenjun, leaning slightly to look, saw her face covered in tears.

“Sister Wenjun,” Wei Tingxu knew that Xiaohua’s silence meant acceptance, and she turned to call Zhen Wenjun.

“Yes,” Zhen Wenjun responded.

“I know that today’s events have left you feeling distressed. I could have had someone directly execute Mr. Golden Tortoise and Madam Hongye, but why did I go through all this trouble and risk to provoke them into making a move? Do you understand my intention? I already knew you wouldn’t be able to go through with it when I handed you the dagger. So why did I still make you do it? On the way back, I told you that a kind heart would be your greatest obstacle and weakness in these chaotic times. Since you wish to follow me, you must understand a simple truth — your weakness is an opportunity for the enemy. In the struggle for power, there is no fairness, only life and death. Today, it was just a trivial matter that left you upset. How can I entrust you with more significant matters in the future? Remember this well, your weakness is my weakness, and it can lead to my downfall at any time.”

Zhen Wenjun: “Sister, I…”

Wei Tingxu interrupted her: “Come see me again when you truly understand. I’m tired, you may go back now.”