The Sovereign – Chapter 28

Volume Two: An Abundance of Blossoms Always Feels Lonely

The Calamity of Drought

How will the wise empress respond to the disaster situation?

Liu Qianxun had a dreamless night and slept peacefully until dawn. When she woke up, Qin Junlan was already not by her side. The warmth from the embrace still lingered, and a warmth grew in her heart. She unexpectedly fell into such a deep sleep again; why could she always sleep so soundly beside Qin Junlan?

She was supposed to be a highly vigilant assassin and an all-encompassing spy, so how could she repeatedly let her guard down with Qin Junlan? But who would have thought that this empress would have such a gentle side, gentle enough to be irresistible and make people crave it?

As she pondered this, Qin Junlan entered, carrying a sumptuous breakfast, smiling like the morning sun, warm and radiant.

“Xun’er, you’re awake. Have your meal.”

She had personally prepared breakfast! This was the work of servants, how could she do it herself? She was the emperor, after all.

“You got up so early?” Liu Qianxun felt ashamed; she didn’t even know when Qin Junlan got up or went out.

“Not too early, just a little earlier than you, Xun’er.”

“Yan’er, I can do this myself. How can you do these tasks meant for servants?” Liu Qianxun always felt a sense of guilt, perhaps a guilty conscience, or maybe reluctance, but there was always an uncontrollable joy in her heart.

There are only a few people who can make her feel this way, but although she is gentle, she is also cautious. When will she truly be able to get close to her?

“It’s only the fifth watch, they haven’t risen yet. I had nothing to do, so I went downstairs and picked out some exquisite snacks. I wonder if Young Master Liu is satisfied?” In fact, when Qin Junlan was with Liu Qianxun, she never held onto her status. During the southern tour these days, she hoped they could interact like ordinary people.

This was also her first time serving others. She did not sleep all night; however long Liu Qianxun slept, she watched her for that long. The disaster in Yuzhou was urgent, and she tossed and turned, finding it hard to sleep, only gazing at her in the boundless night, still able to feel a trace of peace in her heart.

“This young master is very satisfied, many thanks to Young Master Yan~” Liu Qianxun glanced at her helplessly, but her expression dimmed. She suddenly thought of her mother, recalling the days when she was forced into desperation by her father’s wife, remembering how her mother wore herself out taking care of her.

In this world, besides her mother, there was no one she cared about that much. Later, meeting Ling Yu changed her life, and from then on, Ling Yu lived in her heart.

“What’s the matter? I just saw you happy, why the melancholy now? Did I do something wrong?”

“No, it’s just that I suddenly thought of my mother. Besides her, no one has ever cared for me like this.”

Ling Yu was always seemingly close yet distant to her. Except for her mother, who had cared for and loved her since infancy, she had not experienced true care or truly opened her heart. She once tried to open her heart and invite Ling Yu, but was refused.

Liu Qianxun gave a bitter smile; in the end, it was the empress of an enemy country who always managed to soften her heart.

“Where is your mother now? Why hasn’t she been brought to Jidu for care?” Qin Junlan continued the topic, intending to probe further, but Liu Qianxun shifted the subject, “Mother is in the hometown; I’ll choose a day to return and see her. Yan’er, have you had breakfast?”

“Waiting to enjoy it with you.” Qin Junlan smiled slightly, not pressing further. She believed that when the time came to understand, everything would naturally fall into place.

Perhaps one day, they would truly meet with complete honesty.

After the heavy rain, the sky gradually cleared, and a rainbow in the distance formed a magnificent bridge.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

A few people rode quickly, leaving Qixia Town, heading south all the way, rushing through dust and dirt. After passing through Qianzhou, they reached Weixian, which is surrounded by mountains, with the entire city built like a hollow in the mountains. However, the scenery is serenely beautiful, like a fairyland.

At this moment, however, Qin Junlan had no heart to view the scenery. Li Yue’s Shadow Guard found that the disaster relief funds had already reached Yuzhou, but why they hadn’t reached the disaster victims’ hands was a cause for investigation.

Qin Junlan’s mind was in turmoil; could someone really be so bold as to embezzle these funds? After three days of fast riding, they finally arrived at Zhouji. This is the only city in Yuzhou that hasn’t fallen because Zhouji is near Weixian, with a connected water source, thus unaffected.

Before reaching Zhouji, they encountered begging commoners on the road.

“Please, have mercy, young master. The child hasn’t eaten in three days.” An old woman, supporting her granddaughter, looked eagerly at the group.

“Li Yue, get some food.” Qin Junlan immediately dismounted and personally handed a bun to the old woman, who was reluctant to eat it herself and gave it to her granddaughter first.

The little girl, with clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, was hungry and emaciated. She saw the bun and opened her mouth wide to eat but hesitated. She broke the bun in half, saying, “Grandma, you eat too.”

“There is more, there is still more. Be good, you eat it yourself.” Qin Junlan quickly handed another bun to the old woman.

The grandmother and granddaughter, in tattered clothes, devoured the food ravenously. Qin Junlan’s heart ached, and she gently stroked the girl’s head, “Eat slowly, don’t choke.”

Truly, it is unknown how many more common people are enduring hunger like this.

“Drink some water.” Li Yue handed over the water, and Qin Junlan personally opened the water bottle cap to feed the girl water.

At this moment, other hungry beggars also gathered around, looking at the group with pleading eyes.

“Take out the dry food and water.” Qin Junlan said seriously, and the group hurriedly called other hungry people over.

“Didn’t the government’s disaster relief food come down? Why are you still begging?” While they were filling their stomachs, Li Yue wanted to investigate the truth.

“The prefecture lord said this, but every day we wait, and the food never arrives. Two days ago, a batch of food came, but it was gone before we could eat it.”

“And what about the silver? Her Majesty personally issued a decree, stating that the disaster relief funds had already reached Yuzhou, so how can you still be hungry?” Li Yue continued to ask.

“We never heard of any official silver. The prefecture lord said the emperor is thinking of countermeasures, but everyone can’t wait for food; we can’t just starve to death, so we have to go north to beg.” The eyes of the hungry people were full of despair.

“Is the emperor not caring for us anymore?” Suddenly, a woman in the crowd began to sob.

“Nonsense! The emperor is wise and intelligent, governing the country with benevolence. How could she abandon the common people?” Li Yue spoke, glancing fearfully at Qin Junlan, noticing her eyes were slightly cold, and knowing she was surely very angry.

“But with the mountains high and the emperor far away, Her Majesty simply cannot see how miserable we are now. I suspect this official silver has been embezzled by someone. Perhaps Her Majesty is still kept in the dark?” Their eyes revealed despair, as if abandoned, struggling daily between life and death, seeing no hope.

The emperor they revered cannot see their plight, and the strong country they were proud of is no different.

Qin Junlan suddenly stood up and left the crowd, walking to the side. Her expression was serious, and her heart was heavy with uncontrollable emotions. She clenched her fists tightly, as if trying to resolve her guilt and indignation, not noticing that her nails had already dug into her flesh, leaving bruised marks.

“Yan’er, don’t be like this.” Liu Qianxun placed her hand over Qin Junlan’s, gently holding it. Only then did Qin Junlan slightly relax. She took the opportunity to hold her hand, preventing the nails from causing harm, fearing she might accidentally hurt herself.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Leave the buns and silver coins, we go to Zhouji.” Qin Junlan’s gaze was resolute, her voice low, and the heavy mood made the air feel dense. She had no time to indulge in melancholy, but was instead more determined to do what she must.

Why does Qin Junlan act this way? Liu Qianxun cannot understand. She gave a faint glance; they are just some ordinary commoners. If they die, they die. It won’t shake the foundations of Ji Kingdom’s mountains and rivers, nor will it affect the national core, let alone her throne. Why care so much? Her care and compassion for her own country’s people have never extended even the slightest bit to those of other nations.

Liu Qianxun can never understand how people like Ling Yu and Qin Junlan can give their all for their own country yet remain indifferent to the lives of people from other countries, even to the point of extermination.

Then she saw Bai Ruoxi, looking at the group of pitiful little beggars, those who were hungry, with sallow and thin faces, skeleton-like, actually beginning to weep softly.

She does not comprehend these great acts of love and has little emotion regarding people’s life and death. Everyone will die; only the time and manner differ. These people encountering drought and starving to death, that is a calamity in their fate.

Anyone witnessing such a tragic scene would be moved, touched, but Liu Qianxun’s eyes remained calm and composed. Is she truly such a cold-hearted person? The inadvertent glance Qin Junlan gave her sent a chill through her heart.

Now, a large number of disaster victims have begun heading north to beg, with many gathering at the gates of Zhouji City, yet the main gates remain tightly closed. Qin Junlan wanted to investigate whether the Zhouji government office was truly so bold as to treat the disaster victims this way.

“Who goes there? Wherever you came from, return there. Recently, only exits are allowed, no entries!” Just as they arrived beneath the Zhouji city gate, they were immediately stopped by guards.

“What great courage!” Li Yue jumped off the horse, filled with indignation. “Now that disaster victims are overflowing, you dare to close the city gates.”

“Smelly boy, if you’re sensible, quickly get lost… ah ah~” The guard, pointing at Li Yue, hadn’t finished his words before his hand was twisted by Li Yue, causing him to howl in pain.

“Where did this ruffian come from?” Other guards, seeing someone act, stepped forward, holding spears.

“Looking for death.” Ye Ming leaped from the horse, swept across, and kicked down two guards, gallantly landing.

“Ye Ming looks so handsome when fighting.” Bai Ruoxi thought happily to herself. Since last night, her affection for Ye Ming had deepened. She’s not that dense; clearly, she’s a very warm person, she mused sweetly.

Suddenly, the city gate opened wide, and a team of city defense troops with weapons ran out. Just as a fight was about to erupt, the leader politely smiled and bowed, “Please, young masters, do not misunderstand. Recently, due to the drought disaster, Zhouji’s food stock is already insufficient and cannot bear the influx of a large number of disaster victims. Please forgive us.”

This person indeed knows etiquette and understands propriety.

“So you just watch the people starve to death?” Qin Junlan dismounted and walked forward, with Li Yue automatically stepping aside.

The leader observed that Qin Junlan had an extraordinary demeanor. Although he looked like a handsome young master, he possessed an innate noble temperament.

“Young master, you may not be aware. Zhouji is the only city in the entire Yuzhou not affected by the disaster, but it is also impacted. Currently, the food can still ensure that the people within the city are warm and full, but it is truly insufficient to aid others. We cannot, for the so-called greater good, allow Zhouji to also fall into a disaster area. I hope you understand.” The leader was also helpless, maintaining thorough etiquette and clear thinking.

How could Qin Junlan not know what he spoke of? If such a large number of disaster victims were to truly enter the city, it could solve the urgent need, but in a few days, Zhouji would also fall into the same difficulty. Temporary aid cannot solve the problem.

“What is your name?”

“I am Jiang Wei, the city defense guard leader.” Jiang Wei responded neither humbly nor arrogantly.

“Guard Leader Jiang, in an urgent crisis, saving lives is more important than anything. If we want to open the city gate, are there any conditions?” Qin Junlan already had a strategy in mind, but she wanted to see if this person had strategy and to test if he had compassion for the people.

“If we aid the disaster victims, the food in the city will only last for three days. After three days, with the Zhouji residents out of food, it will only increase the number of affected people. None of Zhouji’s leaders want to put their families in hardship. But if within three days we can find a way to bring food into the city, that would be ideal.”

“The imperial court’s food cannot solve the urgent crisis. How can we obtain food?” Qin Junlan inquired further.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Military rations. Thirty li away, there is a stationed army, and military rations usually last at least two months. If we take out half of the military rations to aid the people, it will neither affect the soldiers’ supply nor starve the people. This time would also be enough for military ration replenishment. However, my ability is limited, and Lord Lin does not have such authority; closing the city gate was truly a last resort.” Jiang Wei indeed has strategy; his thinking is clear and organized, understanding priorities, surprisingly for just a small guard leader.

Qin Junlan slightly raised the corners of her lips, finally finding someone not too mediocre. This method was exactly the same as her idea.

“Please convey to Lord Lin of Zhouji that within three days, I will dispatch food. Please open the city gate and let the people enter.” Qin Junlan’s kingly demeanor was fully displayed. It was the first time Liu Qianxun saw such a side of Qin Junlan, handling national affairs swiftly and decisively.

“Can you really dispatch food, young master? If so, I can request the prefecture lord to open the city gate, but you must ensure that food will indeed come to aid.”

“Of course, our young master says it and will do it,” Li Yue answered.

“But I have no reason to persuade Lord Lin,” Jiang Wei expressed his concern, as this verbal promise could not be taken lightly, risking the lives of the whole city’s people.

Li Yue stepped forward, took him aside, and showed the imperial gold token, a token that only high officials, dignitaries, or imperial emissaries would possess. Jiang Wei hurriedly wanted to salute but was held back by Li Yue. She softly said, “Our lord is here by His Majesty’s order to inspect the people’s conditions. His identity is not to be disclosed. Just notify Lord Lin to open the city gate, and the food will arrive.”

“Yes, I will obey. Young masters, please follow me into the city.”

That day, a secret decree was issued from Zhouji, ordering the stationed army to transport twenty loads of military rations to Zhouji within three days.