Peerless Beauty – Chapter 18.2

Entering V Three-in-One


She looked down at her own robe.

Still fairly neat.

She looked at Lu Yinxi’s robe, somewhat messy.

Before Lu Yinxi could say the classic line, “You have to take responsibility for me,” with reddened eyes, Jian Qing first picked up her phone, checked for any missed calls from the hospital, and then opened the camera, taking a picture of her own cheek.

—There was no slap mark.

She put down the phone, walked over, adjusted Lu Yinxi’s robe, and asked calmly, “Was it fun?”

“Not fun at all, you didn’t cooperate at all…”

“If you had left a mark on my face, maybe I would have fallen for your trick longer.”

Lu Yinxi snorted coldly, “I can tell, you’re mocking me indirectly, you think I’m very fierce, don’t you?”

Jian Qing reached out and flicked her forehead lightly: “You look tired, didn’t sleep well?”

Lu Yinxi told a little lie: “I drank too much last night. After covering you with a blanket, I fell asleep on the sofa. No one covered me, and I got cold.”

She did not mention the intimate kisses and her sleepless night.

Jian Qing reached out and gently touched the faint dark circles under her eyes, said nothing more, and turned to the bathroom to wash up.

Lu Yinxi transformed into a little tail, holding a toothbrush and a cup, wearing fuzzy slippers, and squeezed into Jian Qing’s bedroom’s washroom.

Jian Qing was squeezing toothpaste when she saw her and raised an eyebrow slightly.

Lu Yinxi snatched the toothpaste from her hand, squeezed some onto her own toothbrush, and asked, “What happened last night, do you remember?”

Jian Qing remained unfazed, rinsed her mouth, spat out the water, and looked at Lu Yinxi in the mirror, saying calmly, “I didn’t sleep with you.”

Stifled by her straightforward words, Lu Yinxi also looked at Jian Qing in the mirror and asked softly, “Besides not sleeping, do you not remember anything else?”

Jian Qing was silent for a moment and replied calmly, “If you want something to happen, you can come over tonight and sleep with me.”

After speaking, she began brushing her teeth.

Every time she mentioned “sleeping together,” it was just a casual remark, not a real threat or intention. Lu Yinxi was almost immune to this term and simply ignored it.

It seems she really doesn’t remember anything.

The two of them didn’t talk further and stood side by side at the sink, brushing their teeth.

The washroom was filled with the buzzing sound of an electric toothbrush.

As they brushed, the two suddenly locked eyes in the mirror. Lu Yinxi couldn’t help but break into a smile, her smile radiant with a trace of toothpaste foam at the corner of her lips.

Jian Qing looked at her smile, which was like melting snow, a faint smile gradually appeared in her eyes.

After finishing breakfast, Jian Qing brought out her laptop to work on her paper, while Lu Yinxi held onto the hem of her clothes, ready to go out.

Jian Qing asked, “Where are you going?”

She always had plans and purposes when she went out, unlike Lu Yinxi, who wandered aimlessly.

Lu Yinxi gave her purpose and plan, saying, “I want to buy some potted plants and dolls, and while we’re at it, let’s visit the flower and bird market together and buy some flowers and plants to decorate the house.”

Jian Qing’s apartment resembled the Moon Palace, too clean and neat, lacking any sense of life.

She planned to buy some small trinkets to decorate her apartment.

Initially, she intended to directly go to the mall to purchase some dolls. However, when they passed by a shop with a claw machine at the entrance, Lu Yinxi stopped in her tracks, full of confidence, and said to Jian Qing, “Watch as I bring you a doll from here using the most cost-effective method. Tell me, which doll do you want from inside?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Jian Qing casually pointed at the topmost and largest rabbit.

“Just wait, I’ll grab it and put it in your arms.” Lu Yinxi rubbed her hands, inserted a coin, manipulated the joystick, and kept her eyes fixed on the rabbit doll. The claw descended above the rabbit, and she immediately pressed “grab.” The claw trembled and wobbled as it descended, almost catching hold of the rabbit’s ear, but then it loosened, as if afflicted with Parkinson’s syndrome.

Lu Yinxi slapped her thigh, saying, “I’ll try again.”

One minute later…

“One more time!”

Five minutes later…

“Last try! Trust me!”

Ten minutes later…

Lu Yinxi was still empty handed.

Jian Qing stood by, arms folded, and spoke honestly, “You have an addiction to being bad at this.”

Lu Yinxi snorted and retorted, “If you can do it, you go ahead.”

Jian Qing pulled her aside and walked up to the claw machine, calmly and confidently performing a series of maneuvers.

—But she didn’t grab anything.

With a clank, Lu Yinxi dropped five coins and softly urged, “Dr. Jian, keep going.”

Jian Qing glanced at her and repeated the process five times.

Still, she didn’t grab anything.

Lu Yinxi wanted to insert more coins, but Jian Qing stopped her, deliberated for a moment, and said expressionlessly, “I can’t do it.”

Seeing her admit defeat for the first time, Lu Yinxi burst into laughter, patted her shoulder, and walked into the store. She had a conversation with the store owner for a while, and who knows what she said, but it made the owner overjoyed. The owner walked out, unlocked the claw machine with a key, grabbed the rabbit doll, and handed it to Lu Yinxi.

Lu Yinxi stuffed the doll into Jian Qing’s arms and said, “There, it’s yours. Let it accompany you when you sleep from now on.”

Jian Qing poked the rabbit’s cheek, held onto its ears, and accompanied Lu Yinxi for a stroll in the mall, buying a bunch of dolls and pillows. They then drove to the nearby flower and bird market for a spin.

Lu Yinxi asked her, “Do you have any favorite flowers?”

Jian Qing pondered seriously for a while and shook her head, saying, “You choose.”

Lu Yinxi didn’t select brightly colored flowers in shades of red and purple. Instead, she chose mostly green plants that were cold-resistant, drought-tolerant, and easy to take care of.

In the market, there were also various insects, fish, birds, and animals. Lu Yinxi stopped in front of a colorful parrot.

Jian Qing considerately said, “If you want to buy it, go ahead.”

Lu Yinxi shook her head.

She didn’t plan to buy a small animal. Firstly, she didn’t have time to take care of it. Secondly, Jian Qing didn’t seem like someone who liked small animals. It was estimated that she had enough of experimental animals like mice and rabbits in the laboratory.

Returning to the apartment with a bunch of small knick-knacks, Lu Yinxi spent the whole afternoon arranging them. She hung decorations on the walls of the living room, placed pillows and fluffy dolls on the sofa, and filled the balcony with Boston ferns and ground cover bamboo.

She specifically placed two hydroponic long vine green plants at the entrance of the hallway and said to Jian Qing, “When you come home from the hospital, as soon as you enter the doorway, you’ll see the vibrant green plants and surely think, ‘Wow, they have such vitality.'”

Jian Qing didn’t have such artistic thoughts and considered it practically, asking, “What if they wither?”

Lu Yinxi said, “This thing is hydroponically grown, very easy to take care of. It doesn’t need to be watered frequently. Just pour some water into the bottle when it runs out, and it doesn’t really need much sunlight either. Just accept the scattered light through the glass.” She smiled and praised herself, saying, “Just like me, easy to take care of.”

Jian Qing looked at her and smiled.

“What are you laughing at? It’s originally easy to take care of. As long as there’s light and water, it can survive anywhere.”

Jian Qing shook her head and remained silent.

She thought she had picked up a soft and delicate dodder flower, but it turned out that the dodder flower would tell her it was an easy-to-care-for green vine. It didn’t need to climb or parasitize, just a little bit of water and a little bit of light.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Indeed, adorable.

Lu Yinxi was accustomed to her silence and didn’t inquire further. She softly said, “It’s up to you. If you want to laugh, then laugh. Anyway, you look good when you smile. Hey, smile again.”

Unfortunately, Jian Qing didn’t smile and turned to attend to her own tasks.

Lu Yinxi also shifted her gaze and squatted down, carefully wiping the leaves of the green vine.

She hoped that Jian Qing could live a happier life.

She was unwilling to uncover her past scars, not expecting to be together, just hoping that she could be happy for the rest of her life.

Another work day arrived.

Lu Yinxi helped the nurse deliver blood samples to the laboratory and encountered Zhang Yue on her way back to the oncology department.

Zhang Yue was accompanied by a handsome and outstanding young doctor.

After exchanging greetings, Lu Yinxi read the words on the young doctor’s name tag.

—First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou University, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Attending Physician, Chu Yan.

Oh, the male lead.

Lu Yinxi stared at him for a few more glances.

Previously, she had been avoiding contact with the main characters in the book and had no interest in the male and female leads, not paying attention to their existence.

Chu Yan and Jian Qing were classmates in college, similar in age, but one specialized in surgery while the other specialized in internal medicine.

There may be some business conflicts between the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery and the Department of Oncology. Both departments can diagnose and treat chest tumors. In some small hospitals, there is a tendency to intercept patients from each other, creating a somewhat competitive atmosphere among the doctors from the two departments.

First Affiliated Hospital of Jiangzhou does not lack patients. Patients from various cities and counties keep coming in. Sometimes it takes one or two weeks for a bed to become available. The Tumor Center has also established a specialized multidisciplinary consultation team, where experts from different disciplines discuss and develop the most beneficial treatment plans for patients.

In theory, there should not be any business conflicts, but Jian Qing and Chu Yan seem to naturally clash with each other.

The book has described them as the golden boy and jade girl in the eyes of both departments. Everyone tries to matchmake them, but they just can’t get along.

In Lu Yinxi’s impression, the male lead in this world doesn’t seem to have any major flaws. He just likes to unbutton his shirt and wear his white coat like a windbreaker. He corners the female lead, holds her waist, and hoarsely says, “I’ve given you my life.”

After Chu Yan leaves, Zhang Yue nudges Lu Yinxi’s arm and says, “Do you have a crush on him? He is the famous heartthrob of our hospital.”

Lu Yinxi chuckles, shakes her head, and half seriously says, “The probability of me having a crush on your senior sister is higher than having a crush on him.”

The male lead belongs to the female lead, so there’s no point in competing for him.

Zhang Yue thinks Lu Yinxi is joking and laughs, saying, “I really don’t know which man is worthy of my senior sister. The two of you together would make a striking pair.”

Lu Yinxi feels pleased hearing this and throws Zhang Yue a look that says “At least you have good taste” before asking, “Brother Zhang, are there many people pursuing your senior sister?”

“Not many. My senior sister is like Xiaolongnü from the Ancient Tomb Sect, pure and ethereal, but unapproachable. She has a sense of distance that most men dare not pursue. The ones who dare to actively pursue her are all wealthy young masters.”

Upon hearing this metaphor, Lu Yinxi shakes her head and smiles, “She is Li Mochou.”

Elegant and beautiful, but with a discrepancy between appearance and reality.

(LP: The term “古墓派” refers to the Ancient Tomb Sect, which is a fictional martial arts sect in Jin Yong’s novel “The Return of the Condor Heroes.” Xiaolongnü is one of the main characters from this sect. The character Li Mochou is a villainess. She is known for her beauty and cunning nature.)

Zhang Yue clicks his tongue and defends, “Little sister, you’re just jealous. I understand. It’s common for beautiful women to compare themselves. My ex-girlfriend used to do the same. She even grabbed my ear and asked who was more attractive, her or my senior sister.”

“How did you answer?”

“I’m not stupid. Of course, I said my girlfriend was more attractive.”

This time, Lu Yinxi defends, “Clearly, your senior sister is more attractive. I’ve seen so many celebrities, and she has the most unique temperament.”

“You kids don’t understand. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Even if my girlfriend is only a 7 in terms of beauty, because I like her, she’s a perfect 10 in my eyes.”

Unexpectedly, Lu Yinxi was taken aback by this expired dog food and knocks on her head, saying, “I can’t believe it. Brother Zhang, you’re a hopeless romantic.”

“Of course, Xiaolu, you should choose a boyfriend carefully. Look for someone like me, who is loyal. Don’t get swayed by playboys. If you want, I can introduce you to a few younger brothers.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“I don’t want someone who study medicine. Too busy, and won’t have time to accompany me.” Lu Yinxi shook her head like a tambourine, redirecting the conversation back to Jian Qing, “Why isn’t your senior sister married? I see that even those who were in the same year as her are already having their second child.”

She had developed a strong curiosity about Jian Qing. Whenever she encountered someone familiar with Jian Qing, she couldn’t help but want to talk more, subtly steering the conversation towards her. She wished she could even find out how many strands of hair Jian Qing had.

Zhang Yue said, “That’s different. My senior sister started school early. She attended university at the age of 16 and returned from studying abroad at 24 to work in the hospital. She’s much younger than her peers. Since she started working at the hospital, anyone who was introduced to her as a potential partner had to wait in line from our office all the way to the hospital’s south gate. Later, she mentioned that she had a former boyfriend who died of leukemia. She studied medicine for him. He was the only one in her heart, and she decided never to marry anyone for the rest of her life. That’s when things calmed down a bit.”

Lu Yinxi listened with mixed feelings, “Is it true?”

“It should be true. My senior sister wouldn’t deceive people. Sigh, she’s the hopeless romantic. She sacrificed her whole life for one man.”

Lu Yinxi’s heart churned with sour bubbles as she didn’t want to continue the conversation.

The conversation was abruptly cut short, and Lu Yinxi and Zhang Yue returned to the department. They slouched their heads and looked at the data, unable to read a single word.

Last time, she said she didn’t have a white moonlight… Well, it turns out she had an unforgettable cinnabar mole. She even studied medicine for him and decided never to marry for him.

(LP: “White Moonlight” usually refers to a person or thing that is elusive in the heart, has always been loved, but cannot be touched while “Cinnabar mole” refers to a regrettable or unfinished experience from a past relationship.)

Truly, her love runs deep like the sea.

Jian Qing saw Lu Yinxi come back and sat beside her, opening her computer. “Who bullied you?”

“No one bullied me.”

“Then what’s wrong?”