Alone, Beautifully – Chapter 34.2

Don’t Want a Divorce (1)

Her wife.

Her emotions were so cold–

As if not even death could move her.

When leaving the world of 《Absolute Control》, she didn’t say goodbye to anyone or do anything related to farewells. She didn’t even ask the system how the entire world mechanism would function after her departure. When she received the clay figurine, she requested to leave.

Now, it’s the same. Xu Jiao turned to look at the row of bookshelves and asked aloud, “What’s the next world? Let’s start right away.”


At the same time.

In another unknown space.

“Congratulations, you have gained 1 point of the Creator’s favor and achieved a breakthrough from 0.” A voice with a particularly joyful tone sounded, but because the voice itself was mechanical, the cold words actually sounded mocking.

A hoarse female voice echoed, repeating what she heard: “1 point?”

She laughed and said, “So much effort, and it’s only 1 point? Truly an unfeeling Creator, so hard to impress. Is her heart made of stone?”

“Please continue your efforts, protagonist—if you cannot collect 100 points of the Creator’s favor before all worlds end, your wish will not come true,” the mechanical voice reminded.

The female voice chuckled softly, “I know.”

She said slowly, “I will pull her down from her pedestal and make her experience the hardships of the human world.”

The voice remained soft, but the underlying meaning sent shivers down one’s spine.

The woman smiled and asked, “What is the next world?”



The author Xu Jiao’s recently completed work includes the most popular elements of recent years, with a theme centered around the ever-popular entertainment industry, while also incorporating ABO elements.

《Starlight》 is a romance novel, featuring both career and love storylines.

The female protagonist is named Feng Qingyu. After entering adolescence, glands gradually grew on the back of her neck, releasing Alpha pheromones. As everyone knows, in the world of ABO settings, Alphas are as rare as Omegas, each making up only 5% of the total population. Alphas are at the top of the pyramid, while Omegas are so precious that they need to be protected like pandas.

Before the age of 19, Feng Qingyu’s life was smooth and untroubled.

Although the Feng family was not a top-tier aristocratic family, it was still a wealthy and prominent household. The family atmosphere was exceptionally harmonious. As the youngest child, Feng Qingyu was doted on by her parents and loved by her older brother, who was three years older, making her family life particularly fulfilling.

Growing up in such a family, her character naturally turned out well, and the friends she made were from the same social circle. In terms of her career, she had been a screen actress since childhood. Her acting skills gradually improved, and at the age of 18, she was nominated for the Jin Sheng Award for a performance, catapulting her into the top tier of the industry. In the same year, she appeared on the New Year’s cover of the top magazine 《VG》.

With both accolades and popularity, she was unmatched in the Chinese film and television industry that year.

Until she turned 19.

The state assigned her an Omega partner.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Because the Alpha and Omega populations were becoming increasingly scarce, combined with the declining birth rate of the Beta majority, the state implemented a policy requiring all Alphas and Omegas to marry upon turning 19. If they did not have a legally registered spouse by that age, they would be automatically paired with an unregistered adult Alpha or Omega from the database based on pheromone compatibility.

Of course, if the pair found themselves incompatible after a year of living together, they could apply for a divorce.

Feng Qingyu was assigned a female Omega, an obscure minor actress.

This minor Omega had once been part of the elite social circles due to her family background, but her family fell from grace when she was a teenager. Since then, she had struggled to fit back into the elite circles, often making a fool of herself. To climb back up the social ladder, she had tried being an online influencer and a model.

After marrying into the Feng family, she constantly tied her image to Feng Qingyu, leading her followers to leech off Feng Qingyu’s fame. Every time she went out with the Feng family, she would arrange for paparazzi to capture the moments, creating a false impression that she was highly valued by the Feng family. She even demanded resources from Feng Qingyu, asked her to buy trending searches, and secure awards for her.

Even the PR team was used to ride on Feng Qingyu’s coattails.

Feng Qingyu could not bear the harassment any longer. After barely enduring it for a year, she filed for divorce. By then, the minor Omega had already risen to fame with two or three hit costume drama TV series. Upon hearing about the divorce, the Omega immediately turned hostile, desperately smearing Feng Qingyu’s image, accusing her of neglecting her marital duties, and playing the victim to garner public sympathy.

The Feng family, being well-mannered, had never encountered such rogue tactics. In no time, the entire Feng family was caught in the scandal, unsure how to face society.

Feng Qingyu suffered even more. Her “scumbag woman” image spread wildly across the internet, with true and false rumors mixed together. Rivals who had always been envious of her seized the opportunity to kick her while she was down, making it impossible for her to recover. Her reputation was ruined, commercial endorsements were lost, and public backlash poured in. To make matters worse, she was in the middle of contract renewal negotiations with her company, and the situation suddenly became even more dire.

The company refused to renew her contract.

The Feng family also suddenly faced business problems, targeted by competitors. Their capital chain broke, leaving them unable to fund Feng Qingyu’s career development.

At this time, the rival company extended an olive branch to her. The president of that company, the male lead of this story, is Shangguan Yan. Although he doesn’t appear in the entertainment industry, his legend is everywhere in it.

Everyone who has seen him says that the Alpha they imagined in their dreams looks like him—handsome, wealthy, and exuding pheromones, like a natural-born model with broad shoulders and long legs, and a face as striking as a god descending to earth.

However, Feng Qingyu felt indifferent towards him. After all, they were both Alphas, and their pheromones were naturally repellent to each other. She was very grateful for Shangguan Yan’s help, but she only wanted to repay him through her career; she hadn’t thought of anything else.

Yet, Shangguan Yan treated her exceptionally well—

He not only gave her the best conditions, had his PR team clean up her image, but even personally negotiated resources for her.

Feng Qingyu was once scratched on the back of her neck by a crazed fan, causing damage to her glands. It was Shangguan Yan who arranged for her to be carefully taken care of, not even letting her family worry about it.

During her recovery, there were many accidents, but Shangguan Yan always appeared in time, again and again, until the story developed like all clichéd plots:

Feng Qingyu found herself falling in love with Shangguan Yan.

When Shangguan Yan helped her out of another accident just in time, Feng Qingyu directly asked him if he had feelings for her, but both of them were Alphas, and their pheromones repelled each other.

Shangguan Yan looked at her deeply: “It’s okay. Love that defies instinct is even more touching, isn’t it?”

And so, they lived happily ever after.

Seeing this, the true fans let out a big sigh of relief, desperately praising Xu Jiao for reforming and no longer writing sad endings. She had finally turned over a new leaf, and they even rewarded her with many votes. They eagerly expressed their anticipation for the extra stories after the couple’s marriage.

Several readers even wrote long reviews praising this strong-strong story, expressing that the ABO gender division transcended the original gender roles, achieving true equality. A double-Alpha relationship represented equality within equality, and the author deserved praise for her forward-thinking awareness in this aspect.


The next day.

Xu Jiao released another update, with as many as 20,000 words, and the readers eagerly rushed in, hungry for more.

The content of that chapter is: Feng Qingyu overheard Shangguan Yan’s phone call with a friend before their wedding, in which he mentioned a long-time friend returning from abroad, and he wanted to pick her up.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Feng Qingyu felt that the name sounded familiar. Curious, she searched for information about that person and saw a picture of her in the entry…

She discovered that Shangguan Yan’s so-called friend was an Omega and looked very, very similar to herself.

Digging deeper, she found that the damage to her own gland was connected to Shangguan Yan. To put it bluntly, it seemed that the fanatic who hurt her was under someone’s orders.

Once the seed of doubt was planted, Feng Qingyu couldn’t control her impulse to seek the truth.

The chapter ended with—

Feng Qingyu discovered that during her hospitalization years ago, the medicine used on her contained Omega pheromones. In other words, someone had injected Omega pheromones into her damaged gland, turning her into a neither-A-nor-O freak, capable of loving an Alpha of the same kind, while she thought she had overcome her instincts.


The readers charged out with knives—

“I take back all the praise I gave you yesterday. I must have been blind, really. No, I was heart-blind. What made me think this lady could turn over a new leaf? Dog author, give me your life!”

“Enjoying some candy, and suddenly there’s a mouthful of shit—this is exactly how I feel now.”

“I was all for gender equality, but now I’m going to chop off the hand that praised you yesterday! Dog-blood great author, you never disappoint. Substitute, entertainment industry, ABO, deep abusive love—what old-school element haven’t you thrown in? Just tell me.”

“I draw my forty-meter-long sword and hack at you wildly!”


Xu Jiao could imagine the anger that filled the comment section even with her eyes closed.

Because of her provocative actions, this book, which was originally categorized as a sweet romance in many recommended book lists, led to those bloggers who wrote heartfelt push articles feeling deceived when the new chapters were released, and they deleted their recommendations overnight.

Even the niche readers who liked her style changed the tags, switching “sweet romance” to “extremely abusive and dog-blood.”

The subsequent developments were just like old-school abusive novels, where Shangguan Yan constantly wavered between the white moonlight and the substitute female protagonist. When he finally realized who his true love was, he humbled himself to apologize to Feng Qingyu and pursued her sincerely again. After experiencing the trope of “you abuse me a thousand times, I also abuse you a thousand times,” the two finally ended up together in the finale.


On the day the sweet romance turned into a shocking tragedy, Xu Jiao was abandoned by her readers. Clicks and subscriptions plummeted, making her feel that even writing tragic scenes later was pointless and flavorless. The outline of the deeply abusive love story she had half-written ended up in ruins.



After recalling the plot, she was transported to a new world. Without rushing to open her eyes, she asked the system, “What is my identity in this world?”

According to her guess, it was highly likely that she was one of Feng Qingyu’s friends. In the novel, Feng Qingyu had good social relations, but only key points in her circle of friends were described in detail. So, it wouldn’t be too difficult to randomly insert someone named “Xu Jiao” into the story without affecting the overall plot.

Moreover, from her perspective, modifying this story to have a happy ending wasn’t difficult at all. As long as she stood from a friend’s point of view, appearing when Feng Qingyu needed help, offering timely assistance, and then reminding her when she fell in love, or finding a chance to meet Shangguan Yan to make him stop his provocative actions and recognize his true feelings promptly—

This way, the ending would develop sweetly and beautifully, just as the readers had originally hoped.

Thinking of this, Xu Jiao let out a slight sigh of relief.

At that moment, the system’s response appeared, teasing her a bit: “It’s a supporting character with a lot of scenes in the early stages, but you didn’t give a name.”

Xu Jiao chuckled inwardly and played along by guessing, “Is it a friend Feng Qingyu knew since childhood? Let me think about the plot…”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Before she could continue, the system directly denied it: “No.”

Xu Jiao: “?”

The system gave another hint: “It’s an Omega.”

Xu Jiao: “…”

Xu Jiao: “!”

Xu Jiao: “Wait, no way? Could it be—”

At the same time, the system revealed the answer in its monotonous voice: “That’s right, it’s the Omega wife who married Feng Qingyu, crazily sucked her blood, tied her up for hype, and after becoming famous, kicked her away and ruined her reputation.”

Xu Jiao: “…?”

The system added fuel to the fire: “Congratulations to this supporting character for finally getting a name, the same as the creator’s. She should feel extremely honored.”

Xu Jiao: “…”

She opened her eyes and expressionlessly let out a sound: “F*ck.”