The Sovereign – Chapter 5

Volume One: If Life Were Only as It First Met

Turmoil in the Countryside

A Hero Saves a Beauty

Jidu, bustling with activity, serves as the capital of the Ji Dynasty and is the most prosperous place in the country. The entire city is surrounded by the Qing River, Xuan River, Li River, and Chang River, collectively known as the moat, and it has four main city gates.

This place frequently sees merchants coming and going, making it the most resource-rich area among the four countries. There are no beggars within the city, few injustices, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Only the refugee camp still lacks proper arrangements.

Every year, Qin Junlan would go on private inspections, observing the city’s prosperity, getting close to the common people, understanding their food and clothing needs, and even visiting villages to experience the hardships of farmers. She halved the agricultural tax, implemented policies to crack down on unscrupulous merchants and evil landlords, and increased taxes, winning the hearts of the people.

Since the last assassination attempt, Li Yue had always been worried and specially assigned shadow guards to follow secretly, without letting Qin Junlan notice.

Qin Junlan, holding a paper fan, dressed in white, appeared as a carefree gentleman. Li Yue also dressed in low-key men’s attire, following closely.

“Young Master, I’ve heard that there is a poetry gathering at Suyuan Tower today.”

“Oh? Saying it’s a poetry gathering, but who isn’t there to catch a glimpse of Hong Yuan’s beauty?”

“Hong Yuan only performs at night and never shows up during the day. Moreover, it’s said that she only appears once every three days, just like you, appearing every three days.”

Qin Junlan raised her eyebrows, the corners of her mouth lifting slightly, “You seem to know quite a lot.”

“Isn’t it because I saw that you, Young Master, are quite interested in her and went to ask my brother about it.”

“Well… I’ll give you credit for this.” Qin Junlan shook her folding fan, the corners of her mouth lifting slightly, and walked away.

Before even reaching Suyuan Tower, she already felt the crowd’s density. Young masters from wealthy families, eunuchs, and renowned scholars all hurried to secure a spot early. Today was the day of Hong Yuan’s art performance; those who arrived late could only wander outside, unable to enter.

“Wow, Young Master, it looks like there’s no place for us to stand,” Li Yue said while looking at the surging crowd. Stretching out her arms, she protected Qin Junlan.

She was afraid that people would swarm in and offend Qin Junlan.

Those who wanted to catch a glimpse of Hong Yuan’s beauty were not just refined young masters and dignitaries. Even small market vendors, butchers, and elderly people wanted to linger outside Suyuan Tower, hoping to get lucky.

Seeing these people, all with greedy expressions, Qin Junlan couldn’t help but feel disgusted and sneered, “These people are truly vulgar.”

“Young Master, Young Master, look at that person, clearly a monk.” Li Yue pointed at someone ahead; he wore a cloth hat, but it couldn’t hide his bald head. Under his robe, he even forgot to change out of his monk’s shoes.

“A monk, and yet so shameless.” Qin Junlan was taken aback by these men from all walks of life, all trying every possible way to catch a glimpse of Hong Yuan.

“Young Master, I’ll go take care of it.”

“Hold on.” Qin Junlan blocked her with her folding fan. Li Yue, puzzled, followed Qin Junlan’s slightly amused gaze.

She noticed a handsome young man dressed in green, quietly moving through the crowd, followed by a small attendant.

With her hair tied up and dressed in men’s clothing, her demeanor remained cool and aloof. Qin Junlan’s smile didn’t fade; it was fate that they met like this. She wanted to see where Hong Yuan, disguised as a man, was headed.

“Let’s follow and see.”

It was indeed Hong Yuan and Muxin. The two had quietly exited through the back door, their male disguises making them less noticeable.

Each carrying a luggage, they quickly headed toward the city gate. The grand and imposing Xuanmen Tower required all who entered or exited to present a Jidu travel pass.

This was Qin Junlan’s unique system of management. Every household had to be registered, and foreign peddlers and laborers had to have a letter of recommendation or a pass from the previous city.

Everyone entering or leaving the city had to present identification. Residents of Jidu all had government-issued documents stamped with an official seal.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

Hong Yuan frequently left the city to go to the refugee camp, so the Xuanmen guards were already familiar with her. Before she could present her identity, the guards waved her through.

Qin Junlan was focused on closely following Hong Yuan’s steps and didn’t notice the guards intercepting her.

“Stop, show your pass,” the guard said, diligently performing his duty. Qin Junlan smiled as Li Yue raised a token, causing the guard to hurriedly kneel in shock.

“At ease,” Li Yue waved her hand. The two of them moved forward discreetly, leaving the guard behind drenched in cold sweat.

That token just now was a Dragon Token, which was as significant as seeing the Emperor herself. Very few in the Ji dynasty possessed it.

Ten miles outside the city, disaster victims had set up camp. Over forty people lived in a dozen or so tents, including many elderly and children. Some had dug hollows in the ground, lined them with straw and branches, and set up makeshift shelters. They were dressed in rags, with sallow faces and emaciated bodies, looking like true refugees.

“Big Sister Hong is here, Big Sister Hong is here,” the children shouted as they played and ran to gather around Hong Yuan.

Hong Yuan signaled to Muxin to distribute the candies and snacks she had brought to the children. The children who received the sweets showed satisfied and happy smiles. Hong Yuan’s eyes softened as she gently patted the children’s foreheads.

“Thank you, Sister.”

“What about me? Aren’t you going to thank me?” Muxin expressed dissatisfaction. The children innocently snuggled up to her, “Thank you too, Sister Muxin.”

“Good, now go play.”

Besides the food they brought, Muxin handed the remaining silver coins to a person who seemed to be the leader.

That person took the silver coins, eyes shifting, pretending to be natural, but used sign language to indicate, “Everything is normal, infiltration successful.”

Muxin nodded, smiling warmly, “You’re welcome.”

The refugee camp was peaceful, yet it remained a persistent issue that the the Qin Tiansi1 sought to resolve. This place housed people from several other countries, and if Qin Junlan issued an expulsion order, it would surely invite criticism.

Spring breezes blew gently, lifting the hem of Hong Yuan’s clothes. Her detached, cold face still showed no hint of a smile, as if nothing in the world could stir her emotions.

Suddenly, a group of people approached from a distance, dressed in military uniforms, walking scattered through the forest. They noticed the refugee camp and marched forward, holding weapons.

“Is this the refugee camp?” The leading soldier, with a sword on his shoulder and old scars from blades on his face, had a beard on his chin. He looked very disheveled, lacking any military demeanor.

“Oh, the refugee camp has money to spare!” The soldier spotted the silver coins and, like a wolf seeing food, lunged forward and forcefully grabbed them. When a refugee tried to resist, he held a knife to the person’s neck.

“Boss, there’s a lot of silver here,” the soldier called out, tossing the coins to the scar-faced leader. The others followed suit, snatching silver from the refugees.

Seeing this, Muxin wanted to intervene, but Hong Yuan held her back. Her gaze drifted slightly, and only then did Muxin notice Qin Junlan and her servant not far away.

“Who are you people, daring to rob the refugees of their meager silver in broad daylight?” Muxin deliberately spoke to draw the soldiers’ attention.

Only then did the scar-faced leader realize that wealthy people were aiding the refugees, immediately showing great interest. Weighing the silver pieces in one hand, he scrutinized Hong Yuan from head to toe. How could there be such a handsome man in the world? The obvious earring hole in the earlobe, the delicate hands, and the slightly raised chest clearly indicated that this was a beautiful woman.

“This young lady is truly a great philanthropist, so beautiful yet coming to this filthy refugee camp without fear of getting her hands dirty. Why not let me escort you back?” The scar-faced man lecherously reached out, almost touching Hong Yuan’s cheek.

Before Muxin could act, Qin Junlan dashed forward like an arrow, grabbing the scar-faced man’s wrist and twisting it forcefully. A crackling sound of bones breaking was heard, and he screamed in pain. Qin Junlan then kicked him several yards away.

With that kick, she used seventy percent of her strength, causing severe internal injuries to the scar-faced man. He spat fresh blood, his broken arm hanging limply.

She did not have any time to think or even get angry, as if her body moved on its own.

“How dare you! Under which general’s command do you serve?” Li Yue shouted, exuding the demeanor of a female general.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Hmph, young boy, you clearly don’t recognize our military uniform. This is the Iron Guard uniform personally designed by the late Emperor,” a soldier replied.

Li Yue was shocked and looked at Qin Junlan with concern. The Iron Guard of the late Emperor had long been reorganized into the Red Armor Army, with their armor also improved. All soldiers had been retrained and the entire Ji dynasty no longer had an Iron Guard.

Who were these inexplicable old soldiers?

“What are you dawdling for? Hurry up and seize them!” the scar-faced man roared angrily, and the soldiers, upon receiving the order, drew their swords.

“Take the children away!” Qin Junlan stepped forward alone, standing at the forefront, facing a dozen armed guards without any fear.

These people are truly tired of living. Qin Junlan’s eyes shot out a murderous intent, causing a sense of fear.

As the soldiers raised their swords and approached, Li Yue quickly shielded Hong Yuan and Muxin.

“Watch out!” Hong Yuan called softly. Qin Junlan turned her head slightly, and that deep gaze seemed to contain the vastness of the stars and the sea.

Before the soldiers’ swords could reach her, Qin Junlan swiftly dodged. She reversed her grip, seized the soldier’s wrist, and in an instant, snatched the blade and held it against his neck. “Anyone who causes trouble again will be killed without mercy!”

She stood majestically, her sharp eyes like those of an eagle, instilling fear. The soldiers looked at each other, holding their swords but not daring to act rashly. The one with the blade at his neck was already scared out of his wits.

“Useless scum,” the scar-faced man snarled, snatching a sword and slashing at Qin Junlan.

She pushed the soldier aside and leaped up, as light as a swallow. With a powerful swipe, the scar-faced man’s sword instantly shattered. A true expert uses inner strength to harm others; even with an ordinary weapon, they can easily defeat enemies.

The blade was at the scar-faced man’s neck, and he finally began to fear. Just as he was about to plead for mercy, Qin Junlan gave him no chance, applying slight pressure with her hand. A thin red line spread across his neck, and blood quickly covered his body. He convulsed, his pupils dilated, and he collapsed.

The men hurriedly led the women, elderly, and children away from the scene of conflict. Qin Junlan indifferently tossed the sword aside and glared at the other soldiers. Leaderless, they fled in panic.

Only two brave ones returned to drag away the scar-faced man’s corpse.

The refugee camp returned to calm once more. The wind remained gentle, but the air was filled with a faint scent of blood. The willows by the river were in full bloom. Qin Junlan squatted by the river, with Li Yue attending to her, gently washing away the blood that had splattered on her.

Hong Yuan stood behind her, clutching an embroidered handkerchief, but did not step forward. Qin Junlan’s sleeve was stained with spots of blood, which looked like red plum blossoms adorning winter, presenting a beautiful picture. Hong Yuan paced cautiously forward, but saw Qin Junlan suddenly turn around.

“Miss Hong Yuan, I didn’t expect to meet under such circumstances.”

“You are a young lady; there’s no need for your hands to be stained with blood.” Hong Yuan finally handed over the handkerchief, her few gentle words making Qin Junlan feel like she was basking in the spring breeze.

“He deserved to die, and besides, Miss, you are my savior.” Qin Junlan took the handkerchief with an iris pattern. It was delicate and soft, surpassing even the finest court silks.

Why did this seemingly ordinary piece of silk cloth appear so precious to her? Qin Junlan couldn’t bear to use it to wipe her hands but carefully tucked it into her bosom as if it were a treasure.

Hong Yuan’s gaze followed her subtle movements. “Miss, killing soldiers in broad daylight might bring trouble.”

“Shh~ Miss Hong Yuan, don’t reveal my identity. Like you, it’s convenient for me to travel in men’s clothing, and it also keeps those people from finding my hideout,” Qin Junlan deliberately simplified the matter, easing the tension.

Hong Yuan moved her lips but said nothing.

Thus, the turmoil subsided. The state of the refugee camp stirred Qin Junlan’s mind to find a solution. She noticed that not everyone in the camp was emaciated and impoverished; some just appeared to be in dire straits.

Before dusk, Hong Yuan had to hurry back to Suyuan Tower. Today was her day to showcase her talents, and she couldn’t be late.

Qin Junlan accompanied her along the way. The two walked side by side in front, with Li Yue and Muxin following behind. Hong Yuan remained silent the entire time. The sunset’s afterglow illuminated her face, and in that moment of radiance, Qin Junlan’s heart was captivated.

Suddenly, she remembered the purpose of this trip. She turned to look at Li Yue, who understood her intention and handed over a neatly folded set of clothes from the bundle.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Thank you for your help last time. I am returning the clothes.”

“What I have given does not need to be returned. Whether you keep or discard it, it is of no concern to me.”

Hong Yuan’s indifferent attitude made Li Yue uneasy. No one had ever spoken to the Empress in such a manner, and she wondered if it would anger her.

“I cannot accept the clothes for free,” Qin Junlan said with a smile, seemingly delighted. Li Yue took out another set of luxurious clothes.

“This is brocade, made from artificial silk, very comfortable to wear. It’s a gift for you.” Qin Junlan’s face was sincere. Just as Hong Yuan was about to refuse, she added, “I have many such clothes at home. Please, do not disdain it.”

The purple thin gauze garment was luxurious yet elegant. It felt soft and light to the touch, simple and pure yet not lacking in nobility.

“Miss…” Muxin held the clothes in her hands. Hong Yuan nodded. “Accept it. To refuse the young lady’s kindness would be impolite.”

“If the young lady truly likes it, that would be wonderful,” Qin Junlan was overjoyed to see her accept it.

Hong Yuan remained silent, still aloof. Li Yue had never seen anyone show such a cold face to the Empress and was immediately displeased.

What Li Yue didn’t know was that it was precisely Hong Yuan’s unique temperament that made Qin Junlan appreciate her even more. Having heard too much flattery and seen too many people grovel before her, encountering a woman who seemed indifferent to her but stood apart from the world made her happy.

Qin Junlan felt that Hong Yuan was like herself. Though aloof, she too knew the loneliness that comes with being at the top.


  1. Qin Tiansi (欽天司): Historically responsible for astronomical observations and could also have jurisdiction over certain administrative tasks.