The Sovereign – Chapter 18

Volume One: If Life Were Only as It First Met

The Consort of the Wise King

The savior has arrived, the Empress is exempt from kneeling.

Twenty years ago, the second young lady of the Yi family, Yi Qingyu, a famous heroine known throughout the world, was grandly married off to King Cheng, who was sworn brothers with the late Emperor. Who would have known that King Cheng would die on the battlefield, leaving Yi Qingyu widowed at a young age? Fortunately, she soon gave birth to a daughter named Yun Jin.

Few people in the entire Ji Dynasty knew about the astonishing secret hidden in the past of the second young lady Yi. Why did King Cheng insist on going to the battlefield? Only Yi Qinghuan knew the truth. Back then, Yi Qingyu and the maidservant Liu Zhu secretly developed feelings for each other, which was later discovered by King Cheng. Deeply in love with Qingyu, King Cheng went to the battlefield in despair, never to return. When the Empress Dowager found out, she was furious, leading Yi Qingyu and Liu Zhu to escape in secret. When they were finally caught, Yi Qingyu had already given birth to King Cheng’s daughter.

However, Liu Zhu was secretly executed by the Empress Dowager. Yi Qingyu loathed her elder sister, who caused the death of her beloved. If not for her child still being in swaddling clothes, she would have followed Liu Zhu to death. From then on, the sisters became estranged. Yi Qingyu never set foot in the palace again, nor did she see the Empress Dowager, living her life in a small house with plain food.

Yi Qinghuan was proud all her life, doting on her younger sister since childhood. However, due to a woman, she severed ties with her sister, despising the misfortune of women loving women. Therefore, whenever there were cases of eunuchs and palace maids engaging in relationships, she would directly have them beaten to death without mercy.

Now, her own daughter has taken after her sister’s disposition, not only liking women but also falling for the top courtesan of a brothel. For the first time, Yi Qinghuan felt a murderous intent towards Hong Yuan.

“Empress Dowager, please calm down. Her Majesty is definitely not someone reckless.” Qiushui comforted Yi Qinghuan, gently soothing the tightly furrowed brow between her eyes. She was overly concerned about her daughter and worried about state affairs.

“How can you expect me to calm down? Have you forgotten about Qingyu’s matter? This Emperor has inherited her aunt’s disposition and temper. I will be driven to my death by her sooner or later.” Yi Qinghuan found it hard to calm her emotions. Qin Junlan reminded her of the past incident with Qingyu, which was an eternal knot in her heart. The once loving sisters were now strangers. She often thought of and missed her younger sister, which was why she especially doted on her daughter and even arranged for her to marry into the imperial family.

“The Wise King’s Consort has arrived!” With the eunuch’s announcement, Qiushui, who had been eagerly awaiting, finally saw the arrival of the consort.

“Was this your idea?” Who was Yi Qinghuan? In such a situation, the only person who could think of seeking reinforcements and contact Yun Jin would be Qiushui.

“Your servant wouldn’t dare. How could I possibly summon the Wise King’s Consort~” Qiushui feigned ignorance. Other than Bai Ruoxi, who was wise and charming, capable of freely entering and leaving the palace and even venturing into the prince’s residence, who else could have such ability?

This little trick certainly couldn’t fool Yi Qinghuan; she just didn’t want to point it out.

“It’s not even June yet, and mother’s anger has already spread to the Wise King’s residence.” A faint scent of osmanthus wafted by, reminding Yi Qinghuan that osmanthus was her sister’s favorite flower. However, osmanthus only blooms in September and October. She had once specially found a cultivator to brew four-season osmanthus for her, but now all is in vain.

“Jin’er pays respects to mother, wishing mother abundant blessings and peace.” Yun Jin always dressed in elegant colors, wearing a light green gauze dress. Her jewelry was never overly extravagant; she preferred blue and green, so her earrings and hairpins were always understated.

She managed the household diligently and was humble and courteous, an exemplar for the entire imperial family and the renowned virtuous consort of the Ji Dynasty. Only she could bear the title of the Wise King’s consort. If not for Qin Junlan being the Empress, Yi Qinghuan would have loved to see such a woman inherit the throne and become the matriarch of the nation. Unfortunately, she could only marry her mediocre son Qin Junhao, but having her as a daughter-in-law was still a comfort; at least her status was unmatched.

The elegant aroma reminded Yi Qinghuan of her sister. How many years had it been since she last saw her? Ten years? Twenty years?

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Jin’er, you may dispense with the formalities.” Yi Qinghuan waved her hand. Yun Jin approached affectionately and held her, saying, “Jin’er heard rumors spreading all over the palace that the Empress Dowager slapped the Emperor, who was then punished to kneel in the ancestral hall. It gave Jin’er quite a fright. This is the first time such a huge uproar has happened in the palace. Is mother still angry?”

“You heard about it? What kind of propriety is this? The Emperor is becoming increasingly outrageous.” Yi Qinghuan’s emotions had slightly calmed. Yun Jin glanced at Qiushui, who wisely stepped back, saying, “The Empress Dowager mentioned earlier that she had a box of premium Biluochun tea to give to the Wise King’s consort. I will go fetch it.”

“What? What kind of clever scheme are you plotting in that head of yours?” Yi Qinghuan’s fondness for Yun Jin was evident, even her words carried a hint of a smile.

“Jin’er heard from the Wise King that the Emperor has been overwhelmed recently by the disaster in Yuzhou. One hundred thousand people are suffering, the relief grain was consumed within three days, the drought is severe, and the people are in dire straits. The court has allocated funds three times, but it’s ultimately not a long-term solution.”

“Of course, I am aware of this matter. That’s why I am even more upset that the Emperor is out indulging in pleasure at such a critical time.”

“Mother, Empress Sister is a diligent and wise ruler. How could she disregard such a significant matter? The food supply for a hundred thousand people requires the entire Jidu’s taxes, which may not even be sufficient. How can this situation be sustained? I heard there are already rumors in the Jidu saying that Ji Dynasty is facing the largest disaster in its history. No one knows how the Emperor will respond. Under such pressure, the ministers have no solution, and Empress Sister, bearing immense pressure, just relaxed once to relieve her fatigue. What’s wrong with that?” Yun Jin, being extremely intelligent, wanted to talk about national affairs, then human feelings, and finally familial bonds, to gradually soften the Empress Dowager’s stance.

“But she should not have stayed overnight at that Suyuan Tower, nor should she have missed the morning court! That woman named Hong Yuan is truly a calamity!” Yi Qinghuan’s eyes showed murderous intent, just like when she hated Liu Zhu back then.

“I have heard of this person. But mother, you should believe that Empress Sister would never neglect state affairs for her own sake. She is the true dragon son of heaven. Her achievements surpass those of her predecessors and have made our nation strong among the four countries, all due to her wise and enlightened rule. Look, today you’ve scolded, hit, and made her kneel. The palace servants are all watching. Do you really want the news of the Emperor being severely punished by the Empress Dowager to spread among the ministers and the people?” Yun Jin spoke with reason and emotion. When Yi Qinghuan was calm, she understood all that Yun Jin said, but she still felt angry.

“If she truly realizes her mistake and corrects it, that would be best. I just fear she doesn’t regret her words and actions at all.”

Yun Jin smiled gently, a shallow dimple appearing at the corner of her mouth. “I think mother, you just want to see Empress Sister soften towards you, right? Ah, children grow up and become independent. Guo’er is watching too; he always says Empress Sister is a role model and talented.”

“Guo’er is here too?” Yi Qinghuan’s eyes brightened slightly upon hearing her grandson’s name.

“Of course, he’s waiting to pay his respects to you.”

“Oh dear, why did you make the child wait so long? Quickly, call him in.” Yi Qinghuan personally stood up. Guo’er, dressed in a yellow-patterned prince’s robe, was only four years old but already displayed a regal demeanor befitting royalty. His handsome little face bore a slight resemblance to Qin Junlan.

Qin Yu, the son of the Wise King and Qin Junlan’s nephew, was showered with immense affection from birth. Because he was swaddled as a baby, Qin Junlan especially cherished him and gave him the nickname Guo’er. At one year old, he was exceptionally conferred the title of prince. By three, he could recognize the Hundred Family Surnames and read books. At four, he began studying poetry and literature, capable of composing poems quickly and proficient in skills like horseback riding and archery, showing the same intelligence and aptitude as Qin Junlan did in her youth.

“Guo’er pays respects to imperial grandmother.” He cupped his hands and bowed, his manners perfectly proper, truly endearing. Yi Qinghuan loved him deeply, to her very bones.

“Quickly, get up, get up.” Yi Qinghuan pulled up his small hand. Instantly, all her anger dissipated, and seeing her grandson made her feel delighted.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Imperial grandmother, Guo’er just walked here and heard that Aunt Empress was reviewing memorials in the ancestral hall today. I wanted to visit her, but mother consort said that Guo’er should not enter the ancestral hall casually, otherwise, grandmother would be angry. So, Guo’er came specifically to ask for grandmother’s permission.” This tender voice, like that of an oriole, melted Yi Qinghuan’s heart, making her bones feel soft. How could she bear to refuse? Even though she knew well that this was likely something Yun Jin had taught the child to say, she also knew that Guo’er was naturally smart. With just a little guidance from adults, he had his own thoughts and actions.

If only Qin Junhao had half of Guo’er’s wisdom back then, perhaps things would be different now.

“Imperial grandmother, do you permit or not?” Those clear eyes, like bright mirrors, and the round smiling face with a slight hint of coyness, gently swinging Yi Qinghuan’s hand, how could she possibly say no?

“Alright, alright, grandmother permits it, you little clever rascal.” Yi Qinghuan couldn’t help but pinch his little cheek.

“Grandmother, come with me.” Without giving her a choice, Guo’er pulled Yi Qinghuan and started walking outside. How could they not let the Empress Dowager see Qin Junlan’s diligent efforts? They couldn’t truly make the Emperor kneel for three days. As Guo’er led the Empress Dowager outside, he didn’t forget to give Yun Jin a meaningful smile.

The royal ancestral hall enshrined the tablets of the Ji Dynasty’s past emperors. During festivals or significant events, Qin Junlan would come to kneel and pay respects. This time, after making a grave mistake, she was punished by the Empress Dowager to kneel here, a severe penalty indeed.

However, Qin Junlan did not lose her royal demeanor at all. She had Li Yue bring all the memorials to the ancestral hall. A young eunuch knelt before her, using his back as a desk, while she reviewed the memorials.

She sat upright, her natural grace and poise evident, writing about the spring and autumn periods, reviewing worldly affairs. She had reviewed dozens of memorials, but still, no one had proposed an effective strategy. This disaster seemed to particularly afflict Yuzhou, with years of drought and water sources cut off. She always felt that there might be hidden reasons behind this disaster. Perhaps what seemed like a natural calamity was actually man-made? After all, Yuzhou was very close to Qixian of the Yu Kingdom…

“Li Yue, draft a decree.” Qin Junlan acted as if she were in the imperial study, wholly absorbed in national affairs, completely forgetting that she was still kneeling. Poor Li Yue, bearing heavy injuries, hobbled over with the imperial edict and jade seal.

“Your Majesty~” She presented the dragon brush used for writing the imperial edict. Only then did Qin Junlan notice her pale face, indicating some discomfort. “You have been punished with the rod; go back and rest. Let… Yuan Xi come and attend to me.”

“Your servant is fine.”

“Don’t be stubborn.” Qin Junlan seemed to forget that she was the same way. She herself had endured three lashes from the Empress Dowager’s dragon whip. She would often neglect sleep and food, and when she got busy, she forgot about the pain.

“Sister Yue, let me do it.” Yuan Xi, the chief maid of Fengluan Palace, had also endured severe punishment. Qin Junlan looked at the group of people who had been harshly beaten by the Empress Dowager and shook her head helplessly.

“Alright, I’ll do it myself.” She spread out the imperial edict and personally wrote down the decree.

Although the national treasury is currently full, it’s impossible to continue providing relief to Yuzhou indefinitely. Her first imperial edict was to instruct the local officials nearest to Yuzhou to initiate grain donations, with grain merchants from various states and counties donating at least 100,000 dan. Her second edict was to launch a donation drive starting from the Ji Dynasty, prompting those extravagant aristocrats to finally contribute something to the country. She had noted how those young nobles squandered their wealth.

Currently, there are numerous disaster victims. The entire Ji Kingdom needs to support Yuzhou, and this effort must continue for several months. As for a solution, since no one could propose a good plan, she decided to go to Yuzhou herself. She didn’t believe there were unsolvable problems in this world; if there were, she would be the first to solve them.

Yun Jin quietly led the Empress Dowager to the scene without alerting anyone. Yi Qinghuan felt both heartache and relief seeing her daughter like this. How could she remain angry? Yun Jin truly knew how to gradually soften her heart. She had long noticed that this seemingly simple girl had many ideas, and most importantly, she had a trump card—little Guo’er.

(If you're not reading on, it means this has been stolen)

“Aunt Empress.” Guo’er ran up to Qin Junlan. She immediately put down her brush. “Why has Guo’er come?” She seemed to forget that she was still kneeling in front of her juniors.

“To see Imperial Grandmother and Aunt Empress. Aunt Empress truly deserves to be the ruler of a nation; you can read while standing, dance with a sword while sitting, and review documents while kneeling. Guo’er must study hard and always be diligent in reading.” Little Guo’er’s words gave Qin Junlan an excuse to rise. She smiled awkwardly and lovingly patted Guo’er’s head, saying, “Aunt is exercising and practicing martial arts. Guo’er can’t learn this now; when you grow up, Aunt will teach you this skill.”

“Really?” Guo’er looked at Qin Junlan with suspicion.

“A ruler does not make empty promises.” Saying this with a serious face, Qin Junlan immediately extended her pinky to make a pinky promise with Guo’er. Li Yue couldn’t help but laugh and cry at the same time. Every time this aunt and nephew were together, it was both incredibly warm and very amusing.

“Pass on my decree: pardon the Emperor from her punishment. As for the servants of Fengluan Palace, those who need to heal and those who need to serve, all of you may withdraw. A large group of people kneeling outside the ancestral hall—what a lack of decorum!” Yi Qinghuan finally relented, and Qiushui hurried to convey the decree.

Yun Jin stood in a daze, her gaze filled with such tenderness that it seemed capable of melting everything in the world. One couldn’t help but wonder whether the blows she received hurt.

LP: Sorry, I was sick ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ – ˵ ) ✧