The Sovereign – Chapter 9

Volume One: If Life Were Only as It First Met

Faint Fragrance Floating

Who is truly moved, the more one tries to control, the more uncontrollable it becomes

The turmoil at the Suyuan Tower indeed stirred up a great commotion, in the face-off, the anger of the crowd was hard to quell.

Mo Feng and others were urgently summoned back, unable to care for their comrades at the execution ground, they could only watch helplessly as they were beheaded for public display. Returning to the Suyuan Tower with disheartened spirits, they found Hong Yuan in trouble. Mo Feng immediately prepared to take emergency measures, closing the main gate and cutting off all routes of passage.

“Mo Feng.” Ye Ming glared at him lightly, truly resenting Mo Feng’s impulsive actions. She would not allow anyone to harm Hong Yuan, nor could she let her identity be exposed due to some foolish acts.

She was the core of the Shura Sect and the most important presence in Ye Ming’s heart. If something happened to Hong Yuan, Ye Ming’s life could very likely lose its direction.

“Matters of disobedience will be discussed later. Right now, go and do something immediately, you can still make amends by rendering meritorious service.” Ye Ming immediately conveyed the order to Hong Yuan.

“Boss… you say…” Mo Feng knew his actions were impulsive, seeing Ye Ming’s expression, he knew that a whipping was inevitable.

“You go arrange…” Ye Ming whispered in his ear. Although Mo Feng sometimes liked to act on his own, he also had a high level of comprehension.

As soon as Ye Ming spoke, he knew that Hong Yuan wanted to use this method to reduce Qin Junlan’s vigilance.

“We want to see Boss He Xi to demand an explanation. Do the rules of Suyuan Tower still count or not?” Some people still insisted on making trouble.

Hong Yuan waved her hand, the guards put away their wooden sticks and stood on both sides, looking just like soldiers, guarding Hong Yuan. Qin Junlan squinted her eyes and noticed that the guards stood with their legs spread apart, backs straight, movements uniform, expressions focused, and eyes resolute. Everything about them matched the demeanor of soldiers.

Is this really a matter of rigorous training, or… are they originally from the military? She hoped that she was just overthinking it and that Yu Kingdom’s infiltration hadn’t gone so deep, and that all of this had nothing to do with Hong Yuan.

“You want to see the boss?”

“That’s right, Boss He has not shown up until now. The young lady has always been noble, we dare not offend, but since the rules have been broken, we want to buy the young lady from Boss He. Is it true that the highest bidder wins?”

“Do you think this is a commodity trade?” Qin Junlan stepped forward and shouted sternly, her aura instantly intimidating.

Simply outrageous! The person she cherished was really being treated by this group of ruffians as an object of play, and they even dared to dream of possessing her. Thinking of this, Qin Junlan’s anger grew even stronger.

“Young Master, it’s better for you to step back and let me handle this myself.” Hong Yuan’s tone was gentle, and behind the collected coldness, there was a touch of captivating tenderness.

The chirping of orioles and swallows tugged at one’s heartstrings. Who would be willing to give up? Who would want to see such a beauty monopolized?

“Hong Yuan, they started this trouble first. Why should I fear them? I want to see who dares to act recklessly under the Emperor’s nose in Jidu.” Qin Junlan remained unyielding.

“This young master speaks so authoritatively. May I ask which noble’s household you come from?” someone asked. In the Suyuan Tower, everyone was either wealthy or noble, official or minister; no one feared or respected anyone else.

“Do you even deserve to know?” Li Yue sneered lightly. These people were utterly reckless. If it weren’t for the emperor’s vast grace, how would they have today’s pleasure?

“Ladies and gentlemen, those who wish to continue enjoying themselves at Suyuan Tower, please do so. Those who do not are kindly asked to leave, so as not to disturb the young lady.” The shopkeeper spoke humbly and courteously, handling the situation in an orderly manner.

The man with a small mustache sulked behind a pillar, his eyes always glancing towards Qin Junlan. He stroked his mustache, feeling quite resentful. Qin Junlan was overly protective of this fox spirit. It was undeniable that Hong Yuan was indeed beautiful, like a blooming rose, thorny yet irresistible. He wondered if she was the reincarnation of a nine-tailed fox demon, here to seduce Qin Junlan.

He couldn’t understand it at all. Didn’t these men have wives at home? Could those women not control their husbands? Tomorrow, he would definitely report these men’s romantic escapades to their wives, causing a scene here. If he couldn’t create some trouble for Hong Yuan, he would at least make her suffer a bit.

Just as he thought of this, another commotion erupted outside the door. Several women with hair buns stormed into Suyuan Tower, heading straight for the sixth floor.

“It’s you, you fox spirit, who has my husband infatuated!” A slightly plump, heavily made-up woman pointed at Hong Yuan and shouted.

“I heard that one of your performances costs fifty taels. Do you know that fifty taels is our family’s annual income? Our household head secretly took out the money just to support you,” another skinny woman scolded with her hands on her hips. “You’re nothing but a troublemaker and shameless.”

The man with the small mustache wore an expression of gleeful amusement, enjoying the spectacle. It seemed like someone understood his thoughts perfectly. Married men coming out to drink and carouse, and their wives coming to scold the courtesans – it was nothing short of a grand drama.

Compared to the first two women, the third woman was much calmer, but her eyes were filled with fiery hatred. She said nothing, glaring at Hong Yuan before suddenly raising her hand to strike.

Qin Junlan instinctively wanted to intervene, but a scene from the day when she sparred with Hong Yuan flashed through her mind, causing her to stop. She assumed that Hong Yuan’s skills would allow her to easily evade this unreasonable commotion. She thought the nearby guards would protect her. She even considered that all of this might have been deliberately arranged by someone.

In the end, her assumptions were met with a crisp, resounding slap.

Her moment of hesitation resulted in Hong Yuan taking that slap squarely. The sound of it echoed painfully in Qin Junlan’s heart, hurting more than if it had been her own face. Why did she hesitate? Why didn’t she intervene, just like that day in the refugee camp, stopping everything without a second thought? Qin Junlan was filled with remorse and frustration.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Everyone held their breath, too shocked to move. Five distinct red marks appeared on Hong Yuan’s fair face, resembling vivid iris flowers.

Ye Ming clenched her fists and glared at Mo Feng, seeing that he was also stunned. They had agreed to just find a few women to cause a scene and pretend to hit. Wasn’t the Tower Master supposed to easily dodge or fight back? Why did this happen…

The woman didn’t plan to stop and continued her uproar. Qin Junlan, burning with rage, grabbed her wrist and slapped her hard with the other hand. The woman staggered and fell to the ground.

“You wretched shrew!” Qin Junlan wanted to teach this woman a lesson, but no matter how many slaps or reprimands she delivered, it couldn’t ease the sorrow and pain in her heart. Even now, she couldn’t calm down.

“Forget it, don’t escalate the matter further,” Hong Yuan pulled Qin Junlan back. She had deliberately taken that slap. She could have easily dodged it, but she wanted to use this moment to test how much Qin Junlan cared for her. She also wanted Qin Junlan to realize that she was just a woman of the dust1, and such worldly troubles were inevitable.

It did hurt a bit, but the pain was worth it. At least when Qin Junlan took action just now, she was visibly flustered. This ploy of self-sacrifice was just a step to implement her greater plan of the beauty trap.

Qin Junlan stood still, her emotions gradually settling. She had just personally punished a shrew for this woman, which was indeed beneath her dignity. In just a few encounters, Hong Yuan had already stirred her emotions. Her usual skill of hiding her feelings had crumbled before Hong Yuan.

This was a dangerous sign. Until she could confirm whether Hong Yuan was suspicious or not, she couldn’t allow herself to fall deeper. She was trying to control herself, but often she found herself letting go, like a flood that couldn’t be stopped.

“Everyone, please leave,” Hong Yuan said, holding a handkerchief and gently wiping her face. It was unclear how much those few marks hurt, but they certainly drew the sympathy of the crowd.

Everyone felt indignant towards that woman. No one wanted to see a blemish on Hong Yuan’s face. Everyone wished they could take on her pain, yet she remained as calm as ever.

Today’s situation couldn’t continue to drag on indefinitely. No matter how aloof Hong Yuan was, she was still a courtesan. How many women of the dust could truly control their own destiny? At this moment, Qin Junlan finally let go of her royal identity and chose to handle this matter as an ordinary person.

“Don’t pressure Miss Hong Yuan any further,” Qin Junlan said, fixing her gaze on the crowd and then looking deeply at Hong Yuan, her brows relaxing. “The trouble I caused, I’ll resolve.”

She gently untied her hairpin, letting her long hair cascade down like weeping willows. Her originally handsome face revealed a breathtaking beauty, with bright eyes and white teeth, exuding an elegant charm that captivated everyone.

Was there such an ethereal beauty in Jidu, and they had been unaware? Her tall, graceful figure standing next to Hong Yuan created an indescribable harmony and beauty, like a painting come to life.

“Miss Hong Yuan has never broken the rules,” Qin Junlan said, then turned around, took Hong Yuan’s hand, and walked into the inner chamber, leaving the stunned crowd behind.

Was that it? The man with the small mustache was so frustrated that he scratched his head in annoyance. After all the trouble he went through, Qin Junlan just let her hair down and resolved everything so easily! How infuriating!

Was there no justice left? The situation he painstakingly stirred up was effortlessly handled by Qin Junlan. The man with the small mustache was so angry that his fake mustache almost fell off. He quickly covered it with his hand and stuck it back on.

Ziyun Pavilion had a kind of serene isolation. The irises were in full bloom on the pavilion, their fiery red brilliance matching the red dress of Hong Yuan. Qin Junlan’s long black hair cascaded down, and for the first time, Hong Yuan saw her with her hair down. It was truly touching.

In reality, when Qin Junlan set aside her royal pride and prestige, she was just a woman, no different from anyone else.

Women are inherently gentle, but they become strong as mothers and even stronger as rulers.

When they first met at the warm pool, Qin Junlan’s elegance amazed Hong Yuan. She was surprised that a sovereign could possess such beauty. In both demeanor and appearance, Qin Junlan was on par with the person in her heart. For the first time, she saw someone who could rival the Sect Leader.

“Miss, you should go back and avoid coming to Suyuan Tower again to prevent any trouble,” Hong Yuan said, sitting gracefully in front of the makeup mirror. She turned her head slightly, her face still marked with the red imprint like a blossoming flower.

“I won’t…” Qin Junlan resolutely refused, crouching down and looking up at her, “Does it hurt, being hit so hard?”

Reflected in the makeup mirror were Qin Junlan’s compassionate eyes. Hong Yuan could feel Qin Junlan’s concern for her, but she also understood that haste would ruin everything. For a ruler, anything obtained too easily is not cherished. She had to balance between playing hard to get and being responsive. Too much of either would arouse suspicion or seem inappropriate. Hong Yuan, however, managed this balance skillfully and responded calmly.

“It’s nothing, it’s not the first time I’ve encountered this,” Hong Yuan said as she applied powder and makeup to herself, managing to barely cover the red mark.

“With your skills, how could you not avoid it?” Qin Junlan still felt remorseful and also blamed Hong Yuan for not dodging. Being insulted and bullied by those shrews was one thing, but they even dared to lay hands on her.

“My mediocre skills are enough for self-defense, but they shouldn’t be used against women. If I didn’t let her vent her anger, it would only drag on endlessly. Besides, her husband’s mistakes shouldn’t be borne by her. What wrong did she do? I only find her pitiable,” Hong Yuan explained, fully aware that everything that happened was within her control. Since someone was creating chaos, she would take advantage of the disorder to implement her plan.

“Do you know how many hearts were pained by that slap?” Qin Junlan didn’t say it, but it hurt her more than if she had been slapped herself.

Hong Yuan, however, appeared indifferent. Her excessive calmness and her detached attitude towards worldly matters made her even more endearing. This strategy was undoubtedly successful; Hong Yuan had achieved her goal, and Qin Junlan indeed reduced her suspicions.

“I don’t care about how many people are hurt. What does it matter to me if others feel pain?” Hong Yuan said. She had always only cared about one person’s gaze. No matter how many people surrounded her, she remained indifferent.

“And what about me?” Qin Junlan’s eyes were filled with hope, wishing that she could be at least a bit more special to Hong Yuan. She didn’t just want to be a close confidante.

“You’re not like those frivolous young men,” Hong Yuan replied, avoiding a direct answer. She couldn’t give Qin Junlan too much of a response at this time.

“So, I’m still somewhat special, since no one else has ever been in your inner chambers,” Qin Junlan said with a faint smile, causing an indescribable emotion to stir within Hong Yuan.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

No, how could she feel compassion for Qin Junlan? She was a ruler who had never hesitated to kill.

Hong Yuan’s face returned to its usual indifference. “If you weren’t a woman, I would have kicked you out of Ziyun Pavilion long ago.”

“Then… thank you for your mercy, Miss,” Qin Junlan said, clasping her hands in a gesture of thanks. For now, this was enough. Once she confirmed that Hong Yuan posed no threat, she would naturally plan her next move.

Hong Yuan lifted her head, her beautiful eyes meeting Qin Junlan’s. She shed her usual aloofness, revealing infinite tenderness and charm. Her delicate gaze finally rested on Qin Junlan’s hair. “The mundane world is lonely, and confidants are hard to find. When I met you by chance, it was during a troublesome time. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse.”

“Of course, it’s a blessing. You are surrounded by admirers, unafraid of power and influence. Though you live in the dust, you remain as pure and elegant as a lotus flower,” Qin Junlan said, hoping fervently that all her suspicions were merely her own overthinking. For the first time, she wished she was just a paranoid ruler.

“Surely you come from a family of officials. Aren’t you afraid of being implicated by me?” Hong Yuan asked.

“Even if the world stands against me, I will not be afraid,” Qin Junlan declared with a grandeur befitting a ruler.

She gazed at Hong Yuan, her eyes shimmering with light. Hong Yuan deliberately avoided her gaze and gently stroked Qin Junlan’s hair, feeling its lightness between her fingertips. Qin Junlan leaned slightly forward, “Would you help me tie up my hair?”

Qin Junlan’s smile was like the light of early spring, and at this moment, it was as if the evening glow had just begun to bloom. It had a magical charm that could open a heart that had been closed off. At this moment, she resembled an innocent young girl, sitting gracefully in front of the mirror, enjoying the intimate pleasures shared between women.

Her face was beautiful, with evenly distributed features. Her enchanting eyes beneath her arched eyebrows were deep and distant, as if they could always see through people. If her lips were painted a delicate red, with elegant peach blossom makeup and a floral decoration at the corner of her brow, she would undoubtedly be stunningly beautiful.

With a single stroke, Hong Yuan skillfully arranged Qin Junlan’s hair, securing the hairpin on the bun.

Curiosity sparked within her as she imagined the bewitching sight of Qin Junlan dressed in women’s clothing. She suddenly found herself very eager to see it. Unbeknownst to her, her heart had already begun to harbor many thoughts and emotions that shouldn’t have been there.

“Hong Yuan, your skillful hands are truly extraordinary,” Qin Junlan complimented.

Fortunately, she is a woman. If a man were this handsome, how many women would he captivate?

“Men’s hairstyles are easy. If you wish, I can help you with a woman’s hairstyle someday,” Hong Yuan said, removing her pear blossom-shaped earrings. Her shoulder, partly revealed, showcased a vividly blooming iris flower.

“Alright, you promised me. I’ll hold you to it,” Qin Junlan said eagerly. One day, she hoped to bring Hong Yuan into the palace, where she could have her style her hair and apply makeup in front of the mirror.

Hong Yuan nodded faintly.

“Hong Yuan, do you really like this flower?” Qin Junlan’s gaze fell on the flower tattoo on her shoulder.

Hong Yuan glanced at her fragrant shoulder and gently pulled down her clothes, revealing the complete design. “You mean this?”

“Uh… yes… no, I meant the one in the attic…” Qin Junlan stammered, looking at her, starting to lose her composure as a blush spread across her fair cheeks.

Hong Yuan gently pursed her lips, trying hard to suppress a smile. She put her robe back on. “I was named after it, so I had this flower tattooed.”

In truth, it wasn’t that she liked irises, but rather that the person she cared about did. She got the tattoo for them and had been using the stage name Hong Yuan ever since.

“Then…” Qin Junlan wanted to ask more questions, but Li Yue hurriedly knocked on the door. Her brows furrowed slightly; could it be the Empress Dowager again?

“What is it?”

“Miss, there’s a young man downstairs with a small mustache who’s been drinking and is about to get drunk.”

“A small mustache?” Qin Junlan pondered for a moment and quickly recalled. How could she not have noticed that the little mustached man had been secretly spying on her, causing mischief in the shadows?

“Bring him back to me.”

“This… This servant is afraid he can’t handle him,” the servant hesitated.

Qin Junlan sighed softly and turned to look at Hong Yuan. She wanted to reach out and touch her bruised face but decided against it.

“There are guests at the mansion. I must take my leave.”

Hong Yuan nodded slightly, and Qin Junlan quickly walked away.

Seeing that Qin Junlan had finally left, Ye Ming came forward to report, “Master, the Empress has summoned Bai Yifei back to the capital.”

“So, no one is guarding Fengcheng now?”

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)


“Immediately send word to the Yu Kingdom, instructing the Shura Sect to take this opportunity to investigate the true strength of the Red Armor Army. Fengcheng has a garrison of a hundred thousand soldiers and has been watching our capital for years. It’s clear that they intend to monitor our nation. But why did Bai Yifei return to the capital early to report?” Hong Yuan fell into deep thought. It was known that Bai Yifei was once Qin Junlan’s childhood sweetheart. He had since guarded the realm for her, and their relationship had never come to fruition.

Why has Qin Junlan remained unmarried to this day? Does she still have feelings for Bai Yifei? Hong Yuan found herself distracted by these thoughts.

“This subordinate dares to speculate, could it also be related to the Iron Guard Army?” Ye Ming guessed. Hong Yuan snapped back to reality, “It’s highly possible.”

“There’s another matter.”


“The one leading the disturbance earlier was a woman disguised as a man. This subordinate suspect she is Bai Yifei’s sister.”

“The Princess of Xicheng?”


“It seems Bai Yifei has truly returned.”

Hong Yuan pondered. The princess causing a commotion at Suyuan Tower conveniently played into her strategy.

Bai Ruoxi, Qin Junlan seems to have a fondness for her.


  1. Woman of the dust (風塵女子): A term often used to describe women who work in entertainment or brothels, indicating a lower social status.