Trending Again – Chapter 29

Xiao Family’s Young Master, a stubborn case of anorexia

After ending the call, Si Meng saw Lin Hanyue approaching. She had been eavesdropping on Si Meng the whole time, though she couldn’t hear very clearly. It seemed like Si Meng was indicating that she wanted to go out.

“Where are you going?” Lin Hanyue asked, and Si Meng narrowed her eyes.

“Come with me to the Xiao family in the north of the city,” Si Meng suggested. Lin Hanyue was momentarily surprised but quickly caught on, grabbing her car keys and following.

“Do you know what the young master of the Xiao family is like?” Si Meng sat in the passenger seat, curious. Having just returned to the country, she wasn’t very familiar with the wealthy families in City A. Also, the last time there was an invitation list for Grandma Lin’s birthday, the Xiao family wasn’t on it.

“I don’t know much, supposedly he’s a bit of a troublemaker. I’m more familiar with his older brother; he’s a polite and reliable person,” Lin Hanyue thought for a moment. Xiao Changhe, the older brother, was her senior, and they had grown up together. They were also business partners, but she only knew he had a younger brother with a significant age difference, and didn’t know much else.

“Oh, in that case, it’s going to be tricky,” Si Meng pondered, tilting her head in frustration. Lin Hanyue leaned over in front of her, unfastening the seatbelt on the right side. Their breaths intertwined, and quickly, Si Meng planted a swift kiss on Lin Hanyue’s face.

Lin Hanyue looked at her with a smile, still slightly unsatisfied. Si Meng cleared her throat and said seriously, “Consider this a reward for your driving. Stop teasing and take me there quickly.”

Lin Hanyue could only silently drive, thinking about taking advantage of the situation more next time.

Si Meng thought she learned things quite quickly. Despite being carefree most of the time, when she focused, she could do things properly. However, for some reason, she was a menace on the road. She had changed driving schools seven or eight times, still couldn’t pass the test, and even scared the instructors, who begged her to spare them. It was a source of frustration for her.

Lin Hanyue safely dropped Si Meng off at her destination, the old mansion of the Xiao family. Lin Hanyue hadn’t been here for a long time. Since her falling out with her teacher, she hadn’t visited.

Si Meng got out of the car, and a person dressed as an old butler walked out. When he saw Lin Hanyue, he hesitated for a moment but quickly showed a smile and said, “Is it Little Hanyue? It’s been a while since you and Little Luli visited.”

Si Meng thought for a moment, Little Luli? Wasn’t that the flirtatious sister in the red dress?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Yeah, is the teacher’s health okay now?” Lin Hanyue asked with a gentle expression, appearing very soft.

“He’s still the same, but recently he’s been worried about the young master,” the butler sighed. How did the young master end up with such a strange illness?

“Enough about that. Why don’t you two go in first?” The butler carefully examined Si Meng. Was this the divine doctor Old Liu was talking about? She looked quite young, and their relationship seemed close. The butler couldn’t help but be curious.

Entering the main hall, a vase was overturned on the floor. A young boy was holding a slingshot, shooting at the vase, while a robust old man chased after him with a cane. The boy pleaded, “Grandpa, grandpa, don’t hit me. If you hit me again, I’ll turn stupid.”

“You little rascal, that was a precious gift from Old Jiang, and you’ve ruined it all. Watch as I spank your backside until it blossoms!” Old Master Xiao raised his cane, vigorously chasing after the boy.

The old and the young were frolicking around the room, creating a lively scene. Seizing the opportunity, the young boy hid behind Si Meng when they burst into the room, making faces at the old man.

“Master, stop scolding the Young Master. The divine doctor has arrived, and Miss Hanyue is here to see you too,” the old butler timely intervened, putting an end to the commotion.

Old Master Xiao was furious, his beard almost standing on end. He glanced at Lin Hanyue on the side, revealing a smile on his face, but still pretended not to care, saying, “What are you here for? Didn’t you say you wanted to sever ties with me? Don’t think that just because you’ve come to see me, I’ll soften up.”

Lin Hanyue knew her teacher’s temper well and tried to appease him, saying, “Back then, it was just a moment of anger. Can’t you take a joke?”

“Hmph, that’s about right,” Old Master Xiao led everyone to the study. It was his habit to discuss important matters in the study.

The young boy poked his head out, surprised that his grandfather wasn’t angry anymore. Just as he was about to figure out who these two sisters were, Si Meng grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up.

“You little rascal, how long are you going to hide?” Si Meng looked at the tiny boy, thin and undernourished. Was he not getting enough nutrition?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Stinky sister, I warn you, put me down quickly. Just because you look pretty doesn’t mean I won’t dare to hit you,” the young boy threatened menacingly. However, Si Meng didn’t pay any attention to his words and continued carrying him.

He could only relent. Normally, he was quite imposing in the Xiao family, but this woman in front of him showed no fear at all. Since he couldn’t beat her, it would be too embarrassing to be carried around like a cat or a dog.

“Beautiful sister, I was wrong. Can you put me down, please?”

“What’s your name, and how old are you?” Si Meng asked.

“I’m Xiao Yino, seven years old this year.” Xiao Yino struggled a bit, but it was futile. He had to accept being carried by Si Meng.

The group arrived at the study, and the room was filled with the musty scent of Chinese medicine. Both Xiao Yino and Si Meng wrinkled their brows, seemingly irritated by the smell. However, Lin Hanyue and the old butler remained unfazed, long accustomed to the odor.

In the center of the study, there was a desk surrounded by several bookshelves, filled with dusty ancient books. Most of them were classics such as poetry and literature, along with some works on history and geography. It seemed that Old Master Xiao was well-versed in a wide range of literature.

Old Master Xiao sat in the middle chair behind the desk, which was adorned with the traditional tools of the study. The calligraphy in the practice sheets was meticulous, giving off a somewhat old-fashioned and dignified vibe. As they say, a person’s handwriting reflects their character, and Old Master Xiao appeared to be a conservative and traditional gentleman.

Old Master Xiao spoke slowly, “Do you have a general understanding of this little rascal’s condition?”

Si Meng truthfully replied, “Not really. I only know he has an eating disorder.”

Old Master Xiao widened his eyes, amused, and said, “You come here without a clear understanding? This is not a place for casual visits.”

Si Meng furrowed her brows slightly. This old man was really impolite. Si Meng picked up an inkstone and lightly tapped it on the desk, raising her voice to argue, “Didn’t the doctors you previously hired have a better understanding? Why didn’t they cure him? You hire people without suspicion, and you suspect those you hire. That’s being unreasonable.”

Old Master Xiao’s beard was practically crooked from laughter. He said, “You, little girl, may be young, but your temper is even bigger than mine.”

Si Meng crossed her arms, displaying impatience, and retorted, “Still better than you relying on age to show off.”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

The two of them were like a barrel of explosives, ready to ignite at the slightest spark. The old butler quickly signaled to Lin Hanyue to calm their emotions, preventing any potential escalation.

Lin Hanyue tried to comfort Si Meng on the side. Of course, Si Meng wouldn’t stand by without doing anything, but she couldn’t tolerate the arrogant attitude of the old man. She didn’t owe them anything and saw no need to ingratiate herself to them.

Indeed, after a round of persuasion, both parties had eased up a bit, and they began to discuss Xiao Yino’s condition.

“You mean, he suddenly lost his appetite?” Si Meng asked, puzzled.

“Yes, even with several different chefs, the young master still vomits at the slightest smell,” the butler reported truthfully.