Peerless Beauty – Chapter 24


She can’t give it.

Her brain was running at full speed, and Lu Yinxi was calm and composed on the surface, coming up with an excuse: “Because I still need to help Teacher Zhou organize Teacher Zhao’s things these two days. Both of them have been very kind to me, always bringing me food when they come to the hospital. Teacher Zhao even often introduces me to potential partners—”

Upon hearing “introduces to potential partners,” Jian Qing glanced at her.

How could anyone who fed her get so close to her?

Receiving the cold gaze, Lu Yinxi stopped talking, recalling how upset she got last time over a disagreement. She quickly stood up straight and explained: “I didn’t agree to meet any of those introductions, nor did I exchange contact information.”

Jian Qing averted her gaze expressionlessly.

She seemed indifferent.

Lu Yinxi suddenly felt that her explanation was somewhat superfluous, a faint trace of embarrassment sprouting in her heart.

It was like fearing the other person might misunderstand something, frantically explaining, only to find that the other person didn’t care at all.

—The embarrassment of speaking deeply in a shallow relationship, overexerting oneself.

The more she thought about it, the worse she felt. After a moment of silence, Lu Yinxi, ashamed and angry, softly snapped at her: “Are you going to the park or not? Give me a definite answer!”

Jian Qing looked up at her, her gaze calm, and said in a flat voice: “I never said I wouldn’t go.”

She was always being scolded by this child, even though at the hospital, she was the one who scolded others.

Having received an answer, Lu Yinxi nodded: “Oh, then wash your hands and eat.”

Jian Qing adhered strictly to the principle of not speaking while eating or sleeping.

Initially, when Lu Yinxi shared a meal with her, she would always try to find something to say to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Now, they could eat without saying a word, yet not feel awkward, only occasionally lifting their heads to exchange a glance.

It seemed as if they wanted to confirm each other’s presence.

Once confirmed, they felt at ease.

Halfway through the meal, Jian Qing suddenly asked Lu Yinxi, “For the next two days, you won’t be coming to the hospital?”

Lu Yinxi bit her chopsticks, “Giving me two days off should be fine, right? Besides visiting Teacher Zhao, I also want to go back to school.”

The acting profession is different from medicine; fame needs to come early, and the career peak is usually during youth. So, many students in the performance department sign with companies in their freshman or sophomore year and start taking leaves to shoot films.

In the book, the original owner hadn’t signed with a company yet but was recommended to join the cast of a medical drama produced by a national unit. She took a six-month leave from school and needed to return at the end of the semester to take exams.

Freshman and sophomore student actors are still learning basic performance theories, with educational requirements to liberate their nature, observe characters, and experience life.

In the real world, Lu Yinxi is not formally trained; she only studied acting knowledge after entering the entertainment industry.

Now, she does not have the aura of a star and is merely interning at the hospital as a student.

The hospital is the place that can best test human nature. Many scenes that people only see in TV dramas—partings of life and death, abandoning family, long-lasting companionship—are played out every moment in the hospital.

As an actress, observing their lives and experiencing their emotions is actually a form of learning.

If she returns to the real world in the future, these days in the hospital will become an invaluable experience.

Hearing that Lu Yinxi wanted to return to school, Jian Qing asked, “Do you recognize the way?”

She hadn’t forgotten that this child was currently strange, as if another personality had moved into this body, forgetting many things.

Lu Yinxi smiled and said, “It’s okay, I’m a grown-up, I won’t get lost—”

Before finishing the sentence, Lu Yinxi saw Jian Qing suddenly avert her gaze, turn her face away, furrow her delicate brows, and look somewhat unusual.

Lu Yinxi bit her chopsticks again and softly asked, “Did I… say something wrong?”

“No,” Jian Qing shook her head and turned her gaze back, “I have shifts recently and don’t have time to take you.”

Lu Yinxi carefully chose her words, “It’s okay. If I can’t find the way, I’ll look at a map or ask someone.”

Jian Qing responded with a hum and said no more.

Lu Yinxi buried her head in her meal, repeatedly replaying the conversation in her mind, pondering why Jian Qing had such a strong reaction to the word “lost.”

Could it be that she had been abandoned before?

After the meal, Jian Qing went to the study to write her paper, while Lu Yinxi went to the balcony to enjoy the breeze and tend to the greenery.

She wiped the dust off the leaves, sprayed them with water, and watched as they turned lush and glossy again, and her mood gradually improved.

After taking care of the plants, Lu Yinxi unfolded a deck chair and lay down, resting her arms behind her head, gazing up at the deep blue starry sky above.

In this world, the night sky is always filled with countless stars, brilliant and dazzling, or with a bright, clear moonlight, pure as water.

It was so beautiful that it felt unreal.

The light pollution and air pollution in a big city affect the visibility of the sky above the city. With the naked eye alone, it is absolutely impossible to see such scenes.

In this virtual world, every blade of grass and tree is lifelike, and the characters are vivid, each with their own joys and sorrows, but only the night sky’s existence defies logic.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Yet, the people here seem unaware of this anomaly and take it for granted that the night sky should be this way.

She inexplicably arrived in this world and wondered if she could find any clues in the night sky.

Lu Yinxi was lost in thought, when suddenly a cold face appeared in front of her, blocking a corner of the night sky.

She withdrew her arm, which was resting behind her head, and feebly shielded her chest: “When did you come out?”

If it weren’t for this face being too cold and stunning, she might have jumped up in fright.

Jian Qing didn’t say much, stood up, pulled another recliner, lay down beside Lu Yinxi, and closed her eyes to rest.

Lu Yinxi retracted her gaze from the starry sky, turned her head, and looked at Jian Qing’s beautiful profile.

The starlight sprinkled on her, coating her with a layer of silvery brilliance, making her skin appear even more white and jade-like.

No matter how many times she looked, Lu Yinxi’s heart would always be moved by this face.

Moved, but unable to confess.

She could never be sure of Jian Qing’s feelings.

Jian Qing’s attitude towards her was special, but not special enough to capture her full attention.

Lu Yinxi remembered that in the original storyline, they indeed had a relationship, vividly described in black and white, and just thinking about it made her blush.

But that night in the countryside, she inexplicably came in, showing strong resistance. After returning to Jiangzhou City, Jian Qing prepared a guest bedroom for her alone.

The most outrageous actions so far were just pinching her earlobe and, when drunk, kissing the tear mole on her face.

In this regard, Jian Qing showed enough respect.

Yet, there was still a faint sense of inequality.

It was like… the inequality between a pet and its owner.

Jian Qing can be good to her, like an owner treating a raised kitten, providing the necessary water, food, and shelter for the cat’s survival, tolerating the cat’s coquettishness and willfulness.

This kindness can be given at any time, and it can also be withdrawn at any time.

Lu Yinxi cannot be with her just because of this kindness.

She does not lack love.

She does not want the pitying love given as charity.

What she wants is the equality between two souls.

Besides this reason for not being together, there is one more, and it is the most important one—

—She cannot promise Jian Qing a lifetime of companionship.

Even a lifelong friendship, like that of Teacher Zhao and Teacher Zhou, she cannot offer.

Today, at Teacher Zhou’s house, she saw a photo of the two elderly teachers from their youth to their silver-haired days. On a whim, she asked Jian Qing: If one day she is no longer in this world, would she miss her?

Jian Qing did not answer her, only looked at her.

At that moment, she thought that her Doctor Jian should meet someone better.

Someone who can give promises, who can accompany her for a lifetime.

Even if it is not love, but a companionship like that of Teacher Zhao and Teacher Zhou, as colleagues and friends, to accompany her through the long years.

Lu Yinxi knew she was not that person.

She could not promise a lifetime of companionship.

If, relying on this feeling of excitement, I impulsively confessed my feelings, even if we got together, what would we do if, one day, the plot of this world ended, and I returned to my own world, with no possibility of ever seeing each other again?

At that time, where would I go to find Jian Qing? And where would Jian Qing go to find me?

Rather than gaining and then losing, it’s better not to start.

Lu Yinxi sighed softly, withdrew her gaze, and looked back at the starry sky.

The night wind blew gently, and that slight sigh dissipated into the night, unnoticed by anyone.

After a long while, Jian Qing was still sitting in the chair with her eyes closed, resting. Lu Yinxi gently nudged her and softly said, “Teacher Jian, if you want to sleep, go back to your room. There’s no sun now; be careful not to catch a cold.”

Jian Qing opened her eyes.

For the past two nights, she had shared a room with Lu Yinxi, and the quality of her sleep had been good, sleeping soundly until morning.

She wanted to stay by her side a little longer tonight, hoping to achieve the same effect.

Now she was being sent away.

She stood up and said blandly, “You should rest early too.”

Lu Yinxi responded with a hum.

Jian Qing stood in place for a few seconds, waiting for Lu Yinxi to say goodnight, but when she didn’t, she silently turned and left.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lu Yinxi watched her departing figure and said goodnight in her heart.

In the next two days, Lu Yinxi did not go to the hospital. In the mornings, she helped at Teacher Zhou’s house, and in the afternoons, she went to school to rehearse a skit and prepare for final exams.

Meanwhile, Jian Qing was busy dealing with Wang Enyi, ensuring he compensated Teacher Zhou before giving him a copy of the death certificate’s stub.

The next morning after the shift change, before the patients arrived, Wei Mingming smiled and flattered her: “Boss, I feel like you’ve been a bit different recently, like you’ve become a bit more gentle…”

In the past, Jian Qing would not care about the patients’ affairs after their death. When disputes arose, she would call the police and the security department, and when conflicts occurred, she would push them to the medical department to handle. She did things her own way, not giving others even a glance.

Jian Qing pulled the pen from Wei Mingming’s front pocket, lowered her head to sign, and said nothing.

Wei Mingming continued to probe, “Boss, to be honest, have you been secretly dating someone recently?”

“Too idle?” Jian Qing didn’t even lift her head, coldly assigning tasks to Wei Mingming, “Go and finish writing the death discussion records for the recently deceased patients.”

Wei Mingming slapped her forehead, not even daring to ask for her pen back, “I must be hallucinating.”

How could she think her mentor had become gentle?

For the next two days, Wei Mingming lived in deep water and scorching fire, writing the admission records and initial course records for every new patient in the group. Jian Qing meticulously checked every word—

“Bed 7’s chief complaint is missing a period.”

“Bed 9’s initial record was written more than 8 hours late.”

“Bed 16’s patient’s history lacks quotation marks.”

“Bed 21’s discontinuation of omeprazole is not documented in the course record.”


“Wei Mingming, do you want to rotate to the Quality Control Department next week?”

“What would I do in Quality Control?” Wei Mingming was puzzled but didn’t forget to flatter, “Boss, you have to believe me, I only want to work for you!”

Jian Qing heavily tapped her forehead with a pen and said coldly, “I’m sending you to flatter others so that my bonus next month won’t be wiped out by your defective medical records.”

Wei Mingming: !

On the third day, Lu Yinxi returned to the hospital.

8 AM.

The Second Oncology Department began their morning handover. Outside the office, many family members of patients were already waiting, along with various administrative and pharmaceutical company personnel who needed doctors’ signatures, all standing by the door.

Morning handover is the time when all the medical staff of the department are present. From the head of the department to the interns and trainees, everyone is in the office listening to the night shift nurse report the events of the previous night.

This is the time when signatures are most complete. Once the handover is done, some go to outpatient clinics, some go on rounds, and some go to meetings, making it difficult to find anyone for the rest of the day.

As soon as the handover ended, Jian Qing was surrounded by several people when she walked out the door.

She took the pen and swiftly signed the documents, then naturally slipped the pen into her own pocket.

The people below hesitated, wanting to ask for the pen back but not daring to speak.

Pens are the most easily lost items in the hospital. Everyone often jokes: “Leave a hundred yuan on the table, and no one will take it, but leave a pen, and it will surely be picked up.”

Lu Yinxi held back a laugh and tugged on Jian Qing’s sleeve, “Give the pen back to them.”

Only then did Jian Qing realize and return the pen.

The person who lost the pen gave Lu Yinxi a grateful and admiring look.

As noon approached and the shift was about to end, a patient in Jian Qing’s group had a sudden cardiac arrest, prompting an urgent resuscitation effort.

After the resuscitation, it was already past one in the afternoon, and everyone was too exhausted to go home.

Lu Yinxi had pre-ordered food. After the resuscitation was over, the doctors and nurses gathered around the big table in the office to eat.

Meal times were rare opportunities to check their phones.

Wei Mingming scrolled through Weibo while saying, “Oh my, King Sun has been exposed for cheating.”

Zhang Yue, while slurping noodles, said, “That’s normal. There are so many handsome men and beautiful women in the entertainment circle. If it were me, I’d switch partners every month.”

Wei Mingming spat, “Do you even have a chance to get in?” Then she nudged Lu Yinxi’s arm. “Xiaolu, didn’t you go back to school a few days ago? Quick, share some unknown gossip from the circle.”

Lu Yinxi laughed and said, “Since it’s unknown, how could I possibly know? Besides, I’m still a student; I’m not really in the circle yet.”

Every industry has its stereotypes. When talking about the entertainment industry, people think of handsome men and beautiful women with high hormones. When it comes to medical academia, people think of seriousness, professionalism, and meticulousness. In reality, all walks of life have their mix of good and bad.

Just like in the entertainment industry, those who become famous are not fools. In the academic field, those who thrive are also smart people.

Sometimes, those who know how to network and form cliques become financially prosperous, while those who bury themselves in hard work can’t get grant funding and end up struggling financially.

Wei Mingming opened the camera: “With your looks, it’s only a matter of time before you become famous in the circle. From today on, I am officially your career fan. Come, let’s take a photo together. I’ll post it on Weibo to commemorate this. When you become famous in the future, I’ll bask in your glory.”

Lu Yinxi cooperated and leaned in for the photo: “Send me a copy too. When you become a famous doctor in the future, I’ll bask in your glory as well.”

Zhang Yue also opened his camera: “I want to take one too. After taking it, I’ll show off on my Moments.”

“You, a straight guy who can’t edit photos, get lost.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Can you edit? In our photos, you only edit yourself and never help me!”

Jian Qing interrupted their chatter: “Eat, stop arguing.”

The two instantly turned into quails and focused on their meal.

Lu Yinxi recalled the joke from a few days ago about taking photos of Jian Qing, so she borrowed a digital camera. After work in the evening, as agreed, she took Jian Qing to the Egret Park near the hospital for a stroll.

Jian Qing hadn’t eaten dinner, so Lu Yinxi casually bought two Roujiamo1 from a small roadside shop and handed them over.

“Couldn’t we have eaten dinner first?” Jian Qing asked, nibbling on the Roujiamo, her eyes rarely showing a hint of disdain.

Lu Yinxi then took out more money and bought another Roujiamo and a hot drink, stuffing them into her hands: “You need to eat your fill.”

Only when you’re full can you work well later.

As she spoke, she snapped a few photos of Jian Qing gnawing on the Roujiamo.

In the distance, a group of elderly men and women were neatly lined up, dancing to the rhythm of lively music; young people who had just gotten off work were jogging along the path for exercise; on the lake, a large family with old and young were chasing and playing around.

The two sat on a park bench for half an hour.

Jian Qing watched the elderly men and women dancing joyfully not far away, lowered her head and rubbed her hands, and asked expressionlessly: “Do you want to learn to dance?”

If she wanted to learn, she could send her to a training class; there was no need to come to the park to watch the elderly twist their waists.

“I don’t want to, I’m observing the crowd. This is an assignment for us acting students,” Lu Yinxi lied without changing her expression, her eyes fixed intently on every young person jogging.

She wanted to conduct a test with Jian Qing, to see if the endings of the characters in the book could be changed.

The author has something to say:

Jian Qing: She thought that strolling in the park would be a romantic time for conversation, but ended up watching square dancing for half an hour.


  1. Roujiamo means “meat in a bun”