Peerless Beauty – Chapter 20

Breast Cancer

Underwear and anti-cancer underwear

At the end of the talk by Jian Qing, it was Chu Yan’s turn.

Lu Yinxi wasn’t interested in any of it, so she slipped out again to the break room outside the conference hall to drink tea, chat and munch on snacks with the staff.

There were also automatic massage chairs in the break room with very vigorous shaking motions, and they all gave full-body massages, which made people feel at ease. Lu Yinxi decided to come back here and have a comfortable massage in the afternoon rather than go in and bear any more grudges.

More than half of the meeting was over, and Jian Qing sent her a message.

【Assistant Lu, the coffee’s gone cold. You should get me another one.】

Lu Yinxi was reclining in the massage chair, typing a carefree reply.

【Teacher Jian, if you want something done, do it yourself. (*▽*)】

There was staff in the venue specifically responsible for tea and water, and the VIP seats were given the most attention. Jian Qing was just trying to get a rise out of her.

She wasn’t going to fall for it.

A minute later, Jian Qing personally came to the break room with a cup in hand, and got some hot water to make herself a cup of coffee.

The staff rushed over to help, but Jian Qing politely declined.

When Lu Yinxi saw her, she jumped up from the massage chair, ran over, and was just smiling as she was about to say something when her expression suddenly changed, and she grasped her chest.

Jian Qing put down her coffee and asked, holding her by the shoulder, “What’s wrong?”

Lu Yinxi turned her head and glared at the massage chair, then moved close to Jian Qing’s ear. She seemed to want to say something, but she was too embarrassed to say it out loud.

She stamped her foot and ran to the bathroom.

Jian Qing chased her to check on her.

When Lu Yinxi saw her chasing after her, she took off her coat, threw it at her and went into a cubicle in the bathroom.

Jian Qing knocked on the door and asked, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?”

Lu Yinxi’s mosquito-like voice drifted out from the cubicle, “No… the massage chair shook my bra loose…”

Jian Qing was stunned.

“Don’t laugh!” A shy and angry voice came from the cubicle again, “I won’t allow you to laugh!”

Jian Qing gave an “oh” but didn’t say anything more.

After a little while, Lu Yinxi fastened her bra and opened the door to come out.

Jian Qing was holding her coat in her right hand, and had loosely formed a fist with her left hand, which she held in front of her mouth, with a very serious expression on her face.

Lu Yinxi pretended to be calm and played with her hair, then walked to the mirror, took out her small makeup bag and put on some lipstick to hide her embarrassment. “This kind of little accident is nothing. When I was a star, I encountered all kinds of unexpected situations. This doesn’t even count as one…”

Jian Qing looked at her slightly flushed cheeks, nodded, and didn’t say anything.

Lu Yinxi grabbed the coat from Jian Qing’s hands and put it on, quietly threatening her as she did so, “You can’t tell anyone about this!”

It was too embarrassing! If word got out, her idol persona would be completely ruined.

Jian Qing nodded with an unchanged expression and said lightly, “My coffee’s gone cold.”

Lu Yinxi understood what she meant and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Then I’ll go make you a fresh one…”

Jian Qing crossed her arms, expressionless and reservedly nodded. Her fingertips tapped lightly on her arm, like playing the piano, expressing her delight.

So, all afternoon, Lu Yinxi really did become Jian Qing’s assistant, sitting behind her to serve her tea and water and waiting on her every beck and call.

After the electric massage chair loosened her bra once, it came loose twice more in the afternoon.

After running to the bathroom twice, Lu Yinxi began to quietly reflect on whether this bra didn’t fit her properly, or if she had accidentally reduced her bust size with her recent exercise. Was it time to buy a new set?

Halfway through this thought she shook her head. The expert on stage was still giving a big speech about academic research, but she was daydreaming about bras. It was really inappropriate.

Lu Yinxi tried to concentrate and listen carefully, but the expert’s research was too in-depth, and some of the terms were beyond her understanding. Less than ten minutes in, she was so drowsy that she wanted to yawn.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

It was easy to get drowsy in the afternoon. Apart from the experts in the front row who sat perfectly still and listened intently, there were also quite a few doctors in the back rows who covered their mouths as they yawned, and then quickly ran out to get coffee to refresh themselves.

Lu Yinxi could only stare at Jian Qing in front of her to fight off the drowsiness.

Whenever Chu Yan turned his head to have a whispered conversation with Jian Qing, Lu Yinxi would give a little cough to indirectly remind them that she was right behind them, observing them. You can chat, but don’t get your heads too close together.

At 5PM, the meeting came to an end, and the organizers from the First Affiliated Hospital of City C invited all the participants to a banquet.

Sometimes, when hospitals hold academic conferences, it’s not just to learn about and share clinical experience. More often, it’s to spread the influence of the hospital and establish certain relationships of exchange and cooperation with experts from various provinces and cities, and to occasionally poach talent.

Banquets are the best venues for maintaining relationships in China. Sometimes, things that can’t be discussed in the hospital can be resolved with a few drinks and a few words at the dinner table.

In the hotel, Director Zhang of the Oncology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of City C and Vice President Lin, who is in charge of oncology, kept toasting and inviting experts from various provinces and cities to do one or two rounds of consultations each month, or to look for ways to establish remote consultation cooperation.

Oncology belongs to the category of critical illness, and patients are mostly concentrated in provincial capital cities or large hospitals in first- and second-tier cities.

Oncology departments in some smaller cities belong to marginal departments.

Patients are either intercepted by related specialized departments.

Or, if the doctors at the large hospitals have declared that there is no cure and the patient is terminally ill, they choose to return to the oncology department of a small city hospital for palliative care.

Or, some poorer families, whose financial situation does not allow them to go to large hospitals for better treatment, have no choice but to stay here.

Establishing cooperative relationships with large hospitals can, on the one hand, attract more patients and, on the other hand, provide patients with more professional treatment.

Lu Yinxi sat at the next table, straining her ears to listen, but she only understood half of it.

Jian Qing and Chu Yan appeared especially young among the group of experts in their forties and fifties. Most of the time they were the ones getting up to pour drinks for everyone.

In formal social settings, Jian Qing was not cold and aloof. Out of politeness, she would communicate and interact with everyone appropriately, and humbly express her own opinions. She was not clueless about social interactions, and could even be considered quite adept.

Lu Yinxi looked at her from afar, and again secretly guessed her age.

The last time she heard Zhang Yue talk about her, she had started university at 16, returned to the hospital after studying abroad at 24, and had just been promoted to Associate Chief Physician this year.

In the medical system, after graduating with a PhD and specializing for 1 year, one can directly take the Attending Physician exam. After practicing as an Attending Physician for 2 years and providing assistance in a grassroots rural area for 1 year, one is eligible to participate in the assessment for the title of Associate Chief Physician in the third year.

Theoretically, the youngest one could be 27 years old.

But public hospitals are public institutions, funded by the government, and the number of positions is limited. Every position has to be approved by a higher-level department.

Sometimes, even if one passes the professional title exam, the hospital still cannot hire them due to the limited number of positions. One still has to wait for the person ahead of them to retire.

So, in reality, it is also possible to be 28, 29, 30, or even in one’s early 30s.

Lu Yinxi propped up her chin and smiled slightly.

She was about 4 or 5 years older than the real-life version of herself, which more or less met the requirement of being within 7 years of her ideal age difference.

After three rounds of drinks, Vice President Lin of the First Affiliated Hospital of City C began to try to poach talent, wanting to bring Jian Qing and Chu Yan to his own hospital.

At the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou, Jian Qing was considered a junior Associate Chief Physician. There were a number of Chief Physicians and senior Associate Chief Physicians above her. When the hospital was short-staffed, junior Associate Chief Physicians were all used as Attending Physicians, Attending Physicians were used as Resident Physicians, and Resident Physicians were treated inhumanly.

If she moved to a smaller hospital, she would indeed have a more relaxed and comfortable life.

Lu Yinxi straightened her back and strained her ears to listen to Jian Qing’s reply.

Before she could hear Jian Qing speak, her back suddenly felt cool again.

——Her bra had come loose again.

Unable to care about listening to Jian Qing’s reply, Lu Yinxi pretended to be calm and slowly left her seat. She walked to the bathroom door, quickly slipped inside, and then quickly came back out after fixing her bra.

When she opened the door and came out, she bumped into Jian Qing, who was washing her hands at the sink.

When she saw Lu Yinxi come out, she dried her hands and said calmly, “I’ll take you shopping.”

“What are we going shopping for?”

Jian Qing glanced at her chest. “To buy a bra.”

Lu Yinxi also looked down at her chest, her face a little hot. “It’s fine. I can wait until I get back to buy one. Your banquet isn’t over yet, right?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Jian Qing said with a serious expression, “I told them that my assistant has been coughing all afternoon and might have a cold, so I have to go back and drink more hot water and rest early.”

“Cough, cough, cough!” Lu Yinxi coughed a few more times and even sniffed, saying, “My throat has been a little itchy. I might really have a cold.”

City C also has a Galaxy Mall, located near the hotel where they were staying.

As they walked into the mall, the two of them walked side by side, attracting frequent looks back from passersby.

Jian Qing was tall and slender, with a cool temperament and the aloofness of a superior. When her icy gaze swept over someone, no one dared to look her in the eye. Lu Yinxi had a gentle temperament, but she had received specialized training in deportment as a celebrity. After she became famous, she was surrounded by stars wherever she went. Over time, her every move and gesture had developed its own aura.

As they walked through the crowd, the two of them were pleasing to the eye but also distant beauties who could only be admired from afar.

They walked into a lingerie store, and a salesperson greeted them and asked what style of lingerie they liked.

Lu Yinxi didn’t plan on taking her time to choose carefully. She just picked one that looked like it would fit and went to the fitting room to try it on.

Jian Qing pulled her back.

Lu Yinxi turned around and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Jian Qing looked at her chest and calmly suggested, “Try a different one. The size of the one you have in your hand is too small. It won’t fit.”

Lu Yinxi looked at the bra in her hand and then looked down at her chest.

In winter, it was hard to tell her size when she was wearing a thick coat. Jian Qing was able to tell at a glance. It was definitely not a conclusion she had reached based on her observations just now, but rather…

Thinking of the scene under the moonlight where she had straddled her waist with her upper body bare, Lu Yinxi’s cheeks quickly flushed red.

She glared at Jian Qing, wishing she could kill her with her gaze. “Forget about it!”

Jian Qing nodded. “I’ll try my best.”

It wasn’t her fault that her eyesight and memory were too good.

Lu Yinxi snorted and didn’t want to pay her any attention. She turned back around and carefully chose a different one before going to the fitting room to try it on.

The one she had chosen after looking again really was a better fit. Lu Yinxi had the sales assistant get a few new ones and pack them up.

The sales assistant took the opportunity to promote her products. “Miss, would you like to look at some other styles? Our store recently released a new anti-cancer bra that can prevent breast cancer. A set is only 1888 yuan.”

Lu Yinxi shook her head, indicating that she wasn’t interested.

If a bra could really prevent breast cancer, then all those research scientists who worked day and night in labs raising animals and running data could just go home and farm.

A set for 1888? That’s just an IQ tax.

But Jian Qing, who was behind her, asked, “What material is it made of? What’s the principle behind its anti-cancer effects?”

Sales assistant A thought that Jian Qing was interested and hurriedly came over to promote her product. “It’s like this. This anti-cancer bra was designed by our brand’s top designers, and the materials used to make it are all imported from overseas, like Country D’s meat silicone cotton and Country H’s golden silkworm silk, etc. It’s expensive to make, but it’s definitely worth the money!”

Sales assistant B also came over. “A lot of women are getting breast cancer these days, and I’ve heard experts say that the trend is towards younger women getting it. Last year, there was a female celebrity who was only in her early thirties who died from advanced breast cancer. It’s really scary. I’ve bought two of these to wear myself.”

Sales assistant C continued, “And experts have also found that women who wear underwire bras for more than 8 hours a day have a 20 times higher chance of getting breast cancer! All of our anti-cancer bras are wire-free, so they won’t put any pressure on your breasts. They can promote blood circulation and prevent a lot of diseases. Let me get two for you to try on? They’re on the display rack over here.”

The three sales assistants took turns bombarding them with a bunch of real and fake terms. If they were ordinary people, they might have been intimidated.

Lu Yinxi was stunned for a moment. She looked at Jian Qing and thought to herself, They keep talking about experts, but there’s a real expert standing right in front of you.

Jian Qing glanced at the colorful bras on the display rack and didn’t say much, but simply and concisely pointed out, “False advertising.”

Those two words, compared to the sales assistant’s一nonsense, seemed very unconvincing. However, her serious and cold expression that intimidated the sales assistants also felt very uncertain.

The sales assistant in the middle said, “We’re not falsely advertising. Our brand is a long-established one, and we have a scientific basis for everything. For example, that bra that this young lady picked out the first time, if it’s too small and too tight, it can cause mammary gland hyperplasia, and mammary gland hyperplasia can lead to cancer.”

Jian Qing retorted expressionlessly, “If wearing a bra that’s too tight can lead to breast cancer, then does wearing tight pants lead to leg tumors? Does wearing shoes that are too tight lead to foot tumors?”

The sales assistants looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

Lu Yinxi patiently explained to them, “Mammary gland hyperplasia has nothing to do with bras. Endocrine disorders are the main high-risk factor. There are also studies that have found that it is related to factors such as menstrual irregularities, number of miscarriages, and dysmenorrhea. No bra can prevent cancer, and it has nothing to do with what you wear. Breast cancer is only related to factors such as family history, age, and having children at an advanced maternal age. Don’t be fooled.”

One of the older sales assistants, seeing which way the wind was blowing, realized that these two were not their target customers. She wisely decided to cut her losses and said with a gentle smile, “Oh, I see. Thank you for teaching us something new. You two can take a look at some other styles.”

Seeing that she had a good attitude, Jian Qing didn’t say anything more and paid for the bras before leaving the store.

After leaving the store, the two of them continued to walk along the shops.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Lu Yinxi sighed and said, “There are so many of these rumors these days, and so many people believe them. They’re so silly.”

Jian Qing said calmly, “Actually, it’s because of the asymmetry of medical information between doctors and patients. The ones in the wrong are those who take advantage of the public’s fear of cancer to engage in false marketing. The relevant departments are failing in their responsibilities for health education and supervision.”

When Lu Yinxi heard this, she stopped in her tracks, turned around, and looked at Jian Qing seriously.

Jian Qing also stopped and looked at her, her eyes filled with doubt, as if asking why she had stopped.

Lu Yinxi shook her head, her eyes filled with a gentle smile.

It was nothing. She had simply learned something from this person:

——Don’t stand on your high horse in your own area of expertise and arrogantly mock those who are not experts.

Jian Qing reached out and rubbed her head, didn’t say anything, and turned into another lingerie store.

Lu Yinxi pulled her back. “Hey, I’ve bought enough. I don’t need any more.”

“I need some,” Jian Qing said, lowering her eyes to look at Lu Yinxi’s chest and calmly pointing out, “Our original bras were the same style and color from the same store. When you were packing your suitcase last night, you mixed mine up with yours, so we both have the wrong ones on today.”

The author has something to say:

Lu Yinxi: Major social death scene orz

LP: “orz” is an emoticon of bowing deeply and it looks like it… I’m gonna use this from now on!

Also, JQ indirectly saying that her mountains are bigger!